The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 67

by S M Mala

‘I know you were angry but it was a little rough,’ he said gently, bending over and testing the water. Hatty suddenly turned and looked straight into his eyes. He couldn’t gather what she was thinking while stepping into the bath. Jake undid her plait as she stared, which unnerved him for a few seconds. ‘It was a bit mean don’t you think?’

  ‘You think I was just saying nasty things?’ she quietly asked, sinking under the water as he held onto her hair.

  Hatty’s face was submerged, other than her eyes, which seemed wider and more anxious.

  ‘I think you two will never be friends. I slept with her for a few months then started sleeping with you. She’s a little pissed off, as well as her deep dislike over the years, which built up much like your own. Simon was her brother and she was jealous of your relationship and unfairly blames you for his death. It’s not your fault-.’

  ‘She used to sleep with Simon,’ Hatty said, sitting up as Jake tried not to look shocked. ‘It started when he was fourteen and, I don’t know, he spoke a lot about it. I think he was confused for his feelings about her as a sister and his desire for her as a woman. She started it, so he said, and that I believe. He was with me because I’m her opposite. I think he wanted to get rid of the stench of knowing he was sleeping with the slut. Taboo subject you see. He was very beautiful, very different from most men and she knew it, she wanted him. The problem is she couldn’t have him.’

  Jake didn’t know what to think. Something inside him was disgusted with what he was hearing but there was a deep part which stirred with jealousy about the dead boy.

  ‘Are you still in love with Simon, that’s why you get angry?’ he asked as she frowned for a second then smiled.

  ‘I loved Simon then and I love you even more now.’

  ‘But you said he was different and-.’

  ‘You’re different, you’re special. You have that much in common but you are equally, and more so, beautiful.’ She let out a little sigh, lying back in the bath. ‘You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to thump her!’

  Then she grinned.

  ‘I don’t get you sometimes,’ he said going onto his knees and seeing her cheeky smile. ‘And you’re not making it up about Gina and her brother?’

  ‘Believe me, don’t believe me, she knows the truth and she knows I know the truth.’

  ‘Jesus! That’s what you were telling her at the Sunday market weren’t you?’

  ‘Sort of.’ She blushed and sank back into the water. ‘Okay, yes that’s what I was telling her. I’m sick of her telling me everyone I love will die and now she’s calling my mother a whore! She says you’ll leave me soon enough.’

  ‘Just keep out of her way,’ he said, stroking her head gently. ‘Dinner’s going to be at eight and I need a drink.’

  ‘Make me a large one,’ she said happily, quickly washing her body and flinging back her hair so hard, it thumped the water and made it splash over the side.

  ‘Yes little mermaid,’ he smiled and walked out the door.

  As he waited on the balcony, he noticed Murray walk around the side, deep in thought and ashen in pallor.

  ‘Do you want a drink?’ Jake shouted as his father nodded and walked slowly up the stairs then stood, looking out onto the beach.

  ‘You know we’ll have to move to a hotel in a day or so unless we fly out. I suspect the water might flood certain places.’

  ‘You seem pretty calm about it,’ he replied, getting up and fixing his father a scotch. ‘Is something else on your mind?’

  ‘No,’ Murray smiled at him. ‘Why’d you ask?’

  ‘You don’t seem your normal self.’

  Jake sat down and looked out into the evening sky.

  ‘Delores is back,’ he said quietly. ‘She arrived an hour ago and I went to see her.’

  ‘Why hasn’t she come over?’

  ‘She seems preoccupied with a few things,’ he said frowning. ‘You know she went to New York to see Caroline?’


  Something twisted angrily in Jake’s gut knowing she had obviously said something to his aunt, hence the visit.

  ‘You think she told her about Hatty and me?’

  ‘I suspect so,’ he said and tapped his chest. ‘God, I’ve had indigestion for days.’

  ‘Dad are you sure you’re okay?’ he said, getting up and touching his father’s arm. ‘You look a little pale.’

  ‘If you’ve just witnessed your adopted daughter get into a cat fight, then face the surrogate aunt who seems set on having her own way on a few things, you’d be feeling sick. She’s coming over after dinner and please don’t mention the wedding.’

  ‘At least she’ll know it’s real!’ he bit back angrily. ‘What a bitch to go and see Caroline and shit stir!’

