The Dragon's Ambivalent Sacrifice: a Dragon Shifter Romance (The Last Dragons Book 2)

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The Dragon's Ambivalent Sacrifice: a Dragon Shifter Romance (The Last Dragons Book 2) Page 5

by Ines Johnson

  She didn’t cower from him. Her body canted toward him, as though seeking shelter. His beast purred inside his gut at the slight action.

  “Poppy, this is my youngest brother. His name is Elek.”

  Elek inclined his head while keeping his distance. “Do you like sweet things in your mouth, Poppy?”

  The pungent aroma of Poppy’s horror punched Beryl in the nose. Elek smelled it as well because he lowered his head, making himself appear smaller. It was unnatural for a dragon, an apex predator, to perform such a move. But males would go out of their way to please females.

  Poppy ducked behind Beryl’s large body. The fact that she sought his protection made his beast preen like a fairy showing off its first blossom of the spring.

  “I brought sweetmeats and greens.” Elek presented a platter of food. He handed the platter to Beryl instead of coming close to Poppy.

  Poppy leaned around Beryl’s body but didn’t go beyond his bicep. She eyed the food with suspicion. Her eyes darted from the food and back to Elek. “This is for me?”

  Elek nodded, raising his head slightly to meet her gaze.

  “You made me food?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t sure if you prefer sweet, savory, or salty. So there’s some of each.”

  On the platter were three dishes; a savory meat dish, a vegetable dish whose salty spices that made Beryl’s lips water, and a sweet dessert of flower blossoms. At the edge of the platter was an amber colored gem that looked like a tiger’s eye. It was Elek’s offering to his new sister.

  When Beryl looked up to thank his brother for the dish and his acceptance of his mate, Elek was already gone. Disappeared into the shadows.

  “I don’t understand this place,” said Poppy as she stared down at the platter of food Elek left. “I’m not here to clean or cook. You say I’m not a whore. Then what exactly is my purpose here?”

  “To be adorned and adored by me.”

  The look of puzzlement on her face made him want to take her into his arms and kiss her senseless. It was only his dragon’s desire to feed her that was stronger.

  “Let me feed you while I explain.”

  Chapter Eight

  Nothing made sense anymore.

  Being bound felt freeing. Being bitten felt good. And men cooked?

  She wasn’t here to be a snack. She wasn’t here to die. She was here to belong to this gentle giant who could give her pleasure with just the sharp points of his teeth.

  Poppy followed Beryl up the stairs of the castle. Did she mention she was in a freaking castle? And she’d been inside an emerald mine. The last hour of her life had been the most adventurous, and they were just getting started.

  If she hadn’t believed him before, she knew it now. Beryl meant her no harm. Not only that, but he would fight for her. He’d proven that when his first brother had tried to take her. And then he’d shielded her when his second brother had—well, he’d only brought her food. But Beryl had sensed her fear, and he’d held her to him like a real live boyfriend would on TV.

  He even opened the door for her. Of course, it led into a bedroom. It was clearly a man’s bedroom. It was clearly Beryl’s bedroom.

  Right. Here was the part where the television would turn to static and real life would begin. Here was where Poppy would earn her keep.

  He’d said he would provide for her, protect her, and pleasure her. He had already protected her from his brother. He still held the delicious-smelling food in his hands which would be provided to her. But now it was time to pay the bill by giving him pleasure.

  She looked around her new workspace. It completed her still-forming opinion of the new man whom she would belong to. He was definitely a muscle head.

  Which was a plus for her. It meant no one would bother her. And he was so gentle with her.

  Aside from the ropes, which had made her feel safe.

  And the bite, which had given her an almost-orgasm.

  The door snicked shut behind her. Poppy’s gaze stayed trained on the furniture in the bedroom. The bed frame was made out of gym equipment. The frame was metal. The headboard was made of rods and plates from Bowflex exercise machines. Poppy knew because she often stayed up late with insomnia and saw the infomercials featuring Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley.

