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Eternal Page 8

by Rachel Van Dyken

  “And, Alyssa, will you honor, respect, and love Demetri with everything you possess? Do you promise to try every day of your life to be his other half?”


  “We aren’t promised tomorrow.” Wes’s voice cracked. “We aren’t even really promised today, or that next second, or minute that ticks by. We’re gifted with moments, each one precious, each one different. So take those moments and use them. Don’t let them pass by in anger. Don’t let those moments build up into silence between the two of you, because you never know if they’ll be taken, and we never know the final number of moments we’ve been awarded. Let no moment go unused. Let no moments escape where you could have expressed love for one another.”

  A tear streamed down my cheek as Demetri’s hands clenched mine harder. Talking of moments had me thinking about all the times I’d wasted thinking about Brady, my ex, who’d died. I’d been wasting my life away until Demetri had come and stolen every waking moment from my existence, changing it with his presence.

  “So...” Wes clapped his hands together. “…by the power vested in me by that fun little Internet site whose name I can’t even remember, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your—”

  Demetri hoisted me into the air and slammed his mouth against mine before Wes could even finish.

  His kiss was hungry.


  Totally Demetri, because he didn’t do things halfway — ever.

  “Parents.” Jaymeson coughed under his breath.

  Demetri released me but didn’t put me back on my feet. Instead, he spoke against my lips. “I’ll love you for eternity.”

  “And I’ll love you longer than that.”

  “We’ll see.” He smirked. “We’ll see.”



  “WELL, THAT WENT BETTER than planned.” Gabe nodded.

  I turned my head and glared. “How do you figure? The pastor’s car wouldn’t start, the beach was hounded by fangirls, most of them yours, btw, and the seagulls from The Little Mermaid almost crashed into the taffy store windows.”

  “But...” Gabe nodded. “…the great Wes Michels did just marry you, and you did just get to sign a legal document stating that you’re officially leg-shackled and tied forever to that girl.” He tipped his drink toward Alyssa, who was busy dancing with Wes and laughing.

  She threw her head back and laughed at something he said. My eyes were drawn to every inch of her delectable skin.

  “Easy tiger, you’re going to attract the seagulls again.” Gabe laughed.


  “You know…” He leaned back in his chair. “…I think I’m going to like going on tour with you guys.”

  “You’re going to be a pain in my ass, aren’t you?” I grinned.

  “I’ll count it my new life goal.”

  “Well then.” I lifted my water bottle and tapped his glass. “Here’s to hoping you fail, Twilight.”

  “I want a new nickname.”

  “Not happening.”

  He rolled his eyes and stood. “I’m going to go find the wife and seduce her.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “Luck.” He rolled his eyes. “Please. Luck is never needed when it comes with pleasing my woman. It’s a skill… one you probably lack… but hey, there are always manuals. If you need any pointers, I think there’s an app for—”

  I flipped him off.

  Gabe burst out laughing and walked off in the direction of Saylor who was busy dancing with Kiersten.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Alyssa’s smooth voice said from behind me.

  Chills erupted across my arms. I turned and pulled her into my lap.

  “You ready to go?”

  Alyssa nodded, her lips finding my neck.

  “Yup, it’s time.” I breathed, my body barely able to restrain itself from attacking her in front of friends and family.

  “Should we say goodbye to our guests?” Alyssa stood and held out her hand.

  “Is this thing on?” Jaymeson tapped the microphone.

  At least the reception had gone as planned. Then again, it was Jaymeson’s back yard, so yeah.

  “If we move really fast, he won’t see us. Think superhero. Think Flash,” I whispered into her hear.

  “Oh, there you guys are!” Jaymeson pointed.

  A spotlight followed.

  “It’s time for the toasts!”

  “It’s time for the wedding night.” I swore under my breath while Lyss pinched my arm.

  “And since I’m the best man—”

  “Actually, that would have been Alec,” I whispered to Lyss. “Had he not gone and impregnated his wife.”

  Another pinch.

  “I remember the first time I met Demetri.”

  “He punched me in the face,” I mumbled.

  “I punched him in the face!” Jaymeson confirmed into the microphone. “But to be fair, he was kissing a girl I was dating.”

  “Oh good.” I nodded. “This is going downhill real fast.”

  Alyssa nudged me. “Be nice. He’s trying to make a speech.”

  “He’s drunk.”

  “He is not drunk!” She laughed. “Just let him… be him.”

  “Yeah, because that’s always a good idea. Let Jaymeson be himself.”

  “But here’s the thing…” Jaymeson cleared his throat. “I never knew that after meeting Demetri, he’d become more than a best friend. He’d become my actual brother.” Jaymeson shrugged. “The best brother a guy could ask for.”

  “Shit, he’s going to cry,” I mumbled.

  “I won’t cry.” Jaymeson thrust his finger into the air. “But I will say this. Demetri Daniels, you’re a good guy, and nothing makes me happier than seeing you and Lyss get your happy ending.”

  “Haven’t gotten that ending just yet, my friend,” I whispered.

  “Demetri!” Alyssa elbowed me again. “Pay attention.”

