Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother

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Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother Page 24

by Clara Jenkins

  Emma calls Jonas and thanks him for helping her pack up the cabin. She is glad he found some keepsakes to remind him of his dad. Jonas asks Emma to look at apartments with him and she is happy to oblige. Emma feels that her life is changing once again. But, that’s okay. She’s prepared for that now. She is stronger, more confident, and proud of the woman she is becoming. Her future is bright and promising.

  Chapter 9

  Emma and Jonas look at a beautiful apartment in the center of the city. It is in an older building, but it is remodeled. It is a spacious two bedrooms, two bath, with a balcony overlooking a park. Emma asks, “Are you sure that you can afford this place?”

  Jonas is quick to reply, “I took the job with Damien. He pays really well. The center here isn’t open yet, but he is paying me to oversee some added rehab equipment for injured athletes. I will be traveling to the other centers to integrate the new equipment in those too. Our hope is to bring in professional athletes for rehab or fitness training.”

  Emma is glad to hear that Damien’s offer of a job was sincere. She is sure the two men will work well together and bring Damien’s empire to new heights. She also realizes the sexual tension between Jonas and her is gone. They are back to being comfortable companions. Maybe there is a new girlfriend in the picture. If so, she better treat him right. Emma just wants the best for Jonas. He is a huge part of the reason she is now content with her life.

  Jonas checks out the apartments’ pool and clubhouse, then signs a lease. He celebrates by treating Emma to hot dogs and ice cream in the park. She can tell there is something he’s not telling her, but she allows him to keep his secret, secure in the knowledge that he will confide in her when he is ready.

  Emma and Patches return to the lake house alone. She paints the walls with bright colors that make her happy. The new furniture is being delivered in the morning. Mike spies her putting a new coat of stain on the patio and brings her a cold glass of tea. Emma is glad to see his friendly face. He offers to repair the railing on the patio. He claims to be handy at home repair. Emma states, “I don’t want to inconvenience you, but if you have the time that would be great. I’ll pay you.”

  Mike laughs and replies, “I won’t accept money, but some decorating advice would be nice. You help me pick out decor and I’ll repair anything that’s broken.”

  Emma agrees, “It’s a deal. I’m about to grill a steak. I could make it two, if you want to stay for supper.” Mike is pleased and starts up the grill while Emma gets the steaks and some vegetables. They share a very pleasant evening discussing books, the one’s he has written and the one’s she has edited. Their conversation flows much easier than Emma expected. Spending time with someone her own age is a nice change of pace.

  Mike is hard at work repairing the railing when Emma’s furniture arrives. The blue couch and white chairs bring an airy feel to the house. The reclaimed wood dining table is perfect for a casual dinner at the lake. Emma’s retreat is coming together just like her life.

  Mike offers to cook tonight if she will look at his house and give him some ideas. Emma makes him rearrange his furniture and put his writing desk facing a window. The results are astonishing. The rooms appear bigger and brighter. Mike is pleased with her changes and with their friendship. His home still needs a woman’s touch. He misses the comfort that a woman can bring to a house. Maybe Emma is the one meant for the task.

  With Mike’s phone number programed into her cell, Emma heads home. She intends to spend some of her off time during the week to shop for pillows, rugs and other decor for both herself and Mike. She plans on spending a lot of time at the lake and wants it to feel like a happy healthy place to be.

  Emma sees very little of Damien and Jonas during the week. She misses them and wonders if they are avoiding her. Quick waves from Damien as he runs by her house and short phone conversations with Jonas are all she gets. According to Jonas, the club is almost ready to open and he and Damien are extremely busy. Emma is once again sure he is leaving out an important detail. She promises herself that she will discover what it is Jonas is hiding. If either man is angry at Emma, she needs to know. She is unwilling to let them disappear from her life.

