by Georg Ebers
The very harsh execrations which the regent bestowed upon pleasantRatisbon when she learned what had befallen Sir Wolf Hartschwert werebetter suited to the huntress than to the queen and sister of a mightyemperor.
Murderous knaves who, in the heart of the city, close to the imperialprecincts, endangered the lives of peaceful people at night! It wasunprecedented, and yet evidently only a result of the heretical abuses.
She had sprung into the saddle--she always travelled on horseback--inthe worst possible mood, but had urged all who were near the EmperorCharles's person, and also the almoner Pedro de Soto, to remember thewounded man and do everything possible to aid his recovery.
She did not mention Barbara, even by a single word, in her farewell toher royal brother.
The latter had intended to accompany her a portion of the way, but agreat quantity of work--not least in consequence of the loss of timeoccasioned by the new love life--had accumulated, and he thereforepreferred to take leave of his sister in the courtyard of the GoldenCross.
There, with his assistance, she mounted her horse.
Quijada, who usually rendered her this service, stood aloof, silent andpale. The regent had noticed it, and attributed his appearance to grieffor her departure. No one at court held a higher place in her regard,and it pleased her that he, too, found it so hard to do without her.
As her horse started, her last salute was to the monarch and to him.
Malfalconnet, whose eyes were everywhere, noticed it, and whispered tothe Marquise de Leria, who was standing beside him: "Either Don Luiswould do well to intrust himself to our Mathys's treatment, or thisgentleman is an accomplished actor, or our most gracious lady hastampered with the fidelity of this most loyal husband, and thepaternosters and pilgrimages of Dona Magdalena de Ulloa have been vain."
A few minutes after, the Emperor Charles was sitting at the writingtable examining, with the Bishop of Arras, a mountain of reports anddocuments. Two or three hours elapsed ere he received ambassadors andgave audiences, and during that time Quijada was not needed by his royalmaster.
He had previously had leisure only to provide for the wounded man,cleanse himself from blood, change his dress, bid Queen Mary farewell,and bandage the hurt afresh. He had done this with his own hands becausehe distrusted the reticence of his extremely skilful but heedless Frenchvalet.
When he returned to his lodgings, Master Adrian followed him, andmodestly, yet with all the warmth of affection which he felt for thistrue friend of his master, entreated him to permit him to speak freely.He had perceived, not only by the pallor of Don Luis's cheeks, but othersigns, that he was suffering, and in the name of his wife, who, when herhusband was summoned from her side, had urged him with the earnestnessof anxious love to watch over him, begged him not to force himselfbeyond his strength to perform his service, if his sufferingscorresponded with his appearance.
Don Luis looked sharply into the faithful face, and what he found thereinduced him to admit that he was concealing a wound. Adrian silentlybeckoned to him, and led the way into his own room, where he entreatedDon Luis to show him the injury. When he saw it, his by no means mobilefeatures blanched.
He knew that Quijada had accompanied Barbara home that night. On thiserrand, he was sure of it, Don Luis must have received this seriouswound at the same time as Wolf, or even obtained it from the youngknight himself. Besides, he felt certain that the object of theEmperor's love was connected with both disasters. Yet not a word whichcould have resembled a question escaped his beardless lips while heexamined, sewed, and bandaged the deep sword thrust with the skill andcare of a surgeon.
When he had finished his task, he thanked Don Luis for the confidencereposed in him.
Quijada pressed his hand gratefully, and begged him to do his best thatno one, not even the Emperor, should learn anything about this vexatiousmischance. Then, not from curiosity, for grave motives, he desired toknow what relations existed between Sir Wolf Hartschwert and Barbara.
The answer was somewhat delayed, for Wolf had won the affection of theinfluential valet, and what Master Adrian had learned concerning theyoung knight's personal affairs from himself, his own wife in Brussels,and the violinist Massi, he would have confided to no one on earthexcept Quijada, and perhaps not even to him had he not accompanied hisinquiry with the assurance that what he intrusted to him would remainburied in his soul, and be used only for Wolf's advantage.
