Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother

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Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother Page 11

by Clara Jenkins

  Chapter 4

  Rina and Samuel entered a room at the top of the stairs. Most of it remained in shadows when Rina switched on the table lamp. The large bed was highlighted in the soft glow it provided. She pulled Samuel against her and began kissing him with a fierce need. Samuel’s own needs took over and he lifted Rina’s slight weight off the floor allowing her legs to wrap around his waist. His rough jeans rubbed against her center as the kiss deepened. Their movements became frantic and their breathing labored.

  Samuel balanced Rina between himself and the wall while he lifted her short dress over her head. He cupped her plump breasts in his hands and leaned his head down to plant a kiss on each mound. Samuel popped the front clasp on Rina’s bra and let her luscious breasts free. He lifted her higher and took her distended nipples into his mouth. He suckled from them as he carried her to the bed.

  On her knees atop the bed, Rina helped Samuel shed his jacket, tie and shirt. She ran her hands through the dark hair on his chest and tweaked his nipples, eliciting a moan from him. Then Rina kissed her way down Samuel’s chest and unbuttoned the fly of his pants. Her hands claimed the bulging hardness that sprang forth, squeezing and massaging the length. Moisture gathered on the tip and she licked it off. Samuel almost lost control. He laid Rina across the bed and slipped off her damp panties. His fingers explored the wetness he had uncovered. Rina raised her hips to allow better access. Samuel dropped to his knees and used his tongue to bring her to a screaming climax. Unable to hold back any longer, he embedded his hardness in her slick, wet center. Rina rocked against Samuel and caused his pulsing member to reach her core. They moved together faster and faster until each exploded in ecstasy.

  As Samuel slowly disengaged from Rina, a clapping sound came from a shadowed corner of the room. Samuel jerked toward the sound and was shocked to discover Mr. Banks. He staggered backwards until he hit the wall. Mr. Banks just grinned and said, “Thank you so much for indulging my Rina’s need. You proved to be a wonderful lover. When she is happy, so am I. I enjoyed watching tonight, but next time I will be a participant. We do love Americans.” Mr. Banks left the room and a freaked out Samuel.

  Rina sauntered to Samuel’s side. She reached down and took his balls into her tiny hands, bringing him back to reality. She calmly stated, “I had a marvelous time. We will have a great adventure next time. Mr. Banks is an excellent lover as well.” She sank to the floor and took Samuel into her mouth. Samuel decided that an adventure might not be so bad. He was at least willing to try if Rina was this attentive.

  Samuel relived the night over and over in his dreams. He knew he should feel embarrassed about having been watched, but it actually was a turn on. He wasn’t sure how he felt about sharing Rina with Mr. Banks. He had never been part of a threesome before. Samuel kept an open mind. Maybe this was a common thing in Japan. Rina had called it an adventure. He would give it some thought.

  Samuel’s phone rang early. He answered and was relieved to hear the voice of the Japanese CEO, Mr. Nakamura. The man wanted him to join a committee of company members for lunch. They had questions that needed to be cleared up before Samuel’s proposal could be accepted. Samuel would be happy to oblige. It meant there was a good chance he had gotten the merger.

  Samuel took his time getting ready for the committee meeting. As he showered, his mind reviewed the terms of the proposal. He wanted to be sure to have an excellent answer for every possible question. The merger would be great boost to his future and an even greater one for his boss. Samuel dressed for success in a charcoal gray suit, light gray shirt and blue and gray tie. He looked in the mirror to make sure nothing from the previous night showed on his face. He set his mind to business mode and left his dreams of Rina for later.

  Mr. Nakamura greeted Samuel with a handshake and a bow, Japanese style. Samuel bowed back and entered the room. Seven serious faces stared at him from a long conference table. He took a deep, shuddering breath and introduced himself to the group. Their expressions never changed. It was going to be a long, grueling lunch.

  Samuel stood at the front of the room and answered question after question. His answers were concise and knowledgeable. He watched heads nod in agreement as he spoke. His shoulders relaxed as lunch was served. Sushi and egg rolls were placed on everyone’s plate. Mr. Nakamura asked Samuel to take a seat, bringing the awful questioning to an end. The room remained quiet as the committee ate. It seemed an eternity as Samuel waited for lunch to end.

