The Trials of a Modern Paladin 1

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The Trials of a Modern Paladin 1 Page 9

by Kevin Culp

  Rin looked up at me then to the baron. “You want me to continue fighting after he killed me once? The same man that brought me back to life. Are you insane? I quit.”

  “You can't quit! You have a formal contract of employment with me, and only I can terminate it!” He shouted.

  “Actually, I have a formal contract that says I work for you as the one assigned to protect the town of Freid. You no longer control the town of Freid. Not that you ever had me protect it anyway. All I ever did was act like a thug to collect from those who didn't pay you.”

  The baron huffed and angrily marched to his carriage. When the butler opened the door, he climbed in and demanded they begin moving. He didn't even wait for his men that still lay unconscious in the arena or even give any orders to relay to them.

  Suddenly, I was being embraced by Christina, who was practically squeezing me to death. “I'm so glad you’re okay, Archaeus!” Then she stepped back and slapped me across the face, “You promised me that you would ask my permission before doing more stupid things, and then you go and take off your armor before a fight.” Then she was back to hugging me.

  “I'm sorry, but I promise next time I will ask permission.” I looked at Rin. “So, what now? If you were contracted to protect the town of Freid, I'd be happy to continue that contract. You are a strong fighter after all.”

  She sighed. “Coming from you, I don't know if I should take that as praise or patronizing. I'm not sure what I want to do in the long run, but I wouldn't mind sticking around for a bit while I figure it out.”

  “Sounds good to me. I'll take care of a room at the tavern for you. Call it the first and only tax that I plan on imposing.”

  Rin just nodded and walked off.

  After that, I walked around using healing hands on the four remaining unconscious people. They were actually just grateful that I hadn't killed them, and after explaining everything they decided to follow after the baron in spite of all he had done.

  I looked down at the 'practice sword' that I had made for the fight. I would say that it looked awful, but honestly, it looked pretty good considering the damage it had done to shields and full plate. It was bent in several places and what would have been the bladed edges had massive dents in it. I walked over to the blacksmith and handed it to her.

  “Well, I'm not sure what you want me to do with this, but after seeing your display, I might be able to sell it for a fortune once you get famous.”

  I laughed. “I don't know that I'll get famous, but if you can get a fortune for that, I won't hold it against you. It served me well. I'm impressed with the craftsmanship.”

  She smiled at me then walked off.

  I walked back to Christina, and she took my hand. We walked back toward the tavern just glad to be over this obstacle that had stood in our way. As we reached the tavern, it felt like home for the first time since I had arrived, and I thought to myself that dream or not, I was going to live this like my real life.

  Chapter 9

  When we got back to the tavern, I cleaned my wounds and Christina got to work on dinner for the evening. Of course, I could have just used healing hands to heal the damage, but I couldn't use it many more times today due to bringing someone back from the dead and wanted to have it if I needed it. Villagers were filling the tavern, and the place was packed by the time I was finished.

  They were all congratulating me and giving me praise about how impossibly powerful I was, and they never would have expected it. Many of them commented on me bringing back a girl from the dead and just as many asked me where I got the diamond and how much it had cost me. Obviously, I didn't share this information with them because many would have shown their true colors in a way that I didn't want to see. The diamond was worth about six thousand gold which putting in modern terms was probably over half a million dollars. Many of them asked if I had more, to which I honestly told them I did not.

  Time passed relatively quickly, and when dinner time came, the place was still packed. The blacksmith and Gadrick came in together, and I was glad to see them. They were the only two people who had paid the baron's taxes before our conversation. I should have told him to give the money back to them, but I'm guessing that wouldn't happen, regardless.

  “Blacksmith, Gadrick, your food and drink are on me for the night,” I told them as they walked in together.

  “Thanks, friend,” Gadrick said enthusiastically as he ran to the bar.

  “My drinking habit will probably make you regret that,” commented the blacksmith, and she gave me a sly grin.

  “You know, I never asked your name did I. What is your name?” I asked her.

  “Well, my actual name is Diodarma, but people really just call me smith here, and I actually prefer it after all these years.”

  I sat and watched as they both went to the bar and ordered some food. It actually surprised me to see them come in together. I rarely saw them outside of their respective shops, so I didn’t know who their friends in town are. They are the only two non-human residents I've seen so far, so maybe that just gives them some common ground. Her alcoholism probably also makes his eccentricities not seem so bad.

  I sat and pondered this.

  “That was a very impressive duel. I don't think I've ever seen such a raw display of power before.”

  I turned and standing before me was a knight with the crest of the royal kingdom on the clasp of his cape. He was still wearing his full plate armor, but his helmet wasn't on. I was actually surprised that they hadn't already left town. The man looked to be in his late teens to early twenties. He had brown hair and green eyes along with a strong jawline and a pretty face. Honestly, he looked exceptionally well-groomed in comparison to everyone I had met in this world even the ladies.

