The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 50

by S M Mala

  ‘I’m not sleeping with you when you’re married!’

  ‘Didn’t stop your mother,’ he said, matter of fact, as she gulped hard at the comment, surprised at hearing it out loud and from him. ‘Sorry Ha Ha, I was only joking.’

  ‘It bothers you doesn’t it?’

  ‘A little.’

  The restaurant entrance was hidden to the side, down a small passageway, but once through the door and up the steps, the place was open and bright. Jake followed Hatty as she sat at an empty round table and pointed to where he should be sitting.

  ‘How am I going to fiddle with you from over there?’ he frowned, seeing it was set for four people.

  ‘You can’t because Murray and aunt are the only guests and you might get your hands in Delores knickers by accident,’ she grinned and sat opposite him as he pulled a face, feeling physically sick at the thought. ‘She’s an older version of Gina Glory Glory, and we know how you like her!’

  ‘I’d get more joy rummaging in my dad’s underpants,’ he mumbled as Hatty let out a loud laugh. ‘I’m being honest.’

  ‘You’re being crude.’

  ‘And you’ve got an angel mouth.’

  ‘You like this,’ she said, drawing a circle in the air around her lips. ‘I told you they were good.’

  ‘They certainly are,’ he said, remembering her blow job earlier on and letting out a massive lustful sigh. Then he saw Murray and Delores coming towards them as well as Frederick and Elena. Jake felt slight relief at the idea of having more people. ‘Table for six it is.’

  Hatty turned around and smiled as the waiter pulled up two more chairs. Jake took the opportunity to sit next to Hatty as she turned and frowned.

  ‘Mind where you put your hands,’ she hissed.

  ‘Don’t worry, I won’t mind,’ Jake replied and smelt the scent of her mosquito repellent which he was starting to like. ‘Hi there!’

  ‘Hello,’ Elena said and kissed Jake then Hatty.

  ‘Where are my friends?’ Hatty asked as she kissed Frederick, who looked her up and down in her new dungarees. ‘They’re from New York.’

  ‘I prefer it when you look like a girl,’ he replied, sitting down as Jake nodded his head but stopped when she glared at him.

  ‘Dad,’ Jake said, shaking his hand, giving him a hug before kissing Delores lightly on the cheek.

  They all sat down around the table as Murray smiled brightly at his son.

  ‘Who’d have thought we’d be saved from spending New Year’s Day with my cousin Richard,’ Murray sighed as Jake laughed, remembering the chaos of a few years ago and how Richard got drunk and passed out before lunch.

  ‘Jake? Where did you go to last night? I was going to give you a lift home,’ said Delores, gesturing towards a waiter. ‘Champagne please unless anyone would like something different?’

  ‘Can I have a beer to start?’ said Jake, as he turned to look at Hatty smiling at him. ‘I’m thirsty.’

  ‘So where were you Jake? With some young lovely?’ asked Frederick as he looked at the menu.

  Jake glanced at Hatty who was staring hard at Murray’s grin.

  ‘It’s none of ya business,’ said Elena. ‘My two lovely children are sick from too much drinkin’ last night. Louisa sick up on the path and Philip disappear, and only managed to speak to me around eleven mumbling something about food poisoning.’ She let out a laugh. ‘You’re here and that’s the most important thing.’

  ‘You’ll have to get Louisa a chicken chow mein, that’ll help her recover. It usually does,’ Hatty said sympathetically, as Jake tried not to laugh. ‘I’ll ring her later.’

  ‘When do you start your new job?’ asked Elena enthusiastically. ‘And the ‘The New York Times’, how exciting is that? Murray you must be so proud!’

  ‘At the end of May and it is very exciting,’ Jake smiled, seeing a beer put down beside him. ‘It’s a great opportunity but I’ll be starting at the bottom and working my way up.’

  ‘They must have had a lot of candidates,’ said Delores, who Jake could see was flashing Murray a few glaring looks. ‘What made them pick you?’

  ‘My report on freak weather storms in Mexico and Louisiana. You know with global warming, we’re experiencing more hurricanes and tornados than before. The tropics are a dangerous place.’

