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Erotic Stories Page 58

by Amanda Wals

  "I'll go in with you."

  "You don't have to."

  "I want to."

  Jared seemed pained. "Chris, I slapped your sister. I was abusive to her before that and I harassed her afterward. You've got no reason to be this nice to me. You bailed me out as you promised. You don't need to do anything more."

  "I know all that. I'm still pissed at you for doing that and I still think you're an asshole. However, today is your first day knowing that you'll never communicate with Michelle again. I want it to be a good one."

  I could tell Jared couldn't make sense of my attitude. He eventually shrugged and said, "Whatever. I'd appreciate the company."

  Inside Jared's apartment, it looked like a tornado had hit it. Terry had thrown stuff everywhere as she had grabbed her stuff to clear out.

  I said, "Looks like we've got some cleaning to do."

  "Chris, you don't have to clean."

  "I'm hanging out with you for the afternoon. What time do you have to be at work?"


  "I'll stay here with you until it's time for me to drive you to work."

  "You don't have to drive me to work."

  "You can't drive. How are you going to get to work? A taxi? You've got no money."

  "I'll have a friend drive me."

  "I'll be the friend."

  "You think I'm an asshole."

  "Asshole customers come into my store all the time. I'm used to being friendly with assholes."

  Jared snorted and gave up.

  We cleaned up the apartment. I moved the furniture so that Jared had a clear path around his place. I picked stuff off of the floor and put it on a table. Jared put it away from there.

  As we worked, Jared told me stories about Michelle. These stories were told in a much different tone than he had used when he told the stories about Terry. Those had been in a can-you-believe-this tone. These stories were told in a wistful tone. At one point, I shared Michelle's theory that he could never accepted that she loved him and that he had to constantly test her love.

  Jared shook his head and said, "No, it wasn't that way at all. I always did what I thought was best for her, for us. I wanted her to be a better person, a better girlfriend. That's why I did what I did. Even after we broke up, I still did what I thought was best for her. I think she'd be better off back with me."

  "Terry's ex probably thought the same thing about Terry. That was probably his justification for blindsiding you with a baseball bat."

  Jared started to reply, then shut his mouth.

  I cooked some spaghetti for an early dinner. As I cooked, I said to Jared, "About Terry's ex. Stay away from him."

  "I'm going to kill him."

  "He sounds a lot sneakier and meaner than you are. Take that as a compliment. I wouldn't want to spend any time with a guy who'd blindside someone with a baseball bat."

  "I'm going to get even."

  I stirred the noodles for a bit. "You've made it clear that you want to get even. He'll pop up someplace of his choosing to confront you. If you make the slightest move towards him, he'll pull out a gun and kill you. Self-defense."

  "When Terry comes back, I'll find out how to surprise him."

  "And if you do, you'll go to jail for a very long time. Is Terry worth that?"

  "Terry ain't worth shit."

  "So let it go. Terry picked you over him. He is going to know that forever. That's the best revenge."

  Jared was quiet after that.

  We had dinner and then Jared changed for work. When he came back into the kitchen, he said. "Delete that video to Michelle you made for me. I want to make another one."

  Jared's first video to Michelle had been filled with bullshit and bravado. It had been an attempt to persuade her to come back to him. This new video was an apology. After the recording was done, I felt Jared was much more likely to honor the deal. In the hospital, I hadn't had any faith that he would honor the deal.

  I drove Jared to work. In the parking lot, he said, "I've been thinking about my case. There's a defense attorney who's a regular. Tonight hopefully I'll talk to him about defending me. What I'm going to propose is that we tell the judge that the fight was two domestic abusers battling over a woman. I don't want to be a domestic abuser no more. That I'll go through a domestic abuse program if they drop the charges against me. What do you think?"

  "If I was a judge, I'd jump at that deal. Putting you in jail accomplishes nothing. You going through domestic abuse program gets something done."

  Jared nodded his head then offered his hand. I took it and we shook.