  Her shopping spree complete, Emma decides to drop in on the new club. Maybe she can corner either Jonas or Damien and pry out some information. If she takes one or both of them to lunch and plies them with wine, she just might get an explanation for their aloof behavior. Emma wanders through the fitness club, avoiding the men who are setting up equipment. She admires the choice of colors on the walls as well as the very modern floors and counters. The dressing rooms are gorgeous and the snack bar is perfect. It’s no wonder that Damien’s fitness clubs are so popular. They appeal to a wide range of clients. To Emma’s disappointment, neither Damien nor Jonas is present.

  Emma takes a short walk down the street to her favorite lunch spot. What she spies through the window answers all of her burning questions. Damien and Jonas are having lunch together. Their plates are empty already, but they linger at the table. As Emma watches, she sees Jonas clasp Damien’s hand under the table. Damien shakes his head and pulls their hands into plain sight on the tabletop. He puts his other hand behind Jonas’ head and pulls him forward for a very public kiss. Emma can see the blush on Jonas’s cheeks from where she stands. She guesses that finding himself to be bisexual is something quite new to Jonas. Emma smiles. She knows that Jonas is going to be fine. Damien is a wonderful lover. She takes a deep breath, enters the cafe, and surprises the men saying, “Hello boys, nice to finally see why you’ve been ignoring me. Tell me all about it.”

  Chapter 10

  Six months sounds like a long time, but it passes quickly when your life is happy. So much happens in a short time. Damien is set to open his third fitness club in the state. Athletes are pouring in to use the rehab facilities that Jonas oversees. Mike is finished with his novel and is allowing Emma to edit it. She is finding that the leading lady is a lot like herself. Emma plans to have a heart to heart talk with Mike about that. Emma is now the senior editor for the publishing company.

  Today Emma is bouncing as she walks along the street. She is so excited she can barely hold back a shout. It is going to be hard to hold back her spectacular news until after tomorrow. But for Jonas and Damien, she is going to do it. Tomorrow is their day and she refuses to take the spotlight off of them.

  Emma’s phone rings and it is Jonas, “Emma have you picked up your suit yet? Does it fit? It has to be perfect. I can’t believe this is actually happening. A year ago, I never would have imagined getting married and certainly not to a man.”

  Emma breaks in to Jonas’ tirade with, “Calm down. I’m on my way to the apartment. The suit is beautiful and fits perfectly. The wedding will be perfect. Damien will make sure of that. And as far as not imagining yourself getting married a year ago, it’s because Damien hadn’t appeared to sweep you off your feet. This year has brought many changes for all of us. Some strange, but lots of good ones.”

  Emma stops to buy coffee for her and Jonas. It seems he needs the caffeine. She climbs into the car, looks into the mirror, and smiles at her reflection. Her skin is clear and glowing with health. She looks ten years younger and happy. Life is getting better all the time.

  The morning of the wedding arrives. Emma is dressed in a lovely burgundy pant suit. It is soft and flows over her curves gently. It is her job today to play the part of best man or lady if you want to be technical. Since it is her crisis over turning forty that brought Damien and Jonas together, it is fitting that she stands at their side as they get married. She reaches up to straighten Jonas’s tie and he whispers, “Are you sorry for having sex with me that day at the lake house?”

  Emma is happy to wipe the worry from his face by truthfully replying, “I’m not even a little bit sorry. It was wonderful and it set into motion many other wonderful things. If it hadn’t happened our lives might be very different right now. But, it happened and four people are happier because
of it. Let it go and enjoy your future.”

  It is time to take her place at Damien and Jonas’ side. Emma winks at Mike, who is sitting up front as part of the families. Mike is Emma’s husband now. Their whirlwind romance and marriage serves as a fine example for Damien and Jonas. Love is definitely in the air. As the men recite their vows, Emma is beaming.

  Emma cries as she watches the couple share the first dance of their marriage. Her emotions are on a roller coaster ride. She is proud and happy for her boys, in love with Mike, and shockingly horny. It is definitely the hormone surges that the doctor warned her about.

  Emma dances the night away with Mike, Damien and Jonas. She looks up at the sky and says a silent, hope you are watching this, to Jonas’s dad. A star overhead twinkles extra brightly. It appears Emma’s words are heard. She blows a kiss and searches out her new husband.