  He sipped his beer and glanced at Hatty who was smiling at him, which he found distracting.

  ‘You’re a weather reporter?’ Hatty cheekily said as Murray laughed.

  ‘Very funny,’ he mumbled and discreetly touched her leg. ‘It’s about the havoc it causes to people, the local communities and business. How the victims don’t get the support they need when something devastating happens. Do you know some insurance companies don’t cover for mother nature? It’s shocking!’

  ‘Who’d have thought you’d be a humanitarian?’ said Hatty, as she grabbed his glass and took a sip.

  ‘I’ve lived through four hurricanes hitting this island, it’s nothing to be scared of,’ laughed Frederick, tucking into some prawn crackers. ‘The houses are made to cope with the freak weather conditions and we know the hotels are very safe.’

  ‘Not all homes,’ Jake pointed out.

  ‘I think he’s very clever for getting the job he wants,’ said Hatty, as the waiter opened a bottle of champagne. ‘And we should make a toast to Jake.’

  ‘You can do that in the end of May,’ he laughed.

  ‘And you intend to stay on the island and not go back to New York?’ Delores asked, fixing a glare at him. ‘Surely you’d want to start work immediately.’

  ‘Like dad said, as soon as I start working, I’ll spend less time with him and this seems like a good time to be with my father. You don’t object do you?’ he smiled, seeing her forced smile.

  ‘Why should I?’ she said and then smiled at Hatty. ‘Is Jake going to stay at yours?’

  ‘He’s a rent paying guest and I need the cash,’ she shrugged. ‘Plus he’s in charge of the jeep and I need it for the market which reminds me.’

  ‘We’re not talking about business,’ interjected Murray, holding the menu over his face.

  ‘Fine but do you want me to make you some of the large bowls to put in the hotels? You’ll regret it if I don’t.’

  ‘And how much is it going to cost me? A small fortune?’

  ‘That depends on how you define ‘fortune’,’ she smiled and Jake wanted to kiss her there and then because of her cheeky grin. ‘I’m starving, let’s order.’

  Lunch was pleasant enough as everyone chatted, even Delores perked up after a few glasses of champagne. Jake couldn’t keep his eyes off Hatty, who seemed very happy talking to everyone about everything and anything. After they’d finished eating, he went to the toilet but as he returned, he heard Murray talking to Frederick on the other balcony.

  ‘How long Murray?’ Frederick asked and Jake could see they were smoking.

  ‘I don’t know. It’s been building for some time,’ he wearily replied.

  ‘She’s not been herself for months and I know there’s something wrong. Is she upset?’

  ‘Who knows with Delores? She’s become angry with things, mostly me, and it’s pretty hard to deal with. I don’t think she’s happy about Jake coming here.’

  ‘He’s your son, he’s every right to come to where his father lives,’ said Frederick, sounding angry. ‘She had her own way for too long and look where it’s got you?’

  ‘I think she’s taken a dislike to him which isn’t good. He can stick up for himself but it’s not his fault.’

  ‘You made her believe, after Eloise died, you’d be with her. How do you think she’s going to react when your son turns up? I bet she’s still reeling about the news of you getting your wife pregnant when she expected you’d start a family together, Hatty being the starting point.’

  ‘I wasn’t even sleeping with Delores then. It’d stopped years back!’ Murray hissed. ‘She got the notion in her head we’d be together and it was con

  ‘You used the woman and you know it,’ Frederick said solemnly. ‘What do you expect?’

  ‘I don’t want to spend time with her and then she says she wants to get married. What can I say?’ His voice sounded like it was cracking under the strain. ‘I don’t want to get married again.’

  ‘You should have ended it years ago,’ said Frederick firmly. ‘Delores needs to know how you feel.’

  ‘Why? What good would it do? I’m not sure what she’ll do more to the point.’

  ‘You’ve got to stop feeling indebted to her. She was thinking about herself too!’

  ‘She did it because she loved me, bringing up Eloise’s child and staying with her. I can’t suddenly turn around and tell her it’s over. What about Hatty? What do you think she’ll say?’ hissed Murray. ‘God, this has turned so complicated.’

  ‘It’s your life, you deserve to be happy,’ Frederick gently said.

