Wars & Wings (Enlighten Series Book 3)

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Wars & Wings (Enlighten Series Book 3) Page 23

by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

  Bodies fly in every direction. As Quinn slices through the melee, black demon blood drips from her weapon. She shoves past angels and fairies.

  I think she’s going to make it to me after all. But then a blade protrudes through her chest. A demon has stabbed her from behind. She staggers the last couple of feet as I close the distance to her.

  “I’m sorry, Zoe.” Her hand presses against her ribs, trying to stop the flow of blood. “I didn’t know for sure who he was.” She coughs and falls to the ground beside me. “I tried to stop him,” she sputters. Blood leaks from the side of her mouth. “But there is something you should know.” I lean in; her voice is barely audible. “Tell my son that I love him. He loves you very much.”

  “What? Say that again.” I shake her shoulder. “Quinn, say it again!”

  “Make him happy until his dying days. I won’t be around on earth to watch him grow old with you. But I will be watching from the heavens.”

  “Who are you?” Tears fall down my face. “Quinn? What have you done with Quinn?”

  “I’m ... Shay’s ... father.”


  “Disguise ... power of combined angels.” His form flickers between a man and a girl’s as his breathing sputters. “Watch out for Morgan.” He takes a final breath, his body remains that of a ghost-like man and disappears from the battlefield.

  I can’t tell Shay but I must. What did he mean a disguise? Could Archangels mutate into Ordinaries? And if so, was she/he helping us all along? He used Quinn to get close to Aiden. Gabriel had to have suspected who Aiden really was.

  My soul hurts as I come to realize that Shay’s father is dead. He’ll never be able to see his son again. Well, his spirit is not really dead, but his form won’t be able to be on earth any more. Shay will miss him. I’ll miss him. If he’s gone, then does that mean that Quinn is really dead, too?

  And Morgan? I can’t ask her because she’s already dead. Gabriel must not have known that before he died.

  I can’t linger on that too much longer.

  “Zoe? Are you hurt?” Shay kneels besides me. “Was that Quinn? I saw her fall.” I nod. “Where did she go?”

  “She’s gone.” I wipe my face and stand. “I’ll tell you later. Right now, we must finish this before anyone else dies.”

  I don’t have time to answer Shay’s question. A demon swings an axe toward my head. I duck as Shay leaps away.

  Pivoting my sword, I block the axe again, but the she-demon is strong. The handle stops my blade, and it slides up and locks against the heel of the sword. She brings my body forward. I scramble for a dagger that’s strapped to my leg. Her hand shoots out and swats it from my fingers. She shoves me to the ground and stomps on my right wing.

  I scream as I thrash about. My eyes sting, and my vision blurs with white dots. She frees the axe and slams it down on my other wing. Bones crack. The pain is intense. I’m on the verge of blacking out. My eyes shut as I try to block out the pain.

  She hovers above me and is about to swing her axe into my chest.

  This is the end. This is how I’m going to die.


  My Light blasts out, tripping her off balance.

  I see movement in the corner of my eye. A silver light swings in my direction and the she-demon falls. Her head is cut off by Shay’s blade.

  He reaches for me. “Can you stand?” he asks.

  My cut wing droops and blood streams out. “I think so, but I need to fix them. I’m trying to, but they aren’t healing fast enough.” I lean into him.

  “It’ll take time since that axe was dipped in Hell Fire. You were a good fighter as a human before you got wings. You’ll have to be more careful from now on.”

  “Okay.” I try flapping my wings, but the slightest movement makes me flinch, and I cry out in agony.

  “Use your Light and not your strength. And I’ll be by your side to protect you.” He turns me to face him. “Promise me, Zoe, that you’ll be careful.”

  “I will.” My wings disappear. I can still feel them pressed against my back, like phantom limbs.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” He grabs my hand and tugs me behind him.

  Shay stays closer to me; he makes his wings disappear. We battle back to back, taking on opponents.

