No Where to Run

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No Where to Run Page 15

by Raven K. Asher

  “That’s awesome.” I try to stand, but fall back to the bed. “Shit, do you think you can help me dress?”

  He nods and slowly walks toward me as if I might bite him.

  I laugh. “I won’t bite unless you ask me to.” He laughs and comes closer. I lie down and unbuckle my jeans and he carefully slips them off. I close my eyes to keep the room from spinning.

  “Damn.” Jax mutters under his breath. I open my eyes to see him staring down at me. My body starts to tingle and my eyes grow heavy with need.

  I lift my shirt and pull it over my head leaving me completely naked. Jax closes his eyes, his hands balling into fists at his sides.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask him and his eyes pop back open.

  “Nothing is wrong. I just can’t take advantage of you when you’re drunk.” He shakes his head and goes to stand, but I grab his arm to stop him.

  “I’m not that drunk, and I know exactly what I’m doing. I want my mind off of everything else. Just help me forget for awhile.” I smile up at him and he grins down at me.

  “As long as you’re sure I’m what you want.” His dimples flash and he bites his lip ring.

  “Your exactly what I want, Jax.” I grab his shirt and pull it over his head and he quickly loses his pants.

  I watch his muscles ripple with the movement.

  His clothes had been hiding his fit body.

  My mouth waters at the sight of his exposed skin. He catches my gaze and climbs on top of me, kissing and nipping his way up my body. I let out little moans as he draws circles over my skin with his tongue ring.

  I quickly lose myself in him as we become a tangle of body parts and bed sheets. It’s by far the best experience I have had, and I’m left completely exhausted.

  We lay still tangled together as I drift off. Jax strokes my hair back behind my ear and I smile up at him. “I’m glad I found you.”

  “I’m glad you found me, too. Now go to sleep, and I’ll cut your hair while you’re out. I promise, I‘ll make it bad ass.” I smile and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.

  He wakes me a few times moving me from the bed to the bathroom tub, but I don’t really notice, probably because of the alcohol.

  The last thing I remember is the way his hands and fingers felt as they massaged my hair and how they trailed over my body in the shower we took together.

  Chapter 13

  Day 28

  I wake up in Jax’s arms. He smiles down at me and rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. “You’re going to love your hair. It looks pretty damn awesome, if I do say so myself.” I quickly touch my hair which is much shorter, but still a decent length.

  I sit up in the bed and run my fingers through it.

  It’s so much softer than I’m use to.

  “It’s softer because of the type of hair dye I used.” Jax says, reading my mind.

  Standing up from the bed I walk naked over to the mirror above the dresser.

  I’m shocked at what I see.

  My hair is no longer long and blonde.

  It’s a dark black, shoulder length, and cut with tons of layers. I smile and finger the ends which are dyed red just like Jax’s.

  “I love it, Jax. How did you learn to cut like this?” I turn to face him. He stands and walks over to me.

  “My cousin taught me. She was going to school to be a hairstylist. I was always her guinea pig.” He admits as he fingers my hair.

  I laugh then turn to hug him.

  “Thank you Jax, you have no idea how much this means to me.” I pull away but he grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

  We both groan as someone knocks on the door, then barges in.

  I’m not surprised when I see that it’s Ax.

  “Striker wants to leave soon. Are we bringing the girl along, or what?” They both look to me.

  Ax’s gaze travels down my naked body and I shiver, not from being cold, but from the fear of being around him.

  I can feel it in my bones that he’s no good.

  “I’ll go with you guys, but first can we drop my horse back off at my house. I can get us a lot of supplies if we stop there. Guns, food and pretty much anything you want.”

  Ax nods. “I think we can work something out, I’ll talk to Striker.” With that he walks back out the door.

  Jax grabs me back in for one last kiss before helping me dress. I put on my jeans, but add on a pair of leather chaps before put back on my combat boots. I also grab a tight black long sleeve shirt remembering the chill in the air.

