Devil's Destiny (Fallen Saints MC Book 1)

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Devil's Destiny (Fallen Saints MC Book 1) Page 2

by Winter Sloane

  He moved his fingers to the first knob of her spine and began to stroke her. The gesture calmed her for a few seconds until Destiny realized he was trying to reassure her the way a pet owner did to his trembling kitten.

  Destiny stiffened. Why did his hands have to feel so good?

  Carl and Skull continued trading words, but she didn’t bother listening to them. She lifted her face and looked into stern and intense gray eyes. Her heart started on a quick rhythm.

  Destiny became intently aware of how her breasts, barely covered by the white lace, pressed up against the thin material of Devil’s shirt. She stripped for a living and yet never before had she felt as exposed as this moment, under Devil’s stare.

  He didn’t look at her the way Carl, Skull, or her customers did. All they saw was a pretty toy. Devil looked at her like a fucking goddess.

  Destiny was going crazy. That must be it. She reacted in odd ways in stressful situations. That must explain her body’s strange reaction to Devil, this complete stranger who she apparently now belonged to. If Devil was cut from the same cloth as Skull and Carl, then why did he offer her his jacket? Why the act?

  She caught a few words from Skull and Carl’s conversation.

  “An alliance … AK-47…”

  She didn’t need to hear more. Like the guns Skull seemed so excited about, she was merely a commodity to be traded.

  Devil didn’t need to act like a gentleman with his new property. She was his to do as he pleased.

  “Get your things. We’re leaving,” Devil told her.

  Destiny was about to tell him to go fuck himself, but the tight line around his eyes and the way he clenched his jaw stopped her cold. For all his talk and bravado, Devil was worried about her. Them. They were still in enemy territory, she understood that at least.

  Destiny nodded and retreated inside the dressing room. Devil generated a couple of stares from the other girls. Why shouldn’t he? Devil was a looker, handsome in the right light. He crossed his arms over his chest, the motion highlighting the black ink over the sinewy muscles of his biceps and triceps. She swallowed and focused on her task. Now wasn’t the time to be distracted.

  “Who is he?” Melissa, another stripper, asked. She had a syringe lain out on the table, ready to give herself a hit before her next number.

  “I don’t know,” Destiny admitted. She changed out of her costume quickly, unsure why she suddenly felt a little shy. Modest. When she looked at Devil, she saw he’d turned his back on her and was speaking to another of Skull’s MC men outside the dressing room.

  She slipped into her favorite pair of jeans and a dark-green sweater. Destiny deftly gathered her hair and tied it to a single braid. She grabbed her purse, checked that her wallet and cell phone were in there. Then she walked up to Devil and tapped him on the shoulder.

  Destiny still hadn’t written him off as her enemy, but he was right about one thing. They had to get out of this place. Once they were safely outside, Destiny only had one monster to contend with, not several. Let Devil think she was being obedient and compliant.

  The moment he let his guard down, she’d show him she was no pushover. She wasn’t his new toy. Destiny had claws and she had no problem using them.

  Chapter Three

  Never for a single second did Devil think that he’d somehow managed to tame his new prize. No. Destiny was playing her cards close to her chest, making him think she was docile. Devil knew better. She had teeth. He’d seen the way she fearlessly elbowed that bouncer in the balls.

  She had spirit. That was one of the things Devil liked about her.

  “I’m ready,” she told him.

  Devil noticed she wore his jacket over her sweater. It looked damn good on her. Others could almost mistake her for his woman. Destiny wasn’t his yet, but she would be. Soon. He nudged her out of that long corridor and back on the floor.

  Every muscle in his body tensed up as they passed by the tables. When he’d entered the club hours ago, the place was nearly empty, but now it was starting to fill up.

  “Hey, I know you,” a drunk slurred, about to reach for the hem of Destiny’s sweater. One warning growl from Devil sent the drunk stumbling back to his chair. If Devil had his favorite knife with him, he’d slice off that fucker’s hand for daring to touch what rightly belonged to him.

