The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 58

by S M Mala

  ‘You look beautiful,’ he said, walking towards her but Louisa managed to rush forward and gave her a hug first.

  ‘I agree. He suits you,’ smiled Louisa, flashing a cheeky grin. ‘I’m not going to spoil your evening. I just wanted to say ‘hi’.’

  ‘Join us for a drink,’ said Jake, pushing her out of the way.

  Hatty looked up as he smiled.

  Something in her heart flipped about a million times on seeing him as he bent down and placed a very gently kiss on her lips.

  ‘So you mean to continue where you started this morning?’ said an impressed Louisa.

  Hatty realised it was very public. She tried not to anxiously look around but could sense eyes were on already on them before she noticed his grin.

  ‘Small steps,’ Hatty replied.

  She wistfully sat back down, followed by Louisa who gently nudged her.

  ‘What are you ladies drinking?’ he asked and Hatty admired the man looking down at them.

  ‘White wine soda as I have to drive,’ smiled Louisa sweetly. ‘Me gat no man for today.’

  ‘You can stay with us if you like,’ said Hatty quickly. She noticed Jake frown. ‘It’s usually Louisa and me unless she has a boyfriend, which she does most years.’

  ‘Then what do you do?’

  ‘Me?’ She let out a little laugh.

  ‘Go on, tell him,’ her friend said with a cheeky smile.

  ‘I stay in and watch television,’ Hatty replied, knowing it sounded quite pitiful. ‘Aunt always goes out somewhere and I keep my own company.’

  ‘That sounds sad,’ said Jake, immediately sitting down. ‘You never go out?’

  ‘Who with?’ she shrugged as Louisa continued to grin at her. ‘Why are you smiling at me?’

  ‘You’re making him feel sorry for you when he doesn’t need to,’ she said smugly, turning to Jake. ‘She makes Murray book her into a hotel so she can run up a bar bill, watch the pay on demand films and generally get spoilt. That’s where we go when I’m dateless.’

  ‘And you may have not realised, Mister Murray has not contacted me or set me up this year, so he’s not being very nice, is he?’ Hatty noticed Jake shake his head before he smiled and stood up. ‘Nevertheless I’m on my own most Valentines.’

  ‘Give or take a bottle of wine or rum,’ giggled Louisa as Jake walked off laughing.

  ‘Thanks for that. Some kind of friend you are,’ she said, flabbergasted reaching for her satchel.

  ‘Ah, he needs to know what a trickster you can be,’ sighed Louisa. ‘Not worry, me be gone soon. Daddy takin’ us out to dinner because he tinks me a lonely old maid.’

  ‘Did you tell him why we’re not together today?’ she asked, her palms starting to sweat. ‘Delores didn’t say one word to me and I think something is up with her and…’

  ‘Jake’s wonderful,’ Louisa whispered, leaning closer. ‘And he loves you. Show them people you’re happy. Let them know you’re in love.’

  ‘That’s hard when aunt is full set against it!’

  ‘Maybe she jealous?’

  ‘She really doesn’t like Jake and I don’t know why. There’s the obvious thing he’s been a bit loose and fast with the women on the island.’

  ‘A bit?’ Louisa darted a glance over as Jake quickly returned with some drinks, holding the three glasses in his hands.

  ‘A lot,’ shrugged Hatty, her jealousy rising again as she tried to control her need to know every single woman he’d slept with.

  ‘Your drinks,’ he said, sitting down beside Hatty as Louisa reached out for her glass.

  Hatty couldn’t help herself as she turned to look at him.

  ‘How many women did you sleep with when you were here and could you tell me their names?’ she asked, hearing Louisa choke and Jake’s mouth drop open. ‘I have to be ready for the ‘been there done that’ comments which I know will fling their way towards me.’

  ‘Leave the man alone,’ said Louisa, wiping the front of her top where the wine had spilt. ‘Jake, she’s trying to figure out why Delores doesn’t like you and thinks it’s because of you sleeping around.’

  ‘Whoa!’ he said, putting his hand out towards the pair of them. ‘This is supposed to be a romantic evening not a kiss and tell about what I’ve done.’ Hatty noticed Jake blush. ‘And it’s not important as I was having some fun.’

