The Darri Commission: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 3)

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The Darri Commission: A Sci-Fi Dystopian Adventure (Dominion Rising Book 3) Page 12

by Katherine Bogle

  They moved painfully slow, crossing the edge of the hangar one step at a time. It’d take several minutes to cross the catwalk to the steps leading down. Once they reached the hangar floor, there was a door leading into a stairwell. At the bottom of the stairs they’d be back by the engine room and close to their exit.

  Selene inhaled deeply and let her breath go through her nose. She had to stay calm, focused. She walked like the soldiers, her movements in time with Rikkard’s. But with every step her heart pounded and her gaze darted to the floor below.

  A group of half a dozen soldiers marched by, moving quickly as they crossed the floor to some kind of jet on the far end. It had sleek wings, a curved window in the front, and was covered in nearly seamless gray metal. It was a little old school for her liking, but the guns on the bottom were definitely new.

  “Almost there,” Rikkard whispered over his shoulder.

  Selene looked up, met his gaze and nodded. Only a couple more minutes and they’d be out of there. Maybe they could make it to the door unseen? Maybe luck had chosen their side after all?


  Her thoughts burned away as a loud shout reverberated off the walls, and it was like every soldier in the huge room turned to face them.


  “Run!” Rikkard snapped.

  She looked back to check on Sav. Flik’s eyes were closed. He was completely passed out.

  Selene took off, racing on her captain’s heels as the whine of laser rifles filled her ears. She brought her gun up to her chest, pressing it to her shoulder. She risked a glance down at the hangar floor.

  A red shot burst just over her head, making her yelp as black blossomed on the dark metal wall.

  She kept running, her boots clanging loudly on the grated floor.

  “I’m not sure how things are going in there, but I just received a message from Captain Erock,” Rem buzzed in her ear.

  “Not a good time!” Rikkard shouted in his earpiece. He barely ducked in time for a laser to miss his head.

  “Well, they’re pulling back. Their shields are down, and they’re taking a lot of damage. You guys need to get out of there like now,” Rem continued.

  “Fuck!” Selene snapped.

  She looked back again. Sav was lagging behind.

  “Rikkard!” she called before spinning back. She crouched, pressing close to the metal railing. She aimed at the first guard getting shots too close to them. She shot him in the eye.

  Rikkard returned, breathing heavily at her shoulder.

  “Help them!” She motioned at Sav and Flik, then took out another soldier.

  Rikkard didn’t say a word, only took Flik’s other arm, flinging it across his shoulders. The three men raced across the catwalk, and Selene stood, following close behind, squeezing off shot after shot.

  The soldiers ducked behind speeders, crates, and cruisers—anything that blocked them from her fire. When they could, they leaned out and shot, but with so little time to aim and shoot, their shots sizzled on the wall and the catwalk around her.

  “Go!” Selene shouted.

  They reached the end of the catwalk and descended the stairs in a hurry. Rikkard swiped the door open at the bottom and they all leapt through, heat burning inches from her back.

  The door darkened as it closed. If they’d been one second longer, Rikkard might be carrying her out of there too.

  She shot the panel beside the door, hoping that was enough to disable any immediate pursuit.

  “Let’s go!” Rikkard snapped. He was already at the far end of the corridor with the other two.

  Selene raced to join them, and a few halls, and one set of stairs later they arrived at the maintenance port. The door flew open, and Darius stared at them with wide eyes from the cargo hold of their cruiser.

  “Hurry up would you!” he growled.

  Rikkard pushed through, and Darius took over for him, helping Sav and Flik inside before Selene joined them.

  She slammed the door shut behind her before hitting the red button beside it. The cargo door lurched and folded shut.

  Selene took a deep breath, trying to still her racing heart. “Damn,” she panted. “That was close.”

  “Understatement of the year!” Sav said.

  Selene shook her head and let them be, joining Rikkard and Rem in the cockpit. Rem had already detached and they were flying away, their ship skimming the surface of the ocean.

  “We’re free?” she asked.

