Devil's Destiny (Fallen Saints MC Book 1)

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Devil's Destiny (Fallen Saints MC Book 1) Page 5

by Winter Sloane

  Destiny widened her eyes. “How do you know that? That the police are on Skull’s side.”

  “He told me himself last night. I mentioned my MC needed a new delivery route, yes?”

  She nodded.

  “I pointed out to him the cops might notice our comings and goings. Skull assured me the sheriff and his entire office are under their payroll.”

  Destiny shuddered. “Oh, God, Devil. You killed Carl to protect me. If Skull finds out, what will happen to your MC? Will there be a war?”

  Devil mulled on her words for a few seconds. Trust his woman to think things through and not continue to panic. “Not if Skull doesn’t find the body. It’s a clean kill, Destiny. There’s no one around for miles and there’s a silencer on my gun.”

  “Won’t he find out eventually?” she asked.

  “Maybe. What do you think? You’ve worked with Carl. Would it be suspicious if he suddenly disappeared?”

  She considered his question. “Skull keeps him on a tight leash but Carl’s left town a few times on his own, usually to pursue a woman.”

  Devil was glad he’d gotten rid of the lowlife. “There’s no other option then. I’ll take care of the body. I’ll need to borrow your truck. Is it working?”

  Devil had noticed the white pickup parked in the back of the trailer last night. He wondered why it was there. Did she not use it to drive to work? On the heels of that thought came another. How did she usually get to work?

  “I think so. It belonged to my mom.”

  “You don’t use it?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Skull usually sends one of his guys to drive me to work. Same goes for the other girls. He likes to keep tabs on us that way. If I need to go to town for groceries or supplies, I take the bus.”

  “All right. I’ll need the truck to transport the body,” he told her. “Leave it to me.”

  She hesitated. “What can I do to help?”

  That offer certainly surprised Devil. The women in the MC left their men to deal with the dirty business. Devil remained undecided. It was true he could use an extra pair of hands, because it would make all the work easier. Once this sordid business was conducted, the faster they could leave River Dawn.

  However, Destiny had been through enough.

  “Devil,” she began, touching his arm. “It’s okay. If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead right now and from the sound of it, Carl really wanted to hurt me.”

  A growl rumbled from his chest. Carl’s dead, Devil reminded himself. There was no use regretting his decision to prolong the bastard’s suffering.

  “I need to make a call,” Devil replied.

  Chapter Nine

  In the end, Devil rang up another fellow MC member to help them with the body. Destiny sat on the tailgate of her mother’s old truck, feeling anxious and jumpy. A battered duffel bag sat next to her. She and Devil ate breakfast quickly, although she wasn’t too hungry. That done, Devil had asked her to shower, dress up, and pack a bag while they waited for Crow to arrive.

  With those tasks done, she didn’t know what else to do. Destiny grabbed a washcloth and disinfectant. She did her best to scrub Carl’s blood off her door, to erase any trace of evidence they might’ve left behind.

  River Dawn was a small town. The police station didn’t even have a crime lab. She was being extra paranoid, but she just needed something extra to do. Destiny couldn’t make up her mind earlier whether she should go with Devil, but Carl made the decision for her. The safest place to be right now was to remain by Devil’s side.

  This man had saved her twice now and she couldn’t picture herself out on the road, alone and hunted. Hunted, because sooner or later, Skull would connect Carl’s death to her and Devil. Skull was sleazy and controlling but he could also be vicious. She’d seen him dispatch his enemies right inside the strip club before. Destiny shivered, rubbing her arms.

  “Ready?” Devil asked Crow.

  Destiny stood from the tailgate, taking her bag with her. She watched the two men heft the tarp-covered body in the back. Crow had brought the tarp, along with two shovels. Devil’s MC brother came prepared.

  “This is a hell of a mess you’re in, Devil,” Crow was saying. Crow gave her another glance, then grunted. They barely traded any words. Destiny let Devil do all the talking.

