No Where to Run

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No Where to Run Page 9

by Raven K. Asher

  He looks at me in horror as I start mixing the corn and soup.

  “Trust me, when I finish it you’ll be begging for me to make more.” I laugh as I set the mix to the side and turn the oven to pre-heat.

  “I don’t know you may be trying to kill me. I don’t know how all that stuff mixed together could possibly be any good.” He states still watching on with horror.

  I ignore him and drain the juices from the chicken, then place it at the bottom of my casserole dish. I mix up the stuffing with some water and set it aside to fluff. As I pour the mix of corn and soup over the chicken, Hunters gags.

  “Oh my god, you are such a big baby.” I laugh.

  I fluff the stuffing then pour it on top.

  I put the lid on and when the oven beeps I place it on a rack to cook.

  Turning to Hunter I laugh at his scrunched up face.

  It’s adorable.

  “Oh, stop it. I promise you will love it.” I watch him closely as several different emotions fly across his face.

  His emotions change so rapidly from horror of what I’m cooking, to sadness, to lust, that I’m left confused.

  Then abruptly Hunter gets out of his seat and strides quickly over to me.

  He pushes me against the counter, his eyes hooded with want.

  “I know one thing I want to taste right now and I bet it’s delicious.” He whispers into my ear.

  His body against mine feels so good, but his moods are crazy, one second we are joking about food and the next he wants to jump me.

  It’s hot, but a bit overwhelming.

  I let out a small moan when he kisses down my neck, but before I lose myself anymore I push him away.

  “Hunter, I can’t. I have a boyfriend that I love. He’s still out there somewhere. I can’t do this with you, whatever this is.” I gesture between us. “I don’t even know you.”

  He nods. “That’s fine, sweetheart. I’ll stop, for now.” He smiles so I smile back.

  He leans in and quickly kisses me before I can stop him, then jumps back with a huge grin.

  “You’re relentless!” I yell at him with a grin of my own.

  “Hey, don’t blame me your just too damn hot. I would be stupid not to try.” He backs up with his hands in the air as I stomp over to him.

  I poke him in the chest. “You better stop, or I’ll have my boyfriend kick your ass when he comes home.”

  His smile falls.

  “I really hope he comes back, for your sake. He must be something special to have a girl like you.” He grazes his knuckles against my jaw and I close my eyes, swallowing down my tears.

  “I hope he comes home, too. I wish I knew what happened to him.”

  I turn to look out the window and Hunter stands beside me.

  “He left me when all of this crap started.” I wave my hand in the air. “One of our friends called for help.” My eyes tear up, but I don’t let them fall. “He promised me that he come back.”

  Hunter turns to me. “I lost my sister the first day, too. She came home but.....” He looks off in the distance. “But someone had bitten her. She didn’t last long after that.”

  Tears fall down his face. “I had to kill her when she tried to bite me. It was the worst moment of my life. I loved her so much, she was all I had.” He wipes away his tears and I open my arms to him.

  I slowly wrap him in a hug just the way he did for me earlier that day.

  I let him cry into my shoulder.

  The oven beeps breaking up the moment, and he steps away, wiping his tears while I grab the food out of the oven and place it to cool on the table.

  “I have to admit, it does smell pretty good.” Hunter sadly laughs out.

  “I told you to trust me.” I huff out with a grin.

  “I do trust you. I hope you’ll learn to trust me.” He looks deep into my eyes. “I promise I’ll keep you safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “I hardly know you, but I already do trust you.” I turn around and start dishing out the food. “Just promise me you won’t leave me alone. I hate being alone.” I confess.

  “I promise, sweetheart. I won’t leave you.” He comes over and kisses my forehead in a brotherly way before sitting down at the table.

  I slide a plate in front of him and he takes a quick bite. He groans and stuffs another bite into his mouth. “That’s the last time I question your cooking skills, sweetheart. This is great.”

  I laugh as he continues to stuff his mouth.

  I sit down and eat my own plateful. I clear my plate quickly and go for seconds.

  Hunters already going back for fourths, I laugh. “You must have been starved.” He nods filling his mouth with another bite.

  Again, he helps me wash and dry the dishes when we finish. We are both quiet as we work, but it’s a comfortable silence.

  “Would you like to come with me in a bit when I do my round?” I ask quietly.

  “Yeah, I’ll tag along. What do you do?” He glances at me while drying a plate.

  “My dad put a fence up around the border of this property. I have been checking the fences every morning and night.” I sigh. “I had to kill three dead earlier today. I don’t want them breaking in here, and I definitely don’t want any more intruders.” I grin at him.

  “Yeah, that’s a good plan, but next time” he pauses, pointing at me. “Don’t leave your gate unlocked.”

  I chuckle. “I figured that’s how you got in. I got too comfortable.” I sigh.

  At least it turned out to be a good mistake.


  A little while later, we are both on the horses and checking the fences.

  Cookie follows us closely.

  I let him borrow one of my pistols just in case we ran across any dead. I trusted him, but I still want to be careful.

  I didn’t really want him to know that I have a large room full of guns either.

