Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7 Page 2

by L M Lacee

  Marlo asked Braace. ‘How did that happen?’

  Braace drawled. Well, pardner, if I’m reading this right, you just got hauled over the coals.

  ‘Unnecessarily too, you know whose fault this is, don’t yah?’

  Braace was too amused to answer, not that his bondmate gave him a chance as he snarled. ‘It’s her, that dayam female.’

  Are you suggesting our Beloved is at fault?

  ‘Dayam straight, if she had just done the furin speech, all this would have been prevented.’

  Braace did not mention again that it was his idea to postpone the meeting, instead he said. You are just worried about telling our Brenda, you have to spend your credits and why.

  ‘Dayam straight.’


  In her bedroom, as she finished dressing, Peyton held her sweater up in front of her and whispered. ‘I should have spoken to them yesterday, they will think I don’t care.’

  Kardan coming from the shower disagreed. ‘No, my heart, they will understand. I am sure everyone was relieved to have received medical attention and a safe night’s sleep.’

  Peyton whirled around, startled by his voice, and looked guiltily at him. She did not want to admit it, but she had forgotten he was there.

  ‘Ahh!’ She said and then was unable to say more because her mouth went dry at the pic he made. So beautiful were the first words to come to mind, the second were. Yippee all mine!

  Finally, she managed. ‘I guess you are right.’ She frowned as she said. ‘You know whose fault it is that I did not speak to the females?’

  It was his turn to be surprised now. ‘Ahh no! I do not. Is anyone at fault?’

  ‘Marlo.’ She said triumphantly. ‘It is Marlo’s fault.’

  Kardan smiled, amused at her tone. ‘If you say it is, it is.’

  ‘Oh, I’m saying it. He said it would be better for me to wait until this morn. So his fault!’

  She giggled, causing Kardan to glance her way after pulling on his own sweater. Already he knew that giggle, and it never boded well for whoever she was thinking about, but just then Keylan wailed from her crib.

  ‘I will get her.’ He hurried into her little alcove where she slept. Placing the thoughts of Marlo and Peyton from his mind, he picked his now smiling daughter up, for what was fast becoming a morn ritual of smiles and cuddles.

  An hour and a half later, after seeing to the children’s first-meal and catching up with Darby and Hawk. Peyton entered the restaurant dressed in black jeans and a soft blue sweater, wearing her most comfortable pair of boots. She looked like any young female from Earth. The only exception being the Star Crystal, placed in the middle of an intricate knot at the base of her head.

  She had asked her people who were attending the meeting to dress similarly to her. She hoped seeing everyone dressed in something familiar would help the seventy females relax. And would show that Earth still existed even out here in this Universe.

  She reached the small platform Marlo had erected in the restaurant’s corner and asked as she stepped up on it. ‘How are you all doing?’

  Mark Solar sitting with his sister who held his hand tightly and Iaan surrounded by his unit, called out. ‘We’re doing great.’

  Mostly everyone laughed, Waseo grumbled. ‘Female, do not make this longer than it needs to be.’

  ‘Seriously!’ She pouted when there was more laughter. ‘I don’t do that.’

  ‘But you can and probably will.’ Stated Darby with an eye roll as she leaned back against the wall, next to Netta, and whispered. ‘You were missed this morn.’


  ‘Did you see Kardan?’

  ‘No, we comm’d, he said we will talk with Jarrod today. Apparently it is a combined healing, learning thing.’

  ‘You happy about it?’

  ‘If it helps me gain more control, then yes.’

  Marlo made a sound that sounded suspiciously like harrumph. Peyton turned slightly and stared at him. He raised his eyebrows and flicked his hand in what she thought was the sign for hurry. She narrowed her eyes at him and turned resolutely back to her audience, making Hawk smile.

  Peyton smiled as she looked out over the sea of faces. ‘I promise to be as quick as I can, if I do not get interrupted. Huh, the usual interrupters are not here, so this should be quicker than normal.’

  ‘Is interrupters a word?’ Melody muttered loud enough for Peyton to hear. Evidenced by the hunch of her shoulders as Darby and Netta laughed.

