Fall for You: Boys of Alabama

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Fall for You: Boys of Alabama Page 1

by Mica Halstead

  Fall for You

  Boys of Alabama

  Mica Halstead


  The moment I walked in I heard his voice and knew it wouldn’t end well.

  “Where ya been, Lex?” He slurred, looking at the empty shot glass he was twirling with his fingers.

  I spotted the empty bottle of scotch on the table in front of him. “Hey baby,” I said hesitantly, knowing he was already drunk. He must have got off work early, probably even stopped at the bar before coming home.

  “I forgot the garlic bread for dinner tonight so I ran to the store to grab a loaf.” I said, holding up the grocery sack while I hung my purse on the hook by the door.

  “Don’t fucking patronize me. Do you think I’m dumb enough to believe you were just at the grocery store?” He slammed the shot glass down on the table, the noise making me flinch. Shit. I knew my mistake as soon as I did it.

  “Aw, what’s wrong, Aleeeexis?” He said, dragging my name out. Taunting me. You ain’t scared of me, are ya?” He laughed.

  That laugh. It was dark with malice and a shiver crawled down my spine. “N-no sweetie, of course not,” I stuttered while I walked past the side of the table where he wasn’t seated and into the kitchen.

  He likes when I am scared of him, gets off on it.

  I headed to the sink and made myself busy, starting to wash up some of the pots and pans from the dinner that was in the oven. I heard him come up behind me and I braced myself for what I knew was going to happen next. He placed one hand on each side of me at the sink, effectively caging me in, and leaned down next to my ear.

  “You wear this hot little dress for me, Lex?” he breathed out, running his tongue along the side of my neck. There was a time that it would have turned me on but now it just makes me cringe. He roughly grabbed my hip, causing my dress to ride up my thigh.

  “Of course, Jase. Only you baby. I know how much you love this one.” I managed to spit out while not showing him how disgusted I was. I felt his heat leave my back and immediately started to relax. Unfortunately, it was only for a fleeting moment because he grabbed me by my bicep, spun me around, and tossed me across the kitchen causing me to land violently on my ass on the hardwood floor. I scrambled to my feet and started retreating towards the dining room. I held my hands out in front of me as if that would stop what came next. I hit the dining room table with my back just as he caught up to me, wrapping his hand around my hair and yanking me to the ground, violently.

  I looked up just in time to see his uniform issued boot connect with my stomach. Doubling over I tried to ignore the blinding pain while I flipped to my knees. The next blow was to my ribs and I could feel them crack. The pain was so intense I dropped down, clutching my side.

  “Up bitch,” he growled, “I told you if you stepped out on me again that I was going to end your fucking life!” I roll from my side to try and push myself up on my knees and into a standing position. Jason grabbed another fistful of my honey blonde locks and ripped me to my feet so that we’re nose to nose. I cried out in pain.

  I’d never stepped out on him. We’d been together since I was 17 and he was 23. It had always been him stepping out on me and me being forced to ignore it. All the nights he came home hours after he was off of work smelling like sex. The condom wrappers I would find in his pockets when he always refused to use them with me.

  “I swear baby, I wasn’t s-s-st-stepping out on you,” I stuttered, trying to ignore the blinding pain radiating from my left side where he kicked me and the hot tears streaming down my face. This wasn’t the first time I’d been in this position. He never used to hit me. He controlled me in other ways, never putting his hands on me. But the last few months it had felt like I’d done something to upset him every day. It was always my fault. If some man looked at me in the grocery store, it was because I wore too much makeup that day. If the delivery guy smiled at me, it was because whatever top I had on was too revealing. If his work friends asked him how I was doing, it was because I was sleeping with everyone in the precinct.

  Yeah, you read that right. The precinct. Lieutenant Jason Crenshaw of the Spring Lake, New Jersey police department. You may be asking yourself why I stayed as long as I did? It’s because I couldn’t afford to leave yet, and Jason has too many resources to find me. I’ve been scraping and saving pennies so I can get out of here for the last two months. When he got home from work and I wasn’t here? It was because I was at the bank pulling what little money I had out of my savings account so I could finally leave him.