  The other biker was around Devil’s age. Like Devil, Crow was huge and inked, except he had dark-gold hair instead of dark brown. A scar bisected his left eyebrow, making him appear a little savage and unfriendly. Crow must be tight with Devil if he dropped everything to help his MC brother.

  “Is she really worth all this trouble?” Crow asked.

  Was she? She didn’t know the answer herself.

  Destiny took a deep breath, surprised Devil shoved Crow against the truck door. Sweat beaded the back of her shirt. Should she do something? It didn’t seem wise to interrupt two men who looked ready to brawl. Devil punched his friend right in the face. Crow didn’t fight back. The other man only stared Devil down.

  She’d seen a glimpse of Devil’s possessive side the night before and once again, earlier this morning with Carl. Destiny had a feeling Devil didn’t act like this around every woman he met.

  What made her special?

  Devil leaned against Crow’s ear and whispered words she couldn’t hear.

  Crow scowled, then shoved Devil away. Devil backed off.

  “So how are we doing this?” Crow asked.

  “What do you mean?” Devil asked. “It’s simple. We ride out of here, head for home, and bury this fucker in our neck of the woods.”

  “Two bikes, one truck, asshole. Do the math,” Crow said in a low voice.

  “I’ll drive the truck,” Destiny offered.

  Crow frowned and looked at her. “Can you?”

  A nervous laugh bubbled out of her. “What? You think just because I saw someone being shot, I’ve become instantly helpless? I’m not some useless princess in distress.”

  Devil choked down a laugh. He joined her and slid one possessive arm over her shoulders. Devil tugged her close, beaming down at her. Then he planted a quick kiss on her mouth. “That’s my girl.”

  My girl. Hearing those words jolted her heart and cemented her resolve. From here on out, she intended to follow this man. She and Devil might be strangers, but she was starting to believe their paths had collided for a reason.

  “Fine. You drive the truck,” Crow conceded.

  “You guys can follow me. I know this town like the back of my hand. We’ll take the smaller roads. I know which ones the Skull Riders don’t watch,” she said.

  Crow shared a look with Devil. “Now I’m a little envious.”

  Devil walked up Crow and they fist-bumped. Destiny didn’t understand them at all. One moment, they were at each other’s’ throats and the next, they were friends again? Skull and his MC didn’t act like this. Skull operated like a crime boss who gave orders to everyone around him, including his men.

  Destiny grabbed her bag. She got inside her mother’s old truck and dumped her bag in the seat next to hers. The last time she used this truck, she’d driven to the hospital right after her shift at the diner. By the time she arrived, it was too late.

  At least the truck still had a half tank of gas. Destiny was about to start the engine, but Devil tapped the window. She lowered the glass.

  “You sure you up for this?” Devil asked.

  Destiny had a snarky reply ready, but she’d heard the concern in his voice. This man would go to hell and back again to keep her safe. He’d kill again to protect her. Destiny nodded.

  “We should stop dallying,” she said. “Crow looks impatient.

  “Crow can wait a few more seconds.” Devil paused. “You’ll fit right in you know, with me and the rest of my brothers.”

  “Let’s talk more after we bury Carl. We’re not in the clear yet,” she reminded him. Devil nodded. Was it her imagination, or did he look a little dejected? “Devil?”


  “I think you’re right. I’ve been searching for a place to belong my entire life. I never felt like I fit in this town but maybe I’m meant to be by your side.” The smile he flashed her could literally melt her panties off.

  Destiny started the engine. Devil and Crow got on their bikes. Destiny spared the trailer she grew up in one last look. Maybe in the far-flung future, there would be time to sell it off, but she wasn’t too worried about it. Destiny had few good memories of the trailer home, of her mom and this town.

  “Good-bye,” she whispered.


  “You can stay in the cab. This will be quick,” Devil said through the truck window.

  She nodded, still gripping the steering wheel. Her knuckles had turned white. Destiny did as she promised. She got them all out of River Dawn. None of the Skull Riders had followed them. Not a single cop stopped them. Once they got on the highway, Crow and Devil took the lead. They got away scot-free, and yet nervousness hadn’t left her system.