This promise loosed the cautious valet's tongue. He knew his man, and,when Don Luis also desired to learn whether the knight had alreadydiscovered that Barbara was now the Emperor's love, he thought he couldanswer in the negative.
What he had heard of Wolf's relation to Barbara was only that the twohad spent their early youth in the same house, that the knight loved thesinger, but that she had rejected his suit.
This avowal appeared to satisfy Quijada, and it really did calm him.He now believed that Wolf had misjudged him, and, supposing that hewas coming from a meeting with the girl he loved, had drawn his swordagainst him. The manner in which he had attempted to rid himself ofthe rival seemed criminal enough, yet the nocturnal attack had scarcelyconcerned him personally, and he would not condemn the man who wasusually so calm and sensible without having heard him.
If Wolf lived--and he desired it from his heart--this act, which heappeared to have committed in a fit of blind jealousy, should do him noinjury.
With a warm clasp of the hand, which united these two men more firmlythan a long period of mutual intercourse, each went his way in quietcontent.
In the afternoon Master Adrian was sent out to Prebrunn to announce toBarbara a visit from the Emperor after vespers.
Wolf, it is true, had told her many things about Adrian Dubois, andinformed her how much pleasure he had had at Brussels in visiting himand his sensible, cheerful wife, how implicitly the Emperor trusted him,how faithfully he served him, how highly the ambassadors and the mostaristocratic gentlemen esteemed him, and how great an advantage it hadbeen to him, Wolf, to possess his friendship; yet she thought properto treat the valet with the haughty reserve which beseemed her as theEmperor's favourite, and which yesterday evening had won the approval ofthe Wittenberg theologian and of Wolf.
But Master Adrian appeared to take no notice of her manner, andperformed his errand with businesslike composure.
The Emperor Charles wished to know how she liked her new home.
In reality she had found its beauty and comfort far beyond herexpectations, had clapped her hands in surprise when she was conductedby the marquise through the new abode, and, under the guidance of thehouse steward Steen, had been shown the kitchen, the stable, the fourhorses, and the garden. In her reception-room she found a lute and aharp of exquisitely beautiful workmanship, and a small Milan cabinetmade of ebony inlaid with ivory, in which was a heavy casket bound withsilver. The key had been given to her the evening before by the regentherself, and when Barbara opened it she discovered so many shiningzecchins and ducats that a long time was occupied when she obeyed FranLerch's request to count them.
The dressmaker from the Grieb was already in her service, and had beena witness of her sincere delight and grateful pleasure. The second hourafter their arrival she had helped her to employ Frau Lamperi, the maidwhom the steward called the 'garde-robiere', and had already been to thecity herself to buy, for her fortunate "darling" costly but, on accountof the approach of summer, light materials. But she had seen MasterAdrian corning, and, while he was passing through the garden, gave herthe advice by no means to praise what she found here, but to appear asthough she had been accustomed to such surroundings, and found this andthat not quite worthy of her, but needing addition and improvement.
At first Barbara had succeeded in assuming the airs of the spoiled lady,but when Adrian, with prosaic definiteness, asked for details, and shesaw herself compelled to begin the game of dissimulation anew, it grewrepugnant to her.
To her artist nature every restraint soon became ir
ksome, especially sounpleasant a one, which was opposed to her character, and ere she washer self aware of it she was again the vivacious Wawerl, and frankly andfreely expressed her pleasure in the beautiful new things she owed toher lover's kindness.
A smile, so faint and brief that Barbara did not perceive it, washovering meanwhile around the valet's thin lips. The causes of thisstrange change of opinion and mood would have been sufficientlyintelligible to him, even had he not perceived one of the reprovingglances which Frau Lerch cast at Barbara.
She, too, had met one; but since she had once obeyed the impulse ofher own nature, and felt content in doing so, she troubled herself nofurther about the monitor, and there was nothing in her new home whichwas not far more beautiful than what she had had in the precentor'smodest house.
The marquise displeased her most deeply, and this also she plainly toldMaster Adrian, and begged him to inform his Majesty, with her dutifulgreeting. His best gift was the precaution which he had taken that sheshould live apart from the old monkey.
The valet received this commission, like all the former ones, with aslight, grave bow.