  Devil had finally accepted the fact that when it came to Destiny, his calm logic flew out the window. They were almost near the club’s front doors now. Skull was waiting for him. One more obstacle and they were free to go.

  Thank God, Carl was nowhere in sight because if he were, Devil was going to break both his arms and legs. Carl would have to crawl on all fours like the worm he was for the rest of his life. Perfect penance for a bastard who mishandled Destiny.

  “Enjoy your new toy,” Skull said.

  Destiny grew still as a statue next to him. Devil slid a protective arm over her shoulders and brought her close to him. Damn, but she smelled heavenly. Like peaches.

  “I’ll contact you soon about the shipment date,” he told Skull.

  For a second, Devil thought this was all some elaborate and practical joke. That Destiny and he would never leave the doors of this sleazy club alive because Skull would suddenly order his men to open fire on them.

  “Your gun,” one of Skull’s prospects said by the door.

  Devil accepted his firearm and swiftly led Destiny out the Pink Canary.

  He leaned in close to her ear to whisper, “Steady, they’re still watching. My bike’s parked right over there. We’ll talk more after we ride out of here.”

  She nodded. He wondered if she was still in shock over what just happened. Once she regained her senses, she’d definitely try something. Destiny wasn’t the kind of woman who submitted easily. It didn’t matter, because Devil welcomed a fight.

  For now, they needed to get through this one hurdle. The back of Devil’s neck itched. Up ahead of him were three men wearing Skull Riders patches, smoking and talking, a reminder they were still on unfamiliar ground. He clasped the back of her neck, gently steered her to where his Harley was parked. Devil released his hold on her and grabbed his helmet and a spare from the back compartment of his bike.

  He handed her one.

  Destiny stared at it for a few seconds, as if she was unsure what to do with it. He plucked it from her hands and placed it over her head, buckling the straps.

  “I don’t belong to anyone, least of all a biker who belongs to another MC,” she whispered. Her light-green eyes glittered savagely under the parking lot lamppost. He tucked two fingers under her chin and kissed her just to shut her up.

  Devil had been wanting to taste his prize for what felt like forever. She froze, as if she didn’t expect him to make his move so soon. If she shoved him away or told him off, Devil would back off. He might not be a good man, but he had standards. Rules. Women didn’t go running away from him but toward him.

  Once she was in his bed, Destiny would lose this fight. Devil would put his mouth and hands to her tempting curves. He’d leave his personal marks all over her sweet body and make her so addicted to him that she’d never want to part from him ever again.

  Destiny clutched his shoulders and yielded to the press of his demanding mouth. He slid his tongue down her throat, savoring the taste of her. Vanilla and honeysuckle. Destiny might take off her clothes for a living, but he bet she guarded access to her lips, to her body with vengeance. Now, she was all his for the taking.

  When he pulled away, she was panting.

  “Save your words for later, sweetheart.” Devil mounted his bike. “Let’s ride.”

  She hesitated for a fraction of a second. It would be really bad if she suddenly bolted. Skull’s men would definitely report everything they’d seen to Skull. They’d tell their boss that Devil, for all his slick talk and confidence, couldn’t even hold on to a woman. Skull would think him, and by extension, the Fallen Saints, weak.

  “Okay,” she whispered. Destiny care
fully sat behind him.

  Devil was aware of her warm chest pressing against the curve of his back. Think about her tits later, Devil reminded himself. He’d love to pay special attention to them once they were all alone. Once he managed to let her guard down.

  The moment she locked her slender arms around his waist, he revved up the engine. Devil drove out of the parking lot of the Pink Canary like the wind. Destiny let out a gasp behind him. Maybe she wasn’t used to going fast. He picked up the speed, chuckling as she let out a whoop.

  Her tight and sexy little body felt like a warm bundle against him. Devil rode solo his entire life. He never considered taking an old lady. Maybe it was time to change that. Devil knew it was crazy. He only met Destiny today and yet, deep down, he knew the fates had pushed this fiery redhead in his arms for a reason.

  He zoomed past the town. Destiny tightened her arms around his waist.

