Calder & Maggie

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Calder & Maggie Page 2

by Glenna Maynard

  “Um well…” She rolls her bottom lips inward. “You seem like a nice girl with a strong southern name. Okay. I will go out to my car and get the lease.”

  Once the door closes behind her, I let out a squeal and clap my hands together. My first real place that is all mine. No jerk boyfriend telling me what I can and can’t do. Before him it was my father. For the first time in my life I am free. Well that is for now.

  Ann returns with a pen and I count out the money.

  “Here is your key. You share a unit with Calder Michaelson, but I’m sure you will meet him soon enough. Have you found employment yet?”

  “No. You hiring?” I laugh.”

  She smiles. “Try Pier Three. A good friend of mine owns it. Ask for Becky. Tell her I sent you.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Once Ann leaves, I lock up and go back to the motel to check out. All I have is my duffle bag of clothes and toiletries. I’ll need to buy a pillow and bedding. Groceries. I hope they have a taxi service or not having a car is going to be an issue.

  Back at my new place I cover all the mundane items checking off my mental list as I go through my new living quarters. I open up all the kitchen drawers and cabinets. They are stocked with dishware and silverware. Under the kitchen sink I find a jug of laundry detergent. I didn’t even think about laundry. I need to wash my dirty stuff in the worst way. I will have to be on the lookout for a laundromat tomorrow when I go to the store.

  There is another door I didn’t notice earlier it’s between the kitchen and living room. Probably a storage closet. Only when I go to twist the knob it won’t open. I yank and pull but nothing happens. I go to sit on the couch, but that stupid door is taunting me. So much so that I give up on go out onto the porch. I sit on the steps and look up at the moon getting lost in my thoughts. Wondering if Flip called the police. Wondering if I will get away with what I have done and if God can forgive me. If I can forgive me. The white paint on the stairs is cracked and peeling. I pick at it and flick the strips away, hoping that I find my way soon.

  While I am contemplating my recent life choices a truck pulls up and a guy gets out of the passenger side. The first thing I notice about him is that he is tall with incredibly dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He’s too far away for me to make out his eyes but he’s dressed in a pair of grey athletic shorts and a sleeveless black t-shirt. He grabs something from the truck. A basketball. I hear him say something to the guy driving the truck then start walking toward me. This must be my neighbor. I stand up and move from the steps to get out of his path.

  Moonlit grey. That’s the color of his eyes. He stops just short of me and digs a set of keys out of his pocket. I can’t help but study the tribal turtle tattoo on his right bicep. My gaze is immediately drawn to the dark ink. He’s muscular but not in that beefy way—he’s lean but not too skinny either.

  “You my new neighbor?” Deep and husky are two words I would use to describe the man’s voice. He moves past me to unlock his door as I fidget with my fingers trying to come up with something witty to say.

  “Oh me, yeah.” I point to myself like anyone else is standing here. So dumb. “I’m Maggie.”

  He removes his keys from the lock and looks back at me, quirking a brow. “Like the song?” he questions with a hint of a smile.


  “Rod Stewart. Wake Up Maggie…” he trails off.

  My head moves side to side, and I tuck my newly dyed dark brown hair behind my ear. I’m still not used to the color after being a bottle blonde for years. “Sorry. I’m not familiar.”

  “Right. Well, I’m Calder. If you need anything just knock on my door. I gotta get in the shower I have an early shift tomorrow. But it was nice to meet you, Maggie.”

  “Oh yeah sure. Um question…” I stop him before he gets all the way inside. “Where’s the closest laundromat?”

  “Oh.” His face falls, and I wonder what he was expecting me to say. “There isn’t one, but out back there is a screened in porch with a washer. No dryer but we do have a clothesline.”

  “Thanks. One more question…what’s that other door between the living room and bedroom. I tried to open it, but it’s locked.”

  Longer and wider than I expected, his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip and he smirks at me. The expression is different from the smile he gave me before. This is expression is mischievous. “It won’t open. Well not from your side. Years ago, these cottages were part of a resort and the door is an access door between our two places. The lock is on my side,” he explains and my cheeks flush.

