Escape to Bramble Patch Craft Shop

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Escape to Bramble Patch Craft Shop Page 24

by Sarah Hope

  ‘Do you feel better after your shower?’ Richie indicated her top. The pale purple fabric deepened in colour as water dripped from her hair. Picking the towel up, he came to stand behind her. ‘Here, let me.’

  Closing her eyes as Richie gently dried her hair with the towel, Molly smiled. His warm, gentle fingers felt good against her head. Safe. Homely.

  Tucking her hair gently behind her ears, Richie passed the towel back to her.

  As she took the towel from him, their fingers brushed, and they stood for a minute facing each other.

  Shaking his head, Richie stepped away and began plating up the pancakes before pausing and looking up. ‘I can take mine back home if it’s easier?’

  Molly shook her head. ‘No, it’s fine. I’ll pop the kettle on.’


  With her back to him, Molly busied herself by spooning coffee into two mugs. Blinking in an attempt to contain the tears stinging the back of her eyes, she reminded herself it was her own decisions and actions that had led to them doing this ridiculous dance. It was her fault they were no longer in a relationship. ‘One sugar, isn’t it?’

  ‘I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU got in a fight! Wait until I tell my friends at school!’ Leaning over his pasta, Ellis touched his mum’s forehead.

  ‘I did not! I told you what happened.’ Laughing, Molly passed him the pesto. ‘Do you want some?’

  ‘Yuck, no way! Ah, but it’ll sound a lot cooler if I tell them you got in a fight.’ Shrugging, Ellis pushed a forkful of pasta and cheese in his mouth.

  ‘Umm. Please don’t.’

  ‘Does it still hurt? I’ll ring Marissa and get her to get her dad on the case. The police will find who did it.’

  ‘No, it’s fine. Just a little sore. Besides, he knows already, and it’s all been sorted now.’

  Lauren nodded. ‘So can I have some money for these trainers I saw in town with Dad?’

  Grateful for the sudden change in conversation, Molly smiled. ‘We’ll see. Let me see how much I’ve got at the end of the month, okay?’

  ‘So that’s a yes then?’

  ‘It’s a maybe.’

  ‘Right, I’m done. Can I go on my game now?’ Pushing back his chair, Ellis stood up, a single piece of pasta falling from his t-shirt to the table.

  ‘Yes, okay. Not for long, though. It’s school in the morning so you need to get a good night’s sleep.’ By the time she’d returned the pasta to the plate, he had already disappeared into his room.

  ‘I’m done too. I’m going to ring Marissa about some homework that’s due in tomorrow.’

  ‘Okay.’ Standing up, Molly yawned as a wave of tiredness hit her. Piling the plates up, she dropped them in the sink before slumping back at the table.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Rolling her shoulders back, Molly plastered a smile on her face before picking the tray up and kicking the kitchen door open. Weaving out from behind the counter, she was careful not to spill the coffees, teas and glasses of squash.

  ‘Ooh lovely. Thank you, Molly.’ Taking the mug from the tray, Gladys took a sip before placing it on the coffee table and turning back to her knitting.

  ‘You’re welcome.’ Molly made her way around the circle of chairs, passing mugs and glasses out. The Knit and Natter group was busier today than it ever had been. Another two new members had turned up this morning and everyone else had made it too. ‘How’s your granddaughter’s cardigan coming along, Pat?’

  ‘Okay, I think.’ Holding up a tiny pale pink cardigan, Pat tilted her head. ‘I’m struggling with this part though.’

  ‘Ah, the cuffs. I always find them the trickiest, but it looks like you’ve done a really good job.’

  ‘She has, hasn’t she? And to think a few weeks ago you’d never picked up a pair of knitting needles.’ Gladys nodded over at Pat.

  ‘Yes, you’ve done really well. Learnt much quicker than I did when I was taught. When is it your granddaughter’s due again?’

  ‘Two weeks Sunday.’ Bill beamed.

  ‘Wow, not much longer to wait then!’

  Bill picked up his mug. ‘We can’t wait, can we love?’

  ‘Not at all.’

