Love Thy Enemy

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Love Thy Enemy Page 11

by Katie Reus

  “Abram is very protective. He thinks…you might be out to hurt me.”

  She blinked, those gorgeous dark eyes genuinely confused. “Me, hurt you?” Then she laughed, the sweet sound rolling over him like a warm wave.

  He realized she thought he meant physically, but he didn’t correct her. Viktor half-smiled and lifted a shoulder. “He can be paranoid.”

  “He’s your brother. It’s good he worries about you. My cousin, Quinn, is like an older brother to me. Now more than when I was younger.”

  “Why now?” He’d seen the name Quinn in the file his brother had compiled on her, knew the guy had been a cop and now worked for Red Stone.

  “Ah…this might be veering into more heavy stuff than first date conversation.”

  “This is our second date.” There would be a lot more, as far as he was concerned. He reached for her hand again, was glad when she instantly linked her fingers through his. Even her hands were beautiful. She had long, elegant fingers he could easily imagine wrapped around his cock, stroking him until he came.

  She laughed lightly and squeezed his hand. “Yeah, you’re right. But this is probably oversharing.”

  “I think we’re past that point.” His voice was dry.

  “True… Okay, fine. After what happened with my mom, Quinn is the first person I called. He, uh, he’d just started working for Red Stone but he’d been a cop before so he swooped in and just took over everything.” The adoration on her face was clear. “Even though I was eighteen he refused to let me live on my own. My mom had…cut out that side of the family, her side, because, well, whatever.”

  “You don’t have to tell me any more.” The distress that had started to trickle into her expression sliced at him. He didn’t want her uncomfortable or in pain. Ever. Which was a stupid thing, considering he couldn’t protect her all the time. But he didn’t want to be the cause of her distress.

  “It’s okay, really. I kinda want you to know this about me.” She faltered for a moment, but continued. “I moved in with his parents for the first few years I was in college. I, uh, didn’t realize it then but I was dealing with depression over everything and they really kept me afloat. They—Quinn and the rest of my family too—were like anchors. I was too caught up in my own bullshit then to be grateful but I know now how lucky I am that they were there for me.”

  “You are lucky.” With the exception of his mother, he’d never had anyone he loved or trusted until Abram. He was glad she’d had family to support her. Her life could have turned out very differently otherwise. He’d seen it happen too.

  “This brings me to something I’ve wanted to tell you.” Her cheeks flushed pink, but she trailed off as their server quietly brought their desserts.

  Dominique’s eyes widened slightly in pure pleasure as the man placed the plate in front of her. Viktor didn’t look at his own. He didn’t care about the damn food. Hers was a chocolate cup filled with some sort of cream and fresh fruit. There were also fresh strawberries fanned out around it. The entire display was drizzled with chocolate.

  “I’ve always wondered how they make these,” she murmured. “The cups are so delicate.”

  “Balloons,” the man said before darting his gaze to Viktor, just a touch of fear in his gaze.

  As if Viktor would be angry he’d talked. Jesus, he wasn’t that fucking scary. He tried smiling at the man but was pretty sure he failed when the guy flinched. “Balloons?”

  The man nodded and looked back at Dominique, his expression quickly morphing to one of appreciation as he talked to her. “The chef dips small balloons into the melted chocolate halfway and they dry in this shape. Once they’re done he carefully lets the air out and removes the balloon.”

  “That’s so interesting. I’m going to have to try it,” she said.

  The man beamed at her before disappearing back to the kitchen.

  “You cook?” Viktor asked once they were alone again. He didn’t reach for his fork, just watched the expression of pure joy flicker across her features as she took that first bite.

  She let out a little moan of appreciation as she nodded. “You want a bite?”

  He shook his head, his dick going ridiculously hard. If she took this much pleasure in dessert… He could just imagine what she’d look like when he brought her to orgasm. He’d thought about how he’d do it too, way too many times. He’d never brought a woman to his house but he was obsessed with the idea of her stretched out on his bed, all his for the taking. He wanted to take his time with her, to have her begging for him to fill her.