  It seems like all of Hell has been emptied, and its inhabitants are here fighting on this field. Things I’ve never seen before. Ghostly beasts, the size of lions, dart between their masters. Their barks and howls send chills down my spine. These must be the famous Hell Hounds. I’m not sure if I see them now since I became an angel or if I could always see their true forms. I guess it doesn’t really matter, though. Two are bounding towards us.

  “Ready, Zoe?” Shay asks as he nods to the approaching hounds. “You see them, right?”

  “Oh, yeah, the dogs coming straight for us?” I raise my sword. “Yep, I see them.”

  “They’re just like everything else. These are immortal animals. Don’t hold back.”

  “How do we kill them?” I shout. “Do we run?”

  “No, we’ll make our stand here. They don’t die but like the Marqs, they’ll return to Hell.”

  The snarling beasts chew up the ground, and they’re before us within a couple of beats. Their massive paws pound into the ground, dirt flying. Large teeth line their maws as drool drips from their mouths.

  We don’t fight back to back because they separate us. Their giant front paws swipe at us from all directions. I flatten myself to the ground, barely missing my head being taken off. Shay narrowly dodges a mouth as teeth clamp shut where he stood a second ago. With barely enough time to raise our swords before claws strike at us again, all we can do is tuck, evade, and roll. I manage to graze one in the shoulder. Even though they are ghost-like, they are not. My blade hisses upon contact. The hound shrieks in agony.

  “I thought our swords would go straight through them,” I call out. Shay notices and nods. He follows my lead and slashes at the animals. But his sword doesn’t touch them. The air around them breaks apart their form and melds back together. “It’s all you, Zoe. They must only react to Seraph Swords.”

  Shay does what he can to separate the monstrosities, so I can return them to Hell. We run around, trying to get only one to follow me. It works. I run directly at the one chasing Shay. At the last minute, he leaps out of the way.

  The hound is tall enough that I only come to its shoulder. Dropping and sliding on the ground, I raise my sword and carve into the underbelly of the beast. Its bellows shake the ground around me. Or maybe that was its partner.

  Good thing my dad liked baseball and taught me to slide into bases. The body disappears, leaving me one less to defeat.

  I doubt I can use the same tactic again.

  “Shay, give me your sword. I have an idea.”

  He doesn’t flinch. On our next pass, he tosses me his blade. I catch it midair and twirl each sword in my hands. Calling my Light, I infuse his Nephilim Sword, hoping that my inspiration works.

  I stop in my tracks and turn to face a ginormous mouth, ready to eat me. Brandishing both swords, I dart forward, stopping the animal. It knows what the blade does. Using mine, I swing in an upward motion causing the beast to rear onto its hind legs, my Light pulsing. Shay’s sword connects with a paw and cuts it off. The hound limps on its tripod legs. My Light transferred my power into both.

  Loud howls send chills to my wings. But I don’t stop my onslaught from the dual swords, both acting as my own. They are swinging, whirling, and slicing anything in the vicinity. Some are hitting flesh because more cries fill the air. The injured body is still here. I keep spinning the blades.

  I pant and wish Shay could help me, but he’s found his own battle. He’s in a fistfight with some Knights who wandered into the area.

  Taking a breath, I reach deep inside and my Light flares. I slam it into the hound’s face. It blinks, and I rush forward, arcing my blade down across its neck. It disappears.

  My breath
ing is labored. I’m about spent. I need a break. We’ve been fighting for what seems like hours. I don’t know how long it really has been. Glancing out over the area, everyone seems to be still fighting someone. It’s not over yet.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  I HAD NO FEELINGS WHEN Morgan died on the battlefield. Maybe it was because she was just a means to an end. I never felt any real connection with her. It was mutual between us. She wanted to use me for popularity, and I needed a prom date. And a spy. Granted she had not fared well when I first broke it off with her. I needed to know how dedicated she would be to me. I had seen an opportunity with Quinn. It presented itself and I took it. Anyone would have done the same.

  I see a dark shadow standing off in the tree line. She was my Plan C, even after I bailed on her, and after I promised to be right back ... in a note.