  ‘Jake, both the women are angry with me, you’re just caught in the cross fire. Do me one thing? Keep Hatty away from them as much as possible because I think the attack will be on her more than you.’

  ‘I don’t get it.’

  ‘She’s the one who’s more vulnerable but after this afternoon’s display, I’m not sure.’ Murray wearily sat down, sipped his scotch, frowned and put it to the side. ‘Did she mention what she said to Gina?’

  ‘She said a few things but I don’t want to dig too deep. If it’s true what she’s saying then it’s a little complicated. I’m not sure who Hatty’s protecting, Simon or herself.’

  ‘I suspect Hatty thinks no-one will believe her though she mentioned a diary.’ His father sat back in his chair. ‘I wonder how many other things she knows.’

  ‘Not much!’ Hatty announced making the pair jump as she marched towards Murray. She bent over and looked into his eyes. ‘I’m good at keeping secrets I have to. You don’t look well Mister Murray.’

  Jake laughed on watching her peer into his father’s face as her long wet plait fell forward. She stood up and smiled at him before looking around.

  ‘Lost something?’ Jake asked, getting up and smiling.

  ‘Where’s my drink?’

  ‘You’re Aunt Delores is back,’ he said, raising his eyebrows as she smiled brightly.

  ‘Well let’s get Caroline and Delores together, I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun!’ she said falsely, sitting next to Murray. ‘Seriously, you don’t look well. What’s troubling you?’

  ‘I’m looking at it,’ came the blunt reply as Jake laughed and poured her out a white wine spritzer.

  Hatty pulled a face as she watched then knocked half of it back.

  ‘You’re not getting drunk. Delores is coming round after dinner and we can’t mention anything about the wedding.’

  ‘It’s years away.’ Hatty waved her hand dismissively and stood up, drinking the rest of the contents. ‘I need a proper drink. I think I’m still in shock.’

  ‘Fine,’ sighed Jake and poured a small rum, holding it out. ‘Here you are.’

  ‘Thanks,’ she said and he realised he hadn’t kissed her since the previous morning. Quickly, she knocked it back and handed him the glass. ‘If I’m being held captive here I might as well walk Barney.’

  ‘I’ll come,’ he said eagerly to keep her out of trouble.

  ‘Thought you were weather watching?’

  ‘Oh, I am,’ he said and grabbed her hand as they walked out of the house and Hatty went to get Barney. For a moment, Jake swore he saw Delores looking at them through the window but when he looked closer she glanced away. ‘I wonder what you’re up to?’

  ‘Just getting the lead,’ Hatty replied, hooking it onto Barney’s collar before strolling out of the estate. Jake put his arm across her shoulder as they slowly walked down the road. As soon as the coast was clear, he leaned over and kissed her before pushing her up against a palm tree. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Getting frisky.’

  ‘Not in public,’ she said, looking around, grabbing his head and planting a long smouldering kiss on his lips. Jake smiled at her mischievous smile. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you to
o,’ he said, feeling all warm inside but knowing he wanted to go back home and have sex.

  He realised Hatty had picked up on this as she pushed his groin away and started to walk the dog. Laughing at her walking with her nose stuck up in the air, he followed then put his arm across her shoulder as she grabbed his waist. Slowly, they walked down the road as Barney toddled along beside them.

  ‘You don’t believe me about Gina Glory Glory, do you?’ she said quietly as he felt uncomfortable about the subject.

  ‘Maybe he was trying to get some sympathy from you so he could…’ he glanced at her sideways as she stared straight ahead. ‘You know, get to know you more intimately.’

  ‘Then you think Simon’s lying?’ she said quietly.

  ‘I think maybe he got confused and thought she’d done something when-.’

  ‘Is it true she likes to be gently bitten while you take her from behind? And sometimes she likes it really rough, as if you’re holding her down by the throat?’ Jake stepped back knowing this was the case a few times, trying not to look away. ‘I’m not prying into your sex life but I’m just stating what Simon told me. When he tried to bite my neck and other places, I didn’t enjoy it. I told him to stop but he said that’s what she likes. He thought that’s what all women would like. I don’t.’ Then she turned away and headed off before shouting out. ‘So don’t say I made it up because I don’t talk to the men she sleeps with. They’re usually tourists or just plain stupid.’