  “You’re missing out. And yes, I do like to cook—baking, mostly—though I don’t get to as much as I’d like because of work.”

  His gaze strayed to her mouth as her tongue darted out to swipe cream off her bottom lip. He had to actually bite back a groan at the sight. He’d been with women who knew how to seduce, how to do everything right—because it was all choreographed and fake. With Dominique, he knew there was no artifice.

  Even if she was driving him crazy.

  He had the irrational urge to shove everything off the table and take her right here. Which was beyond insane. But she made him want to lose control, something he didn’t like. He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced around the restaurant.

  The extra security was in place and very discreet. After that mugging he didn’t care if he was being paranoid. He wanted to make sure Dominique was safe. He just hated that he had no control over what happened to her when she was at home. He couldn’t very well insist she keep a security guard with her. Even he knew that was insane and would push her away from him.

  So he planned to be with her as much as he could. At least then he could protect her. Past that, however, he was in completely new territory. Sex before had always been detached, unemotional. Now…he wanted something different with Dominique. He wanted to make sure she was completely satisfied. Unfortunately he wasn’t sure how fast he should move. The more primal part of him said he was moving way too fucking slow. That they should be in bed right now. She should be flat on her back while his face was buried between her legs.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “You said you wanted to tell me something before?”

  She set her fork down even though half of the dessert was still unfinished. “It’s not a big deal.” But something about her body language said otherwise.

  He instantly went on alert, that familiar cynicism building inside him. He hated that he kept expecting something to go wrong, that he was expecting her to stab him in the back.

  “It sort of ties in with what I was telling you about my family stuff… I just don’t have a lot of experience with dating.” Her cheeks flushed that sexy shade again as she watched him.

  He felt like she was leaving something out, that he was missing something as she stared at him with those big eyes. “I don’t either.”

  She huffed out a little laugh. “Somehow I think you have more experience than me.” This time her cheeks went crimson and he wanted to know exactly what she was thinking.

  “I’ve never had a relationship.” The words were out before he could stop himself. If she was running some scam on him and did want to hurt him, she’d have already done her homework on him. She’d already know what he was telling her. Still, saying the words out loud made him feel too exposed. He knew he was probably going to regret telling her this, but fuck it. She’d been open with him—even if it was part of some con game she was running. “The first woman I ever thought I loved turned out to be a paid escort. Paid by my father to keep tabs on me.”

  Dominique let out a horrified gasp, her eyes widening. “What?”

  His lips pulled into a thin line as he shoved the anger and shame back down. He’d moved past that part of his life. “He was a bastard through and through. Thought I wanted to take over his organization.”

  Viktor snorted at the thought. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Back then he’d been working on a way to escape, to get out and start his own
legal businesses. He’d wanted nothing to do with his father.

  “In my twenties I used to fight in his illegal rings.” Partially for the money he’d made betting on himself, and partially so others in his father’s organization would never forget that he could easily kill them. He’d always known he’d one day break off on his own and all those men would remember how he’d beaten men bloody. The visceral reminder was better than anything he could ever say. He cleared his throat. “She was at one of them—by chance, I thought.”

  She’d been so damn sweet—though it had all turned out to be a lie. Everything about her had been a lie.

  The humiliation he’d felt when he’d discovered the truth was something he’d never forget. “Since then I’ve only used escorts. You’re the first woman I’ve ever wanted to take out like this, on a real date.” More than date. But he left that part out. It didn’t matter now anyway. Now that she knew the truth about him she’d get up and walk out of here and never look back. Which was what he knew he deserved. He might be a bastard but he wanted her to know everything about him so she could just leave. He didn’t deserve a woman like her. Better to cut this off now before he fell even deeper.

  “Oh, Viktor.” She reached across the table and slid her fingers through his, holding his hand tight.

