Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother

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Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother Page 18

by Clara Jenkins

Amanda’s reply wasn’t much better. It was just a quiet, “I don’t know.”

  They continued to drink the coffee in silence. Bryson finally put the empty cup on the side table and pulled Amanda into his arms. He asked, “Do you love him?” Amanda nodded against his chest. He then asked, “Do you still love me?” She nodded once again. Bryson sighed, squeezed her tightly and said, “I’ll do whatever you want. I don’t want to lose you. If I have to share your love along with him, I’ll do my best to handle it. No promises for how long I can take it though.” They sat there until they both fell asleep with tears rolling down their faces.

  Ryan felt the need to have long talk with Bryson. He convinced the registrar to give him a phone number for the young man. Bryson answered his cell, but hearing Ryan’s voice he started to hang up. Ryan implored, “Please stay on the line. If not for me or you, then for Amanda. I know you love her and I realize you’re hurt and confused. I just want to talk to you, man to man. Hank told me he met all of you at the diner. He has graciously offered his condo as a neutral meeting spot for us. I don’t need any speculation from the dean, so I can’t meet you on campus. If I give you an address, will you meet me?’

  Bryson agreed to meet Ryan. A part of him hoped to convince the man to give Amanda up. The more intelligent part of him knew that would never happen.

  Charlotte learned about the meeting from Hank. She passed on the information to Amanda. Amanda immediately grabbed Charlotte’s car keys and headed for the condo.

  The men were in a heated argument when Amanda arrived. She stepped between them and begged for the argument to stop. Bryson turned on her in frustration and said, “Then choose. I was wrong. I can’t handle this.”

  Amanda sagged where she stood and replied, “I truly can’t choose. I love you both. Bryson, I’ve loved you for a long time and always will, but I feel something so deep with Ryan that I have to explore it.”

  Bryson jerked her to him and said, “Let me give you a good reason to choose me.” He planted a searing kiss on Amanda’s lips. Jealousy sprang up in Ryan and he grabbed Amanda for a mind-altering kiss.

  Sexual tension filled the room. Each man taking turns kissing and caressing a willing Amanda. When she unbuttoned Bryson’s shirt, all bets were off. The men began to undress. Amanda kept her eyes bouncing from one magnificent specimen to the other as she ripped her own shirt over her head. She cried out with desire when Ryan’s hands came around her from behind and fondled her full bare breasts. Not to be outdone, Bryson slid down the zipper of her shorts and pushed them down her legs along with her lacy panties. His fingers parted her nether lips and played with her hot wetness. Ryan kissed his way down her neck and continued to fondle her breasts. His hardness rubbed against her firm backside.

  Amanda was filled with shock and awe over what was happening. She was too deep in ecstasy to call a halt to it. Ryan lifted her under the arms and Bryson took her legs. She was placed on the dining table like a beautiful sacrifice. Bryson stepped between her spread legs and continued to play. Ryan disappeared briefly and returned with whipped cream from Hank’s refrigerator. He spread the cold sweet cream over Amanda’s body, then began removing it with his hot tongue. Bryson impaled her with two fingers, moving them in and out, faster and faster. Ryan’s tongue hit her clit as Bryson pushed his fingers deeper. Amanda’s explosive climax arched her back away from the table and she screamed at the delicious pain. Her body continued spasming for a full minute, then she collapsed.

  Amanda felt a nudge against her thighs and realized one of the men was trying to enter her. She sat up quickly, shook her head no and pulled a man to each side of her. She reached inside her own body and used the wetness she found there to make their manhood slick. She moved her hands in a matching rhythm, going faster as each man groaned and their hardness grew. When she felt the pulsing that happens before a climax, she tugged them closer. Their seed covered her stomach as they, too, cried out.

