The Sabertooth's Mate (Ice Age Alphas Book 2)

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The Sabertooth's Mate (Ice Age Alphas Book 2) Page 20

by Lily Thomas

  She nodded her head, and then he noticed the bruise developing around one of her eyes.

  “Did they?” He pointed to her face.

  Ake nodded her head again. “Brog stormed into the camp.” She glanced over his shoulder, and he knew she was staring at Ezi who was now directly behind him. “It was like he knew about Flosa, and he wanted her. I refused to give her to him, so one of his men attacked me and ripped her out of my arms.” Ake choked on a sob. “I’m sorry.”

  “It isn’t your fault,” Ezi said with compassion coating every word.

  He sniffed the air and although there was fear coating Ezi, he could tell she truly didn’t blame Ake. She shouldn’t, but with all her trust issues with sabertooths, he wouldn’t have been surprised.

  “Can you tell us anything more?” Daerk asked as he came up beside them, his bare chest pumping in and out as he did his best to maintain his calm.

  “Brog told me to tell you that he will ruin you all for what you did.” Ake winced as she raised a hand to her eye and felt around the bruised area. “I think he wants you to come after him. It’s a trap.” She glanced between them all.

  “She’s right, Daerk. This has to be a trap.” Tor glanced up at Daerk from where he crouched on the ground in the buff.

  “We have to go.” Daerk looked down at him. “We have no choice. We can’t let a member of our clan go without a fight.” He glanced over at Ezi. “And Flosa is a part of this clan, like you Ezi.”

  Tor stood and glanced over at his mate. Her eyes were wide, and then a shy smile spread over her face as a light blush crept up her cheeks.

  “Thank you.” She murmured as she realized everyone here considered her and her child a member of the clan, even if she had a hard time trusting them.

  “Where did they go after taking Flosa?” Daerk asked Ake, not wanting to waste any more time.

  Ake raised a shaking hand and pointed off in a direction. They all turned to follow her finger.

  “Will you be fine if we leave?”

  Ake nodded her head. “I didn’t get the worst of it so that I can help the others with their wounds. Go and save Flosa, and finish off Brog.” She growled their past clan leaders name in disgust.

  The rest of the hunters waited around the camp or assisted their clanmates.

  “Two hunters stay here and help the injured back to the village. The rest will come with us.” Daerk directed the men before shifting back into his sabertooth form and racing off.

  Tor shifted and took off, and within a second Ezi was beside him in her pronghorn form. She was sleek and beautiful. Every step was graceful and perfect, and even in this time of urgency, he wished he could chase her down and plant his mark on her.

  Another scent had his head swiveling around. Rir was running beside him in his sabertooth form, and a smile spread across his sabertooth face. Rir turned, and he returned the smile. Earlier Rir had said how tense he was, and a fight was one of the best ways to get it out. Then hopefully Rir wouldn’t punch him into the ground again the next time he joked with his friend.

  Lifting his nose into the air, Tor sniffed as he raced after Daerk. The scent was faint, and he could tell they were about a day behind Brog. If Flosa were injured or hungry, Tor would rip out Brog’s throat and enjoy the feel of blood on his tongue. His sabertooth purred in agreement. Both of them loved Ezi and Flosa, and neither of them were pleased with the situation.

  They should have killed Brog instead of banning him from the clan. It was a mistake they were all regretting now. He understood why Daerk hadn’t killed Brog, but there were some people in this land who weren’t worthy of breathing.

  Tor had never met a demon before, but he’d heard about them at clan gatherings, and he wondered if Brog was one of them. He couldn’t be a sabertooth. He was selfish and cruel. There was no doubt in Tor’s mind that when they killed him, Brog wouldn’t be joining anyone in the Eternal Hunting Grounds.

  When the men called a stop, Ezi wanted to shout at them all in frustration, but she held herself back. She didn’t need to anger them when they were helping her save her daughter.

  “We should continue.” She grabbed a hold of Tor’s arm and used her eyes to beg him to help her.