  ‘Do you think anyone’s pregnant with your child?’ Hatty earnestly asked. ‘It happens a lot on holiday islands.’

  ‘Are you being serious?’ Louisa gasped. ‘This is the twenty first century and everyone takes precautions.’

  ‘I wouldn’t mind,’ she honestly replied, still staring at Jake who seemed stunned. ‘I’m a teacher, I could help.’

  ‘You’re running away with this,’ he said, shaking his head from side to side. ‘I’m very safe, incredibly safe when it comes to having sex.’ Hatty knew that wasn’t necessarily true when it came to her, considering the amount of times he hadn’t used a condom when they were by the freshwater pool and pulled out in the nick of time. She narrowed her eyes at him as he smiled. ‘The rest I cannot say because we have company.’

  ‘Are you sure Jake?’ she said, letting out a little sigh. ‘I know what you’re like.’

  ‘With you I’m a little different because I love you,’ he said and stroked her hair as Hatty noticed Louisa’s confused expression then her mouth drop open.

  ‘Which doesn’t mean you’re going to be an aunt as he’s safe with me,’ smirked Hatty. Louisa shrugged then knocked back her drink. ‘Why the rush? Ya tink he gonna try it on wid ya?’

  ‘Me wish! But like me tell da boy, me prefer ‘is fader,’ she laughed, quickly standing up. ‘I should leave you two on your own so Hatty can count how many women you frisked.’

  ‘Thanks friend,’ said Jake who Hatty noticed was staring at her.

  ‘Call me later,’ Hatty said, standing up and kissing Louisa.

  ‘Tomorrow,’ came her friend’s reply. ‘I think your boyfriend wants to play nice tonight.’

  ‘Boyfriend?’ Hatty said it out loud and it sounded a little strange as she watched Louisa walk away. She then sat back down and looked at Jake. ‘You know as well as I do, you play Russian roulette when it comes to us having sex, so I know you’d do it with someone else.’

  ‘Just shut up and kiss me,’ he smiled.

  Her first reaction was to tell him off for saying ‘shut up’ then she smiled.

  ‘You know what Logan? You don’t say much about things, do you?’

  ‘What’s there to say?’ he said, leaning closer.

  ‘How many?’

  ‘It’s irrelevant because the most memorable one has been you.’

  ‘Ya tink ya sweet talkin’ gonna make me fall for ya bull shit, aye?’ she laughed as he smirked. ‘You win.’ Hatty examined his eyes and smile on his lips. ‘This place is a little bit open for a baptism of fire.’

  ‘Are you embarrassed?’

  ‘You should be embarrassed being with me,’ she said, feeling her cheeks get warm. ‘I want everyone to know about us, I truly do but we’ve had a few hiccups so far. Don’t you think we should let our locals get used to it first before stepping out into the big wide marina?’

  ‘You’ve nothing to be ashamed of,’ he said gently and stroked her face. ‘Let’s have our drinks then we can get cosy over dinner.’

  ‘Hamburger?’ she said excitedly, realising she hadn’t eaten lunch. ‘I’m starving.’

  ‘So am I,’ he said and Hatty knew he wasn’t talking about food.

  Somehow, Jake managed to manoeuvre Hatty into the back of the jeep as he parked in her favourite spot up in the hills. She knew he was on heat, when he couldn’t stop aiming to get under her dress throughout dinner. Hatty slapped his poor hand so many times it was red when they left but Jake didn’t seem to care.

  ‘Can’t we go home?’ she said, pushing his mouth away as his hands went straight up her dress while she tried to fend him off. ‘It’s not a
s if we don’t have beds.’

  ‘I want this to be romantic and I know you love this place,’ he groaned, his head moving down her throat.

  ‘In the back seat of your dad’s jeep?’ she laughed. ‘You know Barney sits in the back and I feel I’m violating his space but I expect you’ve had a few dogs in here.’

  ‘Hatty!’ he said, laughing into her neck.

  ‘I don’t want to be another pooch.’

  ‘Oh god,’ he said, his head between her breasts as she felt his hands slip into her knickers, making her jump. ‘You’re hot there.’

  ‘Of course I’m hot, I’ve been fighting you off for the past two hours and that’s enough to build up a sweat,’ she exclaimed, losing her will to fend him off as she wanted him badly, but not on the back seat of a car knowing what he’d been up to.