  Her reaction made him still, even as a tiny spark of…hope flared inside him. She didn’t seem disgusted by him and he’d given her an easy out. An easy way to tell him to fuck off and never call her again. “You understand what I’m saying, that I’ve only ever fucked escorts.” His words came out harsh.

  She flinched when he said ‘fucked’ but she nodded. “Yeah, I totally got that. I’m so sorry that your father…that you got hurt like that.”

  He pulled his hand back. “I wasn’t hurt,” he snapped. He’d been stupid and naïve, and it had taught him a valuable lesson. But something told him that if Dominique ever hurt him that same way, he might never recover. She fucking terrified him in so many ways.

  The look in her eyes was something a lot like sympathy as she picked up her wine glass. “I’m still sorry.”

  He started to respond just as a burst of staccato gunfire erupted from just outside the restaurant—in the lobby of the hotel.

  Chapter 12

  Dominique jumped as pops sounded nearby. It took a moment for it to register that it was freaking gunfire! Before she could even think about moving, Viktor had a weapon out and grabbed her around the waist, dragging her to the kitchen.

  Panic slammed through her as she ran next to him, her heels making it difficult, but Viktor didn’t slow. He had a hold on her and wasn’t letting go. She was vaguely aware of other men moving out of the woodwork like shadows, guns in their hands as Viktor barked out orders.

  It was complete chaos and she wanted to cover her ears, to block out the shooting. This was nothing like the movies. Her ears rang and her heart pounded wildly in her chest as they breached the swinging kitchen door.

  The chef she’d met earlier was standing next to an industrial stove, terror on his face as he remained frozen in place.

  Viktor shouted at another man who Dominique had met earlier. Lyosha. If she’d thought Viktor looked scary, this guy was even more so. Tattoos crept up under the top of his shirt, covering part of his neck. He might look like a brainless thug but his sharp green eyes seemed to take in everything. And he didn’t appear to like what he saw when he looked at her.

  Viktor said something to him in Russian and pushed her to him. She wanted to argue but was almost numb. The man’s jaw tightened and it was clear he wanted to argue as well, but he nodded once.

  “Stay with him no matter what. He’ll keep you safe,” Viktor snapped at her before disappearing back out the swinging kitchen door.

  She took a step after him, not really to go with him, but to keep him with her. Right now it felt as if her insides would break apart from the adrenaline pumping through her. Her fight or flight response was going haywire and she was having a hard time keeping it together.

  A strong hand grasped her upper arm. “Come with me.” Lyosha pulled her with him.

  “Where’s Viktor going? What’s happening?” She was terrified for him, that he’d run back into where men were shooting.

  He didn’t respond, just looked over at the chef and shouted for him and the server to follow. The two men hurried after them as Lyosha tugged her through another door, none too gently—but not before checking outside it. She heard the distant pop of another gunshot, then nothing. Fear for Viktor swelled inside her. What if he’d been hurt?

  Her heart continued that erratic beat as they stepped out into a small hallway she realized must be used for employees. “Where’s Viktor gone?” She wondered if it was a stupid question but she couldn’t believe he’d just raced back out toward the gunfire even if he did have a gun. “Has anyone called the police?”

  But the man just hurried down the hallway, his gun at the ready as he stopped four doors down. “We’ll be safe in here. There’s an extra exit if necessary.” He stood back and motioned the three of them into what turned out to be a storage room.

  Bins marked with different holiday decorations were stacked on tall metal racks that went all the way up to the ceiling. There was another door on the other side of the small space just as Lyosha had said.

  “What’s going on?” she asked quietly as he shut the door. Her entire body was trembling so she wrapped her arms around herself. “You can talk now that we’re safe,” she snapped when he still didn’t respond.

  He pinned her with a hard look. “I don’t know what’s going on. Someone is stupid enough to attack Viktor and I should be out there with him. Not watching you three,” he muttered, his jaw tightening again.