  He placed a comforting hand on one of hers and squeezed her fingers. “Night is falling, and the scent is growing stronger. We want to fight Brog in the daylight, so we know we aren’t running into a trap.”

  Tor’s words made sense, but her motherly side wanted her to tear the entire forest up as she searched for her child.

  “I can’t lose Flosa.” She’d never been close to her daughter, and now she regretted it. If Flosa died, Ezi would blame herself. She’d wasted so much time with Flosa, and she wanted a chance to make it up to her child.

  “We won’t lose her, Ezi. I won’t let it happen.”

  She could see the conviction in his eyes. He meant every single word. It floored her.

  “Why do you care so much about Flosa?”

  Tor leaned his head closer. “She’s a part of you, and you love her. If anything happens to her, it will hurt you, and I will never let anything hurt you now that you’re in my life.” His blue eyes never glanced away as he said every word with such an intensity it made her blush.

  It was then that she realized Aiyre was right. Tor wasn’t going to hurt her… she was going to hurt him, and that thought had her heart-shattering in her chest. She didn’t want to hurt Tor.

  Ezi pulled away from his arms and put some much needed distance between them. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  A smile cracked across his lips. “There’s no need to thank me, Ezi.” One of his hands reached out to bring her back into his embrace, but she moved her feet quickly and danced away from him.

  Without looking back, Ezi found a spot by the small fire Daerk was busy building.

  “How will we get Flosa back from Brog?”

  Daerk’s hands paused as he was about to strike a couple of stones together. “It depends on what Brog wants.”

  Tor walked up and took a seat not too far from her. His eyes never left her as his long legs folded underneath him. He was no doubt wondering why she was pulling away from him, but she had to end this before it went too far.

  Then why was her heart protesting so much? She rubbed the area above one breast as she looked back at Daerk. “How can we be sure he won’t harm her?”

  “He either wants Tor or me.” Daerk glanced over at Tor, and a look passed between them.

  Rir stepped out of the dark. “He could want me.”

  “Or all three of us.” Tor offered and then glanced at Daerk’s hands. “Need help starting the fire?”

  Daerk frowned in the dark. “I’m good.” He struck the stones together, a spark flew through the air, and it caught the tinder. The small orange flame flickered as it licked the thin branches with delight. Slowly, Daerk added more to the fire until he had a small fire going.

  Ezi glanced off into the darkness that surrounded them on all sides. She felt closed in and knowing Flosa was out there somewhere drove her insane. Ezi could only hope her child wasn’t scared or hungry or both.

  A hand landed on her back, and she knew it was Tor without having to look. His hand moved in slow circles that she knew were meant to be comforting but ended up having a sexual note to each small caress.

  The area between her thighs heated and her inner pronghorn nickered with delight. She shoved the daft animal away. They needed to put space between them and Tor. She couldn’t let him get close if she didn’t know her own feelings.

  Ezi did her best to scoot away from him, breaking the contact. When she glanced at him from the side of her eyes, she caught a wounded look flash through his eyes. Maybe it was too late for her to pull away before hurting him.

  Her pronghorn urged her to cuddle up to him, but again she pushed the animal back into its place. They had more important things to worry about, like Flosa.

  All the men settled around the small fire,
and she felt comforted by their presence. She might be a pronghorn shifter among so many male sabertooths, but they were here for her. It warmed her heart. How had it taken her this long to realize how close this clan was?

  Because she was a horrible clan mate and hadn’t tried to get to know any of them. Shame crawled through her.

  “Would you like some?”

  Startled by Rir’s voice, Ezi glanced down at his outstretched hand to see a bag of dried meat. She wanted to tease them about not bringing any fresh meat from their mammoth hunt, but it felt strange making a joke when her daughter’s life was hanging in the balance instead, she said, “Thank you, I would enjoy a couple of pieces.”

  After selecting a few, she passed it to Tor, who was still sitting on her other side. As he took the leather bag from her, his fingers skimmed over the back of her hand, and a sizzle of awareness flowed through her. Her eyes shot up and collided with his fiery blue eyes.