  Marlo said loudly. ‘Do you really know the meaning of the word quick?’

  Peyton looked at Kardan, who said. ‘What my heart, I do not know what you want?’

  ‘Take him to the mat.’

  He looked at Marlo with a slight smile on his face. ‘I do not think that would be good for what I had planned for us later.’

  Peyton blushed and screeched. ‘Oh my stars Kardan, you can’t say things like that in public!’

  Reeve roared. ‘No, I told you. Do not make that noise.’ He growled at Kardan. ‘This is your fault, do not say things that cause her to make that noise.’

  Kardan’s face remained bland, as did his tone, but if you looked in his eyes, you could see the twinkle of laughter. ‘I am sorry, brother. I never knew she could do that.’

  ‘So rude.’ Peyton almost screeched again, but a look at Reeve had her lowering her pitch.

  ‘Speech now.’ Marlo demanded in his deep voice as he crossed his arms across his broad chest.

  ‘Do not make this unnecessarily long.’ Hawk growled.

  Everyone grinned at his tone of exasperation. Several females sighed, to the amusement of the older females watching.

  Peyton ignored both male’s comments and looked at the expectant faces of her audience. Most of the people were relaxed, evidenced by the smiles and the general lowering of their shoulders.

  ‘As you have probably guessed I am the Star Daughter, my name is Peyton Roeah. And as you can see, I am originally from a planet in another Universe known as Earth. For those who also originate from Earth, welcome. For those who originate from other planets, you are also welcomed. I can see you all understand me, so that means you have received the download. Hopefully you have all seen the healers. On a personal note, try the pools they are very soothing, especially the hot one it just takes all your tension away.’

  Marlo cleared his throat, Peyton smiled. ‘Yes well, Commander Marlo is right, I am to stay on track.’ There were a few smiles and laughs at this. ‘I am pleased to see so many of you here, even if it is under these circumstances. I am sad to tell you we could not heal several of the females from Earth. On the advice of our Healers and Mystics, we have been forced to send them to a planet specializing in the healing they require. If anyone wishes to contact them to find out how they are. Please contact Kailee Trina, she will make that happen for you.’

  At the suspicious looks from some females when Trina stood and waved. Peyton said. ‘I understand your suspicions, but we could not help them here.’

  ‘Why could you not?’ Asked an angry female. ‘You are the Star Daughter, this supposedly powerful Entity. Why couldn’t you make them forget… make us all forget?’

  Her friend next to her rubbed her back as she placed her head on her crossed arms. Brenda moved to her table and started whispering to her. Peyton’s heart hurt for her and all the others who nodded in agreement with what she had said. Before she could answer, Kardan spoke from where he stood against the wall a little behind Peyton’s position.

  ‘Tell me ladies, if the Star Daughter did that. Just removed the memories from those unfortunate females or from some of you.’ He looked at the female who had raised her head from her arms as he spoke.

  ‘Yes, just take them away.’

  He smiled gently at her and a few females sighed at the expression and felt their hearts do a quick tattoo.

  Calmly, he said. ‘If the Star Daughter did this, what happens to the body memory and you know every one of us, no matter wha
t species, have one. What happens then?’ He asked softly. ‘What happens when a male looks at her or you or touches her or again you. Just a casual innocent touch and the body remembers an incident from the past, but her mind… your mind, has no context for that memory. I ask you what happens when there is no one there to help, to care for her or you, to stop the memories overriding the rational part of your mind? Does she pick up a knife or blaster and take her mates or friends life? Perhaps she will take her own life. All because her mind could not make sense of the memory her body is telling her about. Will you?’

  At several horrified gasps, he nodded. ‘Sadly it happens, ask Kail Jarrod or any of the Mystics. I am sure they could give you many incidences where it has occurred. As much as we dislike admitting it, there are better people than us capable of helping those brave females. When they are well again, they may choose to come home to us or go somewhere else. Whatever they decide for their futures, we will make that happen for them. They will not be forgotten or left alone. It is the same for all of you, we can and will help you.’