  “Can’t. All blood has left the top half of my body and gone… south for the winter.”

  She turned. Her eyebrows furrowed. “Huh?”

  “It’s the dress.” I sighed. “It makes me want to do things I probably shouldn’t do in front of your parents. We may be married, but the things I want to do… are very… very… bad.”

  “So, cheers to the happy couple!” Jaymeson shouted as everyone clinked their glasses together.

  I took Alyssa’s mouth with mine, raised my hand to a wave, then picked her up into my arms. “If we don’t leave now, they’ll never let us.”


  “Bye, everyone!” I shouted and practically stormed out the door and across the yard to our townhouse.

  One stair.

  Two stairs.

  Ten stairs.

  Good God, how many stairs did we really have to get into our place? Finally, I reached the end, placed her on her feet, and pushed open the door.

  Alyssa giggled and followed me in.

  The entire place was lit with candles. Rose petals made a trail all the way into the kitchen, rather than the bedroom.

  “The kitchen?” Alyssa pointed. “Why do they lead there?”

  “Oh, that’s easy.” I nodded. “Follow me.”

  I gripped her hand and led her into our immaculate kitchen and then lifted her onto the granite countertop. “Dem?”

  “No moving,” I scolded and reached into the fridge. I pulled out a platter of fresh fruit and chocolate. “I’ve been fantasizing about doing this for days, weeks, years —. probably my entire life, even my sordid childhood.”

  “How… romantic. You want to eat fruit off of me?”

  “Hell no.” I dipped my finger in chocolate. “I want to devour you.”

  “Not the fruit.”

  “Screw the fruit.”

  Alyssa grinned.

  I pressed a chocolate-covered finger to her lips then licked it off with my tongue. “You see, ever since I gave up drugs, I’ve has this
addiction. It started with taffy and ended with you… and I thought, why not combine the two of them? So I took my favorite flavor… chocolate… and decided to put it on my other favorite flavor… you.”

  Face flushed, she licked her lips, the chocolate teasing her mouth in a way I wanted to be doing.

  “Don’t make me jealous…” I growled, kissing her lips again. “Husbands need love too.”

  “But the chocolate is so good.”

  I laughed against her neck. “I promise you… I’m better.”

  “Show me.”

  “Do you trust me?”





  I knew it was stupid. I mean, it was Demetri. He was my husband, not like there were any take-backs.

  But still… having sex with a rock god who had girls worldwide swooning on a daily basis? A bit overwhelming.

  People actually mailed him their lingerie.

  He still had girls on Twitter who sent him daily videos declaring their undying love.

  “Lyss…” Demetri cupped my face. “…I love you. That’s all that matters.”

  “It is.” I breathed, my body still shaking from nerves. “I know. I just…” My shoulders slumped.

  “You just need to forget…” Demetri smiled, his dimples digging into his cheeks, making him look even more devastating. The man belonged on a billboard, not in the kitchen. “…and I’m here to make sure the only thing you remember is my name.”

  I swallowed.

  His hands moved to the back of my dress. His breath was hot on my neck as he slowly unzipped. The sound of the zipper had my body shaking even harder as cold air hit my exposed back.

  Demetri’s fingertips danced along my spine then teased my strapless lace bodice. “I like this…” His voice was gruff. “…a lot.”

  I laughed into his shoulder as his hands continued moving slowly down my skin.

  “Up,” he commanded.


  “Wrap your arms around me so I can tug the dress off.”

  I did as he’d asked and felt my dress slide out from underneath me. The granite was like ice against my legs and butt. My thong wasn’t helping matters.

  “Damn…” Demetri dropped the dress onto the ground and stared. “…I could just stand here and worship at your feet for days, years…” He shook his head. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I licked my lips in anticipation for his kiss.

  Instead, he kneeled in front of me then reached his hand between my legs and opened one of the drawers so that my legs were propped up. “Better.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Laying you across the table…” Demetri shrugged. “…like a feast.”


  His eyes darkened. “Starved.”

  He slowly pushed me back onto the counter and dipped his fingers in the chocolate again. This time he tickled my entire body with his hands as he drew designs across my chest, thighs, even my neck.

  “Still nervous?” he asked.

  “I’m practically naked, on the kitchen table, and lathered in chocolate. What do you think?”

  “I think…” He hovered over me. “…that you’re thinking too much. Now close your eyes.”


  “Close them.”

  With a sigh, I closed my eyes and waited.

  Nothing happened.

  Holy crap, was he just going to leave me and — merciful God above, was he licking up my thigh?

  His tongue moved in slow circles around my knee, getting higher and higher. My breath hitched when his tongue came into contact with my hip bone and then my thong.


  I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. Insecurity was just about to wrap itself around me, and then I felt his mouth on me again, still licking, suckling. His skilled musician’s hands moving across my body in ways that had me forgetting more than just my own name — but my reason for being insecure in the first place.

  My body clenched around him.

  And then his hands were gone.

  And his tongue was back, but I felt… hot, heavy, like I needed him to finish what he was doing and stop fixating on the damn chocolate!


