The Sabertooth's Mate (Ice Age Alphas Book 2)

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The Sabertooth's Mate (Ice Age Alphas Book 2) Page 10

by Lily Thomas

  Once she had the furs in the proper arrangement, she grabbed a hold of Flosa and then placed her into the fur basket. Flosa’s eyes were closed, her face scrunching up every once in a while, as she dreamed.


  Spinning around, Ezi found Aiyre’s head popped in through the hut flap.


  “You are in Tor’s hut?” Aiyre stepped fully into the hut, her eyes scanning over the inside. “Why are you in here?” She asked when Ezi didn’t reply fast enough.

  “He offered it to me.”


  Ezi shrugged. “He thought it might be better than the communal hut. Allow me some space and give me a place where Flosa couldn’t bother anyone with her crying.”

  “Where will he sleep?”

  Ezi shrugged again, as the guilt crept back into her heart. If it rained, he would get soaked to the bone… then again, he had lived on his own for many moons. He should know where to seek shelter from the weather.

  “Well, I’m sure he will find somewhere to sleep.” Aiyre smiled at Flosa and then turned her attention back to Ezi. “Have you decided if you are coming to the hunt?”

  Ezi bit her bottom lip as she tilted her head side to side. “I thought about it, and I think it might be good for me. Inde was wonderful with Flosa when I went to the ritual. I’m just nervous about leaving her for a longer time, but I still believe it would be good to be a part of the hunt.” It was time for her to be a part of the clan and show interest in their welfare.

  Aiyre beamed as her brown eyes lit up with glee. “I’m glad you found at least one sabertooth you can trust. Now, we just have to get you to trust the rest of them.”

  “I trust Daerk.” Ezi said defensively. Their fierce leader had done nothing but protect them. He was the sabertooth who had found them wandering around during a snowstorm after the attack, and he’d brought them to a cave to save their lives. It was the first time she thought a sabertooth shifter might actually be more than a brutal animal.

  “It’s hard not to trust him.” Aiyre agreed. “He speaks the truth and tries to do his best for everyone in this clan.”

  Ezi supposed she trusted Tor as well. She might not like the thought of being his mate, but he was a nice man who’d done nothing to her. Except for that kiss. Her eyes stared blankly as her mind revisited that kiss that he’d planted on her lips. It’d been unexpected, and at first, she hadn’t known how to react, but then she’d fled. Absently, she raised a hand and rubbed a finger across her bottom lip. She feared that scolding kiss would never leave her mind.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Ezi shook her head as she remembered she had company. “Just remembering the hunting ceremony, and how much fun I had being a part of the clan.” It was sort of the truth because she wasn’t about to tell Aiyre about that kiss. There would be too many questions, and Ezi had no answers.

  “It was fun.” Aiyre plopped down on a fur that was near the fire pit and quickly got to work on building up the fire until there was a great plume of smoke lazily swirling up to the hole in the top of the hut.

  “Maybe I could bring Flosa with me to the mammoth hunt.” Ezi said absently as she took a seat between Flosa and the fire. She was getting better with Flosa, and she figured with enough time, she would be the loving mother that she wanted to be for Flosa. She might not have Drakk around to help her, but she did have this clan.

  Aiyre frowned as she shook her head, her braid swinging behind her head. “I don’t think so. Flosa will be happier here, and the hunting ground could be dangerous for a baby, and it would prevent you from shifting and fleeing the area if you needed.”

  Aiyre had some good points.

  Ezi sighed, “You’re right.”

  “I’m glad you want to bring her, and I want to say yes, but it’s better for her to stay here.”

  Ezi glanced at Flosa.

  “But… I can see if there is a way to bring her. We will have a camp a little way from the hunting ground, a place that would be safer.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I make no promises.”

  “I understand.” Ezi smiled. “I won’t miss this hunt. She either can come or will stay here with Inde. Should I bring anything with me?”

  Aiyre’s lips pursed as she thought about Ezi’s question. “A small pack would be good, but make sure it is light. We have a distance to walk, and we don’t need anyone getting tired. The men will bring dried meat for us, and there will be plenty of berry bushes at this time of year.”