  Jax hands me a long knee length deep red leather jacket, and I put that on last.

  Looking into the mirror, I smile satisfied, I look nothing like my former self, and as Jax walks up behind me my smile grows. We look like one bad ass team.

  “All I need now is a few piercings.” I state and Jax smiles. “Let me guess you can do that, too?” He nods and goes over to one of his bags.

  He comes back over with a few supplies and I sit down on the bed.

  “What do you think I should pierce?”

  “You would be hot with an eyebrow ring and maybe a lip ring.” I nod and he gets on with it.

  I barely feel the pain, which should have been a big red flag to how numb I was, but I ignore it.

  Jax finishes up and gives me a quick kiss before packing the bags and heading outside. I follow him closely.

  “Damn girl, I thought you were hot before and now…….Just damn.” Striker says while walking over to me.

  “Do you really have a place we can get supplies and guns?” He inquires and I nod.

  “Yeah, I do. It’s my house where I came from. I just want to get in and get back away from there as fast as possible.”

  “Alright girlie, we can do that. Ryder found us a good truck and trailer to haul the horse. He’s already loaded up, and before you get your undies in a bunch don’t worry, Ryder is good with animals, him and Jax there, grew up on a farm.” I glance to Jax and he nods.

  “Jax, you and Ryder can ride with the girl in the truck, while Ax and I will ride on the bikes. We already put yours in the trailer with the horse.”

  Jax nods. “Thanks, that saves me a lot of trouble.” He turns to me. “Let’s get a move on, Rebel.” I laugh as he smacks my butt.

  We walk to where Ryder is standing next to a fairly new gray f150 and horse trailer.

  “Pretty sweet ride, huh?” He asks as we approach.

  “Yeah, pretty sweet.” Jax answers as I peek into the window of the trailer. Tornado pokes his nose out at me with a mouth full of hay and I pat his nose.

  “Let’s roll.” Striker yells out, from the back of a Harley.

  We pile into the front of the truck with me in the middle.


  On our way back to my house we run into a town infested with the dead.

  Ryder plows over as many as he can before the truck comes to a stop.

  Striker and Ax are shooting them from behind us.

  I panic.

  My breathing becomes too heavy and my vision starts to blur.

  I’ve never seen so many in one place, there has to be over a hundred and that’s not including the ones we had already killed with the truck.

  “Rebel stay with us babe, we need your help.” Jax yells over the moaning of the dead as he places a gun into my hand.

  The metal is cool to the touch and I gaze down at the gun wondering just how we are going to make it through this.

  The truck starts to rock as the dead push in closer.

  They try anything and everything to get us inside. I grab Jax’s arm.

  “I don’t think I can do this, Jax.” I whimper.

  “Yes you can, Rebel. I know you can. Me and Ryder will take care of most of them you just cover our backs, ok?” I nod.

  I could do this.

  “Just don’t shoot us in the ass.” Ryder warns and I grin.

  Ryder climbs over my lap and both men countdown silently before shoving the passenger side door open.
  Shots ring out as they all fight for our lives.

  I step out behind the guys and pick off any of the dead that stray too close.

  Ax and Striker make their way over to us and surround the front of the truck.

  For every dead we drop it seems like five more replace it. I get one last shot in before my gun clicks.

  I’m out of ammunition.

  “Oh. No.” I curse to myself before rushing back to the truck to find more.

  As I turn back around to get back to the guys, something grabs at my ankle and I fall down to my knees.

  I look back and scream.

  One of the dead we hit with the truck has my ankle in its grip.

  I kick trying to free it, but it somehow manages to hang on. I curse and try to stomp with my other foot at its mangled face.

  Dark blood is pouring from its empty eye sockets and its bottom jaw is missing. I cringe and give it one last kick. I scream out in anger and my foot connects perfectly with its head, breaking its neck.

  Its grip finally loosens and I scramble back on my hands to get away.