  “Shh...” He chuckled. “I know exactly what you need.”

  “You sure?” I panted as he licked up my stomach, between my breasts. “Because you’re not doing it.”

  “I gave you a break. Think of it as a time out before the end of the game.”

  “What if I want the game to end right now…?”

  “Aw, baby, halftime’s my favorite part.”

  I flinched when the corset was completely removed from my body, and then I felt skin, his skin, pressed against mine. I moved my body underneath his, wanting to be closer, needing to be closer.

  “Eager,” Demetri said hoarsely. “But like I said. Halftime.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about. Only that I was going to kill him if he made me wait any longer.

  His hands cupped my butt as he pulled my legs up and wrapped my ankles around his body.

  And then that mouth found more ways to drive me insane, until I was left so wound up and panting that I was ready to attack him.

  “Halftime…” One last lick. “…the best part.”


  “I love you…” He whispered, his body sliding against mine. “…so much. Tell me, Lyss. Tell me if I hurt you.”

  “You can’t. You won’t. Just please…”

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded.

  Finally, I opened.

  It was like seeing perfection for the first time. Demetri on top of me in all his godlike glory, smiling, our bodies almost joined.

  One push.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  “Stay with me, Lyss,” he said softly.

  I opened my eyes again, focusing on him, on the sensations only he could bring out of me as he pushed further.

  I bit my lip.

  With a wince, he went all the way.

  I let out a little yelp and then felt nothing but pleasure as he leaned over and took my mouth with a hunger I’d never seen or experienced before. There were too many sensations all at once: us together, Demetri’s mouth, our bodies moving, the wonderful friction of lovemaking — all of it was almost too much.

  And then it became more.

  Everything I could have possibly imagined happened in that moment.

  Our eyes locked.

  Demetri moaned. “Baby… just let go.”


  His lips found my mouth again as he whispered against me. “Let go.”

  So I did.

  It was like jumping off the scariest cliff into the most blissful ocean I’d ever seen or felt.



  HOLY SHIT, I WAS dying.

  Dying a slow, agonizingly wonderful death, and, if asked for a repeat, I’d do it all over, again and again.

  “Let go,” I said, seeing her fear, feeling her muscles around me constrict as if holding on for dear life. Damn, I was ready to lose it. She felt too good, so good I wanted to be joined with her forever.

  The trust in her eyes was staggering.

  The pleasure overwhelming.

  And then I felt it.

  The moment she fully jumped, fully trusted me and found her release. Humbling to say the least, but impossible to fully enjoy, considering I was lost in my own sensations.

  I’d followed her off the ledge.

  My entire body shuddered with ecstasy.

  “Hey,” I said hoarsely. “I missed a spot.”

  Alyssa let out a little giggle as I licked behind her ear. “That was… different.”

  I reared back. “Say what?”

  “Wonderful different.” Her cheeks went all pink. “I was so nervous, and it was so…”

  “What was your favorite part? Ha
lftime? Or game-winning dunk?”

  She burst out laughing. “Both?”

  “Hmm, I’ll put in some more timeouts next time. You know, to give you a break so you don’t explode on the spot.”

  “I don’t want breaks.”

  “No?” My body responded immediately. “You more of a marathon-type of girl?”

  “I think so.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and tugged me closer. “You up for the challenge, Dem?”

  “I think it’s clear…” I coughed. “…that I’m up for anything… with you.”



  “I THINK YOU’LL LIKE it here.” I threw a rock into the ocean then shoved my hands into my pockets. “It’s a lot like Seattle, lots of rain.”

  Gabe laughed. “Right, that’s what I miss. The rain.”

  “Whatever.” I shook my head and grinned. “Plus, it’s close so Lisa and Tristan can visit.”

  Gabe rolled his eyes. “When they actually return our phone calls. Longest honeymoon I’ve ever witnessed.”

  “Hey, he wanted her to see the world.”

  “Then buy her a freaking globe.”

  “You can’t protect her forever.” I fought the urge to laugh. Gabe would be ninety and still trying to make sure that Lisa was in bed before ten.

  He swore and kicked at the sand. “Yeah, yeah… at least I’m jumping back on tour with two guys I actually like… and it’s not like it will be a really long leg, only a few weeks.”

  “And you can take Saylor.”

  “She can’t wait.”

  “So it all worked out,” I added.

  Gabe didn’t say anything. His eyes focused in on the water. “You ever think about it?”

  “About what?” I crossed my arms.

  “Dying still. The what if?”

  I sighed. “How could I not? I think every time something good happens in my life that death is right there taunting me, making me rethink things, trying to steal my joy or make me feel guilty for having it.”

  “Guilt…” Gabe let out a heavy breath. “I think that’s what it is. I feel guilty for being successful again, guilty that she died and I get fame, fortune. I don’t know, somehow it seems wrong, like I should still be suffering.”

  I knew that feeling well. Hell, I knew I wasn’t perfect. As much as Gabe joked about my sainthood and everything, fears were still real, but it wasn’t about ignoring the fear altogether. At least in my mind, it was about the choice you make when you have to face it.


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