On the whole, the experienced man was not ill-pleased with her, onlyit seemed to him strange that Barbara did not mention the seriousmisfortune which had befallen Wolf; yet she knew from his own lipsthat he loved the knight, and had learned that the latter's life was inserious danger.
So he turned the conversation to his young friend, and in an instanta remarkable change took place in Barbara. Wolf's sorrowful fate andsevere wound had weighed heavily upon her heart, but what the presentbrought was so novel and varied that it had crowded the painful event,near as was the past to which it belonged, into the shadow.
She now desired to know who the murderer was who had attacked him, andcursed him with impetuous wrath. She thought it base and shameful thatshe had been denied access to his couch.
Poor, poor Wolf!
Of all the men on earth, he was the best! Meanwhile tears of genuinecompassion flowed from her eyes and, with passionate vehemence, shedeclared that no power in the world should keep her from him. The meresound of her voice, she knew, would be a cordial to him.
So Master Adrian had not been mistaken.
It was not only in song that she was capable of deep feeling, andthe love which had seized the Emperor Charles so late, and yet sopowerfully, had not gone far astray.
He could scarcely have bestowed it upon a more beautiful woman. Whilepleasure in her new surroundings held sway over her, it was a realpleasure to see her face. But this creature, so richly gifted by thegrace of God, was not suited for his modest young friend; this hadbecome especially evident to him when an almost evil expression escapedher lips while she emptied the vial of her wrath upon Wolf's murderer.
If she deemed herself worthy of his master's love, she would not lackAdrian's protection, which was the more effective the more persistentlyhe refrained from asking of the Emperor's favour even the slightestthing for himself, his wife, or others; that the time would come whenshe would need it, he was certain.
No one knew the Emperor so well as he, and he saw before him the cliffswhich threatened to shatter the little ship of this love bond. Alreadyan imprudent violation of his extreme sense of the dignity of majesty,or of the confidence which he bestowed upon her, might become fatal toit.
But, ardently as she might return his love, loyal and discreet as herconduct might be, there were other grave perils menacing the tie whichunited the Emperor to Barbara.
Charles was a man of action, of work, of fulfilment of duty. The momentthat he perceived this love bond would impede his progress toward thelofty goals to which he aspired might easily mark the beginning of itsend.
Now, in the midst of peace, such a result was scarcely to be feared; butif it came to fighting--and many a sign showed Adrian that war was notfar distant--a great change would take place in his master's character;the general would assert his rights. Every other consideration wouldthen be pitilessly thrust aside and, if Charles still remained loyalto his affection, he would have fallen under the spell of one of thosegreat passions which defy every assault of time and circumstance andfind an end only in death. But the sharp-sighted man could not believein such love on his master's part; in his nature the claims of reasonthrew those of the heart too far into the shade. If Barbara was wise,her daily prayer should be for the maintenance of peace.
To speak of these fears to the care-free girl would have been cruel, buthe could probably give her a useful hint as opportunity offered.
Accustomed to perform his duty silently and, where speech was necessary,to study the utmost brevity, he had not learned the art of clothing histhoughts in pleasing forms. So, without circumlocution, he whisperedto Barbara the advice to send away Frau Lerch, who was not fit for herservice, and as soon as possible to dismiss her entirely.
The girl flew into a rage, and no whisper or urgency from another, buther own unbridled, independent nature, which during continual strugglehad been steeled to assert herself, in spite of her poverty, among therich companions of her own rank, as well as the newly awakened haughtyconsciousness that now, as the object of the mightiest monarch's love,she was exalted far above the companions of her own rank--led her torebuff the warning of the well-meaning man with a sharpness that it illbeseemed one so much younger to use toward the Emperor's gray-hairedmessenger.
The valet shrugged his shoulders compassionately, and his regularfeatures, whose expression varied only under the influence of strong,deep feelings, distinctly betrayed how sincerely he lamented herconduct.
Barbara noticed it, and instantly remembered what Wolf had told herabout him and his wife. She did not think of the influence which heexercised upon the Emperor and the service which he might render her,but all the more vividly of his steadfast, devoted loyalty, and what hewas and had accomplished for the man whom she loved, and, seized withsincere repentance, obeying a powerful impulse, she held out her handwith frank cordiality just as he was already bowing in farewell. Adrianhesitated a moment.