  “Rebel, watch out!” I hear Jax yell right before hands grab at my hair.

  I jump to my feet and jump back out of the dead’s grasp.

  I hear a shot ring out close by and dark blood sprays across the side of my face. I turn to see Ax grin and run back to the ongoing fight.

  There are a lot less dead walking around.

  I stand in place, in shock, as I watch the men drop the dead, one after the other.

  The gun falls from my hand as flashes of my brother and mom flood my mind. I can’t take this, it’s all too much.

  I close my eyes tightly and cover my ears.

  I can still hear the gunshots ringing out.

  “Rebel, babe, are you ok?” Jax asks as he grabs a hold of my face a few moments later.

  My eyes fly open, and I instantly drop to my knees with relief.

  We all made it.

  “I’m ok, Jax.” I lie as I look up to him.

  He shakes his head knowing that I’m not ok, but doesn’t push. Holding out his hand for me to stand, I take it after a few moments.

  Once on my feet I sway a little, so Jax wraps his arm around my waist. He gazes down at me with growing concern in his eyes.

  “We are going to have to find a place to find some more guns and ammunition. We’re almost out. We’re lucky that wasn’t a bigger group.” Striker pants as he comes over to us with Ax following close behind him.

  “I figured we were close to being out.” Jax turns to me.

  “Do you know anything about this town?” I glance around and nod.

  I was very familiar with this particular town. It’s where my dad took my brother and me to shoot, and to buy our guns.

  “Yes, and I know exactly where we can find all sorts of guns.” All the men grin.

  Ryder walks up from behind me and lays his hand on my shoulder and I turn around to him.

  “Rebel, I need you to come back to the trailer and calm your horse down, he’s going crazy.” I nod and rush past him to the trailer.

  It’s rocking side to side as Tornado kicks and rears back.

  I rush up and into the back door of the trailer that Ryder had left open.

  “Easy.” I walk up to him with my hands out. He stops then eyes me up and once he realizes it’s me he bows his head.

  I pat his nose. “That’s my boy. You’re ok now and I’m ok, too.” He nuzzles his nose into my chest and I continue to pet his head.

  After he is calm enough and back to eating his hay, I exit the trailer and rejoin the guys who are all talking quietly at the front of the truck.

  They all stop and watch as I approach. I look to each of them suspiciously. Jax glances away when my eyes meet his.

  I ball my fists ready for a fight. “Someone better tell me what the hell you guys are planning, right now.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch, girlie. What we talk about isn’t your business. Now, show us where we can get guns so we can find a place to camp out and get cleaned up for the night.” Striker growls out at me, getting into my face.

  It takes everything in me to keep from hitting him.

  Hitting him would be bad.

  “Fine, but I won’t stay in the dark forever. I will find out what you’re planning.” I warn and he nods before stepping back.

  “Don’t pry too much, girlie. You may not like what you find.” He warns then walks off to his bike.

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  My shoulders sag as I turn back to look at Jax.

  He still won’t meet my eyes.

  I shrug it off and climb my way into the truck. I don’t have time for dumb games. I close my eyes for a few minutes thinking of Hunter and Lucca. I really do miss them, but I’m not ready just yet to see them again.

  Ryder’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “Which way to the gun shop, sweetheart?” He looks to me with concern, but quickly covers it with a sly grin.

  I point down the road we were traveling on. “Go two blocks down from here, turn left then go straight three blocks down from there. It’s called the “Bulls-eye” and it’s located right on the corner.” He nods and starts up the truck just as Jax jumps in.

  He doesn’t say a thing as we take off.

  There are a few dead wondering around as we make our way to the gun shop, and Ax and Striker quickly put them down.

  I flinch at every shot.

  Jax places his hand on mine and I force myself to smile.

  Moments later we pull up in front of “Bulls-eye” and it looks relatively untouched. I let out a sigh of relief.

  I was really hoping that we wouldn’t find any dead inside. Ax and Striker get off their bikes and head to the front door.

