Forbidden Bond: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Silver Moon Wolf Pack Book 1)

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Forbidden Bond: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Silver Moon Wolf Pack Book 1) Page 3

by Rae Foxx

  “Yeah, I don’t want to know how much of a shit-fit Michelle is going to throw. She’s been trying to ride you for years,” Trevor chuckled like it was funny, I felt like I was going to explode.

  So much for the joy of bringing my mate home. All of my eagerness evaporated as my muscles tensed and throbbed, my wolf snapping in my ear.

  Cami is my mate.

  Don’t worry, dude, we are on the same side here.

  “They’ll get over it. She’ll get over it.” I answered, even though I didn’t even believe myself.

  “Will they? A human Alpha female? You think that’s going to go over well?” Grant stared me down, eyebrows raised in question. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of an answer. He knew what it was, anyway. “Even if we put aside that you are the Alpha. A wolf shifter mating with a human is fucking taboo. You know it as well as I do. The females won’t take orders from a human leader. And they might even reject your role as Alpha because of this...person. Your father wouldn’t have put up with a human in the ranks.”

  I ignored that last jab. My father had been nothing but an asshole to my mother all my life. I wouldn’t be that to Cami. I would treat my mate the way she deserved to be treated.

  I leaned closer, teeth bared as I snarled, and my eyes sparked yellow. You would think that would have been enough, but Grant plowed on, his wolf shining green through his razor-sharp gaze.

  “She’s not one of us, Luke. She won’t understand our ways. She will buck the system.” Thankfully, Grant knew better than to continue. I was already fighting a need to bite him back down to his place.

  I did not expect this mating instinct to be so strong. I was going to have to get this under control or I was going to be biting down everyone who even looked at Cami.

  “She’s my fated mate. They have no choice. They will fall in line or suffer the consequences.”

  I sounded like a stubborn prince. Not my style at all.

  “Spoken like a true Alpha,” Trevor said, abandoning his garden of doodled penises that he had planted all over the desktop. “And if they can’t accept it…”

  “As Betas, we will stand by you,” Grant cut him off, sitting forward on the bed, the green light of his wolf fading. “I want you to be on guard in case it comes to that. Most of the younger males will be fine--”

  “It’s the females you should be worried about,” Trevor chuckled, my pulse slowing even if my muscles didn’t calm. I think I was going to be ready to fight until I got Cami home and mated. “Damn. All those disappointed females vying for your attention and trying to get in your pants. I can practically hear them crying already.”

  “I highly doubt that. They didn’t want me. They wanted the status in the pack and all the perks that come with it. “

  Grant laughed. “Gotta be some perks to have to put up with you. The poor human doesn’t have any idea what she is getting herself into.”

  My wolf growled loudly, the sound rumbling through my own throat as I laid back on my bed and sent a plume of dust into the air.

  God, this place was a shithole. I had to get my mate out of this town and home but so far, I had made the opposite of progress in that regard. First, she found her friend sucking me off. Then, she pepper-sprayed me. I was waiting for the bar to open before I tried again, maybe I would have better luck not approaching her in an alley.

  “Screw this, I’ll pace outside the bar if I need to.” I was sure that wouldn’t help the whole not coming off as a creepier thing, but I didn’t fucking care. I needed to get out of there.

  Grant chuckled. “Wipe that shit off your face first. You smell like a goddamned jalapeno farm or some shit. It’s fucking up my nose.”

  After giving him the finger, I did as he recommended and took one look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were still redder than normal, but otherwise, I looked fine. Ready to bring her home.

  Get her. Find our mate. Make her ours.

  My wolf had the right idea.

  I made the short drive to the bar and parked between two beat-up cars, one of which I recognized at once. A torn-up Corolla. My mate’s car.

  One step passed the sticky door of the bar and my wolf was snarling. The beast was right under my skin, gunning for the moment that we saw her again. I scanned the room but instead was assaulted with the smell of cowhide, sweat, and lust. The latter coming from that bar girl, Vanessa, who was already straddling tonight's target.

  The sounds of the buzzing jukebox in the corner filled my head with twanging country music as I turned, scanning the room for her. The singer drooled on about losing his dog and his wife and the keys to his four by four truck all in one afternoon, and my heart sunk. She wasn’t here.

  “Take a seat, sugar.” Vanessa winked at me as she passed, carrying empty bottles and shaking her ass.

  I ignored her and headed to the bar, but there were no stools empty. I spotted a small circular table along the wall before my wolf perked up at a new scent reaching my nose. Cami was already here. I mean, of course, she was. She worked here.

  But she was right there, at a table on the other side of the bar, taking an order. I dropped into the empty chair, the beast inside me preening in her presence. Her smile lit up the atmosphere like a pale pink hue that blanketed the place in light.