  Three fourths of the way through the rounds, we spot two dead walking along the other side of the fence.

  I hop down off of Tornado and Hunter follows.

  As I come to stand in front of the two dead, I gasp and cover my mouth.

  “Oh god, no, say it’s not true. No. No. No.” I back up into Hunter, shaking my head frantically.

  I can’t take my eyes off of them.

  My chest feels heavy and I can’t breathe.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Hunter asks as I turn and bury my face into his shirt. I sob and he pats my back.

  I hear the two dead let out growls and I sob louder.

  Hunter lifts my chin so I have to look into his eyes.

  His eyes are filled with sadness. “Who are they, sweetheart?”

  I close my eyes. “That’s my mom and brother.” I sob harder.

  “Shit.” He holds me tighter. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m positive. They are still wearing the same clothes I saw them in last.” I nod.

  “Shit, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. What do you want to do?”

  “Can you do it for me? I can’t leave them like this.” I cry as I look to them again.

  My chest hurts as my world shatters.

  My family is all gone.

  I’m all alone now.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, I’ll do this for you. Why don’t you go check the rest of the fence so you don’t have to watch?” I nod and he releases me.

  I quickly mount Tornado.

  Taking one last look at my family I say a little prayer.

  Daddy, please take care of them.

  I ride away heartbroken.

  I finish checking the fence and ride back to the barn. I take my time unsaddling Tornado and brush him down.

  I finally break down and fall to my knees to sob.

  Tornado nuzzles my cheek trying to give me comfort.

  I’m still in the barn on my knees when Hunter comes in with Cutter. Cookie comes in the open stall and licks my face, but I don’t move.

  I don’t want to feel anymore.

/>   It’s like losing my dad all over again.

  I don’t want to live anymore.

  Hunter scoops me up and carries me to the house.

  Gently, he places me in my bed and I curl to my side. He pulls the covers over me and I feel the bed dip as he lies down behind me.

  I close my eyes and cry myself to sleep.


  I wake up, alone and cold.

  It’s completely dark in my room.

  Stumbling out of bed I make my way through the house searching for Hunter.

  As I make my way through the kitchen I notice a light shining outside near the old oak tree my brother and me use to play in.

  I make my way outside and walk towards the light.

  I stop a few feet away from where Hunter is shoveling dirt.

  He stops and glances at me.

  “I figured you would want them to have a proper burial.” He looks up to the old oak tree. “I thought that this would be a good place for them. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I don’t speak as he finishes placing the dirt on top of their graves.

  I start to cry again and run back into the house.

  I run into my brother’s room and lay down on his bed breathing in his scent.

  I can’t believe he’s really gone.

  Before long I hear the shower turn on and I close my eyes pretending its Duncan, and not Hunter.

  I wish for him to walk through his door but he never does.

  My heart hurts.

  My eyes get heavy and I fall back to sleep.

  I dream of dad, Duncan and mom all smiling and happy.

  At least now I know that nothing in this life will ever hurt them again.

  I just wish they all hadn’t left me behind, and all alone.

  Chapter 7

  Day 10

  I haven’t moved from Duncan’s bed in days.

  Thankfully, Hunter has been taking care of everything.

  He comes in every morning to tell me how things are, and what he’s going to do for the day.

  Cookie has been staying with me in the bed.

  She goes out when she needs to eat and drink and do her business, but mostly she stays in the room with me.

  Hunter has been trying his hardest to get me to eat something, but so far I have refused.

  “Come on, Lexi you need to eat something.” He pleads again, as he places a bowl of soup on the stand near the bed. Sitting on the edge he watches me closely.

  “Don’t give up on me. Please, don’t give up.” He stands up and paces a bit, his concern for me is written all over his face.

  “I’m going to head out to check the fences, I’ll be back soon. Will you be ok?” He nods to himself when I don’t answer and heads out the door.

  I hear the back door slam soon after.

  Dad would kick my ass if he ever saw me like this.

  I really shouldn’t be a burden for Hunter. He had spent every moment he could to take care of me.

  He has even slept with me and held me as I cried myself to sleep each night.

  I sit up in bed and grab the bowl of soup that Hunter left me.

  I take a few bites and lean back against the headboard as I let a few tears escape. I take more bites as more tears slide down my cheeks.

  I can do this. I can survive.

  They would all want me to keep going. I have to keep going if not for myself then for Hunter. He had found a way into my heart, and I couldn’t leave him alone.

  I finish with the soup and stand up on shaky legs. I stumble but make my way to the bathroom and draw myself a hot bath.

  I lie in the water and close my eyes.

  I quickly open my eyes when the door bangs open and Hunter is standing there with a panicked look on his face.

  “Jesus Lexi, you scared the shit out of me.” He yells. “I was yelling for you. Didn’t you hear me?” I shake my head no.

  “Shit sweetheart.” He looks at his feet. “I’m sorry I yelled, but I thought something bad had happened to you.” I don’t say anything so he continues. “I’m glad you’re ok. I saw you ate the soup I left in your room. I made more food downstairs if you’re still hungry.” He looks into my eyes. “Please, say something. I need to know that you’re going to be ok.” He pleads.