  Straightening her back, Molly looked up as the bell above the door tinkled. It was Richie. Making sure to keep her smile in place, she turned to him. ‘Richie, how can I help you?’

  ‘You’ve come to join our knitting group, haven’t you, love?’ Gladys grinned. ‘I’ll find you some knitting needles if you haven’t brought your own.’

  Placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, Richie grinned across at the group. ‘Not today, I’m afraid.’

  ‘Oh, that’s a shame. You could have knitted your sweet little dog a jumper.’

  Looking down at his feet, Richie looked back at Molly. ‘Do you mind if I have a quiet word, please?’

  ‘Umm, yes, okay.’ Hugging the tray to her chest, Molly led the way into the back kitchen. ‘How can I help you?’

  ‘I just thought I’d pop by to see how your head is.’ Touching his fingers to his own forehead, he looked at her.

  Molly shrugged. ‘Its fine, thanks. Ellis thinks it’s really cool.’

  Richie chuckled. ‘I bet he does.’

  Placing the tray down, Molly straightened the tea caddie. Maybe what he had done for her on Saturday night should have made things easier between them, but if anything because it had stirred up so many feelings for Molly, it had made things more awkward. Turning to look at him, she tucked her hair behind her ears and made her way towards the door. ‘Thanks for coming.’

  Stepping forwards as Molly held the door open, Richie paused, looked down at his feet and back up again. ‘Actually, there was something else.’

  Oh great, she’d known there was something up when he hadn’t got into a conversation with Gladys. He was normally so chatty with everyone, especially with the Knit and Natter group who appeared to think very highly of him. What had she done? Had she made a show of herself on Saturday and he had come to talk to her about it? Why hadn’t he said before? She’d asked him, and he’d said she’d been fine. Letting the door swing shut, she placed her hand on the work surface. She’d have to listen. She didn’t have a choice. After all, if she’d done something wrong on Saturday, it was her fault and she has to face the consequences. ‘Okay.’

  ‘Look, I wanted to speak to you about what happened.’

  Molly nodded. She was right. ‘I’m really sorry if I said or did something embarrassing on Saturday night. I wasn’t really with it after banging my head...’

  ‘Oh no, you didn’t do or say anything wrong, or embarrassing. It’s not about Saturday. Well, it is in a way but it’s nothing you did.’

  Biting her bottom lip, she nodded. ‘Okay. Has something else happened?’

  ‘No. Well, yes.’ Running his fingers through his hair, Richie shuffled his feet. ‘I just wanted to talk about everything that’s happened between us.’

  ‘Clear the air you mean?’ Molly looked back at the shut door, she didn’t need this. Not now, not with a shop full of people she was supposed to be entertaining. Plus, she’d hardly had any sleep for the last couple of nights. Richie helping her to the car, Richie looking after her, Richie drying her hair for her as he had - it was too much. Every time an image of him popped in her mind it was all she could do not to cry. She knew it was her fault things had ended between them before anything had actually really started and every time she thought of what could have been... she just wanted to crumble. No, she couldn’t do that. Not now.

  ‘Sort of. No, not at all.’

  Well, which was it? Did he want to clear the air or just rub her nose in it for being so trusting of Diane? ‘I’m sorry. I can’t do this. Not now. I really should get back out there, we’ve got a couple of newbies and I need to make a good impression.’ Molly indicated to the shop floor.

  ‘Of course. Right, I understand.’

  Molly nodded. ‘Thanks.’ Opening the door, she slipped through ahead of h
im. She didn’t want to give him any chance of calling her back.

  ‘Have you changed your mind, Richie?’ Gladys grinned and held out a set of knitting needles.

  Halfway to the door out of Bramble Patch, Richie paused, looked ahead, and then back at Gladys before turning around slowly. ‘Yes, I have actually.’

  ‘Aw, I told you he would.’ Gladys poked Susan with her knitting needle and nodded.

  ‘Not about the knitting, I’m afraid.’ Richie glanced at Molly. ‘I’m sorry, Molly. I do need to discuss this now. Or even just tell you what I need to say. You don’t have to answer and you don’t have to have any sort of discussion with me, but I need to get this off my chest.’