  “You’re so full of shit,” he spit in my face while backing me up against the wall in the dining room, “spreading your legs for everyone in this fucking town. Out whoring around just like your ma.” He laughed hollowly, sending a shiver up my spine. He moved his hand that was wrapped around my hair and put it against my throat, lifting me up off the ground and holding me there. I could feel my breath leaving my body. I smacked my palms against the wall of our formal dining room, the first room he let me paint when I finally agreed to move in with him. My first mistake of many.

  “I s-s-swear,” I wheezed out, stretching my toes out to try to reach the floor while I gently placed my hands on his chest, hoping it would entice him to loosen his grip a little. “It’s…. only….you…” I wheezed out, trying to keep myself from passing out from the lack of oxygen in my body. My throat burning, I blindly reached with my right hand to find anything to protect myself with. I could feel his grip tightening on my throat. He tossed me into the sofa table, and it splintered underneath my weight.

  “You’re such. A. Fucking. Liar!” He had roared, punctuating each word with a slam to the wall with his fist. “I don’t know why you have to make shit so hard, Alexis. Just keep your goddamn legs closed, that’s all I asked. And now I have to teach you a lesson. Teach you that pussy belongs to me…” he trailed off and I could hear his footfalls as he walked away from me.

  I know where he’s going, and I can’t go through it again. I heard the bedroom door crash against the wall and him stomping through our room. I scurried to my feet as quick as I could, all while clutching my ribs. My hand bleeding from where I hit some of the glass that shattered from a picture frame that was on the hall table, a frame that held an image of Jason and I shortly after our first date. I stumbled through our dining room, no shoes on my feet, snatching my purse off the hook and limping towards the door. If I hesitated for even a second, I knew he’d kill me. I stumbled through the foyer and out the front door into the black night. And I ran. I ran as fast as I could. And I didn’t look back…...

  Four years later….


  This is it. I can’t believe I’ve finally made it. My first teaching job. I’m officially a high school history teacher. Well, when school starts I will be. Today I’m here at Jefferson High attempting to set up my classroom. The sweltering heat is making it nearly impossible. Who knew Alabama could be so hot? Rearranging these desks can wait, I need to find the teachers’ lounge and hope that they have a fridge with some bottled water in it.

  I head out of my classroom and take a right. The hallway is deserted; I’m convinced I’m the only teacher insane enough to be here in the middle of the day when Alabama humidity is at its worst. Unfortunately, setting up my classroom just happens to take place at the same time I’m trying to move into my new rental house. I’m exhausted just thinking about trying to make time for both.

  I round the corner of the third-floor hallway in my quest for water and the sound of little girl giggles has me slowing my steps. I come to a stop in front of an open classroom door. Inside there’s a boy, maybe 10 years’ old, bright green headphones on and his back turned to me, completely engrossed
in whatever he’s doing, head bopping side to side while he swings his feet. But that’s not what has commanded my attention. No, that would be the man sitting in the middle of the floor in front of the large oak teachers desk with a tiara on top of his sandy blonde hair. Thick hair that looks like he’s been running his fingers through it all day. From where I’m at I can only make out his backside but what a fine sight that backside is. Broad shoulders and a thick back on display in a gray cutoff shirt that’s hugging his muscles in all the right ways. Is it a few degrees warmer in here or is it just me?

  More little girl giggles fill the air breaking me out of my ogling, “Daddy!” she squeals, “you are sooo silly! There’s not really tea in that teacup, it’s make believe!”

  “Silly me, Princess Aria,” he responds, “You’re just so convincing when we play make believe that I forgot it was pretend.”

  I can’t help but laugh at the scene before me which inevitably gives me away. The gentle giant on the floor whips his head around to see where the laugh came from and we lock eyes. He hits me with a lopsided grin and almost looks sheepish to be caught playing pretend with his daughter. “Oh, hey, sorry. I didn’t realize we had an audience.”

