Now and Forever

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Now and Forever Page 5

by Casper Graham

  Once Harley had closed his eyes, Connor used his power to ensure that nobody would pay attention to their car. Then he lost himself in his own thought. He was unable to shake off the dream he’d earlier that morning. It felt particularly weird that he already had two separate dreams ever since he met Harley and began to sleep on the same bed. All of his sleep had been dream-free for more than six thousand years, but all of a sudden, he’d received two of them. He attempted to work out what was going on, but he couldn’t. Nothing similar had occurred in the past. In the end, he gave up.

  When they arrived at the library, he gently shook Harley awake. Harley smiled at him, and for a second or two, Connor was stunned. Something about that expression on Harley’s face seemed really familiar in a very odd way. It was as if he had witnessed the same expression thousands of years ago.

  “Are we at the library?”

  Connor nodded. “The car is parked in front of it.”


  “What do you need to research anyway?” Connor inquired as they alighted from the car.

  “One of my regular customers needs me to research this female painter from the nineteenth century. Apparently, she had done one final picture before she died, but the information on that last piece is sparse. My customer wants me to gather all available information.”


  “There’s a rumor going around that piece of artwork will be auctioned off next month,” Harley answered while they made their way inside library. “Allegedly. Now, my customer has to be certain of what that picture is supposed to look like. Or at least has a broad idea of it.”

  “I see.”

  For the next few hours, they did their own thing. Connor finished book after book, but kept a close eye on Harley. He was frankly surprised that he had such a high level of concern over the man. He had never behaved in such a way. In that past, whenever he was in the mood, he would have sex with the mortals, but he would never feel any attachment to them. There was something different about Harley, though, but Connor had no idea what. He also couldn’t comprehend why he was so attached to Harley within such a short period of time.

  When lunch hour came around, he felt sad when noticing Harley’s exhaustion. He wished he could do something for the man. Perhaps he could have acquired the name of the female painter, traveled to the past, and obtained the painting very easily, but that would break dozens of heavenly laws. He wasn’t permitted to alter the past or the future, regardless of how tiny the action or how seemingly inconsequential his words might be. Everything had its own time and space, and he wasn’t allowed to change anything. All he could do was to take care of Harley.

  Since Harley appeared to enjoy his company during meal times, Connor decided to eat along with him at a restaurant next door, even though food did nothing for him. However, they got to chat and laugh with each other.

  “Summer is almost over,” Harley said out of the blue before chewing his sandwich. “I wish I could have spent a bit of time next to a lake or something. Oh, and a picnic, too. That would be awesome.”

  “Sounds like a wonderful plan.”

  Then Connor was speechless when a brilliant idea came to him. He could help Harley with his wish. It would be easy enough. He felt much better for the remainder of the meal, and his good mood lasted when they returned to the library. He started planning for his wonderful surprise for Harley. They might have known each other for only a few days, but the young mortal had been kind toward him. They weren’t friends yet, perhaps, but they were more than passing acquaintances, and Connor was going to do something amazing for him.

  * * * *

  “I’m dead tired, but I think I’ve gotten enough information for today,” Harley muttered when they eventually made their way toward the car at around six o’clock that evening. “Can you use your power again and get us home? We can just order a pizza or something for dinner. Then I’ll go to bed.”

  “Fine with me. Why don’t you lie on the back seat? I’ll take care of everything.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  Harley must have been more exhausted than he admitted because he fell asleep within seconds. Connor beamed at the adorable sight for a few short moments before he used his power to safely drive them toward home.

  Meanwhile, he couldn’t wait to put his plan into action. Harley would be so astonished and hopefully delighted. Connor would ensure that his plan could proceed smoothly. He was determined that it would be memorable and unforgettable for Harley.

  Chapter 6

  Harley spent the next morning and afternoon doing more research at the library, but he wasn’t as exhausted. In fact, he felt energetic by the time he was ready to leave at half past four in the afternoon. He searched for Connor, and eventually discovered the angel occupying one of the tables in a rather secluded corner. Connor beamed at him, and Harley almost lost his breath. There was something comforting about angel, but Harley couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. It felt as if he had known Connor a long time ago, which didn’t make sense. After all, they had accidentally met each other only a few days ago.

  “Are you ready to leave?” Connor asked as he stood and returned the book to the empty spot on a nearby shelf.

  Harley nodded. “Should we grab something to eat before going back home?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Connor answered, slinging one arm over Harley’s shoulders.

  Harley’s heart beat a bit harder and faster as Connor’s warmth and scent surrounded him like a protective blanket. He knew instantly what he was feeling at the moment—he had a crush on Connor. Unfortunately, his protector didn’t seem to feel the same way. Nevertheless, he could pretend they were dating each other. Connor wouldn’t have to know how he truly felt deep inside.

  “Great. What about that Thai restaurant—”

  “Actually, I have something else in mind,” Connor interrupted. “We can go to the Spreckels Lake for a picnic.”

  Harley felt ecstatic. “Great idea. Let’s buy sandwiches from a convenience store. Then we can head over to the lake.”