  Despite the intimidating workout gear, the bed itself looked functional. Poppy had never worked out a day in her life. She’d always been skin and bones. Beryl had called her curvy, though she wasn’t sure where he saw any roundness. Would he expect her to do reps while he pummeled her?

  Her attention caught on something to the other side of the room. “You collect dolls?”

  That was unexpected, but it eased some of her tension. On the dresser was an array of plastic men. Some in army fatigues. Others wore colorful costumes but had their ribbed abs exposed.

  “They’re not dolls,” Beryl huffed. “They’re action figures.

  He picked up the Hulk doll—action figure—and raised its fist.

  Looking closely, Poppy recognized some wrestling superstars. Not because she watched the WWE, but because she’d watched the Hulk Hogan’s Rocking Wrestling cartoon show that came on one of the Spanish language public access channels in the trailer park. She’d always cringed from the violence, but she enjoyed watching the colorful shenanigans outside the ring.

  All of her attention left the dresser and her upcoming duties when she spied the large picture window. She walked out onto the terrace. The sight took her breath away.

  The moon was high in the sky, but she could see the landscape down below. The trees and flowers looked as though they’d been splashed on with watercolors. The blue-green water sparkled under the rays. The sight of the mountains reaching high into the sky took her breath away. In the distance, she saw spires, like something out of a renaissance fair but on a larger scale.

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she breathed.

  This would be her view? There would be no need for a television here. She would be content, even if she never got to travel beyond this space.

  Beryl came up behind her. His arms rested on either side of her, boxing her in at the railing, but he didn’t touch her. “That’s Lake Eden down below. Those are the mountains of Gaia. And to the east, is Shephard’s Town. I’ll take you to see it all soon.”

  “You will?” She turned to him to see if he meant his words. Poppy knew a lie when she saw it.

  Beryl’s face was earnest. “Of course. Anything that keeps that expression on your face. You’re making my job easy.”

  “Your job?”

  He nodded. “Of providing for you. Protecting you. And … keeping you pleased.”

  Poppy’s BS-meter ticked over. He’d meant what he’d said about providing and protecting. He hadn’t meant to say pleased.

  Beryl turned back into the room. He pulled out a chair with one hand and put down the platter with the other. He sat down and beckoned her over. Poppy came to him as he bade.

  He’d only brought out one chair. She knew he meant for her to sit on his lap. Poppy sat as she was expected to do.

  He lifted a morsel of food to her mouth. He blew on it. Tasted it with this tongue. Then he offered it to her.

  She should freak out. He was feeding her like she was a baby. Was that his fetish? Even if it was, she would take the offered food. She was hungry. And she found his care of her arousing.

  “Open,” he said.

  She did as she was told. He placed the morsel on her tongue. His fingers lingered as she closed her mouth and chewed.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  She nodded, smiling as she swallowed.

  “What about this?” He placed another morsel on her tongue. It was better than the last. “You like sweet and savory, like me.”

  “I like salty and sour-y too. I’m not picky.”

  “Neither am I.” He grinned, pleased with that. “Tell me more about you. I want to know everything.”

  “There’s n
ot too much to tell,” she said after chewing another bite of food from his fingers. “I’m nobody. I come from nowhere. I haven’t done anything.”

  Beryl’s brow lowered along with his hand. From beneath his lowered brow, Poppy spied that bright green of emerald from when he was fighting. He was angry. This time he was angry at her.

  “I told you,” he said. “I don’t like it when you disparage my mate.”

  There was that word again; mate. It had different meanings. In Australia it meant friend. In the animal kingdom, it meant sexual partner. In some romance novels, it meant lifelong partner.

  Beryl had to mean she would be his sex partner. So, why all the seduction? Why not just throw her down on the weight bench bed and be done with it? Instead, he was wining and dining her. Well, dining her anyway. The food was so good she felt like it was a drug. Not that she’d ever done any herself.

  He offered her more food, still from his fingers. Poppy took what he offered intent on not making him green with anger again. This time her tongue brushed his fingertips. It was an accident. His fingers were so large.

