The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins

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The Secret History of Hatty Ha Ha ... Begins Page 70

by S M Mala

  ‘Only if you press hard on me,’ he replied and Hatty immediately stood up as Jake stepped forward. ‘I asked the doctors if I could discharge myself and they said they need me here for a few more days to run tests which means I can’t fly out. I’d feel much happier if you get off the island.’

  ‘Hatty’s right, we can’t leave you,’ Jake said, seeing how weak his dad looked and not wanting to let him out of his sight. ‘We’ll go to a hotel near the hospital and keep an eye on you.’

  ‘Jake you’re not listening,’ Murray said wearily.

  ‘Do as you’re told,’ Hatty piped in. ‘You have to rest and I’ll look after you.’ She hesitated for a moment. ‘Murray, I heard you talking to aunt this morning.’

  ‘What about?’ asked Jake, seeing Hatty frown.

  ‘It’s not your concern,’ said Murray tiredly and closing his eyes.

  ‘You know, I’d forgive you for anything,’ Hatty said quietly. ‘Even if you don’t love aunt, I’d still love you. Even if you did something bad I’d not care, you know that don’t you?’

  Jake watched as his father’s eyes opened really quickly as Hatty bent to kiss him, that’s when he noticed the machine in the hospital bleeping.

  ‘Your father is fine,’ said the doctor, fifteen minutes later. ‘With heart attacks they sometimes happen again until the patient is properly stabilised. Your father wasn’t in any pain.’

  Jake looked over at a sobbing Hatty in the corner and knew she thought she’d done something to Murray.

  ‘Did you hear what the doctor said?’ Jake gently said to her as she shook her head from side to side. ‘It’s normal.’

  ‘Dying isn’t normal,’ she replied and Jake wanted to laugh but realised it was his nerves playing up. ‘And I was being nice.’

  ‘Maybe that’s what sent him over the edge,’ he said quietly, seeing her try not to laugh. ‘Go home. You’ve had a tough day.’ Then he saw Delores marching towards them. ‘Dad’s fine.’

  ‘I want to see him,’ she said sharply. ‘I need to see him.’

  ‘He can’t have any other visitors until later on,’ said the doctor. ‘Let’s get his meds sorted out and we’ll see how we go from there.’

  He walked off as Jake looked at Delores and he felt a sharp surge of anger towards her. She glared at him.

  ‘You heard the man, let dad get some rest,’ he said, grabbing Hatty’s arm and gently helping her to stand up. ‘I think we should talk about what’s going to happen next.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ asked Delores, slightly confused.

  ‘Dad can’t leave the island and the hurricane’s coming. Hatty refuses to go and I can’t leave my father. We need to make sure the employees are safe and Aunt Caroline and you have to fly out tomorrow morning, as planned. Dad booked a chartered plane.’

  ‘I am not leaving Murray,’ she said and he noticed she flashed Hatty a filthy look. ‘This is your fault!’

  ‘Pardon?’ said Hatty gulping hard.

  ‘Leave her alone!’ snapped Jake.

  ‘If you had agreed to fly out tomorrow then he wouldn’t have collapsed!’ Delores took in a deep breath.

  ‘Apparently he was talking to you for a while and that seemed to have pushed him over the edge,’ said Jake flatly, wanting desperately to hit her really hard but seeing Hatty was on the verge of crying again. ‘She saved his life and he doesn’t blame Hatty. But I think he’s got someone else in mind who seems to spend most of her time winding him up!’

  Before Delores could answer back, he dragged Hatty out of the hospital and put her in the jeep then saw Caroline standing outside.

  ‘Don’t move!’ Jake buckled her in and got out of the car.

  ‘How is he?’ she said concerned and Jake fell into her arms as she hugged him.

  ‘Not good but he’ll get better. You need to get off the island. We’ve got a plane for tomorrow,’ he said tiredly.

  ‘I can’t leave you Jake, not like this,’ she said, holding him tightly. ‘Right now you need me and I’m going to make sure I’m around.’

  They were silent on the drive back home as he could see Hatty was deep in thought. His mobile started to ring and she picked it up.

  ‘Hello,’ she said quietly. ‘Uncle Freddie, he’s fine. They’re keeping him in hospital for a few days and that means he can’t leave the island just yet.