  “I need to stop for gas,” he told her.

  On the outskirts of town, he killed the engine. Destiny got off the bike. She said nothing while she watched him fill his tank.

  Finally, she broke her silence. “What are you planning to do with me?”

  “Anything I want.”

  Destiny clenched her jaw and came at him, pounding her fists against his chest. Devil caught her wrists.

  “You cocky son of a bitch.” She hissed. “I thought you were different, that you weren’t like them. I feel so stupid.”

  “Listen to me,” he said in a low voice. “The last thing I’ll ever do is hurt you.”

  There was no one but them and the gas attendant there. The pimply teenager took one look at Devil then turned his attention back to the game he was playing on his phone. Devil wasn’t surprised. The Skull Riders MC had the entire town of River Dawn under their thumb, just like the way the Fallen Saints controlled their own territory with an iron fist.

  Confusion spilled across her features. Destiny blinked. She stopped fighting him, so he released her wrists. “But you said—” she began.

  “Let me clear that up for you,” he interrupted. “One night in my bed and you’ll be begging me for more. No woman has ever resisted me before.”

  “You think much of yourself, don’t you?” she asked wryly.

  “You’re attracted to me too, admit it.”

  Devil didn’t imagine her nipples stiffening under her shirt when their bodies touched. He bet that if he slipped his hand under the hem of her jeans, he’d find her panties soaking wet. He could already imagine himself between her legs, admiring the shape of her pretty pink pussy and tasting it. Devil bet she’d taste finer than wine there too.

  “The look in your eyes,” she whispered. “It’s like you want to eat me right up.”

  “That’s exactly what I want to do.” Devil paid for his gas.

  “I’ll fight you tooth and nail. I’m not going anywhere with you. I’ve already made one colossal mistake by borrowing money from Skull. I won’t make the same error again,” she told him.

  Devil studied her quivering lip, the one he wanted to nibble on so much. Fuck, but his pants felt tight.

  She met his gaze with her own challenging stare. She squared her shoulders, chin pointed upward, fists curled against her sides. Destiny was true to her word. She was ready to fight him. Too bad she’d already lost the battle before it even started, because Devil was an expert in this game. This woman was going to be his, whether she liked it or not.

  Chapter Four

  “Where do you live?” Devil’s question took her slightly aback.

  “Sunny Hills. It’s a caravan park for RVs.” Destiny didn’t know why she volunteered that information freely.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss he’d stolen from her. Stole? Destiny could’ve pushed him away and she bet he’d give her some distance, but she didn’t. She responded to him eagerly, with equal hunger because she’d never known kisses could be that mind-numbing or passionate.

  For those few seconds, Destiny wondered what it would feel like, to have an experienced and dangerous man like Devil as a lover.

  Don’t kid yourself, Destiny, men like Devil only see women like you as potential playthings to use and discard, said a nasty voice in her head.

  Truth. Men didn’t see former strippers as potential girlfriend material. Devil wasn’t boyfriend material either.

  She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

  “I don’t take women against their will. Not my policy,” Devil said with a shrug. “Get on. I’ll take you back home.”

  Home. She never once viewed the RV as home, just a place to crash. Even before her mother got really sick, she never felt safe in that space. Destiny grew up, always having to lock the door to the one room in the back because her mom took clients back to the trailer.

  She shivered for no explainable reason. They mounted Devil’s monstrous bike again. Destiny gave him directions. Half an hour later, they rolled into the site. It had been close to midnight when they left the strip club. Few folks were outside. Destiny directed Devil to her empty trailer.

  He killed the engine. Destiny dismounted and awkwardly handed him her helmet. The murderous expression on his face made her take two steps back. She followed his gaze. Devil was looking at the old graffiti sprayed over the RV. Threats in red paint. Old reminders of her mistakes.

  “Don’t worry about those. Skull ordered a couple of his guys to vandalize the trailer months ago,” she said. Why was she explaining herself to him?

  “Months ago?” he prodded.

  “Before Skull and I came to an agreement that I’ll dance at his club to pay off his debts.”