  Reality of what had just gone down came quickly. The men grabbed their pants and donned them as fast as possible. Ryan got a washcloth and soaked it with warm water. He silently wiped the mess off of Amanda. Bryson cleaned up the now dirty kitchen. No one spoke. The atmosphere was definitely tense. Amanda took her clothes to the restroom to dress alone. When she looked in the mirror, she saw someone she didn’t recognize. The naive Amanda was gone. In her place stood a woman who knew she must make a choice. She couldn’t keep them both. It was cruel to ask that of two strong, loving men. They had compromised themselves for her today and it had almost broken their spirit. To protect the wonderful men that they had proven themselves to be, she had to let one go. The decision was going to be difficult. Someone would definitely be hurt. Was her future with the love from her youth or was it with a man she had yet to learn all about?

  Chapter 9

  Amanda returned to an empty room. A note was on the counter where she had previously lain. The men had left, too embarrassed by their behavior to face her. She had believed the threesome to be a life changing event. It had turned her from a child into a full-fledged woman. The note of apology made her feel differently. Instead of being loved by two men, she now felt used. Amanda looked around the room. This was where she had lost her youth. She locked the door behind her and sadly drove home.

  Amanda was not in class. Ryan hadn’t been able to reach her for days. He broke down and called Bryson, only to learn that he was not in contact with her either. She had effectively shut them both out. Ryan felt he deserved it. Things had gotten out of hand. He had wanted the first time with Amanda to be perfect. He meant to declare his love for her and then spend hours proving it. Instead he had treated her like a piece of meat that was being fought over by two wolves. To make matters worse, he had just received a formal notice of a hearing before the college board for misconduct with a student. Somehow the dean had learned of his transgression.

  Amanda held the letter in a shaking hand. She was being summoned to a hearing at the college. She had the choice of facing charges against herself or testifying against Ryan. If she was charged with misconduct, she would be thrown out and not graduate. If she laid all the blame on Ryan, he would lose his job and his reputation would be ruined. Neither was acceptable. She tried to call Bryson, but his phone went straight to voicemail. Amanda knocked on Connie’s bedroom door. When the door opened she shoved the letter into Connie’s hand asking her to read it. Connie only glanced down at it before she tossed it on the bed and said, “I know what it is. Bryson’s on the phone with me. He got one just like it. He’s freaking out. Your degrees are in jeopardy and so is his job.”

  Shocked, Amanda asked, “He called you, instead of me? I don’t understand.” In answer, Connie handed her the phone. “Bryson? Why would you call Connie? This is our mess, not hers.”

  Bryson calmly replied, “She’s been my port in a storm. I can talk to her about anything and she understands. I’m beginning to think she gets me better than you ever did. Don’t be mad at her, she’s done nothing wrong. I still care about you, but I think it’s time to let the idea of us go. We have to fix this situation for all our sakes. I’ll see you at the hearing. Tell the truth and it will all be fine.”

  Connie’s face showed fear. Amanda hugged her and said, “It’s okay. I’m not mad. Thank you for taking care of Bryson. He needs someone like you. I hope the two of you find love together. If not, then at least a great friendship like ours.”

  The roommates called their own meeting to strategize. They did research on other cases of misconduct at their college and others to see if any had ever been won by the accused. Amanda, Bryson and Ryan had many factors in their favor. They were all over twenty-one. None had ever been brought up on charges of misconduct before. And most of all, they would all stand together as one. There was no real evidence of misconduct. No texts, emails, videos or pictures existed. Anything the board could say was only speculation on their part. Connie was able to call Bryson and tell him what they had learned. Charlotte would try to reach Ryan t
hrough Hank. It was best if Amanda refrained from calling either one.

  The day of reckoning dawned with bright sunshine. Amanda dressed carefully. She wanted to appear as an adult, not a coed. She wore a black pencil skirt that stopped a few inches above her knees, a green silk shirt that matched her eyes, and slim heels. She chose to leave her hair loose to flow over her shoulders. She looked tasteful, intelligent and determined. She glanced in the mirror, squared her slim shoulders, and left her room.