  I said, "Jared, the easiest thing for me would be to write you off as an asshole. But I know Michelle loved you for a reason." I could see tears spring to Jared's eyes. "You made her happy for a long time. You made too many mistakes and your relationship went off the rails." The tears were rolling down his cheeks. "I think most of your mistakes were out of ignorance. Go through the program. Don't make as many mistakes in the next relationship. Don't be an asshole the next time."

  Jared was sobbing. He forced out, "Do you think Michelle will ever forgive me?"

  I wanted to say something positive, but I didn't want Jared to think that everything was hunky-dory, that Michelle wouldn't be suffering for years from the pains he inflicted on her.

  I said, "I think Michelle has made peace with what you did to her. She's trying to move on, but it's hard at times. I don't know if that is forgiveness."

  Jared nodded his head. "Thanks. Thanks for everything."

  I got out of the car, took the crutch out of the backseat and went around to where Jared was waiting. He had wiped the tears from his face and was composing himself. Then he hobbled off, the tough guy's tough guy.

  * * *

  The Monday morning after I had spent the day with Jared, Michelle waved me over to the couch to talk once our parents left.

  Michelle said, "Chris, thanks again for dealing with Jared. I'm still amazed that he'd make that video."

  I shrugged. "Maybe being attacked like that knocked some sense into him. He seemed reasonable that day."

  Michelle sighed. "When I watched that video, it reminded me of how loving Jared could be. It made me want to go to Jared and say 'Let's go back to the good times.' And I think Jared would agree. And we would go back to the good times."

  I couldn't believe that Michelle would openly talk about getting back with Jared after all this time. I thought Jared had begun to see he was indeed an abuser, but it was way too early for that to have fully sunk it. But it could have been an act. Or he could intend to do the right thing but regress once Michelle came back.

  I said, "Eventually, the tests would start again."

  "I know. But part of me thinks I'd be smarter this time, that I'd know to push back when he tested me."

  My jaw dropped.

  Michelle smiled and said, "Scary, huh? The heart can be a stupid thing at times. If I didn't have you making me feel good about myself, I might risk it. That's why you're so important to me. That's why bedtime has been so important to me. Thanks again."

  Michelle stood up. I stood up. She came to me and we hugged. She said, "You're the best," and kissed me on the cheek.

  * * *

  That night at bedtime, Michelle came into my room and said, "I'd like to try sleeping with you again. No back strokes. You sleep on one edge and I'll sleep on the other. Would that be okay?"

  "That'd be okay. I've missed sleeping with you."

  I had. I hadn't slept as well since we stopped sleeping together. I had always felt her missing presence as I had lay down to go to sleep.

  We got into bed. I made my triangle on the edge of the bed while Michelle laid down on the other edge and faced away from me. When I got sleepy, I knocked down my triangle and laid down on the edge, facing Michelle.

  When I woke up in the middle of the night, Michelle had moved so that my hand was touching her back. That was nice, but I wanted more. I moved towards her enough so that her pillowed head
rested in the crook of my arm.

  When I woke in the morning, Michelle's head was on my forearm and she was lightly touching my front with her backside. It felt so wonderful to have her so close to me again.

  Suddenly, tears welled on my face. I loved Michelle. I thought she was the best person in the world. She was a lot of fun. She was so sweet and caring. I had been willing to risk a big chunk of my money for college to get her finally free from Jared.

  But there was no future to our relationship. We had been very lucky to never have been caught sleeping together by our parents. But at some point, we would be too obvious in front of them or too loud in my room at night. I wasn't sure what would happen if we were caught, but I guessed that I'd be kicked out of the family and my parents would forbid Michelle from ever seeing me again. And she'd have to do it as she was financially dependent on them. When Michelle woke up this morning, she'd realize that sleeping together was too dangerous; that it'd steadily escalate until we were fucking.

  I'd never tell her that I'd love her. And I so wanted to make love to her. I wanted her so. But I could never have her as she was my sister. Our being together would never work.

  Then I thought of an idea of how we could be together. I worked through the details in my imagination. Then I shook my head. It was a pleasant fantasy, but Michelle would never agree to it.