  Mr. Nakamura thanked Samuel for coming. He dismissed him with the promise, “You will be notified tonight whether or not the merger has been accepted. The committee and I must discuss your answers and vote on the matter. Please remain available for my call.” Samuel was disappointed to end up in another waiting game after all his hard work. He dreaded calling New York and once again bringing down the wrath of his impatient boss. He was also upset about having to remain in the hotel for the night. He would be unable to see Rina and his mind would wander allowing him to second guess being part of a threesome.

  Chapter 5

  The call finally came at midnight. Samuel was exhausted from pacing the floor all evening. He held back a yawn as he picked up the phone. Mr. Nakamura sounded as tired as Samuel felt. “Mr. Lee, we are happy to tell you an agreement has been reached. We argued over proposals for many hours. So many companies showed great interest in joining us. A final vote was taken just moments ago. We welcome your company to Japan. Your knowledge of our needs and wants has won you the merger. Congratulations! Our attorneys must now draw up the papers for the merger. I will call you when they are ready. In the meantime, enjoy Tokyo at our expense.”

  Samuel hung up the phone and danced around the room. He had done it! His hard work had paid off and his future was set. Money would come rolling in faster than he could count it. It was now time to make his boss’s day. He speed dialed the main office in New York. The boss answered on the first ring. Samuel excitedly shouted, “It’s ours! We did it!” There was silence at the other end of the phone. For a minute, Samuel was afraid something was terribly wrong. He asked, “Did you hear me? We won. The merger is ours.”

  Samuel finally heard a sob coming over the line. The boss was crying as he said, “ Thank goodness. I’ve been so stressed out and worried. I haven’t slept for days. These are tears of joy and relief. I had everything counting on this merger. Other deals would have come tumbling down without it. You did a great job, Samuel. I owe you. As soon as the papers are signed, you can come home. However, expect to visit Japan often to oversee our investment. Get some sleep. I know I will. Goodnight.”

  Samuel considered going to the club. Things would be in full swing by now. Exhaustion overcame him and with it the desire for a good night’s sleep. He hadn’t really enjoyed a real night’s sleep since he arrived in Japan. He regretted missing a night with Rina, but there was always tomorrow. He looked forward to celebrating the merger with her.

  Samuel awoke to the sun shining in his eyes. It was quite late in the morning. He didn’t usually sleep in. The time difference in New York and Japan had finally caught up with him. Samuel was also starving. He hurriedly showered and dressed in jeans and a button down shirt. It was time to search out some food. A good old American burger would hit the spot. There was only one place he could think of to find it. He had seen an actual McDonald’s in downtown Tokyo. He struck out in the general direction of downtown. He suddenly stopped and turned around. Maybe he could convince Rina to join him for a burger. He ran to the club and found it closed with the door locked tight. He pounded on the huge door, but there was no response. A passerby explained that the club stayed locked until evening. No one ever answered the door. Samuel couldn’t call Rina. She hadn’t given him a phone number. In fact, he didn’t even know her last name to see if she was listed in the directory. He refused to look up the number for Mr. Banks. Samuel wasn’t ready for more of his brand of humor yet.

  McDonald’s was crowded. There was a mixture of Japanese and Americ
an patrons. It appeared everyone loved a good burger. As Samuel waited for his order, he looked around the room. A familiar face caught his eye. The blonde from his first night in town was sitting at a table alone in the back. She glanced up and saw Samuel. Surprise and delight showed on her pretty face. She waved him over to her table. Samuel grabbed his tray and some napkins, making his way to the table.

  Samuel extended his hand in greeting, “Maybe I should introduce myself this time. My name is Samuel Lee.”

  The blonde giggled and replied, “ I am Suzette Conners. It’s nice to put a name with the body. You left before I woke up.”

  Samuel apologized, “I didn’t mean to be rude. I was very late for a business meeting. It was the entire reason I came to Tokyo. That meeting was a make-or-break moment in my career.”