  ‘You smell lovely. What repellent are you using tonight?’

  He then pulled down the front of her bra as he circled her nipple with his tongue.

  ‘Jake repellent but it’s not working,’ she laughed, realising she was on a losing battle.

  She grabbed his head so she could kiss him as he ground his groin into hers. As they kissed, his hand touched her inner lips, her thighs spread and she felt his fingers trying to arouse her. Hatty knew he wanted to put her in a position where she couldn’t say ‘no’.

  ‘I can’t wait until we get home,’ he groaned, kissing her as she pushed her hands under his t-shirt and grappled with his chest. Hatty then pushed him away and flung open the back door. ‘What are you doing?’

  She stepped out of the car and walked towards the front, perching herself on the warm bonnet. Hatty turned and watched him get out of the car and look at her quizzically.

  ‘You want some car action then come here,’ she smiled, looking out over the view of the sea and the lights sparkling on the island.

  Hatty hitched up her dress to half way up her thighs and noticed his smile.

  ‘In the open? Aren’t you worried people will see us?’

  ‘No one comes here because they’re not allowed.’

  ‘How comes?’ he asked, walking closer and placing his hand on each thigh.

  ‘Cos Mister Murray owns this piece of land and they’ll be trespassing,’ she said smugly, realising Jake wasn’t listening as he eased off her knickers and put them in his pocket. ‘Don’t you want to know how I know?’

  ‘Not really,’ he replied, pulling her closer and smothering her mouth with his, giving her a long and slow passionate kiss before she pushed him away.

  ‘I know everyone who owns things around here and when I get the money, I shall ask Murray to let me buy this piece of land and build a house.’

  ‘Baby, let’s talk later,’ he said, moving forward.

  ‘And don’t you dare go taking this land before me,’ she said with a smirk as he lunged again.

  She felt his tongue and touched it with hers as his hand slipped between her legs and he massaged her gently. Hatty groaned knowing he was making her ready and each time, it was quicker as he understood what she liked, her rhythm and speed.

  ‘Yes,’ she said breathlessly as he squeezed her breast hard and she placed her hand on his jeans, feeling he was stiff.

  Unzipping his fly, she pulled him around, gently moving up and down his hard shaft. Hatty bolted and stifled her groans in his neck when she came, as he pushed himself in and they frantically moved their hips together while she balanced on her arms, watching Jake quickly thrusting. He pulled out and reached into his back pocket, all the while his eyes focussed in between her legs and her glistening pussy. She smiled seeing he was trying hard to compose himself as he rolled on the condom and pulled her closer before entering her again.

  Hatty spread her legs further apart, feeling his girth slowly hump her as she looked up into his eyes and he smiled before they kissed and, once again, moved so quickly together as if it was the last time they’d ever make love.

  ‘God I love you,’ she said, holding onto his back. ‘I love you so much. Happy Valentines!’

  Twenty six

  ‘I’m so happy!’ Jake laughed as he spoke to Pete over the webcam in his father’s study. ‘She’s amazing.’

  ‘One week of being back together and, just before then, you’d have thought the world had ended,’ laughed back his friend as Jake smiled. ‘So you made up?’

  ‘We certainly did. I know she’s a bit sensitive about things. I have to make sure I tread carefully next time.’

  ‘And her father?’ He noticed his friend’s grimace on screen. ‘How’s she coping with that?’

  ‘That’s where I need your help. There no record of anything here, about her mother’s marriage to him or his death. It’s really strange, as if he never existed. The only thing I know is his name’s Carlos because that’s what’s on her birth certificate.’

  ‘You sure she’s not Murray’s child,’ sniggered Pete before laughing out loudly. ‘She can’t be because she’s too good looking from the pictures you’ve sent.’

  ‘What are you trying to say?’ smirked Jake. ‘Hatty’s more than good looking.’

  ‘And talking about good looking,’ said Pete, leaning forward his smile fading. ‘I ran into Serena a few days ago and she still seems cut up about you guys. Why haven’t you contacted her?’

  ‘What am I going to say?’ he replied, knowing when they’d split she was upset. He just flew out without discussing it further. ‘I really care for her but I’m not in love with her, never was, and it’s hard to remain friends.’