  ‘No I don’t! I lost two women I loved in a span of two years and that child tried to kill herself. Why should I be happy? I deserve to stay with Delores and pay for what I did to all three of them.’

  ‘Look,’ Frederick said, taking a deep breath. ‘Eloise died because of her heart. You and I know if her husband hadn’t mistreated her, she wouldn’t have got pregnant and Jane…’ There was a small pause. ‘She was depressed and had been for some time before she had your son. The poor woman wasn’t thinking straight and-.’

  ‘She managed to kill herself. Then what about Hatty? Delores was right to make sure we kept watch on her for twenty four hours. I had to change everything to make sure I didn’t lose her as well.’ Jake saw his father slump onto a chair as his cigar continued to burn between his fingers. ‘I wanted Delores to go back to London, carry on with her career and leave Hatty with me but then …’ The silence spoke volumes. ‘She stayed to help me with Hatty and I have to be grateful. You know this morning she asked me if it’s true about Hatty knowing I’m her adopted father.’

  ‘You told Harriet?’

  ‘I wanted her to know where I fit in, now especially. Delores said Jake let it slip last night and she was annoyed I hadn’t told her.’ Jake felt guilty knowing he’d dropped his father in it with Delores. ‘She thinks it’s important we cement our relationship but I don’t want to and this morning, I sat in the bath for an hour just to avoid the on-going conversation.’

  ‘She seems angry with everything, maybe the woman feels left out now Jake’s around? Even Elena said she finds it more difficult to speak to her and another thing.’ Frederick cleared his voice. ‘Have you seen the way she looks at Hatty? It’s not with love but as if she’s upset with that child. How could Hatty upset anyone?’

  ‘Easily,’ Murray laughed. ‘Come on let’s go back and we’ll talk later.’

  ‘Oh and another thing?’


  ‘How long has Jake been in love with Hatty?’

  Jake stepped back, unable to hear his father’s reply. He realised the turmoil his old man was going through and wanted to help.

  He walked back to the table.

  ‘Did you fall into the loo?’ Hatty asked as he sat back down.

  ‘Dodgy stomach,’ he replied, holding onto his tummy.

  ‘Ew!’ said Hatty. ‘Use the downstairs toilet it has a larger window.’

  She then started waving her hand across her face as he looked at Murray smiling at the pair of them.

  ‘What are you two planning for the rest of the day?’ asked Delores and Jake realised he wasn’t the only one who could see the way she examined Hatty.

  ‘I have to go and do some work then, I think, Jake is going to take me to a rum shop so we can have a few drinks but then again, with his dodgy tummy I think we might be staying in to watch a film, unless he’s going out. Are you going out?’

  ‘Dunno,’ he replied and smiled seeing Frederick stare at the pair of them. ‘Let’s see how we feel later.’

  Hatty sat by the side of the freshwater pool, under the tree as she watched him swim about. She didn’t want to go in as drinking made her wary of the water.

  ‘That was nice of Frederick to give us a lift home,’ she said, closing her eyes while undoing the top of her dungarees. ‘I like Chinese.’

  ‘I’ve never seen you eat so much,’ she heard him say while splashing about. ‘But you really have to cut back on the amount of chilli.’

  ‘Keeps me healthy,’ she laughed, knowing how intolerant his level for spice was. ‘How’s your tummy feeling? Shall I go and buy you some nappies just in case you have an accident?’

  ‘Fine,’ he mumbled, heading under the water.

  She smiled watching the fish man splash about then he bobbed up and stood there with his hands behind his head. Hatty held her breath as he looked like something from the cover of a gay magazine.

  ‘You know, you’re extremely attractive,’ she said, leaning forward as he stood looking at her. ‘Very good looking human being, you are.’

  ‘Thanks,’ he said unimpressed.

  ‘I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life,’ she honestly sighed and felt a sudden pang of angst.

  She examined him from his head to the top of his pubic hair as the rest was covered by water.

  ‘How much did you drink?’

  ‘Not that much,’ she grinned and sat back against the tree. ‘Is your tummy really hurting? Do you want me to get some medicine for-.’