  ‘Is that likely or even possible they will be alright?’ Asked a tall brunette with a tired hopeless look in her eyes.

  Melody asked. ‘Is it possible for us to be here?’

  Netta asked. ‘Is it possible that your government would betray you?’

  Trina asked softly. ‘Is it possible that females would be sold to pleasure planets?’

  Amelia asked. ‘Is it possible for our birth world to turn against us?’

  Nina said. ‘To kill so many in the name of evolution. I for one would never have thought so?’

  Darby quietly said. ‘So what our Amahka says, I believe, is very possible.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘As you can see, we believe it is possible. We also know the risk was far too great for those wonderful females to warrant the experiment of trying to heal them. Especially when there are experts waiting and willing to do so. We did the best for them we could. Please comm and ask them yourselves.’

  Taking a calming breath, she said. ‘Now on to other matters. As you know from the download, our Warriors are originally from the planet Jenersar. Also we are fortunate to have the largest Prowler Pride in the Universe led by my Pride Leaders who are walking in as I speak.’ She waited until they had entered to introduce them. ‘This is Rage and his mate Fanharr with them are their seconds Salmah and Rave.’

  They all stood in front of Peyton and bowed their heads. ‘Our Prowlers are sentient, meaning they talk, think, and have feelings. Remember this or you may find yourselves on the sharp edge of a tongue lashing.’

  They heard Reeve ask Darby in what he probably thought was a quiet voice or maybe not, it was after all Reeve. ‘What does that mean? Is she saying licking, Rage does not lick.’

  They did not hear Darby’s answer for the laughter that broke out.

  ‘And yes before hands are raised.’ Peyton said with a laugh. ‘The Prowlers will bond with you, whether you stay or go. Those of us with bondmates can tell you, your life will be enriched if you do bond with a Prowler.’

  She gave them a minute to assimilate what she had said then introduced Coraan. ‘Now, I would like to introduce my Warmaster Coraan Daygoniss, mate to my sister Tivna Melody. Who I know most of you have already met.’

  Coraan moved forward and bowed, Melody was not surprised when several females smiled at her mate.

  Peyton said. ‘Coraan is from a species called Draygons, as are my guards Zenerra and Lucerra. Domard Jerthem Theruu, who you have met is mated to Lucerra.’

  Her eyes moved over her people and zeroed in on Netta’s wrists. ‘Oh wow, Netta, finally!’ She exclaimed as she noticed the purple and steel gray mating bands on her sister and Bendrix.

  Netta sighed as her eyes twinkled. ‘Yes, finally, now can we get to this, we have things to do.’

  ‘So grumpy already.’ She sighed and shook her head at Bendrix as she told Netta. ‘Practice helps.’

  Netta growled and took a step toward her. Bendrix and Darby grabbed her arms to halt her progress. Peyton tossed her head and murmured loud enough for Netta to hear. ‘I see touchy, well alright.’

  Marlo growled. ‘Let’s finish this.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘Well, no need to yell.’ She turned back to her amused audience and said. ‘This brings me to another point, we have a hope, and it is just a hope that you will find mates among our people as many of us have. It was a promise I as the Star Daughter made with the Warriors when we all agreed that we would make Maikonia our home. However, I have never and would never force a couple to mate. Finding love is totally out of my hands. On a personal note, I do hope you will allow a Warrior or anyone really to find and persuade you of their belief you are their true love. Believe me, having recently become mated myself, it doesn’t take a lot of persuasion.’

  She saw many attentive faces that had lost a lot of the wariness they had worn when she first started talking. She even saw a few smiles among the females, which allowed her to relax more. ‘Now as you know we are predominately a military society, but that does not mean you have to join the military. What it means is that we do everything we can to support our military in whatever form that takes. Of course, this only applies if you wish to stay and live on Prime or one of our other worlds. I should explain that we are here at the Capital for only a few more days. So Miko, stand up please.’