  The reception winds down and people line up to watch the newlyweds leave for their honeymoon. Emma hugs Jonas and kisses his cheek. She pulls Damien in for his hug and whispers her secret into his ear. A single tear rolls from Damien’s eye and he hugs Emma tighter. He whispers back, “I’ll tell Jonas as soon as we get in the car. He will be ecstatic. I’m so happy for all of us. We found our forever loves. See you soon.”

  Emma and Mike supervise the cleanup crew. Emma is exhausted and ready to go home. Mike is worried as he peers into her tired eyes. He brings the car around so she doesn’t have to walk far. His worry escalates when Emma falls asleep in the car. The drive to the lake house is a long one and Emma sleeps the entire way. Mike reluctantly wakes her when they arrive. She apologizes profusely for falling asleep, especially since there is something important she needs to tell Mike. Mike insists she make herself comfortable on the couch while he fixes them some tea. He is terrified of what she may have to tell him. Mike remembers losing his first wife and prays he isn’t going to lose Emma too.

  Mike brings in the tea. Emma is curled up on the couch, wrapped in the blanket. She sees fear in his face and quickly kisses him and says, “I didn’t mean to cause you any anxiety. I’m just so happy that I didn’t even consider you might think my important news was bad. Let’s see if I can put a smile on your face. I’m pregnant!”


  Bonus 8 of 20

  Heaven Sent, Hell Bred


  Ambriel, the May Angel, the Queen of Cups, had a simple job to do. But when two demons are sent to challenge her, her divinely assigned task becomes far more complicated.

  As the cocky, confident and blatantly sexual demon Crowley begins to take a special interest in Ambriel, temptation lurks around every corner. Sensual promises whispered from demonic lips threatens to pull her away from everything she has ever known. More than just an angel, she discovers she is also a woman, with newly discovered needs burning inside her.

  Outnumbered by Crowley and his Earth demon accomplice, will Ambriel even want to resist temptation?

  Chapter 1

  As the human moaned and writhed, Ambriel reflected on how little angels were truly prepared to enter the mortal realm before they did so.

  It was a topic that the Seraphim had grappled with at length, she knew. Entering into a world filled with temptations known to exert a hold on the soul should require some degree of training to restrain one against them, but even broaching such topics in order to learn about them would not be possible in Paradise. Knowledge of sin could not be allowed in a realm specifically designed to exclude it, after all.

  Thus, the angels tasked with Descending for whatever reason did so with the uncomfortable, unspoken agreement that they would see things down there that they were not permitted to bring back, that work on the material plane was to be left at the gates of Paradise upon re-entry. Whether such a thing was possible was, itself, a debate. Ambriel had seen more than one of the messenger angels awkwardly dancing around the topic of what they had seen and done Below when in conversation Above, and the Fates and Norns were almost entirely tight-lipped for the same reason. But the uneasy state of affairs it engendered had held for, well, the entirety of time, even if it was an imperfect solution.

  Which left Ambriel with a mission she could no longer complete, and a head filled with thoughts she was not equipped to deal with.

  From the perspective of one who dwelt in Paradise and had never left, she supposed it was a simple enough mission: a marriage on the brink, a wife and husband drawing further apart by the day due to words unsaid and intentions misinterpreted… send the angel of clear communication to resolve the situation and heal what could be healed. It made a good deal of sense. But a purely hypothetical solution rarely worked well when run up against the cold light of a flawed reality. Such was the imperfection of humanity.

  The trouble was, of course, that the whole reason why Paradise sent its league of angels to intervene in mortal affairs was that the other side, the Lower realm, had chosen to do so first. Demonic phantasms had not the slightest hesitation in Ascending to influence the course of human life, and when given the choice between allowing the leaders of Gehenna untrammeled access to the collective human soul or engaging in a form of spiritual arms race with them. For those who ran Paradise, it was no choice at all.