  I felt Michelle stir. She sat up and stretched. She then looked at me and said, "It was good sleeping with you again. But I hadn't intended to sleep so close together."

  I shrugged.

  Michelle seemed to reach some decision. She said, "Let's talk more after Mom and Dad leave for work."

  After breakfast, I tried to not show my eagerness for Mom and Dad to leave. I hung around the kitchen even though I couldn't think of much to do there.

  Once Mom closed the door, Michelle went into the living room. I followed her. She stood just inside the living room with her hands behind her. When I walked close to her, she guided me to stand behind her. She took my hands in hers and held them above her waist.

  Michelle took a big breath and said, "At the end with Jared, I hated making choices. I knew that whatever I chose, Jared would tell me it was a terrible choice and call me stupid. Please don't do anything like that to me."

  "I won't."

  "You may not agree with my choice."

  Was she going to go back to Jared? "And that'd be okay. I'll understand that you're doing what seems best to you. I'll support you the best I can."

  Michelle sighed. "This is really hard for me."

  "It's okay. Take your time." I gave her a squeeze.

  Whatever she had to tell me, it was big. Like I'm going back to Jared big.

  Michelle said, "I've decided to face down my fears. To do what I think is right even though it scares me."

  Should I try to talk her out of going back to Jared? What could I tell her that she doesn't already know? I think going back to Jared would be a huge mistake, but it's her life. I can't stop her from making mistakes.

  Michelle turned in my arms to face me. "Christopher," she said each syllable of my name in a loving tone. "I love you." I suddenly felt warm all over. "I want to be with you as much as I can." The warm feeling grew stronger. "I want to be your woman. I want to make love to you, over and over again."

  "Michelle..." I hadn't been expecting this.

  "I know what I'm saying is wrong. I've been fighting this feeling. Is that..."

  I kissed her quickly on the lips. "I love you, Michelle. I was thinking this morning as you lay in my arms about how much I love you. I too want to be with you as much as possible. And I too want to make love to you over and over."

  Michelle rose up and kissed me quickly on the lips. I bent my head down to kiss her more strongly. She was waiting for my lips. We kissed, exploring the others lips with our own. I slipped my tongue into Michelle's mouth while cupping her ass with both hands.

  Michelle pulled back and asked with a big smile, "Do I still have a great ass?"

  "Of course. I like it even better in this position."

  Michelle laughed and then ran her tongue along my lips as I continued squeezing and fondling her ass.

  Michelle pulled back once again. "And speaking of making love..."

  "Let's get to it."

  Michelle dashed into the kitchen and came out with a towel. She then grabbed my hand and guided me to the couch. "I don't want to take the time to go all the way up the stairs."

  Michelle stripped off her clothes while I stripped off mine. Michelle lay down on the couch and spread her legs. "I want you to eat me. Make me cum. And then I want you to fuck me."

  I dived between her legs. "Happy to oblige." I parted Michelle's pussy lips with my tongue. I took my first lick. She was a little wet. I knew she could get a lot wetter. I licked up and down her slit while Michelle cooed.

  "That feels so good, Chris." Michelle lifted her hips to meet my tongue. "Have I mentioned that I love sex? I'm going to want to do this every time Mom and Dad leave."

  I chuckled as I continued slowly working my tongue up and down Michelle's slit. I pulled back and said, "You say that like it's going to be a problem."

  Michelle laughed. "I hope it won't be," she said.

  It wasn't going to be for me. I loved Michelle. I loved making her happy. I loved her body. Now, I was thoroughly enjoying exploring her pussy with my tongue.

  I shifted my focus up to the area around Michelle's clit. As I did, I cupped her ass in my hands. She had a great ass. It felt great in my hands. Michelle was so light that it was easy to hold her up. Every little bit of pleasure I gave her with my tongue I seemed to be able to feel through her ass.

  "This is so great," moaned Michelle. "I love how your tongue feels. I can't believe I've been missing out on this."