  I smile a sad smile. I don’t answer, because even I don’t know if I’ll be ok.

  He sighs, knowing that he’s not going to get an answer.

  I haven’t said a word in days.

  I pull the plug on the tub to drain the water and stand to step out. Hunter holds out a towel out to me and I take it from him and wrap it around my body.

  I don’t pretend to be shy around him.

  The last few days he’s been changing my clothes and washing me.

  “Let’s get you into some warm clothes.” He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me to my room. I let go and move to my dresser to pull out my own clothes. He smiles and walks to the door. “Be downstairs in five minutes or I’ll panic again, ok?” I nod and he walks out.

  I put on a pair of boot cut jeans, and then I look through my shirts. Not finding any that I want to wear. I spot the black tee that Hunter had worn of my brothers and slip that on before heading downstairs.

  Cookie barks when I enter the kitchen and Hunter turns to me.

  “You look great, sweetheart.” I sit down at the table and he places a plate piled with Chicken, green beans, stuffing, gravy and biscuits.

  I look up at him in surprise, he just smiles.

  “You’re not the only one around here that can cook.” He winks at me and fills his own plate before sitting down across from me.

  He points his fork at me. “Eat.” He demands. I smile and take a big bite of chicken. I moan. It’s good. Better than good, it’s amazing.

  He smiles watching as I shovel the food into my mouth and begins to eat his own.

  Once he’s done he gets up and scrapes his leftovers into Cookies bowl and then grabs my empty plate and takes it over to the sink.

  He holds out a hand towel. “I’ll wash if you dry.” He states.

  I stand up and take the towel from him.

  We work in silence, but it’s comfortable.

  When we finish with the dishes he grabs my hand and drags me outside.

  It’s a bit chilly but it’s not too bad. He pulls me over to the old oak where he buried my brother and mom. “I fixed it up a bit for you. I figured you would like it this way.” I don’t have words as I take it all in.

  He placed rocks over the dirt and planted wildflowers around the tops. Between the flowers are two small wooden crosses. They have my brother’s name and my mom’s name carved into them.

  I hug Hunter tightly.

  I would never be able to repay him for being so kind to me.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes. I need to go feed the horses anyway.” Hunter states before letting me go and walking off.

  I kneel down and run my hands over the rocks on my brother’s grave. “I love you, brother bear.” I whisper hoarsely and smile as I imagine him replying. “Love you too, sister bear.”

  I stand a few moments later and walk toward the barn.

  Standing in the doorway I watch as Hunter saddles Cutter. “I’m going to go out for the afternoon round soon.” He states when he sees me watching. I nod and walk over to pet Tornado before heading back into the house.

  I go to my room and find an old sweatshirt of Lucca’s and slip it on. I can still smell him on it and I close my eyes. I really wished he was here with me.

  I head back down the stairs and step out onto the front porch as Hunter rides past.

  He stops. “Are you going to be alright, sweetheart?” I nod and watch as he rides away with Cookie following close by his side.


  A few hours later I have the house clean, and the laundry caught up. I begin to worry as the sun sets and Hunter still hasn’t returned.

  I decide to sit down and watch a movie while I wait for Hunter to return.

  Halfway through the movie, I jump to my feet when I hear yelling outside the back door. I flip off the TV and carefully make my way into the kitchen.

  I peek out the window and my jaw drops.

  Hunter is literally dragging someone across the yard toward the house. The person tries to fight Hunter off, but only succeeds in getting smacked upside the head.

  “I told you I didn’t hurt her. She’s in the house, and if you would stop fighting me this would go a lot easier.” Hunter growls out.

  As they near the back porch I step out of the door. Both men look up and I nearly shout for joy when I recognize its Kane that Hunter has been fighting with.

  “See, I told you she was perfectly fine.” Hunter lets Kane go and walks toward me.

  I’m stuck between wanting to run to Kane, or to run away from him.

  Hunter must see the panic in my eyes because he walks up to me and wraps his arm around my waist then tugs me toward Kane. “Sweetheart, it’s going to be ok, he said he knows you and from the look on your face I’m guessing you know him. Why are you scared?” He whispers into my ear.

  I stop and try to back away but he won’t let me go.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Kane asks while watching my face.

  “She won’t say. She hasn’t spoken since we found her mom and brother roaming the woods.” Hunter states while pointing over to the two graves.

  Kane curses.

  He walks up to me and grabs my face gently in his hands.

  He looks into my eyes. “Lexi, I’m sorry..... God, I don’t know what to say. You know me; Kale’s the better one for stuff like this.” He looks away and curses again.

  I raise my hand to his face. “Kane, I’m ok. I’ll make it through this.” I grab him in a hug.

  He pulls back and holds my face again. “I truly am sorry, Lexi. You have been through too much heartbreak.”

  He looks over my shoulder. “Now, tell me about how the hell you came across him.”

  I laugh. “That’s a funny story I’ll tell you, but more than likely you’ll kick both our asses when I tell you.” I gesture towards Hunter. “That’s Hunter, and he’s been taking good care of me.”


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