  She did and waved. ‘Miko is our Laroro and will make sure you have the credits to shop so you can see to any personal business you may have. Although I warn you, we will not allow you to leave the Embassy on your own or without a tracker installed. Unless you decide you wish to live here at the Capital.’

  There was a chorus of people calling out such things as. ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Never happening.’

  ‘They threw us away.’

  ‘Hayda no!’


  The feeling Peyton received was not one person wanted to remain at the Capital. That was until she looked at the two people who sat by themselves. The adolescent Juet Quewtton and the narrow-faced, dark-haired female with him who she assumed was his mother. The female’s expression wavered between disgust and superiority and whenever anyone approached her. She would flick her hand dismissively as if swatting a fly away.

  Peyton’s senses tingled with warning, she mind-sent to Kardan. Something is wrong with them.

  He looked casually at the couple and nodded slightly. He signaled Marlo, who made his way to their table. He smiled and leaned down to speak to the female. Whatever he said, it apparently flattered her as she blushed and let him take her hand, helping her from her seat. Juet dutifully walked behind his mother as she was escorted from the dining room. Bendrix and Jerthem met mother and son at the door.

  Bendrix bowed over the female’s hand in a courtly manner, then placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and together they walked down the hallway. Jerthem stopped her son and took him in another direction.

  Marlo once more took up his position next to Hawk. It seemed no one was the wiser except for maybe the Wallace sisters, who sat by themselves and Shodian Lujunn, who had watched the entire incident with a small smile on his face. Kardan would wager not much got passed the wise little male.

  Peyton mind-sent. Well done, I am impressed.

  Marlo replied. Thank you. It is something we have accomplished many times in the past. Bendrix and Jerthem will remain with mother and son until you can see them.

  Peyton said to the remaining audience. ‘So the location tracker I spoke about will be removed when we leave the Capital, it is for your safety and ours. Sad to say we have enemies or I should say as the Star Daughter I do. So by extension they will use you against me, hence the trackers.’ She said with glee, making everyone smile at her happiness. ‘We have a boutique assembled on floor three, okay so it’s the entire floor. Every day, people send products for us to look at and purchase, it is so cool.’

  There was more laughter this time. The room seem
ed to have lightened either with the couple leaving or everyone was just more relaxed. Peyton grinned. ‘You do not need to ask to visit the shopping floor, just shop to your heart’s content. There is a salon and spa as well, which is free. If you want to just stay and shop here do so, otherwise speak to Commander Netta or Domard Jerthem about leaving the Embassy. Well, that is about it. I should just mention, on the tablet which you will receive after this. There are many things from Earth for you to download, books, music, art, vids, stuff like that. It is free and for your pleasure. Now once again if you have decided where you want to live, either with us or on another planet. Please let the Ladies you will be speaking with know, and we will make sure you get to where you want to go. Ladies, the latest news from Earth has been uploaded to the data stream, so you can decide if you wish to return to Earth.’

  Echo Wallace stood and asked in a voice that was only a little husky now. ‘Are you intending to go back?’

  Peyton looked at the faces turned to her and shook her head. ‘No, all the Terrans who left with me and my sisters have no intention of returning to Earth. We have a new home now and are settling our worlds as fast as we can.’

  Relic, Echo’s sister asked as she pushed her sister back into her chair. ‘So, if we want to stay, is there work for us?’

  ‘Oh yes. If you decide to live on our worlds. You will be expected to contribute in any way you can, what form that takes is up to you. We have advisors to help you, but that is for when we go home. I will just say that we have many employment opportunities and some we probably haven’t even thought of yet.’ She nodded to another female who asked. ‘What if we cannot fight?’

  Peyton grinned. ‘This is Commander Hawk’s territory. I will say my goodbyes for now and I hope to see you again soon.’

  Kardan helped her down from the small platform and together they left the room and the people within, who would or would not return home with them.

  Hawk stepped forward as Peyton and Kardan disappeared along the corridor. ‘Greetings, Madam has to leave and yes, that is how she is addressed, either as Madam Peyton or Star Daughter. You are not invited to call her Peyton unless asked.’


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