  I look to Jax. “What are they doing?”

  “They are going in first. They will clear it of any dead, and then we can go in safely.” Jax states calmly, but I can see his jaw tighten in anger.

  “Hopefully, the dead are all they find.” Ryder mutters under his breath. I glance to him and see his jaw is also tense.

  I wonder for a moment at what could have them so wound up.

  Soon enough, I get my answer as Ax and Striker return to the door with a young man and girl. Both look to be around eighteen. The girl screams as Striker grab a fist full of her short black hair.

  I gasp. “What are they going to do to them, Jax?” He doesn’t answer me, so I turn my attention to Ryder. “Ryder, what are they going to do?”

  He bows his head then looks up at me sadly. “If they are lucky, Ax and Striker will kill them quickly.”

  I shouldn’t have been surprised, but my mind reels with what’s about to happen.

  I have to stop it.

  The girl lets out another scream.

  I’ve had enough so I try to climb over Jax who grabs my waist firmly and pushes me back into my seat.

  “Damn it Jax, let me go. I have to help them. I can’t just sit here and watch them be murdered.” He doesn’t let me go and doesn’t say a word.

  Ryder grabs my arm gently and I turn my attention back to him.

  “If we let you go out there they will kill you, too. But more than likely they will beat and rape you first. Jax and I can’t let them do that to you. Try to understand where we are coming from.” I stare at him dumbly.

  My life really wasn’t more valuable than another’s.

  We all deserve a chance to survive.

  “Both of you can go to hell. I can’t watch this shit happen. I’m not afraid to die.” It’s a lie but no one calls me out on it.

  I was scared to death earlier to die.

  “It’s not going to happen.” Jax growls out. “I’m not going to let you get yourself killed.”

  “I don’t give a shit what you want or think, Jax. I am going to stop this.” He grunts as I slam my fist into his stomach. His eyes widen with surprise as I jump over his lap. I feel Ryder’s hands grabbin
g for me, but I’m too quick.

  I’m out the door and just about to take off toward Ax and Striker when I hear a gunshot.

  Shit, I was too late.

  I watch in horror as the young man’s body drops to the ground and the girl cries frantically, she begs for them to spare her life.

  Both men grin and laugh as they begin to strip her body.

  Acid rises in my throat at the thought of them raping her.

  Rushing over I land a solid punch to Ax’s face, his lip splits open and blood gushes out. He grins up at me as he wipes the blood away, and then charges for me.

  I can’t dodge him fast enough and he forces me to the ground. He pushes a gun to my temple and I groan. “Just kill me you piece of shit.”

  He laughs out but his face is red with rage. “Jax, you should really keep your girl in line. I think she needs to be taught a lesson for this stunt, blood for blood. What do you think, Striker?”

  “I agree with you, Ax. If she’s going to stay with us then she has to learn, and since she hit Ax then he’s the one who gets to lay out the punishment.” Striker laughs and turns his attention to the nearly naked girl.

  She has stopped struggling.

  Her eyes look dead, she’s already given up.

  I know that look well, because it’s been clear in my eyes many times over the last few weeks.

  “I won’t stand for Ax punishing her. She hit me first, so I believe by your rules it’s me who gets to punish her. Which I will, I’ll even let you watch.” Jax stands above Ax and me.

  He looks pissed.

  “Fine by me, but first I’m going to have myself a taste of this lovely creature.” Striker pulls the girl by her hair back into the shop.

  Ax yanks me up and shoves me to Jax, then stalks after Striker and the girl.

  Jax grabs my arm roughly and retreats back to the truck. “You stupid, stupid girl, do you understand what position you‘ve put me in now?” He slams me up against the truck and I lose my breath.

  He’s super pissed.

  Ryder comes around the truck toward us cursing and shaking his head.

  “What the hell are we going to do now, Jax?” They give each other a look. Ryder nods then rushes to the back of the truck where our bags are.


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