  Destiny rubbed her sweaty palms against her jeans. Her mind kept playing tricks on her. That she’d heard the rumble of motorcycle engines in the distance, bikes ridden by Skull and his men. Her nerves were getting the better of her. Then again, she’d never watched two men bury the body of her would-be attacker before.

  “Chill out, Destiny. You’re in the middle of the woods with two bikers who are on your side,” she whispered to herself.

  They were also in Fallen Saints MC territory. These woods bordered the town of Redemption, Illinois, and Devil’s MC ran it like kings, just like how Skull controlled the entirety of River Dawn. Devil and Crow are different from Skull and his men, she reminded herself. They were doing this for her. If Devil didn’t claim her as his prize, Carl would’ve gotten to her eventually.

  Through the side mirror, she watched Devil and Crow grab a pair of shovels. They didn’t speak much. Crow pointed to the bare patch of earth on the forest ground. Both men grunted and began to dig. It looked like back-breaking work.

  Feeling a little self-conscious, Destiny climbed out of the truck to join them. She would be safe as long as she was with him. It was cold out here in the woods. Tall and ancient pine and ash trees surrounded the clearing. Gray storm clouds hovered ominously above their heads. It could rain any second.

  Destiny shivered, even with Devil’s jacket over her shoulders. Devil and Crow looked like they’d done this before. She wondered how many bodies were buried in these woods, corpses no one else would ever find. Destiny wouldn’t be surprised if the local police’s pockets were lined with bribes paid for by Devil’s MC.

  Doubt unfurled inside of her. She’d escaped a fate worse than death thanks to Devil. Dancing at the Pink Canary was soul-crushing. Destiny knew a part of her died every night she danced on that pole.

  Crime and violence were part and parcel of Devil’s life. Devil was deeply rooted in his MC. His brothers were his home. Where did she fit in the picture? Would he get sick and tired of her eventually? She didn’t think men like Devil settled down with just one woman.

  Devil flashed her a nod of acknowledgment and all her silly fears evaporated. Destiny was overthinking things, as usual, and that got her nowhere. After this, she and Devil needed to have a serious talk.

  It started to drizzle when the two men finished digging a hole large enough to fit Carl’s body in. By then, both Devil and Crow were drenched in water and dirt. She offered to help drag the corpse from the truck, but Devil wouldn’t hear of it.

  “We’ll manage,” he said in a reassuring voice.

  Crow and Devil each took one end of the tarp. They dumped it into the newly dug hole and began to throw dirt over it. She stared at the splashes of crimson blood that had begun to soak through the fabric, half-expecting Carl to rip at the covering and rise up.

  Destiny would have nightmares about this day. This memory would remain engraved in her mind forever.

  It’s your life or his, said a new and cold voice inside her head.

  “I need beer and pussy,” Crow said afterward. The biker slung his shovel over his shoulder and dumped the tool back in the truck. “You two coming?”

  “Go on ahead,” Devil told his friend. Crow mounted his bike. The other biker disappeared down the dirt path moments later.

  Devil walked up to her, his gaze searching hers. He set his shovel down and when he opened his arms to her, she let him envelop her into a hug.

  “I’m dirty,” he murmured.

  It hadn’t stopped raining. The drizzle had turned into a torrent. Her wet sneakers sank into wet soil. Destiny felt like she was drowning, even if she wasn’t in an ocean, but Devil steadied her. He anchored her.

  “I don’t care,” she whispered.

  “You should have stayed in the truck. You didn’t have to watch this,” he said, stroking the line of her back.

  “I wanted to,” she whispered.

  Destiny didn’t know how to explain it to him at that moment, but she needed to let go of her old self. The weak and insecure girl who let a bastard like Skull take advantage of her. Destiny would need to shed that part of her like old skin to make way for the strong woman who was only beginning to emerge. One who was wild and free. Someone who could stand with a man like Devil on equal ground.

  Chapter Ten

  It was late afternoon when Devil rolled the truck into the parking lot of the Fallen Saints MC clubhouse. Devil called for a prospect to retrieve his Harley in the woods. His motorcycle was like a vital part of him, but Destiny needed him more. Devil decided she’d done enough driving for the day.