What did this mean?
What accident was causing this new change of feeling in this April dayof a girl?
But when her sparkling blue eyes gazed at him so brightly and at thesame time so plainly showed that she knew she had wronged him, heclasped the hand, and his face again wore a friendly expression.
Then Barbara laughed in her bewitching, bell-like tones and, like anaughty child begging forgiveness for a trivial fault, asked him gailynot to take offence at her foolish arrogance. All the new things herehad somewhat turned her silly brain. She knew how faithfully he servedher Charles, and for that reason she could not help liking him already.
"If you have any cause to find fault with me," she concluded merrily,"out with it honestly." Then addressing Frau Lerch, not as though shewere speaking to a servant, but to an older friend, she asked herto leave her alone with Herr Adrian a short time; but she insistedpositively on having her own way when the dressmaker remarked that shedid not know why, after the greatest secret of all had been forced uponher, her discretion should be distrusted.
As soon as she had retired the valet entreated Barbara to beware of theadvice of this woman, whose designs he saw perfectly. He, Adrian,would wish her to have a companion of nobler nature and more delicateperceptions.
But this warning seemed scarcely endurable to Barbara. Although she didnot fly into a passion again, she asked in an irritated tone whetherAdrian had been granted the power of looking into another's soul. Whatshe perceived with absolute certainty in Frau Lerch, who, as her deadmother's maid, had tended her as a child, was great faithfulness andsecrecy and the most skilful hands. Still, she promised to remember hiswell-meant counsel.
Adrian's warning always to consider what a position her lord occupied inthe world, and to beware of crossing the border line which separated themonarch from his subjects, and even from those who were of the highestrank and dearest to him, was gratefully received, for she remembered thesharp rebuff which she ha
d already experienced from her lover. It provedthis excellent man's good will toward her, and her eyes fairly hungupon his lips as he informed her of some of his master's habits andpeculiarities which she must regard. He warned her, with specialearnestness, not to allow herself to be used by others to win favour orpardon for themselves or their kindred. She might perhaps find meansfor it later; now she would at once awaken in the extremely suspiciousmonarch doubt of her unselfishness.
This was certainly good advice, and Barbara confessed to the valet thatthe marquise had requested her at dinner that day to intercede for herunfortunate son, who, unluckily, had the misfortune to be misunderstoodby the Emperor Charles. Master Adrian had expected something of thekind, for the lady in waiting had more than once urged him also toobtain his Majesty's pardon for this ruined profligate, the shame of hisnoble race. He had persistently refused this request, and now enjoinedit upon Barbara to follow his example. Before leaving her, he undertookto send her tidings of Wolf's health now and then by the violinistMassi, as he had not leisure to do it himself. At the same time heearnestly entreated her to repress her wish to see the sufferer again,and to bear in mind that she could receive no visitor, take no step inthis house or in the city, which would not be known in the Golden Cross.
Barbara passionately demanded to know the spy who was watching her, andwhether she must beware specially of the marquise, her French maid,the Spanish priest who accompanied the old woman as her confessor, thegarde-robiere Lamperi, who nevertheless had a good face, or who elseamong the servants.
On this point, however, the valet would or could give no information.He knew only his master's nature. Just as he was better acquainted withevery province than the most experienced governor, with every band ofsoldiers than the sergeant, so nothing escaped him which concerned theprivate lives of those whom he valued. It need not grieve her that hewatched her so carefully. Her acts and conduct would not become a matterof indifference to him until he withdrew his confidence from her or hislove grew cold.
The deep impression which this information made upon the girl surprisedAdrian. While he was speaking her large eyes dilated more and more, andwith hurried breathing she listened until he had finished. Then pressingboth hands upon her temples, she frantically exclaimed: "But that ishorrible! it is base and unworthy! I will not be a prisoner--! will not,can not bear it! My whole heart is his, and never belonged to any other;but, rather than be unable to take a step that is not watched, like theSultan's female slaves, I will return to my father."
