Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7 Page 28

by L M Lacee

  Jarrod asked. ‘Where is Melody?’

  ‘Behind you.’ She, Kerol and Coraan walked off the lift. All three of them were bloody but unhurt. Kardan turned with Jarrod as Bendrix turned with Netta, causing her to groan.

  Kardan surveyed the three, saw they were indeed bloody but unhurt, and nodded. ‘Good’

  Alarmed, Melody cried and raced to her. ‘Netta! What the hayda happened?’

  Netta panted. ‘Zigged when I should have zagged. Furin Elder was sneaker than I thought.’

  ‘What does that mean?’ Bendrix asked Telfor who stood next to him. He shrugged as Reeve said. ‘That is what I asked.’

  Netta told them. ‘It means he was an olesho and thanks to Telfor and Drifter. I am not dead.’

  ‘We are thankful.’ Melody said quietly to Telfor.

  He nodded and said just as quietly in return. ‘She fought well, even though she refuses to believe it. Apparently being wounded causes her to lose her good sense. But Drifter and I will take the thanks.’

  Jarrod grabbed his brother in his arms, the realization he could have lost them all overwhelming him for a moment. Telfor hugged him tightly back, knowing something major had affected his brother. Whatever it was caused more than his appearance to change, he could feel it in his needar. When Jarrod released him, Telfor stepped back, his eyes showing how worried he was, but he allowed none of it to shadow his voice as he smirked and said. ‘I cannot wait to hear what Trina says.’

  Melody grinned. ‘Love the eyes, so cool Jarrod, hubba-bubba!’

  In reply to the fools who wore smiles on their faces, Jarrod just sighed. Then as they walked further into the medical unit, they all became quiet. It was impossible not to see the regeneration tube with a pale Hawk inside.


  Bendrix and Melody helped Netta to the empty bed next to Hawk. No one could take their eyes off of him or Karen. Dinas walked swiftly to where Kardan and Wolf stood, his eyes ravaged.

  Kardan looked his brother over, he was thankful to see he only looked a little battered. ‘Dinas, you are well?’

  ‘Yes, we had no trouble.’

  Heather hurried to Netta. ‘Hey girl.’

  ‘Hey yourself.’

  ‘Dinas, how bad is he?’ Wolf asked as Reeve stood at the end of the regen. His eyes moved with the beam of light as it passed over Hawk’s body. He looked at Karen and in his eyes, she swore she saw a flame. He then turned to Dinas as he answered Wolf.

  ‘His spinal cord was severed, and the sword punctured his heart, thankfully only one. He is not responding to treatment. We do not know why.’

  Jarrod asked. ‘Poison?’

  ‘We are testing for any.’

  Kardan watched Jorge hug Karen, then move to Esther and hold her while he whispered. He wondered what he said for her to lose the haunted look in her eyes. Perhaps he told her that all would be well.

  He would have been surprised to hear that he told her, everyone seems to have forgotten Peyton, do you imagine she will allow him to leave us, have faith sister. Finally, Jorge took Amelia in his arms and held her. Her eyes closed as two tears slipped from under her lashes.

  Karen’s eyes were haunted pits of despair. She placed one hand on the cover of the regen unit and the other low on her stomach where their child rested. Reeve reached over and plucked her from her seat. His voice was husky as he gently told her. ‘Sister, he will not leave us, this I vow. We have waited too long to be a family, it cannot end like this.’

  ‘Oh, Reeve.’

  ‘Sister Karen, trust me on this. He will not end this way. It cannot be allowed.’

  Karen smoothed a hand over his thumping hearts in comfort. ‘Okay brother, okay.’

  He kissed her forehead and passed her to Wolf, and stepped away, his eyes shuttered.

  Wolf hugged her as she stood within his embrace. ‘Do not lose faith, little sister.’

  ‘I won’t.’

  She cried when Wolf passed her to Kardan. ‘They hurt my Hawk.’

  He kissed her cheek and whispered. ‘Sister, all will be well. We will not let him go. Stay strong for him and the child you carry.’

  She nodded as she sobbed into his shirt. He was going to say more, but just then a starlit apparition appeared.