  ‘No, we’re not going tomorrow. I won’t leave him,’ her voice trembled as Jake saw she was trying so hard not to cry. ‘I’ll get Jake to call you when we get back.’

  She hung up as Jake took a deep breath, knowing he had to say something.

  ‘You should leave tomorrow,’ he said quietly. ‘Dad wants you to be safe.’

  ‘I’m not going,’ she said, clearing her throat. ‘And I don’t want to be asked again.’

  ‘Did Frederick ask you?’

  ‘I just want to go home and change before we go back to the hospital,’ she said, staring out of the window. ‘It’s my fault and-.’

  ‘Hey,’ he said and stopped the jeep as she turned away from him. ‘Look at me.’


  ‘Please?’ Jake saw her shoulders slump as she turned to face him, her eyes red and her nose shiny from crying. ‘You didn’t do anything wrong and this isn’t your fault, do you hear me? Dad’s obviously not been well for a while. The doctor said he’s had all the signs but chose to ignore them, plus he’s not exactly exercising and eating healthily. Delores is a bitch and has issues. She shouldn’t have said what she did, but that’s her all over.’

  ‘Murray might have upset her this morning,’ Hatty quietly replied, as he stroked her face. ‘They were talking about us, about me and then about my mother. Murray said he wished he’d tried harder to convince her and that, this is strange. Delores turned her back on my mum when her parents died. That’s why my mum came here. She had no one and wanted to start again, probably re-invent herself but Murray found her.’

  Hatty grabbed her necklace for a second.

  ‘He said a lot too and I could hear she was really upset. It’s when he told her he wasn’t going to marry her, I realised the extent of their relationship. I had no idea. I thought it was companionship and sex.’ Jake was on the verge of saying something cutting about Delores but held back. ‘And she asked him if his feelings for me were more and he got really upset. She asked if he loved her and there was silence so I walked in to stop it. I couldn’t stand the tension and I didn’t want to hear what I think he was going to say.’

  ‘You should have let him say it,’ Jake said and held her tightly.

  ‘Then I’m not sure who would have had the heart attack afterwards.’

  Jake left her as he headed back to the hospital after a fifteen minute dispute about not letting her go to see Murray again. She eventually backed down when Ethel gave her one of her looks, which meant she should let him get his own way. Hatty sat on the balcony staring out to see as Ethel sat near her.

  ‘What ya did dis morning’ show ya a brave gal,’ said Ethel, sipping on a small glass of Guinness. ‘Savin’ his life.’

  ‘I’d give my life for his any day,’ Hatty said, meaning it with all her heart. ‘He’s been very good to me and I need to show him it was worth it.’ She looked at the old lady who sympathetically glanced back. ‘Why would aunt be so horrible to me?’

  ‘Jake tell me an’ me agree, stay away from Delores. She not tinkin’ straight, me see it for months but me not say.’ Ethel’s face turned very serious as Hatty stared at her. ‘Hatty, dat woman is ‘urtin’ about many tings an’ me not want see ya get ‘urt, okay?’

  ‘She won’t hurt me,’ shrugged Hatty.

  ‘So why tell Master Jake’s Aunt Caroline about ya, aye?’ She sucked air through her teeth which made a small whistling sound as her dentures weren’t in properly. ‘An’ ya keep away from dat Caroline. She not ‘ere to be nice eder. An’ not forget Gina Glory Glory. Me see ‘er today an’ she look mad.’

  ‘So b
asically three witches are out to get me?’


  ‘Bring Hatty in tomorrow,’ said Murray lying on the bed. ‘I need to talk to her.’

  ‘She won’t go on the plane. I’ve tried to convince her but she won’t leave you and it’s not because I’m staying. That minx even told me to go tomorrow and she’d look after you.’ Jake let out an uncomfortable laugh. ‘They say another five days and it’ll be here. I reckon even if you’re out in a few days we won’t be allowed to fly.’

  ‘This isn’t about her leaving. I just want to know what she heard this morning.’

  ‘Delores was a bitch and blamed her for your heart attack. Ha Ha was so upset. I didn’t want to bring her back today as she’d just cry.’

  ‘I see.’ Jake noticed his father’s heart was starting to beat faster.