  Suzette nodded and said, “ I completely understand. As long as you weren’t rushing to another woman’s bed or horror of horrors a wife, you are forgiven.”

  “I promise, there is no wife, just an anxious boss. I made it to the meeting with only moments to spare,” declared Samuel.

  Suzette was polite enough to ask, “How did your meeting go? Is your career still intact?”

  Samuel grinned from ear to ear as he announced, “The meeting went perfectly. Late last night I was informed that our business deal went through. My career is now in high gear.”

  “Then we need to celebrate!”, exclaimed Suzette. “How about I buy you a hot fudge sundae? Then we can go sightseeing.”

  Samuel laughed as Suzette headed for the counter. It felt great to relax and let his anxieties go. Today, he would have some fun.

  Samuel and Suzette started their sightseeing with the temples. Asakusa Temple was interesting to behold, but the Senso-ji Temple was Samuel’s favorite. Suzette’s favorite place to explore proved to be the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. With too many things to see and daylight quickly disappearing, the pair called it a day.

  Suzette asked Samuel to her apartment for dinner. He declined politely. He was looking forward to going back to the club and seeing Rina. He told Suzette that he had a previous engagement and hoped to see her again before leaving the country. She did not take the news well. She grew angry and waved him away with a simple, “Whatever.”

  Samuel shrugged his shoulders and went to the hotel to change. He did not realize that Suzette had turned and was following him.

  Chapter 6

  Suzette sat behind a large plant in the hotel lobby. Samuel wouldn’t be allowed to walk away from her a second time. When she had awoken alone in her bed, she had grown so angry that she had broken a lamp. Throwing it across the room had settled her down only slightly. She had spent the last few days in a search for Samuel. Her efforts had been useless. Tokyo was too large to find one tourist without a name or phone number to start with. Suzette considered it to be fate when she saw Samuel in McDonald’s. He was meant to be hers. She couldn’t lose him now.

  Samuel stripped off his sweaty clothes and jumped into the shower. The hot water felt wonderful on his sore body. He wasn’t used to walking so much in one day. It was true that New Yorkers walked wherever they went, but not everywhere in one day. He hummed as he shaved the five o’clock shadow from his face. He sprayed a favorite cologne in all the right places, just in case Rina went exploring. A blue snapped shirt and crisp black jeans with cowboy boots completed his ensemble for the night. He rushed out the door in hope of spending some time with Rina before the club became crowded. Once again, he never noticed Suzette following in his wake.

  The club was far busier than Samuel had expected. There was a karaoke contest going on. In another section of the club there appeared to be a bachelor party. Rina was hurrying back and forth performing her hostess duties. Mr. Banks presided over the karaoke contest as a judge. There wouldn’t be any one on one time for Samuel tonight. He ordered a drink and sat at the bar. It was the perfect spot to watch the action around him. He stiffened momentarily upon seeing a man pat Rina’s backside. He relaxed when she slapped the hand away and went on with her duties. She obviously dealt with these kind of issues on a daily basis.

  Mr. Banks crowned the winner of the karaoke contest and returned to the bar. He told the bartender to make sure the winner had free drinks all night. He nodded a greeting in Samuel’s general direction, then disappeared through a door that Samuel suspected was an office.

  Rina stopped only long enough to kiss Samuel’s lips. She was in full hostess mode and had not a minute to spare.

  Suzette saw the brief kiss from her dark corner. Rage ran through her veins. She hid it well behind a fake smile as she sauntered up to Samuel. She stepped up to his back and covered his eyes with her hands. In a sing song voice she said, “Guess who.”

  Samuel knew the voice instantly. He took Suzette’s hands from his face and turned to greet her with a laugh saying, “ We meet again. I’m so glad you’re here. Sitting alone at a bar isn’t any fun. Do you want to dance?”

  Suzette’s anger dropped considerably. The fact that Samuel was happy to see her, mollified her somewhat. She replied, “ Of course I want to dance. That’s why I came back to the club. Come on handsome.” Suzette tried to rub her body against Samuel’s the minute they reached the dance floor. She clearly wanted a repeat of the night they met. However, Samuel kept backing away, putting space between them. Suzette sensed a distance she didn’t care for. She gritted her teeth behind a smile and blatantly reached out to caress his crotch. Samuel jerked back and waggled a finger at Suzette. He told her, “Not tonight. I just want to dance.”