  They all stood in reverence as they watched Peyton float into the room. This was a Star Daughter none of them had ever witnessed before. Her dress was drenched in white starlight, and her hair was a curtain of silver ice which floated behind her. Her eyes had changed from green to a blue with a ring of white so intense it was as if the color came from the very Universe itself.

  Briark and Leiark, who were now fully grown Tuarillians with eyes of gold, glowed as they paced beside the floating figure. Darby and the other females exited from another lift. Darby slid around from behind the group and went to where Melody and Netta were with Bendrix and Coraan.

  Malchol and Rose appeared and moved quietly to Jarrod as Nina hugged Telfor to her.

  ‘Netta, you okay?’ Darby whispered as her eyes looked for her mate. Heather assured her she was as she ran the med unit over her back. ‘She will be after a stint in the regen.’

  Reeve’s eyes were drawn to Darby as she beckoned him to her. He walked over and enveloped her in his arms.

  She whispered. ‘You came back.’

  ‘Always my heart, always.’

  ‘I love you Reeve, never doubt that.’

  ‘I do not. With every breath I believe in you.’

  ‘Go to them.’ She looked pass him to where Dinas and Wolf stood. He kissed her hard and left her to be with his brothers.

  Darby asked. ‘Melody, you okay?’

  ‘Yeah, just dandy.’

  Netta looked at Peyton and all she could find to say was. ‘Hooleey Shiiiit!’

  ‘Yep, just happened.’ Darby told her as she jumped up next to her on the bed. Her hand snuck out to grab Melody’s as she too slid onto the bed next to Netta. Heather’s hand reached out to hold Netta’s as her other hand reached out for Patty, who had come to stand beside her.

  Bendrix and Coraan moved to where Marlo, Larson, Kerol and Penny stood together. With a kiss for Kerol, Penny moved to Netta and hugged her gently. Then she whispered. ‘I am so asking for a raise.’

  As Netta laughed, Penny held Patty’s hand, uniting them together as one.

  Jarrod held Trina, who said. ‘Oh wow! I think we have some talking to do?’

  ‘Yes, there are some happenings, I need to tell you about.’

  ‘You are okay though, right?’

  ‘I am more than I was.’

  Darby whispered. ‘Translation, shit happened to me but I am here with you.’

  Trina grinned, although her eyes remained worried. ‘Thank you Darby.’

  ‘No problem. I am learning the nuances of male speak. I have discovered they have their own language.’

  ‘More than we needed to know, but thanks.’ Trina told her.

  Melody murmured. ‘You need any help with that, talk to me. I worked with grunting males for yentas.’

  Darby nodded. ‘Good to know.’

  Kardan took a pace away from Karen after he sat her back in her seat, then turned to Peyton and asked. ‘Star Daughter, what has happened?’

  Peyton turned her head to Kardan. ‘Amahka you are well?’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘They thought to remove the life from my Kail and now from my heart-brother, this will not be tolerated.’

  Melody looked at Jarrod. ‘You look good for a dead man.’

  Trina asked with a bite to her tone that would have made a lesser male’s shoulders hunch in defense. ‘Jarrod, why does the Star Daughter say that?’

  ‘My one, I was at the gates to the afterlife for a min, I will explain later.’

  ‘I see, this is one of those things we need to discuss?’

  ‘I am here with you.’

  ‘I’ll take that as a yes.’

  ‘I would.’ Darby said helpfully.

  They watche
d as Peyton waved her hand and the cover of the regen opened. She moved closer to Karen and touched her head. ‘Dearle one, you and my Hawk have been thrice blessed. Calm now, he will not go through the gates to the afterlife. Our lives and the lives of his brothers would be desolate without him. The balance would be broken and the Universe would be bereft if we lost you both.’

  She then floated above Hawk and placed her hand on his barely moving chest and leaned down a fraction. She breathed into his mouth and instantly his eyes snapped open.

  ‘My sister.’

  ‘My brother, I am most annoyed with you.’

  He smiled as he solemnly told her. ‘I am most contrite.’

  ‘Liar!’ She laughed. ‘I am sorry about the eyes.’

  She withdrew from him and touched Netta’s forehead, instantly healing her. Then she closed her eyes and her voice entered the hearts of all her people. ‘Today we thwarted the attacks on the Embassy from within and without and dispatched the last of the Elders and wayward Masters. I am blessed with the power of your love and conviction to justice you have shown today. With the power granted to me, let the wounds of battle be healed.’