  Yanking back her hand, Ezi cleared her throat and turned away from him. He was so intense, and she was addicted to him.

  She shoved a piece of dried meat into her mouth and chewed vigorously on it. Saliva filled her mouth as her mind finally thought about something else other than Tor.

  When she finished her meal, she excused herself and picked a spot to settle down for the night. She wasn’t sure how much sleep she would be able to get when her child’s life was in danger, but she had to try.

  Tor watched Ezi stand in one graceful fluid motion and then stride away into the darkness. Listening, he made sure she didn’t walk too far away, but within a couple of seconds, he heard her settling down in the grass.


  Brog had already taken Flosa. Tor didn’t need their banished leader coming back and taking Ezi. He was still angered that he’d let Brog take Flosa in the first place. He should have stayed back at the camp and guarded Flosa. It wasn’t like they hadn’t known this moment would come.

  “We should have killed Brog,” Tor grumbled.

  Daerk buried his face in his hands. “I know.” His words were muffled, but Tor was able to make them out.

  “It wasn’t like we had much time to think about our decision.” Rir jumped into the conversation. “That night was a blur of decisions.”

  “He tried to kill Aiyre and Ezi. It was foolish of us to think he would leave and never come back.”

  “I won’t deny that.” Rir agreed.

  “If he kills Flosa, I fear that I will lose Ezi.” Tor glanced over his shoulder to where Ezi had disappeared into the dark. “I can already feel her pulling away from me.”

  When he looked back at the other men, they were just shaking their heads, uncertain what they could say to reassure him. Probably because they knew no words would ease his panic that his mate was once more pulling away from him.

  “I wish we could promise to get Flosa back safely, but Brog is unpredictable.” Rir frowned.

  “Don’t let Ezi hear you say that,” Tor growled as he pointed a finger at his friend. He didn’t need anyone causing Ezi to worry more than she had to right now.

  Rir raised his hands. “I would never.”

  “We will get her back.”

  The conviction in Daerk’s voice had hope blooming in Tor’s chest. Maybe he could get Ezi back once they rescued Flosa. Hopefulness flowed through him… but he wasn’t just doing this for Ezi. Flosa was a part of their clan now, and no one here would turn away in her time of need.

  “How did you win Aiyre over?” Tor was desperate for some advice.

  Daerk shrugged in the flickering firelight as he leaned back on his hands. “I’m not sure our situation is the same. Aiyre is a hunter, and although that night haunts her, she was able to move forward.”

  And Ezi was still plagued by nightmares as Tor knew all too well. She would wake up in a cold sweat gasping for air or lightly screaming. He wished he could have been there for her that night of the attack. He could only imagine what she’d seen. If he’d watched his clan being torn apart by sabertooth shifters and was unable to assist, he knew it would drive him insane.

  “At least you have your mate,” Rir said before taking a bite of some of the dried meat.

  Tor glanced over at his friend. The words hadn’t been harsh or hateful, just matter of fact. “You will find her. I doubt the gods would let you down.”

  “I don’t think so. Maybe the gods want me to be the next shaman.” Rir grumped. Tor chuckled, and Rir glared at him. “What’s so funny?”

  “Eron already has an apprentice that the gods chose for him. And it isn’t you.”

  Daerk chuckled beside him. “Be patient, Rir. She’s out there.”

  Rir shook his head. “Maybe I should go to the next clan gathering. No one in our clan is my mate, but I might meet her at the gathering.”

  Tor nodded his head. “It’s a good thought.”

  “What will you do if she doesn’t want to leave her clan for ours?” Daerk asked, still leaning back on his hands with his legs outstretched towards the leaping flames of the fire.

  Rir’s face turned thoughtful while he pondered that question. “I suppose I could join hers.”

  “We will miss you,” Tor said solemnly.

  Rir’s lips turned down in a frown. “This is no time for joking, Tor.”