  * * * *

  In about an hour or so, they reached their destination. It thrilled Harley to watch the car automatically park itself. Connor’s power was definitely useful.

  They got out and walked toward the lake. There were many people around, but they managed to find a spot that was cool and almost private underneath a huge tree. Most importantly, it was close to the water. Harley was taken aback when a huge picnic mat suddenly materialized next to the tree. Connor simply grinned at him when he started to admonish the angel for using his power in the open, especially since there were so many people around.

  “Don’t worry. Nobody is paying any attention to us.”

  Harley sighed in resignation. Besides, there wasn’t anything he could do about it. “Fine. Be more careful next time.”

  Connor sat on the mat and leaned his back against the tree trunk before patting his right thigh. “I will. Anyway, you can rest your head on my leg while eating.”

  Harley gaped. “What?”

  Connor shrugged. “Just thought I would give you the option.”

  Harley hesitated a few seconds before doing just that. He and Connor were already sleeping together. It wouldn’t matter if they crossed another line. Harley could continue to pretend they were dating for real.

  It astonished him when Connor started caressing his hair after offering him a sandwich. The entire situation seemed surreal, and for a second or two, a sense of déjà vu hit him. He had a blurry image inside his head that something like this had occurred in the past, but that didn’t make any sense. He would have remembered it clearly if he had ever experienced something as sweet and tender as this. The warmth of Connor’s palm on his face and those fingers running through his hair made him feel loved and treasured, and his heart ached. He might never get another opportunity like this in the future, so he shut his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. He loved it even more when the wind blew gently around them.

“This is nice,” Harley mumbled a few moments later before unwrapping the sandwich and taking a first bite.

  Connor breathed in deeply before expelling the breath through his mouth. “I agree.”

  The angel had this faraway look in his eyes, and Harley wondered if he was remembering something from his past. Harley didn’t voice his question, though. He didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  He was also terrified. He had no interest in knowing anything about Connor’s past at the moment, especially anything related to the angel’s love life. He was deeply infatuated and he planned to continue imagining they were dating each other for real. Hence, he concentrated on the beautiful scenery in front of him.

  The lake was calm, and the cool breeze caressed him everywhere. The setting sun painted the darkening sky a beautiful orangey red. Everything felt so perfect.

  “This is what makes life worth living.”

  Connor didn’t respond for a brief moment. “Hypothetically speaking, if you ever got the chance to become an immortal, would you take it?”

  The question bewildered Harley because it came out of nowhere. However, he thought carefully about his responses before settling on one. “It depends.”

  “On what?”

  Harley glanced upward in Connor’s direction. “If I had to live alone for all eternity, I would rather die as a mortal.”

  “What if you had a romantic partner to share your immortal life with?”

  “I guess being an immortal would be wonderful then.”

  Connor nodded. Harley waited for him to say something else, but the angel never did. In the end, Harley shut his eyes and allowed the soothing wind to lull him into dreamland.

  * * * *

  Connor had no idea what time it was. Not that it meant anything to him. As a soul collector, he existed outside of time and space. He glanced downward at Harley, who was fast asleep. The lake and its surrounding area were already deserted, and he and Harley were the only people left.

  He was startled out of his reverie when he felt Harley stirring. He chuckled when the young man opened both eyes and squinted at him.

  “Good evening, sleepyhead.”

  Harley yawned. “Hey. What time is it?”

  “No clue. You look well-rested now.”

  Harley beamed at him. “I had the best sleep ever. Your thigh makes for an excellent pillow.”

  Connor let out a guffaw. “Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  Harley chortled. “You’re welcome. Should we leave for home now?”

  Connor’s heart ached a little upon hearing that word—home. He had a hard time believing it, but he was beginning to think of Harley’s house as their home. That would be impossible, though. He couldn’t grow old, and he couldn’t die. Meanwhile, Harley was mortal and would inevitably pass away and enter the underworld, and Connor would be left alone once again. He wasn’t sure if his heart could take it then. Even now, it twisted painfully inside his chest, and a vague memory appeared inside his head. It felt familiar, as if he had once experienced an all-encompassing love in the distant past, but that might just be his imagination. If he’d ever had a love like that, he would have never forgotten it. Then he was astounded when tears abruptly filled his eyes. He had never cried before, but his heart was hurting so badly. It seemed like it was trying to tell him something, but he couldn’t remember what. He blinked away the tears and forced a smile at Harley.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  Harley sat up in a hurry. “Another one?”

  Connor chuckled. “Close your eyes for just a second.”


  Connor snickered at the suspicious expression on Harley’s face. “Don’t look at me like that. You’re going to love it. I promise.”

  Harley seemed torn for a few seconds before he did as instructed. Connor stood and slowly guided Harley to his feet before leading him close to the lake. Then he used his power to make sure nobody and nothing in the mortal realm would pay any attention to everything that was about to occur. At least not for the next hour or so.

  After that, he raised both arms, feeling the tingling of his power spreading outward. In the next instant, thousands of fireflies and butterflies fluttered over the lake. Mini rainbows formed on top of the water, and the breeze grew a bit stronger. Connor trembled a little as he stood behind Harley and wrapped both arms around the young man’s waist. Harley stiffened, but didn’t resist.