  Rikkard looked back over his shoulder. He gave a brusque nod before turning back to the three screens he was inspecting.

  “The pirates have already gone,” Rem said. “They want us to meet them back around New Manhattan. The Captain said something about us needing to pay for damages.”

  Selene laughed, and Rikkard scoffed.

  “Unlikely,” Rikkard grumbled.

  Selene took a seat behind her boss, strapping in before allowing herself to breathe. She looked over Rikkard’s shoulders at the holoscreens hovering above the dashboard. One was the back facing camera, another the weapons log, and the third a bunch of code she didn’t understand.

  “No pursuit,” she said.

  “Not yet,” Rikkard said.

  Rem flicked up another screen and shifted it into the middle of the wide dash. A small red dot blinked at the center of it—their cruiser. In the distance was a large blue blob. Targen.

  “They know they can’t catch us,” Rem said proudly.

  “That ship isn’t built for a chase,” Selene agreed.

  “They had other ships,” Rikkard reminded her.

  Selene shrugged. “Then why aren’t they using them?”

  Rikkard sighed. “Why indeed…”

  They waited in uncomfortable silence, but no blips ever followed, and soon they were out of range of Targen, and all that was in it.

  The door to the cargo hold clanged as it hit the metal floor outside. Selene rushed out, her heart pounding in her ears as she swung around to make sure the others followed. Sav and Rikkard had Flik slung between them, his arms wrapped around their shoulders.

  The alien’s skin was nearly white, and his eyes closed. His cheeks looked sunken and his entire body lifeless. Fear sent cold washing across her skin like ice water.

  “What happened?” Erock appeared at her shoulder.

  She barely spared him a glance as Sav, Flik, and Rikkard made it to the cargo bay of the pirate ship. “We need to get him to Doc now,” she said.

  Erock nodded, and motioned for them to follow. The pirate captain raced to the exit, Selene on his heels and the others not far behind.

  They wound through metal halls, everything a blur of panic.

  What if Flik doesn’t make it? The thought speared her heart and made her eyes water. She shook her head and bit down hard on her lip. The blossoming pain shook her from a string of panic-filled thoughts. No one dies today, she reminded herself.

  They arrived at the doctor’s office, and the door whooshed open.

  “Doc!” Erock called.

  Doc looked up, his eyes wide in surprise. He sat at his desk in the corner, a book in hand, and his glasses perched on the tip of his nose. “Captain,” Doc greeted. His eyebrows pulled together in confusion until the rest of them piled inside. The blond man jumped to his feet, but his jaw hardened as Sav and Rikkard placed Flik on the metal table at the center of the room.

  “Help him!” Selene snapped when Doc didn’t move.

  The doctor looked between her and Flik, his eyes darkening. “I can’t.”

  “What?” Her breath hissed out between her teeth.

  “I can’t help him.” He nodded his chin at Flik.

  Selene looked between them with wide eyes. “Why? Because he’s an alien?” Her voice rose, and her fists tightened.

  Erock stilled, looking thoughtfully at the doctor, but he didn’t interfere.

  “You’re a doctor!” Sav motioned at Flik. “You have a duty to help him!”

  Doc shook his he
ad slowly. “Not with them.”

  Cold fire burned through her lungs and up into her throat, threatening to suffocate her. She took a quick breath, and leapt across the space between them. Yanking her pistol from her belt, she slammed the muzzle against the doctor’s forehead.

  “You will help him,” she growled.

  He met her eyes, fear spilling off of him in waves. “I-I can’t.”

  Selene jammed the barrel closer, and Doc winced. “You can and you will. You’re a fucking doctor for fuck’s sake. You don’t decide whom you will and will not help. If someone is hurt, you put your personal shit aside and do it!” Though she felt like screaming her voice was low, barely above a whisper. She’d never felt fury like this before. It was wild and untamed inside her. She’d do anything to save one of her own. Anything.

  Doc closed his eyes as if accepting his fate. “I can’t.”