  ‘There’s nothing wrong with my stomach, thanks for asking,’ he said and she noticed a mischievous smile.

  ‘Why did you say there was?’

  ‘An excuse.’


  ‘Because,’ he sighed and stood there for a moment. ‘I was eaves dropping a conversation between Frederick and dad.’

  ‘What were they talking about?’ she asked eagerly.

  ‘Man talk,’ he said dismissively. She knew he was hiding something. ‘Uncle Freddie said he knew I was in love with you.’ Hatty’s mouth slightly dropped open. ‘Can’t think why?’

  ‘What did Murray say?’

  ‘I couldn’t hear so we have to be especially careful as dad wants us to keep this secret.’

  ‘I wanted to put my arm around you at lunch or even kiss you but every time I thought about it, I had to remember we’re platonic. I understand Murray being concerned but surely he’s being over protective?’

  ‘Could be he wants to give us some space to get to know each other better?’

  ‘Probably thinks I’ll get pissed off with you the more time we spend together,’ she laughed, knowing it was the exact opposite of how she felt.

  ‘Or the other way round?’

  ‘That’s probably more than likely,’ she smiled as he grinned back. ‘What else did you hear?’

  ‘Take your clothes off and come in,’ Jake said, walking slowly towards her. ‘I’m lonely.’

  ‘You wouldn’t know what that word meant if it came and slapped you in the face,’ she laughed. ‘I’ve spent a lifetime being lonely, I should know.’

  ‘How comes?’ He stopped and stared hard at her. She didn’t know what to reveal. ‘Were you alone for most of your childhood?’

  ‘When I was in London I had school friends. Charlotte used to take me to friend’s houses and they’d come to mine, but it was mostly Delores and me in the evenings and weekends. My real companion was a television set.’ Hatty recalled sharply her feelings of isolation. ‘Delores wanted to keep me away from people and things when we were together, like I was some delicate piece when I was just a clumsy child. Then we moved here and it changed for the worst and, well you know the rest. I stayed away from people and kept busy playing on the island and here. She didn’t seem to mind where I went from then on.’

  ‘Did you try to kill yourself?’ he asked and something grabbed in her chest on hearing him say it. ‘I won’t judge you, you know I won’t.’

  ‘I’m not suicidal if it worries you,’ she said defensively. ‘Nor
am I a loony or a witch.’ Hatty put her face in her hands for a moment. ‘I really can’t remember.’ She then looked straight into his eyes. ‘I don’t recall feeling upset before then, I was happy but that one night, it all changed and they tell me I jumped into the sea. How would I know? I was ten years old and I can’t imagine doing it. Then I couldn’t speak so they think I was traumatised and I was!’ She felt suddenly angry. ‘I fell in the sea and I do remember salt in my nose and mouth, being damp and cold then Murray.’ She let out a little laugh. ‘Murray holding me for ages and not letting anyone touch me, he wouldn’t let go.’ An awful sadness hit her as she saw Jake walk out of the pool and sit on his knees in front of her. ‘I would never kill myself.’

  ‘I know,’ Jake smiled. ‘You’d rather kill me first with your cooking.’ Hatty touched his face and kissed him gently on the lips. ‘But I’d rather I died of a heart attack from having too much sex.’

  ‘Typical man,’ she said and he pulled off her vest and she pushed off her dungarees and knickers.

  They sat naked on the grass looking at each other before Hatty got on her knees and put her arms around his neck, kissing his face and eventually reaching for his mouth. Goose bumps appeared on her skin as his cold fingers glided over her body and he squeezed her breast.

  ‘Lay back for a moment,’ she said, making him stretch out.

  Slowly she placed kisses across his chest as she licked and touched his smooth skin. He had his hand on the top of her head which means he wanted mouth attention. As she kissed him all the way down, Hatty stroked his muscular thighs, kissing his inner flesh and biting it gently with her teeth.

  ‘Oh,’ he said and she glanced up to see his eyes were closed.

  ‘You better be thinking of me,’ Hatty said quickly, noticing the smile appear on his lips.

  Then she kissed his tight balls and gently flicked her tongue on the skin before slowly licking up and down his shaft, teasing the end with her lips before placing it in her mouth.


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