  “That makes sense. I thought it was a closet or something.” I shake my head and he nods. “Well good night, Calder.” I wave and rock back on my feet being extremely awkward.

  “Good night, Maggie.” His eye moves quickly, and I can’t tell if it was a twitch or a wink as he closes the door.

  As for me, I stay outside and walk around to the back of the house to check out the laundry situation. When I go around the side of the unit, Calder has his bedroom window open and I can see him all of him—his backside that is as he drops his shorts and lifts his shirt over his head. He’s built. The muscles in his back flex with his every movement and his ass appears smooth and firm. I can’t help but watch him like a peeping Tom. I should keep walking, but my feet are frozen in place and I am unable to look away. Unable to stop wondering what he looks like from the front. I’ve only ever been with Chris and there have been times I have regretted that. Not that I am saying I wish I had slept around. Simply, I regret not dating around. Getting tied down to a guy like him at a young age.

  Calder grabs something and hesitates and I am scared he knows I’m standing here gawking at his ass like a pervert.

  However, when he turns to go in the bathroom I duck down before he sees me. Now I can never look him in the eye. I’ve seen the dude buck ass naked.

  I give up on checking the laundry room out and hurry to my own apartment.

  Later, as I am lying in bed, I wonder if he is still awake, unable to sleep.

  I can’t get thoughts of him out of my mind. His dark hair, his muscles. The sound of his voice when he was singing that song. I have never heard of it, but I already know it’s my new favorite.

  The next morning as I am going out my door Calder is leaving his apartment too.

  “Mornin’, Maggie.” He tilts his head to the side reminding me of the gesture cowboys make when they tip their hat at someone, and I quickly look away unable to meet his eyes.

  “Good morning.”

  He steps in beside me as I walk down our small pebbled driveway. “You heading into town?”

  “Yup. You?” I don’t want to look at him. Afraid that when I do all I will see is him in his birthday suit. But I can’t resist the urge to see those gorgeous grey eyes again. I lift my head and meet his gaze. Why does he have to be so irresistibly cute?

  “Yup. We don’t get a lot of newcomers ‘round here. Where you from?”

  “All over,” I lie through my teeth. Until recently I had never been out of the state of Florida. Growing up we never vacationed. My dad was a workaholic though when I was eleven, I went to Universal Studios with a friend.

  “You grow up in a military family?”

  “My dad was a mechanic in the Army.” I don’t even know if that’s a real thing, but the lies just keep coming out of my mouth.

  “What brings you to the Cove?”

  I shrug. “Why not?”

  He stops walking and annoyance flickers across his brow. “Not very forthcoming, are you?”

  Spinning around to face him, I put a hand on my hip and arch my right brow at him. I need to steer him away from all the personal questions. “I don’t even know you. I’m not just going to give you my whole life story within five minutes of meeting you. Is this an interrogation because it feels like one?” I shake my head and start walking again with no idea of where I am even headed. I’m starving and need to start looking for a job. I don’t
bother to look over my shoulder to see if Calder is still behind me. I can feel his heated glare as he watches the sway of my hips as I strut annoyedly.

  The guy is probably trying to be friendly, but I haven’t thought hard enough about what my actual story will be. This town is small enough that I will need to keep my facts straight. I need a notebook to write things down in. I should probably have a plan before I start applying for jobs. I have enough money to last me for a year if I am frugal. Writing was always my real passion growing up, but Chris thought my wanting to write for a living was foolish. I had a full ride to college and blew it off because Chris happened. Because I got pregnant. Because my dad kicked me out and I didn’t know how I could go to school and raise a baby.

  In the end none of that matters now. My father died last year and left everything to his new wife. A woman he married after he wrote me off. And now Chris is…I don’t want to think about it.

  “Hey.” Calder catches up to me. “I wasn’t trying to be rude. I think we’re getting off on the wrong foot.”