  When she pulled her tongue away, Beryl’s nostrils flared. He tracked her movement. His eyes glowed emerald as he watched her.

  That was not anger this time. She knew the look of sexual desire. He wanted her. Not just the man, but the dragon inside of him.

  She’d only seen his wings and a few of his scales. He’d said her spots were scales, like his. But his were beautiful.

  She was curious to see his full dragon. She wondered if his scales were as soft as his muscles. Was his tongue forked? What would his lips feel like against hers?

  Beryl leaned in as though he’d heard her questions. She’d been kissed before. It had not been an experience she wanted to repeat. Maybe it would be different with Beryl. She was about to find out. Before his lips could touch hers, a breeze broke them apart. Something blocked out the moon.

  Beryl cursed under his breath and turned away from her.

  Looking up, she saw another dragon. Not the dark scales of Ilia. This dragon was blue, like a topaz stone. It leaned its scaly arms against the railings in a very human-like fashion. Chin resting on its clawed hands. It appeared to be smiling.

  Beryl gave a weary, annoyed sigh. “Poppy, this is my brother, Rhoyl.”

  Rhoyl lowered his head. He spread his blue wings wide, lifting his body up. He was beautiful, and for a moment, she was mesmerized. Poppy got the impression the dragon wanted to be admired.

  “Hey,” snapped Beryl in a gruff voice. “Make your offering and get lost. We’re in the middle of something here.”

  Huffs of air escaped the dragon’s long nostrils. Was he laughing? Rhoyl opened his mouth and dropped a gem at her foot. It was a large, sparkling topaz.

  “It’s customary that all my brothers give a new mate a gem,” said Beryl. “It’s a gift, a pledge. It welcomes you into the family and says you’re under his protection.”

  She’d awakened in the emerald cave, which must belong to Beryl. She’d gotten a jade gem from Elek. Now a topaz from Rhoyl.

  Poppy scooped the gem into her hands. It twinkled at her like a fallen star.

  Rhoyl bowed his head. He flapped out his wings and flew off into the night. His large body blocked the moon from view before disappearing amongst the trees.

  “It’s getting late,” said Beryl. “You must be tired.”

  She wasn’t. She knew what this was. A ploy to get her into bed. She didn’t hesitate when he reached out his hand to her. Time to pay the piper.

  At least she didn’t think sex would be so terrible with Beryl. She wouldn’t make a peep, not a single complaint. She’d simply lay there and let him have her for as long and as rough as he needed to take her. She owed him that for this new life he’d provided for her.

  Chapter Nine

  Poppy took Beryl’s hand without hesitation. He loved the trust he saw reflected back at him through her gaze. The pads of her fingertips sliding into his palm was a power boost. He squeezed her knuckles, a promise, an oath that he would spend his life building her trust just as he’d built up his bulk.

  He nearly missed it. He would’ve if he weren’t watching her so intently for clues to her pleasure spots. Poppy winced when he touched her. Red drained from the tips of her delicate fingers.

  “Sorry.” He gentled his touch. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I’m okay.”

  There was that lie again. She didn’t trust him. In bodybuilding, many failed to build bulk with high reps, because repeated actions did nothing to trigger muscle growth. Here, he kept doing the same isolated move with his mate. The move was not offering any pleasure or building any trust. He let go of Poppy’s hand. He’d need to try a different tactic.

  The idea that worked in bodybuilding was that the more strength or weight you used, the more muscle you built. Perhaps he needed to reverse that sentiment. The lighter his touch, the more pleasure for her. He knew exactly where he wanted to try a light touch, and he wouldn’t need to rely on his hands to work through the session. But first, he needed to get her comfortable

  “Would you like a bath?” asked Beryl.

  “No,” she said. “I showered before … before I came here. Can I have a washcloth?”

  Washcloth? He didn’t have any of the small squares. He didn’t even have a towel. He preferred to take a dip in the lake and sun himself dry.