  Ezi’s stomach flipped in excitement. She’d never been to a mammoth hunt, and she was nervous. Sometimes the mammoths could stampede and trample hunters. She’d heard terrifying stories at the clan gatherings. They were a time when all the nearby clans would get together for trade or finding mates. A shiver ran down her spine, causing the fine hairs on her neck stand up. Those stories always horrified her because it sounded like a terrible way to die.

  A hand landed on her thigh, and she looked up to see Aiyre smiling at her encouragingly. “All will go fine.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I saw the line creasing your forehead.” Aiyre pointed to Ezi’s face.

  Ezi smacked her hand away and rolled her eyes. “I’ve heard the stories about these hunts. How can you be sure nothing will go wrong?”

  “Only experienced hunters will be coming since we need to bring down at least one mammoth. Younger hunters will have their chance later.”

  “Still, I’ve heard stories about these beasts, and they might be even more protective since they’ll have offspring at this time.”

  Aiyre grabbed a long stick sitting near her and stirred the fire. “We will be safe.”

  “You will be one of the hunters?”

  Aiyre smiled over at her, her eyes filled to the brim with her excitement. “Yes.”

  A little envy entered Ezi’s heart. She loved Aiyre, but sometimes the other woman made her feel weak and useless. Aiyre could do anything. She could hunt, build spears and arrows, lead a clan of sabertooths and so many other things, while Ezi was still struggling to get past the death of their clan.

  “The light in your eyes has dimmed.” Aiyre placed a hand on Ezi’s thigh and gave her a light squeeze through her tanned animal skin pants.

  Ezi quickly turned the corners of her mouth up in a fake smile. “I’m fine, just thinking about the upcoming hunt.”

  “As much as I want to stay here with you, Daerk wants all the hunters to meet up and discuss our plan on hunting the mammoths.” Aiyre rose to her feet and brushed off some dirt that had stuck to her pants as she’d sat on the ground.

  “I’ll see you later then.” Ezi smiled up at her.

  Aiyre gave a small wave and disappeared through the hut flap.

  The fire crackled in front of her, and Flosa mewed softly in her sleep, but other than that it was quiet in the hut. It was strange, but now that Aiyre was gone, Ezi was feeling a bit lonely. After living in the communal hut for unmated women since they’d arrived, it was weird for her to finally have some quiet and space.

  She sat there for a few more moments, hoping this sense of loneliness would leave her alone, but it didn’t. Even her pronghorn side shifted inside uncomfortably. She was born to be a herd animal, and sitting alone caused some anxiety to prickle at her skin.

  “Sorry,” Ezi apologized to Flosa as she stood and scooped up Flosa who’s face scrunched up in protest, but the baby never once woke up.

  Then she darted out of Tor’s hut and into the sunshine. It felt good to enjoy the warm rays after such a long winter. The air was still fairly brisk, but it didn’t require layers upon layers of furs to stay marginally warm.

  With Flosa pressed up to her bosom, Ezi strode through the village, enjoying the life around her. Children ran around wildly as they chased each other in a game that one of them had conjured. She passed a group of women weaving some baskets from long green grass. All this life caused her
to miss her pronghorn clan, and a bit of sadness crept into her heart.

  As Ezi rounded a hut, her eyes landed on Tor.

  She paused, frozen in place.

  He was facing away from her, and she decided to take a moment to watch him. He was handsome. His face was well cut like it had been chiseled from rock, and his long black hair was loose around his shoulders except for a couple of braids that she could see framing his face. Now that he’d cut his hair and tended to the strands, it looked much better. Then her eyes shifted to his shoulders. Those shoulders of his were wide, and for a second, she could imagine what it would be like to be wrapped in them.

  Again, the kiss floated through her mind, and her lips tingled in happiness. They wanted nothing more than to experience it once more.

  One taste and she couldn’t wait for more.

  Tor was trouble. Not only because he was a sabertooth shifter, but because there was a small part of her that wanted to explore this matehood he’d suggested. Maybe it was good she was going on this mammoth hunt. It would give her some much-needed space from him because she couldn’t see him going with his limp.