  She opened her eyes and sought Jorge’s, with a smile she told him. ‘I thank you for your unwavering faith in me.’

  He bowed his head and whispered. ‘May your rule be long and filled with love.’

  Instantly everyone instantly repeated the blessing. Tears entered Peyton’s eyes as she huskily said ‘Thank you.’

  As her feet finally touched the floor, Esther drew her into her arms. Peyton’s body stopped glowing and her voice became her own once more as Esther said. ‘You changed again, sweet one.’

  Tiredness swept over her, and Peyton huskily agreed. ‘I know, it happens.’

  ‘You changed all their eyes girly, and your own.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘You are tired.’

  ‘I am exhausted.’

  Kardan kissed Esther’s cheek before picking Peyton up. ‘Come my heart.’ He told everyone. ‘Debriefing in two hours.’

  Helen stepped off the lift with several Warriors and Kardan asked. ‘Helen dearle. May we have food then?’

  ‘Of course, it is being prepared as we speak.’

  He walked toward her with a sleeping Peyton in his arms. Stopping, he leaned down and kissed Helen’s cheek as well. ‘You are a treasure, I am pleased we have you in our lives dearle Helen.’

  Helen smoothed Peyton’s hair from her forehead and said. ‘I thank you, she is so very young.’

  Kardan looked at all who were there and said. ‘Yes, she maybe. But she has her family and loved ones. We will stand between her and the Universe.’

  Their cheering and the roars of agreement from the Prowlers still did not wake her as Kardan carried her into the lift. Briark and Leiark left with him guarding their Bondmate.


  ‘Karen, my heart.’ Hawk said as she threw herself into his waiting arms.

  ‘I don’t care about the eye color Hawk, you are alive. I thought I had lost you.’

  ‘I am so sorry.’

  ‘Please don’t say that. I just need a little while. I swear I am alright.’

  Hawk nodded, then asked. ‘What is this about eye color?’

  Jarrod told him. ‘It would appear the Star Daughter has blessed her Elites.’

  Wolf said to Jarrod. ‘I told Kardan, I should have bet on it.’

  Amelia’s expression still held shock as she stared at Karen and Hawk from within the circle of Jorge’s arms.

  Karen asked her. ‘Amelia, are you alright?’

  ‘No… well yes, more than you two anyway.’

  Karen frowned as Hawk asked her. ‘What do you mean, we are well?’

  ‘Are you? Does the word thrice not register with either of you?’ At their blank expressions, she grinned as she counted on her fingers. ‘One baby… two baby… three babies.’

  Hawk said. ‘I... I... No... I cannot...’

  Heather said faintly as she and Patty hurried over to them. ‘We will check?’

  Karen leaned heavily against Hawk. ‘I am with him. I cannot either.’

  Every eye turned toward the startled Esther, who stood beside Helen. She smiled and cleared her throat. ‘Yes well, I think it is time I left, sister what say you?’

  Helen agreed. ‘I’m with you, sister.’

  They hurried to the lifts as Trina smiled at Jarrod. ‘I sort of like it now, the hair and the eyes.’ Then in the same sweet tone, she said. ‘Die again and I will kill you, revive you and kill you again. I swear I will not get bored for yentas.’

  Jarrod tipped his head to the side as everyone around them laughed. He smiled at her with his shiny new eyes and replied. ‘Yes, my one.’

  Dinas looked disgustedly at Reeve and said to Wolf. ‘He will be insufferable now.’

  Wolf sighed. ‘Of us all, he will be the worse.’

  ‘At least he is Darby’s to manage.’ Melody said sourly as she watched Reeve look at himself in the wall mirror.

  ‘True.’ Was their heartfelt response as they all turned away from the smug, Elite.

  Darby looked at Wolf. ‘I will kill her, I swear she does shit like this to annoy me.’

  Jarrod said soothingly. ‘I am sure she does not mean too.’

  ‘Yeah, right?’ She turned her attention to a now healthy Hawk. Relief shone from her eyes as she slid from the bed and softly said. ‘Then she does tuap like that, and you love her all over again, the bitchre!’ Everyone burst out laughing and then again when she growled at Hawk. ‘This is your fault.’