  My scouts told me that Zoe’s rendezvous point was Split Rock Lighthouse, a beacon of hope of their win. Morgan was already within the Void when the angels cast it. She did just as I had asked. I knew she would meet me for her surprise. She was Zoe’s distraction. I knew how deep Morgan’s hatred for her went. And as time went on, no apology would placate Morgan.

  Zoe’s betrayal of their friendship and witnessing all of Zoe’s weird behavior for many years solidified the two girls’ fates. Morgan kept thinking that Zoe’s a witch.

  Both Quinn and Morgan served a purpose. Mine.

  No hard feelings. Well, Morgan was a pain in my wings. Always texting. She never got the clue after thousands of unanswered voicemails that we would never be what she wanted. And now she’s really gone. Forever.

  Then I watch as Quinn is taken down by one of my demons. Those stupid, brainless minions. I shake my head as fury builds. I should have color-coded our side, so my father’s warriors know who to kill and who’s on our side.

  You can’t take the monster out of the demon. They love death and bringing it by their own hands.

  What’s done is done.

  A strange new feeling hammers at my chest where my heart would be.

  Is this what it’s like to be sad?

  No. I’ll miss her, but it’s not sadness. It’s ...

  Well, I don’t really know. I’ve only felt it once before, and that was with Zoe when I made the decision to let her go from the vocivus room.

  Both girls seemed to worm their way into my soul.

  Oh, hells, I am going soft.

  Two different girls have managed to break chinks out of my hard, exterior armor.

  Shaking the thoughts of them from my head, I peruse the battle. We are winning. We’re overtaking the field. There aren’t enough angels, fairies, or Nephilims. It’s a glorious sight to witness. The downfall of the Ordinaries. Next to conquer Fairyland. Could the two realms be joined without a porta? He would have to find a way. We can’t rely on fairies to open the portas and let my father in to rule over them.

  My father.

  So much death. Destruction. Eternal non-existence.

  He will destroy everything that I worked so hard to have and become.

  My eyes glaze over as I dream of my hopeless future if he is released. Back to being second in command. My opinions not heard or acted upon. Minions questioning my every decision. I won’t be making the decisions anymore. I’ll be back to leading battles on the front lines, skirmishes, and attending court. Oh, hells, I hate the politics. Plus, having to deal with my father forever on an as-needed basis.

  Yeah, that’s not a future I care to come true.

  Now, I know what I must do. I must ensure that he remains locked in the Archangels prison. He can never escape.

  Oh, hells.

  Scanning the field, I spot Zoe fighting back to back with her boyfriend. Of course, he’s next to her. How to get them separated.

  I call a horde of demons to me, pointing in Zoe’s direction. They immediately take off, knowing what I need them to do.

  War wages inside of me. Should I? Can I betray everything I stand for? Everything I am? But what if I’m more like Zoe than she believes I am?


  Another piece of hatred falls from my blackened soul.

  I stride toward her, blasting my Light at any angel, fairy, wolf, or demon who crosses my path.

  “Hello again, Zoe. It’s been a long time.” The horde has managed to break apart the duo with enough space I easily glide between them.

  “Not long enough,” she seethes. “I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing you.”

  “And there’s the spunk I’ve come to love about you. Look. It’s just the two of us again.”

  “I haven’t missed you.”

  “Are we going to do this?” I tilt my head. “Your boyfriend is otherwise occupied, so I can have you all to myself. I am curious how your training has been. Unfortunately, all of my efforts on Quinn were wasted. Pity that she died.”

  “Don’t talk about her.” She swings her sword and misses my face by inches. “You’re the one who killed her,” Zoe screams. “You might not have stabbed her, but you brought her here. And now I’m going to avenge her death.”

  I back up from her strikes.

  Her other friends are making their way to us. They battle through a path of demons when they see me ready to destroy Zoe. But it only takes one strike on my part.

  We parry for what seems like minutes. She has gotten better with the sword since the last time I spied on her. She’s physically stronger, too. Her trainers have been pushing her to extreme limits. And it’s paying off.