Here she hesitated; for the first time since she had entered Prebrunnshe remembered the old man who for her sake had been sent out into theworld. But she soon went on more calmly: "I even permitted my father tobe taken from me and sent away, perhaps to death. I gave everything tomy sovereign, and if he wants my life also," she continued with freshemotion, "he may have it; but the existence of a caged bird!--that willdestroy me."
Here the sensible man interrupted her with the assurance that no one,last of all his Majesty, thought of restricting her liberty more thanwas reasonable. She would be permitted to walk and to use her horsesexactly as she pleased, only the object of her walks and rides must beone which she could mention to her royal lover without timidity.
Barbara, still with quickened breathing, then put the question how shecould know this; and Adrian, with a significant smile, replied thather heart would tell her, and if it should ever err--of this he wascertain--the Emperor Charles.
With these words he took leave of her to go, on behalf of his master, tothe marquise, and Barbara stood motionless for some time, gazing afterhim.
In the Golden Cross Quijada asked Adrian what he thought of the singer,and it was some time ere he answered deliberately: "If only I knewexactly myself, your lordship--I am only a plain man, who wishes everyone the best future. Here I do so out of regard for his Majesty, SirWolf Hartschwert, and the inexperienced youth of this marvellouslybeautiful creature. But if you were to force me by the rack to form adefinite opinion of her, I could not do it. The most favourable wouldnot be too good, the reverse scarcely too severe. To reconcile suchcontrasts is beyond my power. She is certainly something unusual, thatwill fit no mould with which I am familiar."
"If you had a son," asked Don Luis, "would you receive her gladly as adaughter-in-law?"
A gesture of denial from the valet gave eloquent expression of hisopinion; but Quijada went on in a tone of anxious inquiry: "Then whatwill she whom he loves be to the master whose happiness and peace are asdear to you as to me?"
Adrian started, and answered firmly: "For him, it seems to me, she willperhaps be the right one, for what power could she assert against his?And, besides, there is something in his Majesty, as well as in thisgirl, which distinguishes them from other mortals. What do I mean bythat? I see and hear it, but I can neither exactly understand nor nameit."
"That might be difficult even for a more adroit speaker," repliedQuijada; "but I think I know to what you allude. You and I, MasterAdrian, have hearts in our breasts, like thousands of other people, andin our heads what is termed common sense. In his Majesty something elseis added. It seems as though he has at command a messenger from heavenwho brings him thought and decisions."
"That's it!" exclaimed Adrian eagerly; "and whenever she raisesher voice to sing, a second one stands by the side of this BarbaraBlomberg."
"Only we do not yet know," observed Quijada anxiously, "whetherthis second one with the singer is a messenger from heaven, like hisMajesty's, or an emissary of hell."
The valet shrugged his shoulders irresolutely, and said quietly: "Howcould I venture to express an opinion about so noble an art? But whenI was listening to the hymn to the Virgin yesterday, it seemed as if anangel from heaven was singing from her lips."
"Let us hope that you may be right," replied the other. "But no matter!I think I know whence comes the invisible ally his Majesty has at hisdisposal. It is the Holy Ghost that sends him--there is no doubt of it!His control is visible everywhere. With miraculous power he urges himon in advance of all others, and even of himself. This becomes mostdistinctly perceptible in war."
"That is true," declared the valet, "and your lordship has surely hitthe right clew. For"--he glanced cautiously around him and lowered hisvoice--"whenever I put on my master's armour I always feel how he istrembling--yes, trembling, your lordship. His face is livid, and thedrops of perspiration on his brow are not due solely to the heat."
"And then," cried Quijada, his black eyes sparkling with a fierylight--"then in his agitation he scarcely knows what he is doing asI hold the stirrup for him. But when, once in his saddle, his divinecompanion descends to him, he dashes upon the foe like a whirlwind and,wherever he strikes, how the chips fly! The strongest succumb to hisblows. 'Victory! victory!' men shout exultingly wherever he goes. Evenin the last accursed Algerian defeat his helper was at his side; for,Adrian"--here he, too, lowered his voice--"without him and his wonderfulpower every living soul of us, down to the last boat and camp follower,would have been destroyed."