  “Why did you borrow money from scum like him?”

  “If we’re going to have a conversation, we might as well go inside. It’s cold out,” she said.

  It didn’t seem like he was leaving any time soon. River Dawn was still Skull’s town, Skull’s little kingdom. Despite being free of Skull, Destiny was still one of Skull’s little subjects. Devil might be a monster and a stranger but at least she felt safe with him.

  She unlocked the door and let him in. Devil had to squeeze his way inside the small door. Destiny watched him look around the trailer. It was tiny and the trailer was old, but Destiny made sure it was neat and tidy.

  Devil lingered by the framed pictures on the wall. Photos of Destiny and her mother in much happier times. Destiny always avoided looking at them when she went out to work. Grief sometimes still pierced her at the oddest moments.

  “Beer?” she asked.

  “Sounds good.” Devil took a seat on the booth.

  After grabbing two beers and opening them, she handed him one and joined him at the table. “Here you go.”

  Destiny sounded calm enough on the outside, but inside? She was freaking out. Destiny had one strange day. Here she was, chatting with Devil like they were friends, but they were far from that. In some ways, this man owned her. Without a second thought, Skull had traded her away for a bunch of guns.

  In the darkest corners of her mind, some part of Destiny didn’t mind the fact Devil had her on an invisible leash. Her debt had been transferred from Skull to Devil. Devil couldn’t be all that bad. He’d acted like a gentleman so far.

  Devil hadn’t been rude to her or touched her without her permission. Well, except for that kiss and she couldn’t blame him for that. Not when she kissed him right back like an eager teenager.

  “Those pictures,” Devil said after taking a sip of his beer. He nodded to the wall of Destiny’s old memories. “Your mom?”

  Destiny nodded. “She passed away six months ago. Lung cancer.”

  “She’s the reason you owe Skull money?”

  “Back then, her medical bills were piling up. I couldn’t pay them all off with a waitress’ salary,” Destiny admitted. “My mom knew Skull. She said he’d help me. I should’ve known better than to trust her words.”

  Devil was looking at her intently, listening to every single word.

  Destiny found the cou
rage to keep on talking. She’d always been a loner, even in high school. Destiny worked far too much, sometimes juggling two to three jobs to support her and her mother. She didn’t really have much time to date, to form friendships. It was nice to have someone she could confide in, even if Devil was—hell. She didn’t even know what she was to him.

  “My mom wasn’t the best mother in the world. Whoring was all she knew how to do. She left home when she was sixteen, never finished school. Then she had me. I never knew my father. She said one of her clients got her pregnant.” Destiny paused. “I always dreamed of leaving her and this trailer. I was saving all my paychecks to leave this awful town. Then, she got sick.”

  “Your mother sounds like a bitch,” Devil remarked.

  Tears unexpectedly stung her eyes. Destiny furiously rubbed them away. She didn’t want Devil to see any sign of weakness he could exploit. “She did what she thought was best. She just had a problem making the right decisions.”

  Why the hell was she defending the woman who destroyed her life? Some days, she woke up hating her dead mother. Why wouldn’t she? Destiny grew up enduring insults from bullies who called her trailer trash.

  The folks in town expected her to turn out just like her mother, a whore. She tried so hard to be different but, in the end, she’d wounded up working at the Pink Canary. Sooner or later, desperation would push her into selling her body just to pay off her debts.

  Destiny’s teeth clattered. She didn’t know why she was shivering so badly. She didn’t realize Devil had joined her in the booth. He gathered her in her arms and simply held her. Once again, she felt so small against him.

  “Strong girl, sweet girl,” Devil murmured against her ear. He stroked her hair, wove his callused and inked fingers back and forth through the length.

  A tart remark was ready on her lips. Destiny was twenty-year-old grown-ass woman who didn’t take shit from anyone. She held her tongue because this was nice. In the arms of a stranger, Destiny allowed herself to become vulnerable. It was wrong to call him that. Devil felt like the stranger she’d known her entire life, someone she was fated to meet.


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