  “Then go if he needs your help!” She hated that Viktor had raced right back into whatever dangerous situation without knowing what he was getting into. The thought of him injured or worse sent another jolt of fear through her. Especially after everything he’d just told her. She couldn’t believe his own father had done that to him—well she could, knowing who his father had been, but she still hated it. Viktor had looked as if he hated himself as he admitted to her he’d only been with escorts.

  Lyosha simply frowned at her but didn’t respond, just pulled his phone out of his pants pocket when it buzzed. After a short conversation in Russian he shoved it back into his pocket then opened the door a fraction.

  Hope bloomed inside Dominique that Viktor was there, but another man…Kir was there. The blond-haired, blue-eyed man seemed to have an easy smile for everyone. Now his expression was tight but after murmuring quietly to Lyosha, the other man stepped back and let Kir in.

  “Protect the woman with your life.” Or else, seemed to be the unspoken words that followed. Lyosha’s words were sharp, deadly, and sent a frisson of fear down her spine.

  Yeah, she was glad he wanted Kir to keep her alive, but the way he spoke was scary. Okay, everything about him was terrifying.

  Kir turned to look at all of them as Lyosha left, and half-smiled. “Everything’s okay. We’ll be in here for just a little bit,” he said calmly, his words having a soothing effect on all three of them. “The threat has been neutralized so don’t worry. And Viktor’s fine,” he added before she could ask. “He sent me here to keep an eye on you. To keep you safe.”

  That was all she needed to hear—that Viktor was okay. Yeah, she had a lot more questions but knowing he was unharmed allowed her to take a deep breath and let some of her panic go. She leaned against one of the racks and turned to look at the other two men who were standing in what looked like a state of shock. Especially the chef. His dark eyes were wide and his entire body was trembling as he more or less stared blankly at her.

  She pulled one of the bins off a rack. “Why don’t you sit?”

  He nodded and did as she said as if he was on autopilot.

  “You should probably ask for a raise after tonight,” Dominique said to the server, hoping to dispel some of the t
ension in the small room.

  Kir was standing guard and clearly not interested in making the two men feel better, and when she was nervous she tended to talk.

  The server let out a shaky laugh but she could see some of the tension leave his shoulders. “No kidding. I’m Eric, by the way.”

  She forced a smile, glad he seemed to be handling things okay. “I’m Dominique.”

  * * *

  Viktor eyed the fallen bodies, anger a live wire inside him, pulsing and ready to strike out at whoever had ordered this.

  He didn’t recognize any of the men, and from experience he knew that these guys would be hired muscle. There were six men in all, each one wearing a bulletproof vest and armed to the teeth. They didn’t have on more tactical gear, however. Which made Viktor think they weren’t that well trained. Careful not to move the body too much, he pulled down the shirt of one and saw what he knew was a prison tattoo.

  When he saw Lyosha striding across the lobby strewn with dead bodies, he frowned. “Why are you here?”

  “Kir is with the woman and the others. They’re fine.” His words were almost dismissive, but Viktor knew better. He could see the worry in Lyosha’s gaze, faint that it was. “My priority is you. Are we calling the police or not?”

  He looked around again. His men were all law-abiding citizens and worked for the security division of his company directly under Lyosha. He was their boss and from experience he knew they’d do whatever he said. “Someone could have heard the gunfire and called it in,” he finally said. He absolutely hated involving the police but sometimes it was better to show that he had nothing to hide. And getting rid of half a dozen bodies was doable, but not easy. He’d rather let the police take care of them and have all this on the record.

  Lyosha nodded, clearly on the same page. “I’ll photograph all the dead men, remove any personal items—if there are any—and take their fingerprints before we call.”

  “Good. I need you to take Dominique out of here. Kir can make sure the other two get home safely. I’m going to tell the police I was going over the layout of our new plans when we were blindsided. It will be like Dominique and the other two were never here.”


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