  All the fire leeched from her with one breath. Her eyes widened and she lowered her pistol, instead grabbing his arm. Desperation bubbled inside her and her eyes burned. She couldn’t lose another person. Not after Sarah. Not after Lanny. One by one her friends were dropping around her, and she couldn’t let Flik be the next.

  “Please,” she begged. “I know you’re scared of them, and all they’ve done. I know they have a million secrets, and have done so much wrong to our world, but Flik isn’t like them. He’s trying to save us. He’s trying to help us. Humans. He may be an alien, but he’s one of us.”

  Doc met her gaze, his eyes shining with uncertainty. His lips parted to speak, and then he closed them again.

  “Please,” she repeated. She squeezed his arm, hoping beyond hope he’d change his mind.

  He looked away, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses. When he finally sighed and looked back at her, his lips twitched at the corners. “All right.”

  Selene’s heart leapt up into her throat, and she nearly threw herself at him in a hug. “Thank you,” she said instead.

  Doc nodded, and stepped around her. “Everyone out.”

  Sav narrowed his eyes. “I’m not leaving him.”

  “Fine,” Doc said. “Everyone else.”

  The rest of them filed out, and the door closed behind them. Selene leaned her back against the wall, welcoming the cold seeping through her clothes and into her spine. She shut her eyes, putting her face in her hands as she took a few deep breaths. She couldn’t believe how close they were to losing another person. Even now, Flik might not make it. What would they do if he didn’t?

  She’d miss his smile, his snark, and the way he fought alongside them, trusting them with his life. Her heart squeezed and she took a shuddering breath. She couldn’t think like this. Not yet.

  Flik is going to be fine, she told herself.

  When Selene finally lowered her hands, Erock was staring at her from the other side of the hall. She raised an eyebrow at him, and he sighed, shaking his head before turning and walking away. She had a feeling he wanted to be angry with her for threatening his only physician, but maybe even he knew she was in the right here. She never would have threatened Doc otherwise.

  Once Erock was gone it was just her and Rikkard. He watched her with a crease between his eyebrows; worry clouding his normally bright eyes.

  She shook her head. She couldn’t bear to address anyone’s worry but her own right now. It crowded her so completely, filling her chest, her limbs, and her head.

  Selene began to pace, the restless feeling inside driving her to move. She wasn’t used to staying still for long, and lately they’d had far too much sitting around talking, and not enough action.

  Her boots slapped the metal grated floor, the only sound other than their breathing. Whatever soundproofing they had between rooms, it had to be good. Even after pressing her ear close to the door a few times she couldn’t hear a thing within.

  Grunting her disapproval, she turned back to pacing. She wanted to know so badly what was going on inside. Was Doc helping? What if he decided to turn again? What if he refused to help Flik, or worse, tried to kill him?

  Ice speared her heart, and she quickly pushed the thought away. Though she didn’t know much about the doctor, he’d saved her life more than once. She had to believe he’d let go of his prejudice and help someone in need. She had to remind herself that Sav was inside, too. He’d watch the Doc like a hawk. Nothing would get past him.

  Her shoulders relaxed slightly. The thought made her feel better, but it didn’t stop her pulse from pounding.

  Warm fingers wrapped around her wrist. Selene looked up in time to get a face full of Rikkard’s chest as he pulled her against him. His arms encircled her, holding her there, his chin resting gently on top of her head.

  Her racing heart sped up for reasons other than worrying about her friend’s safety.

  “Where did your optimism go?” he asked. His chest rumbled beneath her cheek, and Selene smiled despite herself.

  “It’s here.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, taking a moment to breath in the scent of sandalwood, sweat and lingering fear. She relaxed in his grip. Somehow he could make her feel out of control and safe all at the same time. “It’s just hiding a little bit.” Her cheeks heated.

  Rikkard chuckled and squeezed her tightly. “Doc will take care of him.”

  Selene’s heart skipped with doubt. “But what if he doesn’t?”

  He stiffened. “He will.”

  “I don’t want to lose someone else,” she whispered.