  “I wouldn't give me too much credit if I was you. I just hate seeing people like that in power and abusing it.” I replied.

  “Yes, I must agree. We've known for some time how that baron was extorting his subjects. This whole territory has been outraged about it for years. Unfortunately, bloodlines are not things that can be so easily overlooked, and it is difficult to get people like that out of power without causing an uproar. While you have only freed one town under his tyranny, we are grateful to you for it.”

  “I'm guessing that's the reason why the crown acknowledged the duel and sent formal representatives in the first place was for that opportunity?”

  “That would be correct, but there are other formalities that we would like to address in this if you would allow us the chance. Most of the nobility will not even bat an eyelash at a small town like this being given to an unknown. However, as your power comes to be known, especially if you gain control over any further territory, many nobles will start to question your station with the kingdom. Because of this, we would like to formally invite you to the capital and grant you knighthood and the status of a baron in such a way that it is recognized by the kingdom.”

  “That all sounds great, but wouldn't granting an unknown, as you put it, a formal title be something that the nobility will look down upon as well?” I asked.

  “While you would normally be correct, the king instructed me that I was only to extend this offer to you if you were as impressive as you boasted. I can confidently say that you far surpassed our expectations. We actually hope that while in the capital you will give a demonstration of your might. Witnessing your power first hand will make the nobles feel that the king granting you this title will be a strategic move to gain more military might. After all, your power alone is probably greater than that of an entire army.”

  “I really wouldn't go as far as to say I can match an entire army, and while all that does make sense to me, there are a few things to note. I have no intention of becoming a part of this country’s military. I would certainly help if I felt the cause was just and would protect my own territory above all else. Also, you say you want me to demonstrate my power, but I am not going to fight in an arena and hurt innocents, and if you want me to di
splay my power to bring back the dead, you should know that I don't have the materials to do it again.”

  “I guess you have made your point that you don't like fighting innocents, and it is unfortunate to find out that your bringing back the dead is limited though not unexpected. Powerful magic always has a high cost, even I have never seen a diamond the likes of what you used to restore life to her. We could always have you fight a powerful captured monster. One that is unintelligent.”

  The way this guy commented on having never personally seen a diamond of that value made me feel he was probably actually pretty important.

  “Even if it is unintelligent, I can't condone killing a living thing without just cause. I do not stop gladiator battles because I understand they are legal, but I am not a fan.”

  “You fought today to protect this town though. I understand that it was your goal to not kill anyone, but you still fought knowing the risk. Look at it this way, showing your power to make sure this all goes smoothly is preemptively ensuring the future safety of the town.”

  I thought about his proposal and realized that this is something that Archaeus would hate doing but would probably see the merits of. This would still be something, however, that I had to put some thought into.

  “You do make a very valid point. I do not want to make a hasty decision, however, on the matter of displaying my power. Perhaps you will allow me the time on the road as well as a small amount of time in the capital to assess the situation and make my decision.”

  “I believe that's a very reasonable request and hope that you will come to a mutually beneficial decision. We will leave for the capital in the morning if that is okay with you. Will you have any traveling companions?” he asked.

  “Well, I'm not sure who would want to go with me. I'm really here on my own.”

  “What about that young lady that has seemed so attached to you?”

  “Christina? Well, she has a life here. I'm sure she wouldn't want to disturb due to random travel on my behalf.”

  “Perhaps I overstepped. I believed there was something more there. Maybe I'm being presumptuous, but I feel that most young girls in a town like this would jump at a chance to visit the capital. Either way, meet us an hour after sunrise in front of the blacksmith's shop,” he said, then offered me a hand.

  I shook his hand. “I will be there.”

  He nodded and walked off.

  Once he walked off, I thought about what he had said and walked up to the bar. Christina was pretty busy cooking and serving customers. Her dad sat there with his usual grumpy scowl that I was still surprised didn't scare off customers even as the only tavern in town.

  When she seemed to get a moment of respite I got her attention, “Christina this may be a silly question, but would you like to go on a trip to the capital with me? Apparently, they want to grant me a formal title of nobility in this kingdom, and the man was pretty insistent that you would enjoy coming with me. I'm sure you probably have too much work to do here, but I thought I would ask.”

  She couldn't hide her excitement for a moment, but it immediately turned into a look of anxiety, “I think my dad might be able to handle himself here for a while Archaeus, but um... do you think that you would want someone like me coming with you?”

  That seemed like a strange question to me. She was the only friend I had here why would she even consider the fact that I wouldn't want her with me. Women were too confusing for me most of the time even in the real world, and here there probably wasn't much of a point to understanding them since Archaeus would only do anything with a woman if it was what he considered to be “true love.”

  “Well, yeah, obviously I would love for you to come with me, Christina. Who else would put up with me once we got there?”

  She got extremely excited and started blushing. “Papa, can I go to the capital? Will you be okay here without me for a little while?”