  Relief washed through Ezi at that thought. The limp would prevent him from going… or Eron would prevent him. That old shaman was strict when it came to healing. He would never let Tor reopen or cause worse damage to that leg.

  Tor was speaking with another man, and she found herself interested. Sneaking off to one side where she’d be able to overhear the conversation better, she listened in.

  “This looks good.” Tor tested a spear in one hand. He motioned with it, sticking the tip forward as if he were throwing it at prey. Then he pulled it close to his face before examining the sharp stone point.

  The young man in front of him perked up, his eyes shining with light. “This will be my first mammoth hunt.”

  “You’re a skilled hunter and proven yourself against larger beasts. There’s a reason Daerk chose you to come.” Tor continued to praise the man.

  Ezi raised an eyebrow. Hadn’t Aiyre told her there would only be experienced hunters? She shrugged. Aiyre hadn’t said they would be experienced hunting mammoths, but Ezi had assumed.

  The young man took back his spear. “Thank you. I won’t let you down.” Adoration shown bright in the man’s eyes as he eagerly looked to Tor. Tor was someone the members of this clan looked up to, and it for some reason, it warmed her heart a bit to see this.

  “I know you won’t.” Tor slapped a hand against the man’s back, earning himself another smile of adoration from the young man.

  Ezi cocked her head to the side as they continued to talk. Tor was so good with the man. Everything he said was kind, and if he had a piece of advice, he made sure it wasn’t a harsh criticism but a suggestion.

  Then she saw Tor’s nose lift into the air as he gave a couple of noticeable sniffs. The sides of his nostrils flared out, and then his head turned and their eyes collided, pinning her to the spot. A smile crooked one side of his mouth up as his dark eyes scanned over her.

  Ezi swallowed hard. She wanted to move her feet, but she couldn’t seem to get them to work.

  “I’ll speak more with you later.” Tor dismissed the younger man. His eyes never left her, like she wasn’t the only one who couldn’t break this connection.

  The man looked between them, and with a smile he turned to leave.

  “Ezi.” Tor purred as he prowled closer, his limp adding a dark but irresistible allure. His dark eyes never left her as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  A shiver spread through her, and she hugged Flosa slightly closer to her chest like the baby would somehow keep her from trembling in delight and collapsing into a puddle.

  With a few long strides, he was standing right in front of her. His gaze bored right into her eyes, and when his head descended, she prepared herself for another one of his stunning kisses. Her heart hitched in her chest, and she held her breath… but it never came.

  “I’ve never seen Flosa yet, but Aiyre has told me about her.” His eyes were now focused on the bundle in her arms, his head bent low as he smiled at the child.

  A small flutter of regret flickered through her. She’d been hoping for one of those searing kisses. Last night was still fresh in her mind, which had to be the reason she was still thinking about it.

  A smile tugged on his lips as he glanced up at her as if he knew the direction of her thoughts.

  Glancing away, Ezi felt a hot blush creep up her neck and cheeks. This man could read her too well, and she feared he might just win her over if she was still thinking about such a simple kiss.

  Flosa giggled up at Tor as he bopped her on the nose with a finger.

  “May I hold her?” Tor straightened and reached out his hands.

  Ezi wanted to scream no and run away, but when she turned her head up and looked into his blue eyes, she saw a flash of something… longing perhaps? She turned her gaze back to Flosa, who appeared to be in love with Tor. Her little eyes danced with glee every time he wiggled a finger at her.

  She was here to live in the village for the foreseeable future. She couldn’t avoid him forever, and at some point, she had to hope being his friend would be fine. She couldn’t promise anything other than being his clanmate.

  “Here,” Ezi offered Flosa. Aiyre’s words rang in her head. She had to befriend the people of this clan.

  Tor took the baby into his arms, cradling her in the crook of his arm. Tender. Such a strong man, yet he was treating Flosa like a delicate flower.

  “She’s beautiful, like her mother.” He glanced up and sent her a charming smile.