  Tor raised his hands in the air. “You haven’t even met your mate yet. I’m not about to worry about you leaving the clan for a woman you haven’t found. Find her and then I will worry about losing a friend and a brother.”

  “He’s right. Don’t worry about anything until you find her, and you will find her Rir.” Daerk said with a pointed gaze.

  “I know. It’s hard to see you two with your mates, though.”

  “Don’t be too envious of me. I might have my mate, but she hasn’t joined with me.” Tor looked at each of them. “And with mention of my mate, I’m going to search for her.” And make sure she was holding up alright.

  Daerk and Rir winked at him in unison, and he rolled his eyes. He wouldn’t be asking his mate for anything tonight. Her mind would be on other things, like her daughter being in Brog’s clutches.

  “Ezi?” Tor whispered as he approached her resting spot. He could barely make out her form in the dark. She was curled up with her legs up against her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

  At first, she didn’t answer, and he was contemplating going back to Daerk and Rir when she said, “Yes?”

  “May I join you?”

  Again, she took her time with her answer before saying, “You may.”

  Tor stepped forward cautiously until he stood beside her, and then he crouched before laying down beside her and drawing her tense form into his arms. “We will find her.”

  “Alive or dead?”

  Her words caused him to pause. “If we find her alive, I will rip Brog’s throat out with my teeth.” He felt her shiver in his arms at the venom in his tone. “And if we find her dead? I will make sure his death lasts for an eternity.”

  “Strangely, your words are a comfort, although I do want to find her alive.”

  “As do I.”

  Ezi shifted in his arms and then turned until their chests were pressed together firmly. “I still don’t understand why you care so much. I know you say that I’m your mate and you want me happy, but is there no part of you that wants Flosa dead so we can have your young and only your young?”

  Tor shook his head as he stroked a hand through her soft hair. “Flosa won’t prevent us from having our own young. And there is no part of me that would wish her dead. She is a child who was created before I met you. I know our world is cruel, and there are many men who would prefer their own young, but I am not one of them.”

  She bit her bottom lip in the dark, and he knew she was processing the words he’d spoken. “Hold me?”

  “As long as you need.” Tor used a hand at the back of her neck to push her head into his chest. Then he placed his chin on the top of her soft head of hair and closed his eyes. Tomorrow
was going to bring blood and heartache, but this moment of peace couldn’t be passed up.

  Chapter 22

  “We’re getting closer.” Tor shifted out of his sabertooth form and walked up beside Ezi’s pronghorn self. He felt the urge to reach out and stroke her fur, but without an invite, he was uncertain how she might react to such contact.

  Within the blink of an eye, Ezi shifted and where her pronghorn once stood was her human self. She was stunning. The bright sunlight streaked through the leaves above them to highlight her in glowing yellow light. She was brilliant, and although she didn’t have a hunter’s body, she was toned with a little extra flesh around her hips and thighs.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him, and the breath left his lungs. She probably didn’t know it, but she had the ability to knock him to the ground with just a single glance.

  Raising her nose in the air, she sniffed. “I smell sabertooths, but,” she waved towards him, “you’re a sabertooth, so it means nothing to me.”

  “Our sense of smell is better, and we can smell Flosa and Brog.” Tor sniffed the air. “He has several other sabertooth shifters with him, which means he must have found even more sabertooths to join him since leaving the clan.”

  “He has more men than us.” Daerk approached as he sniffed the air, and his eyes turned thoughtful.

  “Are you… are you going to let him have Flosa?” Ezi’s voice trembled as her eyes darted between the both of them.

  “Never!” Daerk looked like she’d reached out and slapped him. “We wouldn’t leave anyone in Brog’s clutches. We just need to think about how we should approach.”

  Tor nodded, and the rest of the men crowded around while they waited for their leader to guide them.

  “If I’m picking up the scents correctly, they have about five more men,” Rir commented.

  “Sounds correct.” Tor agreed.

  “We should have a few men split off and come around.” Rir continued as he looked to all the other men for ideas and support.


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