  He didn't look happy about any of this. I knew that he wanted Christina to marry someone safe, secure, and local and probably didn't like the idea of her traveling least of all with me. Though it seemed that his want for her happiness won out at the very least.

  “I suppose so, but make sure your uncle knows. I'm sure he will be willing to deliver for a few weeks,” he told her.

  Christina seemed positively giddy at this point, “Thank you so much, papa. When are we leaving Archaeus?”

  “Tomorrow morning just after sunrise.”

  “Oh, my god so soon. I have to pack,” she said as she ran off.

  Her dad looked and pointed a knife he had been holding at me, “Listen Archaeus, obviously you have proven that you can protect her better than probably anyone else on this planet, but you better take care of my little girl, or you will have me to answer to. Whatever powers you have, will not stop my fury or motivation to make you pay if something happens to her.”

  “Yes sir,” I thought about saying more, like how I would want to make myself pay if something happened to Christina, but I just left it at that.

  I decided that since I was going to have to be up early enough to prepare my spells that I needed to get to bed so I headed to go upstairs. On the way, I bumped into Rin sitting at a table and drinking silently by herself.

  “Hey Rin, are you feeling any better?” I asked.

  “Well, I'm feeling not dead at the very least. I guess I should thank you again for that.”

  “You certainly don't have to thank me. I'm actually wanting to ask you for a favor. I'll pay you whatever is necessary.”


  “Apparently, I'm going to be heading to the capital and will be gone for a little while. Could I hire you to look over the town while I'm gone?” I asked her.

  She spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. “You don't have to hire me. It's the least I could do after all I've done to the people in Lyndmire's territory. Besides, I plan on staying for a little while to decide what to do next. Especially, with you covering my tab here it works for me.”

  “Well, whatever your reason I thank you,” I said.

  She just nodded and waved me off.

  I went upstairs to my room where I set down my bag and all my armor to prepare for bed. I laid down and looked up the ceiling, wondering what awaited me. To be honest, it was pretty obvious that whether I make a show of power or not I was going to be used for diplomatic leverage on one end or the other. If I did show my power, the king could use it against the other nobles. If I didn't show my power, the nobles could potentially use that to cause an upstart against the king. Either way, I was going to get used and have people trying to get close to me. I just had to do what best protected the town of Freid and the people in it.

  A knock came at the door. It had probably only been a few moments after I had laid down, but I was so lost in thought I wasn't sure.

  “Who's there?” I asked.

  “Um... It's me, Christina, can I come in?”

  “Yeah, you can come in.”

  When the door opened, I saw that she was wearing that pink sundress that her mother had given her. She really did look cute in it. I sat up as she walked in. She sat on the bed next to me and seemed to be really upset. I suddenly noticed that it looked like she had been crying so I put my arm around her.

  “What's wrong, Christina?”

  “I... I don't think I can go to the capital with you Archaeus,” she said.

  “What, why not?”

  “It's not just going to be the capital. We will be in the castle itself and at a ceremony to grant you nobility. I don't have anything nice to wear at all. Even my best clothing would probably be mocked by the people on the outskirts of the capital, let alone at a noble ceremony.”

  I guess girls worrying about being underdressed for an occasion was a universal thing. “Christina, you look beautiful no matter what you wear. If it means that much to you though I can buy you something nice once we get there.”

  “Archaeus I can't just let you buy me stuff. I know you have money, but I don't even k
now what you and I are to each other.”

  “I can't speak for both of us, but Christina you are my best friend and the most important person in this world to me,” I said.

  She didn't seem to like that answer for some reason. She hid her disappointment almost immediately, “Why do you even want me to go to the capital with you, to begin with?”

  I had to think of what to say for a moment, and I prayed to Archaeus that he would help me out, “I want you to come with me because I care about you, and you are the only one that I even care to spend any of the important moments of my life with. If it wasn't for you, I would be completely lost right now.”

  That seemed to be a better answer, but I wasn't sure it had worked.

  “I care about you too Archaeus. I just question if we want the same thing?”

  I wasn't really sure where she was going with that. I knew that all Christina wanted was a life here where she was able to take care of her dad. Obviously, I couldn't be a part of that life in the long run.

  I pulled her closer to me, and she put her head on my shoulder. It seemed at least for now she had run out of steam with whatever she was going on about.

  “How about this? As payment for your services to me while we are there, I will buy you one nice outfit. Also, since I know you love it, I can pay to have that dress your mom got for you refitted.”

  She gave me a coy smile. “And what kind of services exactly are you expecting me to perform while we are there?”

  “Woah, um no nothing like that. Just you know, your job is to help make sure I don't make a complete fool out of myself.”

  “Well, that definitely sounds like a full-time job. I'm not sure if I can handle it on my own, but I'll certainly try.” She laughed for a moment.

  “You definitely have your work cut out for you.”

  “It seems a shame to do anything to this dress, but I would like to be able to wear it more, and I think my mother would want me to be able to show it off to others too.” She seemed to get a little sad again thinking about her mother.


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