  It stopped raining, at least. Devil spotted some of his MC brothers and a couple of prospects already out and about in the chop shop next to the clubhouse. The familiar sound of whirring machines and arguing voices sounded like music to his ears.

  Devil liked to go on road trips. There was nothing quite like the feeling of the open road and the wind on his face, but it was good to be back home.

  He glanced at his prize. She’d fallen asleep during the drive, no surprise there. He reached out, tucked away a stray strand of red hair that had fallen across her face behind one ear. She stirred, blinking sleepy eyes at him. At that moment, she looked so tiny to him. Small and innocent.

  He was a bastard for dragging her into the dark, into his world, but Devil couldn’t turn back time. She was a lot safer with him. Skull was probably out searching for his brother. They’d covered their tracks as best as they could.

  Tomorrow, Devil would send someone back to River Dawn to deal with Destiny’s old trailer. If Skull somehow connected him to Carl’s murder, then there might be hell to pay. Devil wasn’t one for worrying about what might happen tomorrow.

  Destiny was safe and he’d continue to protect her until his dying day. That was all that mattered.

  “We’re here, sweetheart,” he said.

  “I fell asleep? Shit. I wanted to discuss something with you,” she said. He watched her peer out the windows. “Where are we?”

  She didn’t seem daunted or scared by what she saw, just curious.

  “We like to call it our headquarters. We own all the businesses on this road strip.”

  Devil chose not to elaborate any further. He didn’t want to overload her with information and besides, she’d just witnessed him and Crow bury a body. Destiny had a stomach of steel and a yard of guts but that didn’t mean Devil could take her for granted.

  She could still decide she wanted no part of his life. Devil wasn’t sure he had it in him to let her go. He promised her she had a choice but when push came to shove, Devil would tie her to his bed to keep her from leaving. Devil hoped it would never come to that.

  “Devil.” She paused, as if choosing her next words carefully. “What am I to you?”

  He frowned, not understanding. “What do you mean?”

  “Am I just a fling to you or something else? I need to know where I stand. I understand the MC is your life, but if I—”

  Devil didn’t l
et her finish. He cupped her cheek. Christ. There was still dirt under his fingernails but neither of them seemed to care. This was his fault. Devil should’ve cleared matters up the night before. He leaned in close and slanted his lips over hers.

  He didn’t do gentle. Devil plundered her mouth, savoring the sweet taste of her. He wanted to get the hell out of this damn truck so nothing could get between them, so their bodies could touch. He thrust his tongue down her throat, only for her to suck down on it.

  When he pulled away, he noticed her dilated pupils, her lips still swollen from their kiss. “When I called Crow for help, I also called my brother Saint. I told him to tell the priest to come back tomorrow because shit got a little complicated.”

  “The priest? Why do you need a priest?” she asked, looking confused and utterly adorable.

  “Haven’t you figured it out, baby? I told you I planned to make you mine. You’re not a fling or simple hook-up for me. You’re it. I planned to make you my old lady. My wife.” Devil told her point-blank and waited for her reaction.

  Destiny covered her mouth with her hand. “Y-your wife? Devil, we just met yesterday.”

  She sounded shocked but judging by her blush, she wasn’t entirely opposed to that idea.

  “I can’t spend another second without you in my life. Don’t go, Destiny. Stay with me. Be my woman. I’ll treat you like the queen you are.” He clasped his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her again, gently this time. Devil savored the sweet taste of her, wanting more.

  “You don’t have to give me an answer right away,” he said. “But I need to get the hell out of this truck. Come on.”

  Devil left the truck and opened the door for her. He slipped his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t protest. A few of his MC brothers lingering in the parking lot called out to him. Devil nodded to them, not in the mood to strike up a conversation with anyone.

  Devil led her to the clubhouse. It was noisy inside. Classic rock played from the speakers mounted on the walls. It smelled of beer, sex, and leather. Familiar scents of home. His MC brothers occupied half the tables, club whores entertaining them.


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