  Picking up a ball of pale turquoise Merino wool, Molly tucked in the loose end before looking across at him. Was he really going to air their grievances here? In front of everyone?

  ‘I’m sorry if this embarrasses you, Molly, but I need to apologise. I’m sorry for ever letting you go. I’m sorry I let Diane’s fibs split us up. I should have tried harder, and I should have accepted your apology. I’m sorry I didn’t. I’m sorry because ever since I met you, even though I gave you a speeding ticket, and I’m sorry for that too, but even the first time I met you, I felt a connection between us. And it scared me. I haven’t felt this way about anyone since me and Diane split up and even though I loved her, it barely touches what I feel for you. Did you feel it too? Did you feel that connection?’ Taking a deep breath in, Richie ran his fingers through his hair, his face flushed, his eyes wide.

  Gripping the ball of wool in her hands, Molly could feel a fierce blush sweeping across her face. A connection? He’d felt a connection? Even back then? Why had he been so awful to her then?

  ‘I know I didn’t exactly welcome you into the community with open arms. Heck, I probably made your move more difficult for you. And I know it’s no excuse, but it took me some time to realise what I was feeling, especially with you having moved in here.’ Hardly pausing for a breath, Richie swept his hand around, taking in the shop. ‘But, I love you.’

  ‘What?’ The question had slipped out before she even realised what she’d said.

  ‘I love you. This feeling, its love. A love that’s more powerful than I’ve ever felt before. I love you, Molly Wilson.’

  Opening her mouth and closing it again, Molly stood still. The shop floor had become eerily silent. Had he really just said that?

  Richie stood still, watching her, before looking at the floor and back up again. ‘I’m so sorry I’ve messed up.’

  With the soft Merino wool still in her hands, Molly watched as he walked away, quietly shutting the door behind him.

  ‘Wow, I wish my husband said things like that every once in a while.’ Lucy whistled through her teeth.

  Looking across at the Knit and Natter group, Molly could barely focus.

  ‘Go on, girl. Go get him. We all know you feel the same, it’s written all over your face every time he comes in.’ Gladys called across the room.

  ‘Yes, Molly, go after him.’ Susan, normally the quietest member of the group, stood up, quickly walking towards the door and opened it, holding it open as she looked across at Molly.

  ‘Right, yes. Yes, okay.’ Looking across at the group, Molly grimaced before letting the Merino wool drop back into the basket and walking out of the door.

  OUTSIDE, WITH THE COOL breeze whipping her hair, it suddenly hit her - Richie loved her. He had told her that. In front of everyone, he had told her how he felt. Pausing at the top of the parking bays, Molly shielded her eyes with her hand against the sun and looked left down to the junction towards his house. There was no sign of him.

  Frowning, she looked right towards his mum’s house and the edge of the village. There was a lone figure walking along the grass verge out of the village, a golden Labrador at his feet. It must be him, it must be Richie. He must have left Rocco outside whilst he had come into Bramble Patch.

  Walking in his direction, she picked up her pace as he turned down the bridleway running through the fields. ‘Richie, wait!’

  He hadn’t heard her. Running now, she came to the bridleway and followed him. She was getting closer. ‘Richie!’

  Pausing, he looked behind him. His face red with emotion until he saw her.

  She watched as a slow grin spread across his face and he began walking towards her, quickening his pace with every step. Meeting in the middle, Molly sank into his open arms before looking up at him. ‘I love you too.’


  Taking Richie’s hand, Molly laughed as he led her onto the dance floor. Just as they got there, the DJ switched the music to something with a slower tempo. Leaning her head against his shoulder, Molly grinned and nuzzled into his neck. ‘Who’d have thought a year ago that we’d both be here again together?’

  Richie looked across at the large banner engulfing the wall behind the stage. ‘I did. There’s no one I’d rather be dancing with, and here’s to many more Spring Dances with you.’ Leaning back on his heels, he held her at arm’s length before pulling her close again.

  As their lips touched and Molly mumbled that she felt the same way, the song spun onto a faster track. With Debs up on stage barking her orders, Molly twirled into the arms of another man.