  ‘But don’t worry about it. I could see Delores was worried and Hatty knew it.’ Jake smiled brightly but knew his father was less convinced of his excuse.

  ‘You’ll help me sort out some of my employees, won’t you? I know Frederick and Philip will sort out the other people but Ethel, Monica and Thomas. They don’t live in safe homes and-.’

  ‘Like I said this morning, Hatty’s making doubly sure they’re safe.’

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked and Jake looked at his father then broke down in tears, unable to control the fear of losing him. ‘Oh son, I’m sorry to give you a scare.’

  ‘I can’t afford to lose you,’ he said, annoyed about crying.

  ‘And I don’t want to lose you. This is my body telling me I need to be careful and I will. From now on I have to look after myself and not get stressed. Hey, I’m not even old! As soon as I’m fit enough I’m going to make some changes to my life.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘I’ll tell you when the time’s ready.’

  She’d been waiting by the window and saw his jeep pull up. After Ethel left, there was no one in the house. She waited in the living room watching the televised reports but not really caring, as all she could think about was Murray and Jake.

  Hatty flung open the door as Jake walked up the stairs and wearily smiled at her.

  ‘How is he?’ she asked, hoping to hear happy news.

  ‘They’re still stabilising him and he won’t be able to leave the island. He might have to be moved to safety higher up but they’ll tell us tomorrow.’

  ‘It’s getting worse,’ she said, examining his tired face. ‘I don’t know how many people were killed in Mexico but houses seem to be disappearing, as well as people drowning out at sea. Do you want a drink?’

  ‘Yeah,’ he said, stopping as she looked up at him. ‘A large one.’

  Hatty grabbed his hand and led him into the living room as he sat down and kicked off his shoes. She pulled out a bottle of Murray’s expensive scotch and poured a large measure before handing it over.

  ‘I’ll get some ice,’ she replied and ran to the kitchen, pushing her hand into the ice bag and pulling out a few cubes, rushing back and plonking them in his drink.

  He smiled and sipped it as she went to the patio windows, overlooking the garden and saw the light on in Delores’s house.

  Again, she felt angry at Delores for her unkind words but tried her hardest to push it away. She closed the blinds and went around the house, locking up. When she returned, he was sitting on the edge of his seat, watching the television before opening up his laptop and typing away. Hatty sat nearby and watched him, wondering what was going through his mind about Murray and the whole situation. She could see he was torn between working and worrying.

  ‘Are you hungry?’ she asked as he glanced up for second and nodded.

  She took the cue to go and make him something. Heading to the kitchen once again, she opened the fridge and found some cold chicken. While putting together a sandwich, her eyes veered towards Delores’s house.

  Hatty couldn’t hold back as she opened the door and walked towards her old home.

  As she got to the front door she knocked. Within seconds Delores was staring at her then stood to one side as Hatty walked into the living room.

  ‘I understand you’re upset,’ Hatty began quietly. ‘But there’s no need to blame me for Murray’s heart attack.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Delores said quickly. ‘I didn’t mean to lash out at you.’

  Hatty’s heart softened and she gave her aunt a hug.

  ‘I’d never hurt Murray, you know that,’ she said softly. ‘Did you see him?’

  ‘No,’ Delores replied and sat deflated on the sofa. ‘After the second heart attack they refused but I waited. As I was leaving I saw Jake.’

  ‘Come over to the house. Don’t stay here alone.’

  ‘Can you stay here the night?’ Delores asked and Hatty sat down next to her.

  ‘I’d prefer it if you came over. I can’t leave Jake alone. He’s very upset.’ She saw the pursing of Delores’s lips. ‘I want to care for you both.’ She then watched the lips turn to a tired smile. ‘Stay the night in one of the spare rooms.’

  ‘What about Jake?’

  ‘Look,’ Hatty said gently, seeing the hurt on Delores’s face. ‘You two don’t get on and I suppose you never will, but at times like this, we have to stick together.’

  Jake’s expression was like thunder as Hatty walked in with Delores.

  ‘She’s very concerned and we need to support each other,’ Hatty gently said. ‘I said aunt could sleep here tonight as she shouldn’t be alone.’