  To Amanda’s surprise, her roommates were standing in the tiny living area dressed much the same as she was. Charlotte spoke for them both, “We’re coming with you. We stand behind you all the way. You can ride with me. Connie’s picking up Bryson and Hank is with Ryan. No one’s allowed to face this alone. Friends forever, right?” The three girls hugged and tried not to cry. If there was truly strength in numbers, then they couldn’t lose today.

  The elevator stopped on the top floor of the administration building. The doors opened to a long narrow hallway. Amanda and Charlotte exited and stared at the group at the other end of the hall. The dean and several professors stood there along with unfamiliar serious faces. A chill ran up Amanda’s spine caused by the glares coming her way. The elevator dinged and the door opened again. Ryan, Hank, Connie and Bryson were inside. Their smiles of encouragement went a long way toward easing her fear. Hank’s wink added a much needed levity to the situation.

  The dean saw the large group that had gathered by the elevator. She had not expected to find such solidarity among the accused. In her experience, people tended to turn against each other in these situations. Everyone blamed someone else, giving the committee all the evidence needed to prove their case. The dean felt her first qualm that she might lose this hearing. She ushered the committee into the conference room, peering down the hallway one last time. The group at the other end ignored her completely.

  Chapter 10

  The dean had planned on bringing each of the accused in one at a time, but she was overruled. Ryan had foreseen her move and submitted a notarized protest stating the college’s previous rulings that allowed all the accused to be present at once. The committee agreed. Ryan, Bryson and Amanda entered together. Their cheerleaders remained in the hallway.

  The dean started with Bryson. She felt he would be the easiest to break. “Bryson, it is my understanding that you are a victim of an impropriety caused by Professor Bentley. Would you please tell us exactly what the professor did to you?”

  Bryson stated truthfully, “The professor has never done anything to me. I’m not sure what you think I’ve been a victim of.”

  The dean answered, “You were seen entering a condominium with Professor Bentley. Amanda followed soon after. Almost two hours passed before you and the professor left. A witness says you were both disheveled and angry. Amanda left ten minutes later, also disheveled. I want you to tell me what immoral actions went on in that condo.”

  Bryson replied, “Nothing happened in that condo that I consider immoral. Your witness, whoever they may be is mistaken. I’m not a victim of anything. As to appearing angry, that would be an assumption on the supposed witnesses part. I certainly didn’t see or speak to anyone.”

  The dean became frustrated and turned to Amanda, “You have been conducting a sexual relationship with both Professor Bentley and Bryson, haven’t you?”

  Amanda answered, “My relationship with Bryson is no one’s business but our own. The only relationships I have conducted with the professor are as a student and a teacher’s assistant.”

  The dean continued to pry, “You met Professor Bentley and Bryson at the condo for sexual purposes didn’t you?”

  Amanda was very calm when she truthfully replied, “Absolutely not. You have clearly been misinformed.”

  The dean tried another avenue of questioning, “It was not my intention to accuse either you or Bryson with misconduct. It is Professor Bentley that is accused of inappropriate behavior. If you tell us truthfully what kind of attention the professor forced on the two of you, I promise you will graduate with your class.”

  Amanda smiled and spoke clearly, “The professor has never forced me to do anything at any time. I am sure that the same is true for Bryson.” At Bryson’s nod she continued, “Whoever this witness is, they seem to have some kind of problem with the professor. Seeing a group of people coming and going from a friend’s home is meaningless. There is no reason for any accusations.”

  The frustrated and angry dean admitted, “ I’m the one who saw all of you at that condo. I know angry and disheveled when I see it. Something happened in that house. If nothing else, the professor was inappropriately fraternizing with students.”

  Ryan spoke for the first time, “You have no idea what went on in that condo and you certainly have no proof of misconduct. The condo belongs to a good friend of mine who is also a policeman. We were there at his invitation. As to our appearance, there may have been an argument over a video game, or there may have been dancing, or your eyes may not be as good as you think. Spending time with underaged students is frowned upon, but not misconduct. These students are over twenty-one and quite capable of reporting wrongdoing of their own accord. I consider your constant spying and threats to be a form of misconduct.”