  “As opposed to the right,” I tease, and he grins. A faint red streak colors his cheeks. “It’s fine.”

  We continue to walk down the sidewalk into town in a much-welcomed silence.

  Calder stops me as I am about to cross the street. “How about a do over?” I know the less involved I become the better it will be but the way he is looking at me all sweet, warm, and inviting I can’t say no.


  “Dinner. Tonight. I’ll cook for you.”

  “You’re on.” I want to smack myself. I should be saying no and putting distance between us. I need to remain anonymous. He’s just so good looking though. I’ve never had a guy like him pay me any mind.

  My pulse spikes as he leans in closer than necessary. I get a whiff of his cologne. It has an airy nautical scent that makes my skin tingle. “Seven.”

  I clear my throat. “Seven is good.”

  “Any allergies I should be aware of?”


  “Okay.” Taking a step back he shoves a hand in his pocket. “I’ll see you tonight then.”

  I tilt my head sideways and give him a small wave goodbye before crossing the street. When I look back Calder is still watching me. He makes me anxious and excited.

  I find a small store and purchase a pen and notebook. If I am going to hunt for jobs, I need to get my facts lies in order.

  Chapter 3


  Maggie. I smile as I watch her walk away. She’s gorgeous. Dark brown hair that curls around her shoulders. Big green eyes that sparkle like emeralds. Jeans that hug her shapely ass. She isn’t tall. I would put her at maybe five three in heels. At nearly six foot, I tower over her. The newcomer intrigues me. We get tourist when the turtles are in hatching season, but no one just moves to our small seasonal town who doesn’t already have ties here. I don’t know what she’s doing here but I look forward to learning all about her.

  Walking into the station, I’m ready to get my final day of probation over. No more desk duty for me after this shift. “Calder, get your ass in my office,” Sheriff Big Jim Lennox booms from his doorway.

  “Right away, sir.” His son, Little Jim gives me a dirty look as I pass by his desk. Only reason that prick has a job as deputy is because his daddy is sheriff. The bastard is mean and dumb as a box of rocks. Everyone dislikes him, especially me. He dated my sister when he was in high school. Never treated her too nice. If it weren’t for him, she might still be here. He wasn’t behind the wheel, but he might as well have been. Walking into Jim’s office I take a seat weary of the scowl on his face. The prominent vein in his neck is bulging out as he lights up a cigarette and takes a hard drag. Coffee stains mark the right side of his tan shirt.

  “Calder, I’m going to be straight. If anyone else had pulled the shit you did, they’d be fired, but I like your family and you do a damn good job here. You earned these.” He opens up the bottom drawer of his desk, tosses my badge at me, and places my gun on the top of his desk.

  I know I must look confused.

  “Probation is over. Change into your uniform and get down to the garage to pick up your car. The repairs are done and you’re on your usual route.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.” I shake his weathered shaky hand and pick up my gun. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few months back. His condition is steadily deteriorating but that is privileged information that I overhead my parents discussing over Sunday dinner. My dad owns the only doctor’s office in town and my mother runs a non-profit. The nearest hospital is a thirty-minute drive. Crimson Cove is our own little slice of paradise away from the rest of the world. We don’t have fast food or big chain stores. Most of our residents don’t even have cell phones. People are set in their ways. All the town businesses are family owned and operated. Everyone knows one another. We only have one school. If Mayberry were real, the Cove is it.

  Dressed in my uniform, I head over to Tuck’s garage to get my police cruiser. As I pass by the town library, I spot Maggie sitting on a bench. Her dark hair is now resting in a knot on the top of her head. A few flyaway strands wisp around her face as she chews on the end of an ink pen appearing deep in thought. I start to call out to her but think better of it. I don’t want her thinking that I am a stalker or something.

  I walk into the garage and find Tuck under the hood of Mr. Palmer’s truck. The thing is older than dirt. He’s drove that truck longer than I’ve been breathing. I’ve threatened to write him a ticket for polluting the air with that hunk of junk. I banned him from driving it past the schoolhouse after I witnessed the kids gagging to death from the fumes while they were out on the playground. That old bastard is stubborn as hell though. I swear he drives it past there just to spite me.