  ‘Fine,’ said Jake, putting on false smile. ‘Make yourself at home. I’m whacked and need to go to bed.’

  ‘Me too,’ Delores said then hesitated. ‘I’m sorry Jake, for being such a bitch to you. You know I think the world of your father. I apologised to Hatty about what I said in the hospital. I was lashing out.’

  ‘I see,’ he replied and Hatty knew he wasn’t convinced.

  ‘I’ll bring up a sandwich in a minute,’ Hatty said as he walked past her, flashing an anxious glance and ran up the stairs. ‘I’m going to look after him.’

  ‘You do that,’ Delores said as Hatty went to the kitchen, got his sandwich and grabbed a bottle of water.

  As she walked past the study, she saw Delores sitting motionless, deep in thought.

  ‘Are you sure this is sensible?’ Jake asked as Hatty walked into the bedroom. He was on his laptop while the other one was tuned into the television channel. ‘Us three under the same roof?’

  ‘As long as you don’t sneak into her bedroom and start getting frisky, I’m fine,’ smiled Hatty as he rolled his eyes.

  ‘I just want to go to sleep,’ he said wearily. ‘And we have to get up early to go and see Dad.’

  ‘You’re not tricking me and slinging me on a plane,’ she said seriously, handing him the plate and the drink. ‘You have to remember I need to look after Barney.’

  ‘He was asleep in the study last time I saw,’ he said, taking a massive bite out of the sandwich and staring at her.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, stroking his hair. ‘You must be really worried.’

  ‘I had a bit of a moment with him.’

  Hatty hugged Jake as he wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling his warmth, then she realised he was crying and wouldn’t let go.

  He was still as she lay next to him on the bed, his back to her. Hatty examined his side and was scared he wasn’t coping. Delores had come up to bed a few hours earlier. She’d heard her walk to the furthest end of the corridor. Slowly, Hatty put her arm around him and stroked his side as he turned to face her, eyes wide open.

  ‘I can’t sleep,’ he said.

  ‘I thought you were.’

  ‘My head’s racing with so many things and I can’t think straight.’

  ‘Then don’t think. You know I’m here for you, I’ll always be here for you if you want me to be.’

  They were silent for a while as they stared at each other.

  ‘I want you to be my wife, I think that tells you enou
gh,’ he eventually said, pushing her hair away from her face. ‘I want you so much but I haven’t really got the energy.’ He let out a little laugh. ‘I should be saying that to you when I’m sixty, shouldn’t I?’

  ‘Do you want me to give you some light relief?’ she said, seeing him start to laugh. ‘What else do you call it?

  ‘You want to jerk me off?’

  ‘Your American words are daft aren’t they?’


  ‘You know what I mean,’ she smiled and could see he was pretty stressed out, even trying to smile through it. ‘It’ll be alright, I know it will.’

  ‘Christ, dad in hospital, this place soon to be hit by a natural disaster, what else can happen?’

  ‘Your aunt turning up,’ she replied and letting out a massive sigh. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t be friendly to her, knowing she’s only here to cause trouble. It’s not right and especially now.’

  ‘And Delores? What’s she doing?’

  ‘She’s in love with Murray and things aren’t going well. She wants more and he won’t give it. You have to feel for her don’t you?’

  ‘No,’ he said bluntly which surprised Hatty for a moment.

  Jake got out of bed and walked towards the balcony, opening the doors and sitting on a chair.

  Her first reaction was to tell him to shut them but she got her bottle of spray, covered herself and the bed before taking the sheet and going to join him. She sat down opposite and examined him deep in thought.

  ‘Philip called this evening and said he was sorting things out with Freddie, so you don’t have to feel pressurised with Murray’s business,’ she said quietly and examined the lush greenery. ‘How comes you didn’t take a bedroom with a sea view? Murray’s got the best of both as he has the sea and the greenery.’

  ‘Because,’ he let out a little sigh and looked at her. ‘I was in the room over-looking the sea but I preferred the view on this side.’

  ‘Oh? Isn’t that a little strange, even if I don’t like the sea but it’s very pretty on the other side.’

  ‘I was looking out for something.’

  ‘I see,’ she said and sniffed a little, realising he’d be able to spot Gina Glory Glory going into the offices.


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