  Ezi’s heart melted in her chest. Not at his words, but the image he presented in front of her. Something inside her couldn’t resist him when he had Flosa in his arms. She had no idea why, but it was there pulling her towards him. The baby was so small, and he was so large, and her feminine side went crazy.

  “That’s enough.” Ezi snapped as she rushed forward, snatched Flosa out of his arms and darted away. She didn’t stop walking until he was left in the dust.

  Pausing beside a tent, she relaxed against one of the bone supports, doing her best to rebuild the ice around her heart. The sabertooth was wearing down her defenses, and she couldn’t let him do that. For a brief second, Tor’s image had been replaced by Drakk, and she’d lost her nerve. Tor shouldn’t be the man holding Flosa. It should be Drakk.

  “You shouldn’t like that man.” Ezi frowned down at Flosa as she scolded the baby. “You’re a pronghorn shifter, and he is a sabertooth. We are prey, and he is a predator. Such things go against nature.”

  “Against nature?”

  Ezi’s head shot around to find Aiyre standing beside her.

  “Daerk and I have found a way to make it work, and though the gods haven’t blessed us with a child, I wouldn’t say it’s against nature.”

  “I… I…” Ezi had no idea what to say. She’d just be annoyed with her reactions to Tor. Her body responded to his very presence, and it irked her.

  Aiyre’s face scrunched up as she frowned and shook her head. “I thought you were trying to be a part of the clan.”

  “I am.”

  “You can’t be a part of the clan if you can’t learn to trust people.” Aiyre’s eyes turned thoughtful. “Perhaps you should continue to think about whether staying here will be what you want. I fear Tor, and you will drive each other insane.”


  Aiyre shrugged. “There has to be a pronghorn clan somewhere. I like thinking that Girk found another clan to join after he left us, and if I could find him, you could join a clan where you knew another.”

  Ezi’s heart throbbed in her chest as she thought about the possibility of leaving Aiyre behind. “I don’t wish to leave.”

  Aiyre’s brown eyes softened. “Tor won’t leave you alone, even if he wanted to leave you alone. His sabertooth needs to win you over.”

  Ezi chuffed. “You think he wouldn’t follow me if I left?” Because she had
her doubts, she could ever escape Tor. Now that he was back, she was sure he would always be nearby. If she left for another clan, he would leave with her.

  Aiyre shrugged, causing her fur shirt to bunch up around the shoulders. “We could try to sneak you away.”

  With a sigh, Ezi shook her head. “Don’t give up on me, Aiyre. I just need more time. His sudden appearance surprised me, and I need to grow used to seeing him around.”

  “I want to make sure you don’t stay here for me.” Aiyre pointed her hand to her chest. “I want you to be happy, and if Tor sniffing around your hut makes you nervous, you won’t have time to enjoy the village.”

  Ezi sent Aiyre a thankful smile. “Thank you. I will be sure to let you know if I need to find a new clan.” And Aiyre needed to stop worrying about her. She was a grown woman with a child. She could handle Tor’s presence, no matter how much he annoyed her.

  Aiyre grabbed one of Ezi’s hands and lightly squeezed it. “Don’t let anyone over here you. They might think you don’t like being around this village.” She sent Ezi a smile before going on her way.

  Ezi heaved a sigh. Leaving the clan wouldn’t get rid of all her problems. There were still the nightmares that plagued her. It was like the attack on her clan just happened yesterday. All the details were still so vivid and fresh in her mind, and she was beginning to wonder if those images would ever leave her alone.

  Ezi stretched out by the large village fire. Inde had done such a great job with looking after Flosa the first time that Ezi had given her baby over to the sabertooth once more. Now, she could eat with the clan before sneaking away and shifting into her pronghorn form in the forest.

  The itch to shift was driving her insane. Her pronghorn was a restless creature. After so many months of carrying the child inside her body and not being able to shift meant her pronghorn wanted to be out more than normal.

  Several clan members were gathered around the fire as fresh meat was cooked next to the fire on spits. A couple of men took turns spinning the spits because standing right next to the enormous fire could get a bit too warm.


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