  The dean stood, ready to argue, but a committee member spoke up first, “Professor Bentley is correct. This meeting is a farce. You clearly have a vendetta against the professor. Perhaps that is due to your own affair in college with a professor. Yes, Dean, we are all aware of that situation. Unless the students have a charge to bring against the professor, there is no reason for this accusation. As adults, whatever happened in that condo is their business. Let’s leave it at that. If you continue spying, we will have to look into your own misconduct.”

  Ryan, Bryson and Amanda left the room without speaking. They joined the others in the hallway and in silence everyone exited the building. When they were far enough away from the administration building, Amanda gave a thumbs up and the celebration began.

  Hank invited the group to his condo for pizza and beer. They all accepted. Hank took Charlotte with him this time, leaving Ryan to ride with Amanda.

  Ryan no longer cared who saw him with Amanda. He was sick of hiding away. Besides, the committee had made it clear that they wouldn’t tolerate any more tattling on the dean’s part.

  As Amanda buckled her seatbelt, Ryan turned to her and said, “Can we just sit here and talk for a minute? I think we need to clear the air between us.”

  “I think you’re right. I want to get something off my chest. I’m angry with you and hurt, too. I know that what happened in the condo wasn’t ideal, but it had me feeling empowered and like I had finally passed from childhood into womanhood. Then you left that note. It made me feel used and dirty instead,” Amanda declared.

  Ryan hung his head, “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. Bryson and I thought that we had already made you feel used in some kind of competition between us. We were embarrassed by our selfishness and figured you didn’t want to see us there when you came out of the bathroom.”

  Amanda reached for his hand and said, “I wanted you to hold me and tell me we could work everything out together. I needed to hear you say that I mattered to you. You told others, but never me.”

  Ryan pulled her in for a gentle kiss, “I had imagined our first time together being romantic and perfect. I would tell you how much I love you, then we would make love all night. Instead, I put you in the middle of a frenzied threesome.”

  Amanda laughed through her tears, “I enjoyed every minute of that frenzy. It changed all of our lives for the better. I love you, too. Bryson is better off with Connie. She worships the ground he walks on. Charlotte found the perfect man for her in Hank. It was a difficult road, but we found each other and a mature love that I needed desperately.”

  Ryan repeated, “I truly do love you. I want to show you how much. Do you think the others would miss us if we skipped out on the celebration and went
back to my house?”

  Amanda replied, “I think they expect us to do exactly that!”


  Bonus 6 of 20

  Boot Camp Fun


  Mike signed up for boot camp to go into the Army since he wanted to fight for his country. He knew that it wasn’t going to be easy getting up and taking orders from someone other than his parents, but he was up for the challenge. Mike doesn’t know just how much fun he’s going to have when he realizes his drill Sargent likes him. He brushes it off at first, but the more he pays attention, the more he notices that she is interested in him. It’s not only him but his friend Brandon that she’s after as well. When they agree to go to the gym and work out together, the real fun begins between the three of them, something that Mike knows he doesn’t want to miss out on.

  Chapter 1

  Mike was at boot camp, his first night there in the Army and he was already missing home. He was missing his friends, the girls he was hanging out with and the time he had spent just in his room doing nothing. He had to think he was doing something good for his country, he was one day going to make it a safe place and he would be part of a group that were one day going to be heroes.

  Mike had just turned twenty-one. He had shaved his head within the few hours of being there. Everyone had their heads either shaved or in crew cuts. He had shaved his head because the summer heat in Texas was a lot different than the heat back home in Maine. His blue eyes were adjusting to the darkness of the cabin he shared with six other men.

  Boot camp was co-ed. The women were on the other side of the field where they had their cabins. He had to admit that there weren’t many attractive women in the bunch. He wasn’t there for sex anyway. He was there to prepare for the real wars out there, to graduate and to make a name for himself in the field.


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