  “Hey, Tuck. I’m here to pick up my cruiser.”

  He pokes his head around the hood and wipes his dirty hand on his coveralls. “Well she’s good as new. Can’t even tell you wrapped her around that curve and hit that guardrail.” He clamps a hand on my shoulder and gives me a squeeze before walking into the office. “You got real lucky. Someone was watching over you.”

  I grimace. Luck had nothing to do with it. That guardrail saved my life. “Appreciate it, Tuck.” He drops the keys in my awaiting palm.

  Pulling his hat off he wipes a towel over his bald spot. “Drive safe.”

  “Will do.” I leave through the bay of the garage to find my cruiser in the lot and climb inside the driver’s side seat happy to escape the smell of grease and oil. I pull out and go to my usual spot. It’s a speed trap but no one hardly exceeds the limit. Only out of towners and we rarely see them.

  I see a total of six cars in two hours.

  Lunch time rolls around and I make my way back into town to Luna’s Diner for a burger and a chocolate milkshake. The bell on the door chimes with my entrance. I can’t help but grin when I see Maggie dressed in a waitress uniform looking like she stepped out of the 1950s. Her hair is now in a low hanging ponytail and her hand touches her neck the moment she sees me. Wide eyed, dressed in a cotton blue dress that’s trimmed in white her lips part.

  “You following me, officer?”

  “Nope. I happen to eat at this fine establishment almost every day. Thank you very much.” I decide to sit at a booth by the window today instead of at the counter.

  Maggie follows me, pulling a pen and a small pad of tickets from her white apron. “What can I get you?”

  “Can you tell me what today’s special is?” I glance up seeing irritation in her tight expression.

  Sucking in a breath she closes her eyes and exhales. She knows I am only asking to aggravate her.

  “You know. I like you in that uniform. It suits you. You should wear it tonight to dinner.” I wink, and her cheeks flush a pale shade of pink.

  Refusing to respond to my flirting she goes into today’s special, but I don’t hear any of what she’s said. She could be reciting the Greek alphabet and I wouldn’t
know. My eyes are on her lips, but they aren’t focused on her words. I’m thinking about kissing her. About running my hand up her smooth thigh and pulling her down into my lap. I don’t know what’s come over me, but I have this crazy desire to get to know her. What her story is. What really brought her here.

  It’s been two years since I broke up with Carly. Two years since I’ve had sex. That’s what’s wrong with me. I’m horny. Maggie is the first woman I have met since things ended with my ex-fiancée whom I haven’t known my entire life.

  “So, have you decided?” The ink pen taps on her pad impatiently.

  “Right. I’ll take a double cheeseburger. Skip the onion, hold the mayo, a side of fries, and a chocolate milkshake to drink.”

  “Coming right up.”

  As she walks away, I scrub my hands over my face. I should have gone with the onion. It isn’t like I expect her to even kiss me tonight. She’s my new neighbor the last thing I should be doing is pursuing her within her first five minutes here. I don’t know anything about her, but I suppose that is part of the attraction. The excitement of the unknown, territory uncharted. Knowing that all of my buddies haven’t slept with or dated the woman I am interested in. Six months after Carly and I broke up she moved in with my best friend. Two months ago, she married him.

  I got drunk and wrecked my cruiser while on duty. I should have been fired but thankfully I wasn’t. I was stupid.

  My chocolate shake slides in front of me, complete with whip topping and a cherry in the center.

  “Thank you.”

  “Um…about tonight.” She twists her fingers together.

  “You don’t have to I mean that is if you don’t want to come that is.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “It’s not that. Is there anything you’d like me to bring? I’m not very good at this.” Her thick lashes flutter and she looks away. She’s sexy as hell and has no idea.

  “Just your pretty little self.” I sound like an idiot wearing a goofy toothy grin.

  “Okay.” Her nose crinkles. “I’m going to go check on that burger for you.”


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