  Our blades clash and ring in the air. But I don’t fight fair. I blast her with Light and she stumbles. Quickly, she’s back on her feet, meeting another Light blast with one of her own. The force makes me falter.

  I swing again and draw her close. Our swords lock near the hilt.

  We pause, which allows me to briefly look at both swords. Hers is like the one I carry. Upon deeper inspection of her hilt, I confirm it is a Seraph Sword; the etching on the blade is the same as my own. I turn the blade, waving a palm across it. The old language from the angels’ glows, and I direct my Light to Zoe’s sword.

  Similar symbols appear. That confirms it for me.

  I parry with her, but she is no match for me. After eons of training, I am better, faster, and have more stamina. Her energy dwindles with every stroke. All I have to do is wait her out. Zoe will eventually grow tired and make a mistake.

  Zoe growls with a renewed vigor; she slashes and cuts, driving me back. Her eyes narrow, and her lips thin with determination. It is all she can do to keep her focus on where her blade lands. If she isn’t careful, she’s going to injury herself, and my plan will be for nothing.

  It surprises me that Shay still isn’t by her side; the horde really is keeping his hands full. I thank whomever listening for that small gift.

  I watch as Zoe stumbles. This is my chance.

  Can I do it? Yes, I must.

  I infuse my sword with Light. It clashes with Zoe’s and forces her wrist to twist and she drops hers. She scrambles onto her hands and knees, a bit lost, not knowing how she is going to defeat me.

  She can’t. I’m too strong for her.

  A guttural cry escapes her lips. Oh, yes, her wings are damaged. She rolls over onto her back, scuttling backwards. Her eyes are wide with terror, knowing that I am going to end her life. Right there.

  I pick up her fallen sword and inspect it to make sure. The text still glows from the Light she has wielded. I look down onto her frantic face.

  A war battles inside me. I know I should end her life. It’s what my father told me he needed me to do. But if she doesn’t live, the King of Hell will escape his cage. The world won’t be safe from my father’s evil reign, and I will be the acting king again.

  If my father ever finds out my true intentions, he’ll end my existence for sure. Over the centuries, I’ve grown to liking the power, the respect, the control. I can’t give that up now. Not for anyone.

  With my decision
made, I stab Zoe with a sword and pierce into her soul.

  A blast of Light like nothing I’ve seen before floods the battle zone, making everyone stop.

  I step away from Zoe’s body. I can’t believe that it worked. I read an ancient scroll from the library that Seraph Angels carry special abilities.

  “What did you do, Aiden?” Kieran runs toward us, screaming at me. “How could you?” He raises his hand to blast me with Light. I easily absorb it. “After all she’s done for you. I know you are still evil, but she put her faith in you that you still had some good someplace in your soul. But she was wrong. There is nothing good in you.”

  “I’m going to kill you,” Shay screeches as he takes down the last of the horde I had sent. “If you run now, I’ll find you. I’ll avenge her until my dying breath. That’s a promise.”

  Her best friend kneels on her side. I watch as Zoe tries to pat his shoulder to let him know she understands his grief, but her hand passes though. Her body releases her soul. She doesn’t look at me; she doesn’t know I can see her. Actually, see her.

  “Wait, Kieran.” I hold up my hand. “Before you end my existence, just wait. Let me explain.” I drop the swords.

  Kieran is beside himself, yelling and raging. Mumbling to himself and battling between striking me down and leaving Earth to go find Zoe’s floating soul. I absorb and deflect all the blows. If he were anything more than a guardian angel, I might be a bit scared. But he’s not.

  “It’ll be okay, Shay,” I say. He doesn’t hear me. His grief over the loss of his soul mate is too great. “She will rise again, like a phoenix rising out of the ashes.”

  They don’t trust me.

  They shouldn’t. Zoe has died, and I killed her.

  Demons continue to battle around us. Since I am their leader on the field, I blast my own minions with Light, forcing them back. I need to let Zoe have the time she requires to regenerate. A dark red Protective Shield encompasses those who huddle around us and Zoe’s dead human body.


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