  He nodded and agreed. ‘I am sure it is.’

  She stamped her foot and snarled. ‘Getting hurt, it just gave her a reason to mark you all. Seriously, how could you?’

  ‘I am ashamed.’ Hawk said, barely hiding his smile.

  Darby pointed to Reeve. ‘As your punishment for disregarding my feelings. You will make him stop that!’

  Reeve who was still looking at himself in the mirror grinned at his reflection, more so when he heard Hawk whine. ‘Aww! Darby, anything but that!’

  She laughed as did everyone else, except Reeve who was busy admiring his Darby’s face as she laughed and his new shiny blue eyes, of course.

  Then Netta said into the silence. ‘She did what now?’

  They all turned to her as she sat looking at them with a confused expression.


  Exhausted, Peyton slept the rest of the day and night away. Leaving the security and clean-up of the Embassy to people better suited to it than her.

  The following morn after first-meal, Peyton and Kardan made their way to the holding room where Harm had placed the captured female before the attack on the Embassy occurred.

  Leanii Undinly had spent the time since being captured, either pacing the sparsely furnished room or screaming into a pillow. Anger ate at her constantly. She did not understand why Rupart was allowing this to happen.

  She stormed once more into the cleansing room, which was the ugliest room she had ever seen and fumed. Where was he when she needed him? Grimacing at her image in the wall mirror because this cleansing room was so basic it did not have a Holo imager. She decided as usual it would be up to her to extract herself from this prison. Unfortunately, the basterads who had kidnapped her had rendered her unconscious, so she had no idea where she was. And no matter what she offered as a bribe, the people who delivered her food would not talk to her. Admittedly, that could have something to do with her throwing a tray at the first Warrior who brought her food. Leanii brooded on the fact she may have miscalculated by allowing her temper free rein. Because now she had to deal with that hard-faced earthling bitchre with the unusual red hair and poho eyes, and the ridiculous name of Echo or something disgustingly alien.

  Hearing a sound from the other room, Leanii grinned at her reflection. It appeared it was feeding time again. She looked around for a weapon and again came up with nothing. Sighing, she decided words would ha
ve to be her weapon of choice. Eventually she knew she would make that bitchre crack and speak to her.

  Leaving the cleansing room, she straightened her clothes and patted her long black hair into order. Her step faltered when she saw it was not the bitchre with food, but the Star Daughter with a male. She tossed her head carelessly to give the impression; the couple had not taken her by surprise and sauntered to the table.

  At least she knew now where she was and why Rupart had not rescued her. She stood waiting for the male to help her with her chair.

  When he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, her lips tightened and she blew air out her nostrils. Annoyed, she pulled the chair out, then slammed herself onto the seat.

  Peyton made the introductions. ‘Leanii Undinly, this is my mate Amahka Elite Kardan Roeah.’

  Leanii looked him over, then smirked at Peyton. ‘Good for you, you managed to get a mate.’

  Peyton raised an eyebrow. ‘He is father to the child you orchestrated the kidnapping of yesterday. Our daughter.’

  Leanii paled slightly as she casually looked up at the ceiling and shrugged one shoulder. ‘You stole my young. What is the point you wish to make?’

  Peyton looked at Kardan, then back at Leanii. ‘The point is, your children are adults. They made their own choices. Our daughter is ten yentas old. You stepped over a line Leanii, and you know you did.’

  Leanii looked at Peyton with hatred in her amber eyes as her mouth twisted into a bitter sneer. ‘They left me, because of you.’ She pointed at her. ‘Because of you!’

  Peyton shook her head in denial of her words. ‘No Leanii. Lay the blame on your shoulders. Your behavior dictated your children’s decision, not me.’

  She raged at Peyton. ‘That was not my fault. You mind-washed them. Took them from me and turned them from the right way.’

  ‘Oh please, you tried to have your only son and eldest daughter killed or rendered insane.’

  She dismissed that with a wave of her hand. ‘Lies then, lies now. The planet would not have done either.’

  ‘You were not there Leanii. He had already wounded Frand and was well on the way to making Rose insane.’


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