  “Open your eyes now.”

  Connor released him and stood at Harley’s side, focusing on the young man’s expression as he took in the sight. Harley gasped. Then he gaped wordlessly as the fireflies and butterflies danced and flitted around one another. Some swooped and glided over the mini rainbows. Harley stared for several seconds before turning toward Connor. “Is this for me?”

  Connor felt unexpectedly shy when he detected Harley’s ecstatic and impressed tones of voice. “Yeah. Do you like them?”

  Harley’s answering grin was all the response Connor needed. He was relieved and elated at the same time, and once again stood behind Harley and embraced him. His heart felt even fuller with joy when Harley put both hands over his. He tentatively rested his chin on Harley’s shoulder. To his delight, the man rested against him.

  He tightened his arms around Harley’s waist, then felt something loosening around his heart. He was free to express his feelings toward Harley. At the same time, an overwhelming and uncharacteristic fear assaulted him. He was terrified of losing Harley. He didn’t know if he could classify his feelings as being in love, but he was willing to risk it. He made up his mind right then and there, Harley was worth everything.

  A moment later, they lay on the grass a few inches away from the lake. “Can I ask you something?” Harley whispered.

  Connor draped his arm over Harley’s shoulders and intertwined his fingers as he dragged the man backward toward him. Harley rested against Connor’s chest while he continued to stare at the butterflies, fireflies, and mini rainbows.

  “You just did.” Harley lightly slapped Connor’s right calf. “Ouch! Abuse!”

  Harley snorted. “I’m being serious. Please.”

  Connor chuckled. “Okay. Go ahead.”

  Harley hesitated a few moments. Then he grabbed Connor’s hands and held them tightly. “Do you…uh, you know?”

  “No, I don’t know.”

  Harley huffed. “Jerk.”

  Connor reversed the positions of their hands, now gripping Harley’s. “What is it?”

  “I’m shy.”

  Connor snickered. “We aren’t leaving this place until you talk to me.”

  Harley turned his head and to glare at Connor. “Bastard.”

  Connor simply grinned. “What’s your question?”

  Harley faced forward again, the tips of his ears reddening. That amused Connor. He could imagine the redness of Harley’s cheeks.

  “D-do you l-like me?”

  That stunned Connor for a second before he pressed his lips against one of Harley’s ears. “I like you like crazy.”


  Connor laughed under his breath. “Just okay?”


  Connor kissed the ear. “What about you? Do you like me, too?”

  Now the tips of Harley’s ears grew impossibly redder. “You know it already.”

  “No, I don’t. I want to hear the words straight from you.”

  Harley remained quiet for so long, Connor thought he’d never get an answer. Then, all of a sudden, Harley bobbed his head. “Very much. You make me feel warm, protected, and safe.”

  Something tugged at Connor’s heartstrings again. He couldn’t help but smile widely. “I promise I’ll always be by your side. You’ll never be alone anymore. You have my word.”

  Harley nodded. “Okay. Forever.”

  After that, neither of them exchanged a word. They didn’t have to. They had said all they needed to for the time being. Connor hugged Harley a bit harder as they enjoyed
the sight of the butterflies and fireflies dancing over the lake and around the mini rainbows. It was one of the best evenings Connor had ever had, and he had no doubt he would never forget it for all eternity.

  Chapter 7

  Harley was amused when Connor spilled some of the tea while placing the cup on the table. They were at home, and Harley was busy with yet another job from one of his regular customers while Connor was trying to be helpful. Since most of Harley’s job involved researching for information online, Connor couldn’t be of much assistance, but he was grateful for the company. They had been dating for more than two weeks now. It felt so abrupt, but it was simultaneously so natural and easy. They fitted well with each other. At times, some weird memories appeared inside Harley’s head, making him feel as if he and Connor had done something similar in the past, but again, Harley dismissed the thought, feeling it impossible.

  “What are you searching for?” Connor asked as he stood behind Harley.

  Harley squirmed when Connor’s rough stubble rubbed against his neck from behind. Connor ignored him and continued to nuzzle his neck, so Harley simply resigned to his fate.

  “It’s this small, antique blade. It used to belong to this wealthy couple, Gary and Rose, but it disappeared.”

  Connor relinquished his hold on Harley and plopped onto the chair next to him. “Disappeared?”

  “After the husband and Cynthia, his mistress, had been murdered with it.”

  Connor arched his left eyebrow. “What happened to the wife?”

  “Her body was found inside her private apartment building a few days later.”


  Harley shook his head. “Rose had been discovered with bloody scratches all over her. It was as if she had been mauled to her death by a wild, feral beast. Both of those cases have yet to be solved. Well, at least not according to the information that had been released to the public.”

  Connor scoffed. “Are you telling me someone is willing to purchase such a cursed blade? That’s asking for trouble.”

  Harley was momentarily reminded of the old Connor. When they had first met, Connor had been cynical and cold, just like he was at the moment. However, Connor was so much softer now, and a lot more demonstrative of his feelings. Harley liked that about him. He certainly enjoyed spending time with Connor. He’d finally found his Mr. Right. At least he hoped so.


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