  If only humans weren’t so predisposed to the temptations of the Lower.

  Ambriel had arrived too late, that much was plain to see. The demons had gotten there ahead of her, sending two intervening phantasms to the one that Paradise had sent, leaving her both outnumbered and outmaneuvered. How much additional time they had gotten, Ambriel did not know, but it was easy to see just what they had done with that time. The wife of the couple they had been sent to influence lay sprawled out on her bed between the demons, clothes stripped from her body and trailed haphazardly on the floor from the door to the bed itself. The demons were naked too, but their clothes were nowhere to be seen, no doubt magically removed of their bodies before the perverse display going on in front of Ambriel had begun. They lay on either side of the woman, touching her freely, kissing her up and down her body, their attentions focused entirely on the writhing nude form between them.

  Ambriel pressed herself to the wall, hiding herself from the three of them. Her eyes could easily pierce the simple plaster and drywall. Nothing human made could hide from the gaze of an angel, and so she could watch openly, a blush rising in her cheeks at what was playing out before her. Never before had she seen so much naked flesh through physical eyes, and never in such lustful repose. An angel’s first time seeing sex was a crucial moment, so said those who had returned from the mortal plane before, this particular sin so tempting purely because of how alien it was. Angels knew of eating in Paradise, and thus could envision greed. They could rest, and thus imagine sloth. The rage of those Above was well known, making wrath a known quantity.

  But the Upper realm did not allow sex, and so it was that lust became a mystery.

  When Ambriel watched, she did so first with a sense of mounting disappointment at her obvious failure, her mission doomed from the moment she set down to accomplish it. But a single glance would have been enough to establish that, there was no doubt that a woman lying with demons would no longer be amenable to the salvation Ambriel might offer at that particular moment, and yet—she continued to watch

  She could not look away. The wife’s breathless moans, the contrast of her pale skin with the darker, crimson shade of the demon atop her, kept dragging Ambriel’s gaze back to them. There was a scent in the air, small and insignificant but so easy to pick up with an angel’s senses, that she knew immediately was the scent of arousal, the heady draft of mortal bodies in ecstasy. The demons themselves were achingly beautiful in a way only the Lower realm could make them, uncanny beings with forms sculpted to perfection from muscle and sinew and the raw mysterious material of that fallen world they hailed from. One worked inside the mortal woman, a large man with red skin stretched taut over a broad back that obscured the smaller human woman beneath him. The other was more slight, thin limbs mad
e of corded muscle the color of pale ash, gray flecked with black. He lay on his side beside the wife, his lips close to her ear and moving constantly, murmuring demonic promises to her, words of pleasure and addiction. The words of a Lower spirit were potent indeed. As angels were creatures of visage and whose power was in their appearance, demons were creatures of language, of promises and lies.

  Their power came in slithering whispers, that bent the minds of men and women.

  As she watched, the gray demon’s head turned toward her, his expression idle and relaxed, and as his eyes settled upon her through the wall that separated them, Ambriel became sharply aware of a tingling that had begun at the crux of her legs, the join between them and her hips. The sensation intensified at the demon’s gaze, the clarity with which the creature apprehended her startling enough that Ambriel actually took a step back, her thighs clenching automatically, defensively. A smile crossed the creature in the other room’s ashen mouth, and he sat up a little.

  “There’s no need to hide,” he said, in a voice like quicksilver and velvet. “We both know it’s not working. We’ve been aware of each other from the moment we began sharing this plane, so you might as well just step out and address us head on, Mayflower.”

  Ambriel felt the tension ratchet up in her body at being called that name, that one specific name, and the demon smiled even wider, showing teeth that were pointed now. She was the Gemini Angel, guardian of the month of May, but to be identified as such by that thing in the other room, to have one of her true names spoken by a creature of the Lower planes, rankled in such a specific, undignified way that Ambriel nearly left entirely. But her angelic pride would allow no such thing, and with no point left in concealment, she strode out from behind the wall and into the open doorway, where she stood to her full height.


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