  ‘Especially as you’ve found someone else?’

  ‘There’s no ‘else’ involved,’ replied Jake, shaking his head and glancing out at the window towards the kitchen hearing lots of noise, knowing who was causing the havoc. ‘There was only ever Hatty.’ He smiled and wondered what she was doing to torment Ethel today. ‘Only is.’

  ‘That to me sounds like a man in love,’ his friend gently said.

  ‘How’s the job hunting going?’

  ‘I’ve got a job interview at ‘The Post’,’ he smirked. ‘Both of us could be working on rival papers.’

  ‘Bring it on!’ Jake laughed out and let out a sigh. ‘Right now, I don’t even want to go back.’

  ‘You better!’ said Murray, appearing at the door, making him jump.

  ‘Is that your dad?’ asked Pete. ‘Hey Mister Logan!’

  ‘Hey Pete. Sorry to butt in but I need to speak to my son who I haven’t seen for ten days. I hear is causing trouble on the island, once again,’ he said, walking towards the desk as Jake tried to figure out his father’s expression.

  ‘Can’t we talk later?’ Jake said, seeing he didn’t look too pleased.

  ‘You can talk to Pete later. Is that okay with you?’ Murray asked, looking at the screen.

  ‘Fine by me!’ said Pete apprehensively. ‘See ya.’

  ‘Sure,’ said Jake as he pulled a face and closed down the link. ‘What’s so important?’

  ‘As if you didn’t know,’ said Murray, perching on the edge of the desk looking down at him.

  ‘You’ve been away for ages. I thought you were coming back on Wednesday.’

  ‘Change of plan and I’m not the only one who’s changing things.’

  ‘If you’re talking about-.’

  ‘You’re taking that job,’ he said firmly. ‘I expect you on that plane and out of here on 30th May, do you hear me?’

  ‘I was just saying!’

  ‘And what else have you been saying?’ he said, eyeing him suspiciously.

  ‘She told you then?’ he replied, knowing his father was building up to something from the simple way he was looking at him.

  ‘‘She’ being Delores? Yes she told me your announcement on Monday, which I’m pretty surprised about considering how much you upset Hatty a few weeks back.’

  ‘I’ve told her constantly I’m sorry for what I said and I love her.’

  ‘Really?’ He noticed his father didn’t look convinced. ‘Don’t
go playing games.’

  ‘This isn’t a game,’ he replied, getting pissed off with the accusation. ‘This is real for me and it’s real for her too.’

  ‘You’re leaving in three months and then what happens? You shouldn’t have started it up again with Hatty!’ Murray said angrily. ‘It’s going to cause so many problems and telling Delores? What was that about?’

  ‘I don’t want it to be a secret. I want to show the world we’re together and that I love her. I know you don’t think so but I’d do anything for her, anything.’

  ‘Big words,’ his father replied and looked out the window. ‘I told you before, people will try and break you up but you can do that easily on your own.’

  ‘That’s not fair!’ Jake snapped, standing up. ‘I’ve never felt like this about anyone and you know what? It’s amazing. We’re amazing and I’ll proudly stand up for us.’

  ‘I see,’ he said and Jake saw something flicker in his father’s face. ‘Delores wants me to put an end to you two. She thinks you’re using Hatty for a bit of a kick.’

  ‘That’s not true and she knows it,’ he calmly replied, his dislike for Hatty’s aunt growing by the second. ‘And you know it.’

  ‘As much as you want to tell people about your relationship, that’s fine, but don’t mention it to Caroline just yet as you know she doesn’t approve of Hatty full stop.’ Murray stood up and Jake met his father’s eye. ‘And believe it or not, I’m not sure what I feel other than concern for you both.’

  ‘Let people talk, let people-.’

  The next thing they heard was a scream coming out of the kitchen as Hatty ran out and Ethel was chasing her with something.

  ‘That’s not nice!’ screamed Hatty, running away from the old woman who was standing on the porch laughing her head off.

  ‘Ya a big baby!’ laughed out Ethel and Jake realised she was holding something in her hand. ‘Ya eat fish!’ Hatty had stopped in the middle of the garden and was huffing furiously. ‘It not eat ya!’

  ‘You did it purposely!’ shouted back Hatty as Murray opened the doors to his study and went outside, followed by Jake.


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