  I return his grin, “No, I’m sorry for eavesdropping. I got a little lost looking for the teachers lounge and heard voices. My room is sweltering and I was trying to find some bottled water. I was surprised to see anyone else here.” He rises to his feet from the ground and starts to make his way towards me, extending his hand. This man is tall, easily 6’3, and his gait is strong, like he’s incredibly sure of himself. That is, until he sheepishly pulls the crown off his head and tosses it on the floor.

  Suddenly I’m face to face with the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Dark brown eyes with flecks of gold in them, sharp cheekbones, scruff covered jaw with a beard a few shades darker than his sandy blonde hair. His biceps are on full display in his gray Jefferson Football cutoff. When my eyes finally land back on his face, he grins a slow and lazy smile. He totally caught me checking him out.

  “Ford James, pleasure to meet your acquaintance….” he trails off, waiting for me to finish the sentence with my name. I can feel my face flushing from being caught ogling him. I reach out and place my small hand in his much larger, rougher one. The jolt of electricity I feel when our hands connect has me jerking mine back before we can shake hands.

  “Oh. Sorry. Uh, Lex Carter. New 9th and 10th grade history teacher. I’m so sorry for interrupting. Do you think you could just point me in the direction of the teachers’ lounge and then I can get out of your hair? Just looking for a vending machine so I can grab some water.”

  What is it about this man that makes me so jumpy? His hazel eyes are traveling a path from my flip flop clad feet, past my ragged cutoff denim shorts, my Half Moon Yoga tank top that has seen better days, and all the way up to my messy bun.

  “I’ll do ya one better,” he says as he spins around and walks behind his desk, “got myself a mini fridge under here with some extra waters.” He walks back and hands me two ice cold bottles.

  “Thanks for this,” I say, holding the bottles up. “I better get back to my room. Lots of setting up to do,” I say as I take a few steps back, “really great to meet you. I’m sure we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future.”

  He tips his head and hits me with a panty melting smile, “Yeah Lex, the pleasure was all mine. I look forward to teaching with you this year.” I give him a slight wave and turn around, scurrying back to my classroom. Once I’m inside I shut the door and lean back against it. Good gravy, what have I gotten myself into?


  What. The. Fuck.

  I knew we were getting a new history teacher, but I had no clue how hot she was going to be. I stood facing the door she just retreated from for a moment, taking the time to adjust my dick in my shorts. I can’t turn around with a hard on and face my kids, I just can’t. But where in the hell did that gorgeous woman come from? Seriously. Honey blonde hair, tanned skin, bright blue eyes, and legs for days. And that little tank top she had on? I drag my hand across my mouth. Holy shit. And when she touched my hand? What the hell was that.

  “Dad, can we go home yet? I’m bored,” my son Zane mumbles, snapping me out of my thoughts. Of course he’s bored, why the fuck wouldn’t he be since he’s not at home sitting in front of his video games all day long. I place my hands on my hips and look up at the ceiling, trying to find an ounce of patience. “Yeah bud, help your sister pack her tea set up and we will head out of here. We need to get home so grandma can come watch you and I can get back to football practice.”

  “YES! Xbox time!” and “GRANDMAAA!” are shouted at the same time from both of my children. Sometimes I swear Aria likes my mom more than she likes me, but I guess you’ll have that when she spends most of her free time helping me raise my kids. I sigh and shake my head. I never would have thought I’d be raising my children by myself. Zoe was the love of my life, my high school sweetheart. She was the one that wanted kids. Most days I feel like I’m living in a nightmare that I might never wake up from, regardless of how much I love them.

  No time for this right now. I head over to my desk to shut my computer down and grab my messenger bag. I didn’t expect to have to bring the kids with me this morning when I came in to finish up a few things before the school year starts. My babysitter that I usually use is a senior this year and captain of the cheerleading squad and cheer camp was this week. So I couldn’t call her and my mom had an appointment that she couldn’t reschedule which is why I’m at the school in the middle of the day with both kids.