  Rina touched Samuel’s shoulder and asked, “Is everything alright? Is there a problem?”

  Samuel quickly replied, “No problem that I can’t handle.” He pulled Rina in for a kiss and she caressed his face as she offered, “Call me if you need anything. I’m always available for you.”

  Suzette seethed at the closeness she felt between Samuel and Rina. She would find a way to stop this nonsense. Samuel was hers. He had been since his first night in town. No sleazy little hussy would take him away from her. She had gotten rid of more intelligent women than Rina and she could do it again. A plan developed in her devious mind as Samuel let go of Rina and went back to the bar. Suzette followed reluctantly saying, “Sorry, I misunderstood the situation. I had hoped to spend another glorious night with you. I could make it worth your while, but I get the impression that you’re no longer interested. You used me and now you’re done.”

  Samuel was surprised at the anger he heard in Suzette’s words. He tried to calm her by saying, “ It isn’t like that at all. I thought we were becoming friends. I wasn’t using you. That first night we were both lonely and quite drunk. We didn’t know each other. Now we do, and I think we can be good friends, just not lovers.”

  Suzette pretended to understand and offered to buy a round of drinks to solidify their friendship. Rina was at the bar and Suzette included her in the offer. The beers were set in front of the trio. When a ruckus started at the end of the bar, Rina’s and Samuel’s attention was drawn in that direction. Suzette took that opportunity to slip something into Rina’s drink. She would have Samuel all to herself soon.

  The ruckus turned into a fight and fists started flying. The bouncers came running and people scattered. Suzette’s plan was foiled as the drinks were knocked over. She had no more drugs with her. The plan would have to wait for another day. The fight ended and the perpetrators were tossed out. New beers replaced the dumped ones and the trio drank to friendship.

  Chapter 7

  Suzette lingered on as the club slowly cleared out. She chose to act friendly to Rina. Samuel was relieved to see the interaction. He had felt a brief fear when Suzette had offered to buy Rina a drink. Now, he shook off the sensation and chalked it up to irrational thinking. There was nothing sinister about Suzette. She was just a jealous party girl looking for some fun and had become a little too attached to him.

  Mr. Banks reappeared. He told the barkeeper to handle closing the clu
b. He walked over to Rina and whispered something into her ear. She nodded and he turned to Samuel saying, “I think it’s time you called me Edward rather than Mr. Banks. Our special friendship is growing deeper. Would you like to join Rina and me upstairs for a while? The bouncer can see your lady friend out. He will even take her home if she wishes.”

  Samuel wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for this, but a celebration of his new position was in order, so why not make it an adventure. He said goodnight to Suzette and followed Edward and Rina up the stairs.

  Suzette did not like this turn of events at all. She jerked her arm from the bouncer’s hold and stomped out of the club. Revenge was all she could think about.

  The room Samuel entered was different than the previous time above stairs. This one was much larger. There was a bar, a divan, a fireplace and a huge bed. Candles burned on every available surface. He smelled incense burning as well. The atmosphere was intoxicating and caused an intense sexual hunger in Samuel. Perhaps there was something in the incense that brought out the need in him. I didn’t matter. He was now more than ready for this.

  Edward began to disrobe and he gestured for Samuel to do the same. Shoes, socks and shirts were quickly discarded. The men stood in only their pants. Rina drew them to each side of her, smoothing her hands over their muscular chests. She demanded, “Undress me.” The men happily obliged. Edward unzipped her dress and allowed it to fall to the floor. Samuel unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. Rina proudly displayed her body in only a thong and high heels. She rubbed each man’s crotch to determine her effect on them. A steamy smile showed that she was having the wanted effect. Her hands slipped inside the waistbands of both men. She squeezed their firm manhood gently. She declared, “ I want to see all of you. Drop your pants gentlemen.” Zippers went down and pants dropped. Rina took a moment to admire the pair of erections on display. She licked her lips causing the engorged members to twitch with desire.


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