  Laughing as she was spun around, Molly looked across at Richie, their eyes meeting. He gave her the thumbs up as Debs instructed them to swap partners again. Automatically drifting back towards each other, Richie took Molly in his arms again.

  Spinning back towards the edge of the dance floor, both Molly and Richie held their hands out. ‘Come on you three, join in.’

  As Marissa and Lauren both rolled their eyes and their faces flushed in embarrassment, Ellis giggled and jumped up, dragging his friend, Charlie, onto the dance floor with them.

  ‘Do you think Marissa or Lauren will ever enjoy dancing?’

  Molly looked back at them as they giggled and pointed at a group of boys over in the far corner. Molly was sure she recognised a few of them from their year group. ‘Yes, and I don’t think it will be long either.’

  AS MOLLY PUSHED OPEN the front door, Rocco bounded up to them, encircling their legs in his excitement. ‘Hello, boy! Have you been good? Shall we get you a treat?’

  ‘And you wonder why he favours you over me?’ As Lauren, Ellis and Marissa trudged through to the kitchen carrying the boxes of takeaway pizzas they’d grabbed on the way home, Richie put his arm around Molly’s middle and led her back out of the front door.

  ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘Just to the garden.’

  Sure enough, he turned and unbolted the side gate. ‘Why didn’t we just go through the kitchen?’

  ‘You’ll see. Come here.’ Gently manoeuvring her in front of him, Richie covered her eyes with his hands. Pushing the gate open with his foot, he slowly walked them through.

  ‘What is it?’ Grinning, Molly stepped through, the familiar brush of wisteria against her shoulder. She still couldn’t believe they’d managed to find this cottage, on the edge of the village so close to Richie’s mum’s and to Bramble Patch and yet big enough for the five of them. It was the wisteria that she’d first fallen in love with when they’d viewed it, she’d always dreamt of a home covered in the delicately scented purple petals of wisteria.

  ‘That’s it. Just come this way a little.’

  She could feel the gravel pathway giving way to lawn underneath her feet. As Richie gently turned her, Molly worked out that she must be facing the back of the cottage. She could feel a different kind of warmth hit her. It wasn’t the last of the spring evening’s sunshine; it was warmer, as though the sliding glass doors from the kitchen/family room had suddenly been opened.

  ‘Right, that’s it. Keep them closed.’

  Squinting her eyes shut, she fought the urge to open them as Richie’s hands lifted. Tilting her head, she listened to his steps as he walked away and tried to listen to the whispering that ensued.

  ‘Okay, one, two,
three. You can open them now, Mum!’ Ellis stifled an excited giggle.

  Opening her eyes, it took her a second to focus and realise what was happening. The glass doors stood open, and Ellis, Marissa and Lauren all stood looking out. In front of them, the garden table had been set up with champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne sat chilling in an ice bucket.

  As her eyes focused on Richie, tears welled up, and her heart skipped a beat. There he knelt in front of her, a small red box held in his hands.

  ‘Molly Wilson, this past year has been an amazing whirlwind. You’ve made me believe in true love again and me and Marissa would love our families to join. Will you, Lauren and Ellis join us and will you marry me?’

  A silence spread across the garden as Molly looked up from Richie to Ellis, Lauren and Marissa and back again. They’d known. They’d known what Richie had been planning. ‘Yes! I, we, say yes!’

  Slipping a platinum solitaire on Molly’s ring finger, Richie picked her up and swung her around, laughing before setting her back down. Cupping her chin with his fingers, he gently tipped her head back, their lips meeting.

  ‘Urgh, gross!’

  ‘Ellis! You can’t say that! They’re engaged now.’ Lauren’s voice quietened Ellis’ gagging noises.

  ‘I suppose so.’

  As they both pulled apart, Richie and Molly held their arms out just as Marissa, Lauren and Ellis ran towards them.

  If you have enjoyed reading ‘Escape To... Bramble Patch Craft Shop’ I would be ever so grateful if you could leave a review please!

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  THE GREAT THING ABOUT the ‘Escape To...’ series is that they are all standalone novels so can be read in any order! Please read on to check out the other books in the series:

  ‘Escape To...The Little Beach Café’


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