  “Come on guys, let's get out of here.”


  “Let’s run that play again!” I shout to the boys out on the field. I know it’s hot out but come the fuck on. These guys are clearly not playing their best right now. Something is up and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. I glance at my assistant coach and long time best friend, Jaxson. “Dude, what is up with them today? Is it just me or are they playing like shit?”

  Jaxson scoffs, “Nah man, not just you. Something’s up. Alright team, enough! Bring it in!” he hollers. The boys drag themselves from the field to the sidelines, most of them grabbing a water bottle on the way over. It’s the end of August and Alabama is hot, the heat oppressive and grueling.

  “Alright. Who wants to tell me what’s going on? Why are y’all playing like crap? Too much partying last night?” I joke. The majority of the boys, with the exception of a few, all share a glance with each other and sheepishly hang their heads.

  “Are you kidding me?!” I roar, “You were partying last night? You do know that any use of alcohol or drugs is automatic disqualification from the team right? I can bench you if I even THINK that you’re hungover or on something. Most of you are seniors. If I bench you, you run the risk of a scout missing seeing you play. No scouts means no scholarships! For some of you, a scholarship is the only way you can afford to go college. And there isn’t anything wrong with that, that’s how I went to school. But without the scholarship where will you be? Working at the factory here in town? Stuck in a dead end job? I expect more from you!” I know I’m probably being too hard on these guys but they need to understand the consequences of them drinking underage. Some of them need a scholarship to get out of this town and I’m here to make sure they bust their asses to achieve it.

  “Down and backs, end zone to end zone, ten times. Then hit the showers and I expect to see you back here first thing tomorrow morning ready to play like the team I know you are,” Jaxson says, earning groans and moans from the entire team. “MOVE IT!” He shouts.

  “Man, what the hell are they thinking? They’re going to blow it for the whole team if they don’t get their shit together.” He asks.

  I start packing up some of the equipment. “They’re thinking that it’s the end of their last summer and they needed to get one last big hoorah in before the year starts but that shit isn’t going to fly.
Hope they’re ready to work extra hard tomorrow,” I chuckle while I’m tossing stuff into bags. I hear Jaxson let out a low whistle that only I can hear and I stand up to see what all the fuss is about.

  “Who in the hell is that fine piece of ass? Come to daddy.” Jaxson jokes. I look to where he’s ogling and see Lex walking across the faculty lot to her car. I reach over and slug him in the shoulder.

  “Don’t fucking talk about her like that, man. She’s a nice girl.”

  Jaxson whips his head around to look at me and starts howling with laughter. “Oh man. I can’t believe it. It finally happened! Our Fordy met himself a woman. Who is she?”

  “Shut the fuck up. She’s the new History teacher. I met her today while the kids and I were here so I could work on a few things in my room.” I shoot back.

  “No shit?” he says, “already letting her meet the kids?” He’s a real comedian, ladies and gents. “I’m just messing with ya, bro. Maybe you should pursue it. She’s hot and it’s been a long while since anyone other than Zoe has caught your attention.” And with that, Jaxson hauls the equipment bags back to the locker rooms. I turn and watch Lex drive out of the parking lot. I can’t argue with him, he’s right. No one other than Zoe has interested me in 15 years. No one, that is, other than Lex Carter. I am so screwed.


  I let myself into my cozy two bedroom rental house. I just picked up the keys from the landlord yesterday. I didn’t have a whole lot to move in, just a few boxes with some clothes and knick knacks. I’m going to have to get some furniture but right now I’m just happy to have something that belongs to me. I hear my phone ringing in my purse and I dig it out. A huge smile splits my face when I see it’s Ronnie.

  “Hey girlfriend,” I say. Ronnie Vaughn. My saving grace, literally. She saved my life four years ago when she found me sleeping on that train and I never looked back.


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