  "I'll make it even better."

  I brought my index finger up to her hole, circled it a few times and then slipped it in.

  "Sweet Jesus," Michelle moaned. "That feels so great. Fuck me with your finger."

  I worked my finger in and out of Michelle slowly at first as I continued working the area her clit with my tongue. Michelle was very wet by now and her juices steadily covered my hand as I continued to fuck her with my finger.

  Michelle had her knees up high and her legs spread wide to give me maximum room. She lay still except for panting heavily as I worked over her pussy. I slipped in a second finger while shifting my focus to her clit.

  "Oh yes, Chris. God, you're so good."

  My tongue danced at the spot where she seemed to enjoy my finger the best when I had fingered her. Michelle's moans got louder and louder. She was lolling her head from side to side as I quickly rammed my fingers in and out of her.

  "Oh, god! Oh, god! I'm-"

  Michelle twisted to the side while clamping my head with her legs. I had made her cum. She was ready to fuck now. I was going to fuck my sister. I had wanted to do this for so long. I was ready to take her, to fill her, to celebrate the wonderful act of fucking.

  Once Michelle relaxed, she sat up on the couch and re-positioned the towel. "Sit here," she told me. I sat in the middle of the couch and leaned back against it. Michelle straddled me and grabbed my cock. "I love you, Christopher. You make me so happy. I so want you to make love to me." She guided my cock to her hole, slipped it in and then slowly sat down on me. She was so tight that it felt incredible sliding inch after inch into her. Finally, my cock was completely buried inside of her.

  "Perfect," said Michelle. "That feels perfect. Now suck my tits."

  I leaned forward and popped her nipple into my mouth. Michelle grabbed the back of my head with her hands and held it while I suckled.

  Michelle said, "I never thought I'd tell a guy to suck my tits. Do you like my tits?"

  I pulled off and said, "I love your tits."

  Michelle laughed and guided my mouth to her other tit. She then started grinding her crotch in little circles into mine.

  "I never thought I'd hear a guy
say that. And I believe you. I know that you love me. Just like I love you."

  Michelle pulled her chest away from me so she could kiss me. Her tongue found mine and we dueled as she continued to grind her crotch into mine. She felt so tight on my cock. Wonderfully tight. I didn't know if it was because she was so much thinner than Gina or because she hadn't fucked in a while, but she was noticeably tighter than Gina had been.

  Finally, Michelle leaned back. "Fuck me!"

  I already had Michelle's ass in my hands, so I lifted it lightly and then let if fall. I lifted higher and then let if fall again. I was fucking Michelle. I was fucking my sister. It felt so right. And it was right - we loved each other. We'd be fucking like this regularly from now on.

  I looked up at Michelle. She smiled back at me. "Ever fuck on a couch like this?" she asked.

  "Never. Always in a bed."

  "I like fucking in different places - bedroom, living room, kitchen. I've never fucked on stairs." Michelle smiled really big. "We'll have to try that soon."

  I smiled at Michelle and then resumed panting. We worked as a team to establish a steady fucking rhythm. She was so light that it was easy to bounce her up and down on my cock. I did most of the work when she was sliding up my cock and she did most of the work as she slid down. Each stroke sent a wave of pleasure through me. It was great having sex with someone I loved, someone I enjoyed pleasuring. It made fucking much more enjoyable.

  Michelle and I had always messed around in my bedroom with the lights off. The mini-blinds in the living room kept anyone from seeing in while allowing the light to flood in. Now, I could see Michelle perfectly. I could see her pretty face as it contorted with lust. Her cute little tits. The way her hair bounced as we fucked.

  Michelle moaned, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Every time I dropped Michelle down on me as I thrust up into her, she moaned "Oh". Neither of us spoke now. I was panting heavily now, some from exertion but mostly from pleasure and excitement. This was the best fuck of my life.

  I could feel Michelle's juices dripping down on me, coating my crotch area. I could smell her arousal. I kept my eyes on her tits as they slightly bounced up and down in front of me.


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