  “You won’t.” Rikkard held her closer, and she closed her eyes.

  “I hope you’re right.” Her voice was so quiet she wasn’t even sure he’d hear her, but he nodded, his chin dipping up and away from her head before falling back down.

  They waited in tense silence for what must have been nearly half an hour. All the fight drained from her limbs until she was consumed by exhaustion. But she knew she’d never be able to sleep—not until she knew Flik was okay. Though she could definitely use a shower.

  The door opened, and Selene leapt from Rikkard’s hold, her heart racing as she met Sav’s green gaze.

  His eyes sparkled, and his smile widened.

  “He’ll be okay?” Selene asked. Her mouth hung open in surprise until he nodded. She closed her eyes for a moment of relief before launching herself at Sav, wrapping her arms around his neck for a quick squeeze before she dropped back down to her feet. “I want to thank something, but thanking Aldar is definitely not happening.”

  Sav chuckled and nodded. “I know the feeling.”

  “Is he awake?” she asked.

  Sav shook his head. “He woke up for about a minute, realized we were safe and passed out.” He growled a laugh, and Selene joined him.

  “Of course,” she said.

  “We should follow his lead,” Sav suggested.

  Selene smiled. “I could use a little rest.”

  “Same.” Sav looked back at the door. “But I’m going to stay for a while. I can sleep later.”

  Her excitement drained slightly. He was staying to watch Flik and make sure Doc didn’t do anything. She couldn’t blame him. She no longer trusted the doctor alone with any of them. “Understood.”

  Sav said goodnight and returned to the doctor’s office while Selene faced Rikkard.

  “Time for a nap?” Rikkard arched an eyebrow.

  “Yep.” Selene turned toward the room they’d been given and made her way there, Rikkard on her heels.

  They made it down two hallways before encountering anyone else; almost as if Erock had told his crew to stay away from Doc’s while they were there.

  Selene raised an eyebrow as two men passed, one with a busted lip and a decent shiner, the other with a crooked nose and an angry look in his eye. She shot Rikkard a look over her shoulder, but he only shrugged. They were pirates after all.

  They continued down the hall until they passed a few Icarus, both in similar states to the pirates. Her heart leapt, and she stopped in her tracks, but the Icarus kept going,
wearing equal looks of fury and a lust for vengeance.

  Uh oh.

  In their absence it seemed the pirates and the Icarus weren’t getting along so well.

  Rikkard touched her elbow, and refocused her on their goal: getting back to the room and getting some much needed rest. They could deal with the Icarus later.

  Selene led the way. Though her body was tired, her mind still raced with worry for a thousand things—their current living situation, the unrest they were causing, the Saegon beacon they still needed to find, and everything else she’d been piling on her shoulders.

  By the time they entered the room they’d been assigned, Selene was wired. She wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she said. Hopefully the hot water would soothe her muscles and coax her closer to sleep. She began stripping off her weapons and placing them on a table by the door. She almost went for the zipper on her suit when she remembered she wasn’t alone.

  Her cheeks heated, and she casually glanced over her shoulder to find Rikkard weaponless… and shirtless.


  A sly smile pulled at the corners of her lips. It had been a long time since she’d seen her boss without a shirt on. The last had been during their infamous Old Chicago mission, where they’d both been injured, Selene near death, and Rikkard not far behind.

  “What?” Rikkard raised an eyebrow. “I was thinking the same.”

  “Were you?”

  He shrugged. “You can go first.”

  Selene smiled. Something like butterflies fluttered in the base of her stomach, and her skin warmed. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  His eyes widened as he realized her meaning before sparking with something akin to desire. “What did you have in mind?”

  Her face was hot, and she was sure, beet red. He was going to make her say it? Biting back a nervous laugh, Selene took his hand and led him into the bathroom through a frosted glass door.

  She released him once inside, and flicked up the control panel on one side of the glass shower stall. Hot water burst out the nozzle at her request, steam quickly filling the small tiled space. The entire room was grey tile with a commode tucked into the wall, and a sink and mirror by the door.


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