  He ripped a piece of his shirt. No matter that it was hard to replace the muscle tee. Serving his mate was worth it.

  He walked her to the basin, making sure to keep his hands to himself. Which was hard. He ached to have her in his grasp. She waited while he filled the basin with fresh water from the lake that was pumped in using a system of pipes. Poppy reached for the cloth, but he held it away from her.

  “Please,” he said. “Let me.”

  He couldn’t resist the chance to care for her in this way. He brought the cloth to her hands, wiping each finger. Gently, he chanted the word over and over again in his mind. Beryl worked her body like a circuit routine. He brought the cloth up and down the flesh of her forearm turning and rotating her limb until her flesh was damp. He lifted the sleeve of her dress, but she stopped his hand.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No,” she said. “It’s just … I don’t like to be exposed.”

  Her hands covered the dark scales of her pale skin.

  Beryl lifted his gaze from the place she shielded and held her eyes. He knew a little something about the female species. He’d bedded some of the most exotic fairies in the realm. Every single one of them had a complaint about her body. A petal that wasn’t bright enough. A stalk that was more willow than vine.

  He’d learned early that there was nothing he could say or do to change their minds about themselves. They seemed to like to nitpick for nitpicking’s sake.

  He wasn’t much different. He fussed over the size and shape of his muscles. He spent countless hours in the gym, under weights, pushing himself to achieve the results he wanted.

  Poppy didn’t need to lift a finger. There were no further steps toward perfection that she could take. He knew she wouldn’t believe his words, but maybe he could show her the truth.

  She watched, her gaze filling with wonder. He used her awe to his advantage. With one final nudge, her hand slipped away.

  He slipped the strap of her dress off. Her breath caught, and she stiffened. Tension went all through her body.

  What had he done now? He’d only used his mouth. He checked to make sure his incisors were still sheathed. They were.


  “Can we just skip the foreplay?”

  She moved away from him and went over to the bed. She lay down on her back. Sliding her dress up to her thighs. Her sex was covered with white cloth. The thin scrap was really no barrier at all. What stopped him from pouncing was the lack of arousal coming from between her thighs.

  “Isn’t this what you really want?” She stared at the
ceiling, not meeting his gaze.

  He rose, his beast stalking over to his treasure. She seemed tarnished as she lay there.

  “Let’s just get it over with,” she mumbled.

  “Get it over with?” he parroted, sitting down on the mattress. His weight caused her hips to sink and her chest to rise. He saw no pointed tips to her breast. There was no hint of arousal. Beryl used his index finger to tilt her chin so that she was looking at him. When she did, her words came out in a rush.

  “When you say mate, I’m sure you mean sexual partner. That’s how I’ll earn my keep here, and I want to stay. I want to go explore like you said we would. I want to eat more of that food. This place is a paradise compared to where I came from. Compared to anywhere back on Earth. If sex is the charge, I’ll pay.”

  Beryl studied her, trying to decipher the meaning of her words. It took him longer than normal because he didn’t want to believe the conclusion his mind kept circling back to.

  “You don’t like sex?” he asked.

  “It’s fine.” Poppy bit her lip. “You can do whatever you want, and I won’t make a fuss.”

  “Whatever I want?”

  Beryl swallowed. What hit the back of his throat was pure bile. He wanted to go to Valhalla and gut the bastard who had done this to her. Instead, he let his fingers take the worry lines on her brow. But Beryl knew it wasn’t because of his touch. He knew he was being gentle. It was someone else’s touch that repulsed her.

  “I want you to know that mate means you are mine. It also means that I am yours. Just the sight of you soothes the beast inside of me. He would do anything to please you. Anything to make you smile, to make you feel safe. Second, what’s between us is beyond sexual. I’m prepared to give you my soul, Poppy.”


  She said the word with reverence. But it was the kind of reverence for a god that was unseen. One she wasn’t sure existed.

  Beryl leaned down and took her lips. They were stiff but yielding. She parted her mouth for him but remained still.


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