  He stood there momentarily with his mouth open, realising the insult he’d just received. Hatty stopped and turned to smile.

  ‘I see,’ he eventually said. ‘I’m not saying anything and neither should you.’

  ‘If all of you had left me to hit her, then you wouldn’t have found out,’ she said, walking towards the rum shop near the estate and glaring at him before sitting down and turning to Marjorie. ‘Me want rum!’

  ‘What ya been up to today?’ said Marjorie with a frown as she smiled at Jake then glared at Hatty. ‘Gettin’ into fights at your age?’

  ‘Ya hear?’ said Hatty, patting Barney. ‘Bitch tried to kill me dog!’

  ‘Me know dat not true,’ Marjorie laughed, pouring out two large rums and handing them over. ‘Ya not a child Hatty, ya can’t go punchin’ people.’

  ‘She not people.’

  ‘Aunt Delores back den?’

  ‘Me nah know an’ me nah care,’ shrugged Hatty, sipping her rum and pulling a face.

  Jake noticed her scrunched up nose and realised she had a slight bruise on her cheek.

  ‘Can we get some ice in a cloth?’ he asked, sipping his drink.

  ‘What for?’ Marjorie asked then looked at Hatty before nodding. ‘Me see.’

  ‘What wrong?’ snapped Hatty to Marjorie as she approached and slapped her gently on her face then laughed loudly. ‘Ow!’

  ‘Ya need to get ya bruise down,’ she said gently, putting a packet of plantain chips on the table and handed Barney a bowl of water. ‘An’ ya should be stayin’ out of trouble cos ya know Gina not gonna let it rest.’

  ‘An’ ya should be boardin’ up ya shack cos da hurricane will come an’ take you off to Antigua!’

  Hatty let out a sigh as Jake sat and watched his fiancé pull her knees up to her chest then scowl, while wrapping the lead around her wrist, holding the ice pack then sipping her drink.

  ‘You really are odd, you know that,’ he said.

  ‘Me hear ya two been seen kissin’ up each oder,’ laughed out Marjorie. ‘Boy, ya better run cos she gonna make ya crazy.’

  ‘She certainly does that,’ he smiled as Marjorie laughed out louder and Hatty grinned.

  ‘‘e love me,’ said Hatty smugly as Marjorie shook her head. ‘‘e tell me.’

  ‘Ya mad,’ said Marjorie in a deep voice. ‘But me see why. She pretty ting when she sit still an’ quiet.’

  ‘That’s true,’ he said, sitting back in his chair staring at her. ‘But the problem is can I keep her out of trouble for long enough?’

  ‘Gina Glory Glory started it!’ snapped Hatty, opening her packet of crisps.

  ‘Ya beatin’ up ya boyfriend ex woman?’

  ‘She’s lucky I didn’t kill her for touching him,’ mumbled Hatty then Jake realised it was mostly annoyance and jealousy which stemmed Hatty’s little outburst. He laughed out loudly. ‘What?’

  ‘Don’t go beating up all my ex-girlfriends.’

  ‘How many are there? Name them.’

  ‘It’s irrelevant.’

  ‘I can take them all down,’ she said with a smile as he grinned back realising he couldn’t recall a name other than just one.

  Hatty Ha Ha.

  Jake laughed again.

  ‘You know it’s the first sign of madness,’ said Hatty cheerfully, as they sat outside on the balcony looking out onto the sea, an hour later eating dinner. ‘Jake laughed all the way back and I didn’t say anything.’

  ‘You have that effect on people,’ smiled Murray as Hatty grinned at the two handsome men sitting opposite her. ‘Any more news on the hurricane?’

  ‘Come on weather boy, tell us your report?’ she teased as Jake rolled his eyes.

  ‘It’s serious and I think we should think about flying out to somewhere safe like dad said,’ he replied. ‘I think it might cause some damage.’

  ‘And where are we going to go?’ Hatty sat there agitated at everyone’s panicking. ‘America? Well, they’ve been hit already unless we fly into South America. Frankly we stay put and wait it out. The centre of the island is high up and we’ll be safe.’ She noticed Murray frown at her for a moment. ‘Do you want us to fly out? Look, if it was so bad how come Aunt Delores flew back in today?’

  ‘Broomsticks don’t count,’ said Jake. Murray glared at his son as Hatty tried not to laugh. ‘And you’re being a bit flip about this all. It’s going to be dangerous.’

  ‘What about your Aunt Caroline? Has anyone sorted out how she’s going to stay safe?’

  ‘I’ll sort everyone out,’ said Murray calmly, thumping his chest.

  Hatty glanced at Jake, who was anxiously looking at his father.

  ‘I think you should see a doctor,’ Hatty said quietly, eating her corn on the cob. ‘You don’t look well and, you know, at your age you have to be careful.’

  ‘Harriet I’m only forty six.’

  ‘Nearly fifty you see,’ she said solemnly. ‘Middle age and all that.’

  ‘You really know how to say the kindest things, don’t you?’ said Jake, shaking his head, taking his chicken drumstick and tapping her nose gently. ‘You should be in the diplomatic corps but unfortunately she’s right this time. Dad, we should call a doctor.’

  ‘I’m fine. I’ve got a lot on my mind.’

  ‘Well don’t worry about me, I’m fine,’ Hatty said earnestly, hoping he’d understand what she was saying. ‘Everything about me is fine. I’m happy and I forgive everyone for everything…’ then mumbled. ‘Except that slut!’

  ‘Hatty let it rest,’ Jake said wearily as she felt her bruised and hot face, while Murray tried to hide his smile.

  ‘You know young lady, your behaviour was atrocious. Gina is very cruel and I know she’s bullied you for ages but punching her? I saw you fly at her in a second. She didn’t know what was happening.’

  ‘I’m not apologising!’ snapped Hatty. ‘I did it before when she was rude to me at the summer party but I’m not doing it again and you can’t make me!’

  ‘That wasn’t an apology! That was a massive onslaught of insults, if I remember,’ said Murray. He jolted making Hatty jump as Jake stood up. ‘Indigestion, I’m telling you, gets me all the time.’

  ‘This is more than that,’ said Jake sharply.

  She knew Murray wasn’t telling the truth.

  ‘I’m calling the doctor,’ Hatty announced and marched to the phone.

  ‘Don’t you dare Harriet!’ Murray barked as she stopped in mid stride. ‘I mean it!’

  ‘But you’re not we
ll. I can see that and-.’

  ‘I will go to the doctor’s tomorrow but not tonight. We need to sit down with Delores and talk things through.’

  ‘Bollocks to that!’ she snapped, only to be met with his disapproving look. ‘You’re ill and I want someone to check you out. You know I have to look after you when you’re old and demented, I might as well start now.’ Murray started to laugh as Jake flashed a look of concern. ‘If I call the doctor now he can come tomorrow, can’t he?’

  Before listening to his reply, she walked to his study, picked up the phone and made the call quickly before Murray could follow her in. After securing a nine thirty appointment, she walked back in and was surprised to see Delores standing in the living room.

  ‘Hello aunt!’ Hatty happily said and rushed to give her a hug, noticing how cool Delores seemed towards her.

  She stood back and smiled, noticing Delores looked different but she couldn’t figure out how.

  ‘Hatty,’ she said and smiled. ‘How’ve you been?’

  ‘Very well,’ replied Hatty, seeing she was being quite formal. ‘The doctor’s coming at nine thirty tomorrow morning, Murray.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ he said and stood up suddenly burping. ‘See it was wind.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Delores said and walked up to him.

  Jake side stepped her and stood next to Hatty.

  ‘He doesn’t look well so he needs to be checked out,’ Jake said mildly as Delores leaned down to look at Murray.

  ‘You’re right,’ she said but Hatty couldn’t see her face. ‘He must be under some stress.’

  ‘I’m under incredible stress,’ he said to Delores as Hatty looked at Jake who was in turn glared at Delores. ‘With this hurricane coming I have to make sure all the guests are fine so it’s added pressure.’

  ‘Hatty,’ Delores said standing up to look at her. ‘I thought you’d have come over to drop off your bags.’


  ‘To stay with me before we decide whether to leave or go to a hotel, isn’t that so Murray?’ she replied with a confused expression.

  ‘She’s staying with me,’ replied Jake. ‘I want to keep her safe.’

  ‘Staying here? In your room?’ said Delores who seemed agitated. ‘That’s really not right.’


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