  One of the old trucker men at the bar said something to her and she threw her head back in laughter. Even though our bond was still new and weak, the strained sound seemed fake and shallow. She was laughing at him because she had to--it was her job. Still, neither of us, my wolf or I, liked it one bit.

  As she moved on to the next customer, she bent forward a little to serve his drink revealing the curve of her breasts from the top of her V-neck shirt. The growl that ripped from my chest couldn’t be helped, but it got the attention of the bearded man at the next table.

  His eyes widened, a smile peeking out of his unkempt beard as he gave me a nod. I snarled louder and startled him, the big guy squirming in place and diverted his attention to the scratched surface of the table.

  Even humans knew better than to stare me down.

  I tapped my finger on the table, chuckling to myself. I hoped my human mate wasn’t so skittish, but I already knew she wasn’t. She was fierce and tough and brave and had already faced me down once.

  Anyone who dared to fight back against me and go so far as to mace me wasn’t scared of anything.

  That’s what I needed in a female--what all Alphas needed in a female. Someone who didn’t cower.

  Take her. She is ours. Oh, to be a true animal and take what was mine. I had a feeling that would not go over well with this one.

  My eyes found her again and I sat up straighter, letting out a sound that was both a growl of ownership and a whimper of excitement. Her focus pulled to mine as though she had heard, but she didn’t melt and she sure as hell didn’t run into my arms even though I was ready to sweep her up. Her perfect lips pooched out in a circle as the tips of her ears reddened.


  Well, at least she wasn’t trying to pepper spray my eyeballs to death.

  Not yet anyway.

  My muscles tightened, and I crooked a smile as she approached me, stomping over as those tight jeans hugged her curves in all the right places. God, I never wanted to see those jeans off her. I also wanted to take them off again and again.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” She sassed, leaning over the table to snap at me. She realized too late that she was giving me a good shot of that red lace bra she was wearing. My cock jumped. “I thought I’d made things pretty fucking clear last night.”

  Damn, she had a mouth on her, it was only making my cock jump more.

  “I’m here for a drink,” I leaned into her, curling my lips in a smile. “I’ll have whatever you have on tap.”

  She popped out one hip and set her fist on it. Her hair was tangled up in a bun and while she spoke it bounced around, helping to make her case. “You’re not welcome here, stalker. I guess you didn
’t get the point last night. I’m not your...whatever you called me. You can go back to wherever you came from. You told Vanessa you were passing through so you can keep on passing through, you asshole.”

  Speaking of Vanessa, the woman passed by and slid a drink onto the table in front of me. From the scent, it was whiskey and not the cheap kind. I wasn’t the only one refusing not to take the hint.

  I didn’t even look at her, my eyes were only for Cami. Her anger sparked as I toasted the glass to her and downed it.

  “I’ll leave tomorrow morning if you have dinner with me tonight,” She jumped, mouth open to cut me off in another adorable tirade, but I held up my hand. “Just dinner. A well-lit, public place where I can’t kidnap you and you can’t fuck up my eyes again.”

  Cami narrowed her eyes at me, lip twitching. I couldn’t tell if she was snarling or laughing, until a new scent filled my nose, the undeniable velvety scent of lust was coming from my mate. Lust mixed with terror and unknowing. Fuck, I hated that I made her feel those things.

  I continued since it was clear she was undecided. “Look, I know this is all new to you, but I’m telling the truth, Cami.”

  She interrupted me, putting her palm out. “I don’t even know your name.”

  I chuckled. “Of course. I’m so sorry. All of this is ass-backward for sure. My name is Luke. It’s very nice to meet you, Cami.” I stuck out my hand, my wolf practically panting inside me, wanting-no, needing her to touch me again, to feel those buzzing lines between us cement deeper.

  We were so hungry for that skin to skin contact. All wolves thrived on it, but for our mates, it was an absolute necessity.

  “No thank you. I don’t know what it is with you, but I’m not touching you and your crazy bond… wolf… thingy…”

  God, she was driving me crazy with how feisty she was, it was starting to stir something else in me. Something that wanted to pin her down and tame her.

  Cami stepped back and wiped her hands against her jeans as though she could still feel the buzzing connection from last night.

  “I know I scared you with that last night,” I gave her a harsh bark. “If you come to dinner tonight, I can explain it better.”

  “Just...get out of here. Leave me alone.” Damn it, she was already walking away, I couldn’t lose her again.

  The chair clattered behind me as I jumped up, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. The fireworks erupted at the slight touch of her skin against mine.

  “What the fuck?” She didn’t even try to pull away that time.

  “Don’t you feel it?” My grip tightened around my arm, pulling her right up against me. She was so small compared to me. Small. Frail. I needed to protect her. “The connection. The attraction? The desire for someone you don’t know and yet it’s there, almost vibrating under the surface like something unbidden that’s been there all along. I know you feel it, Cami, human or not.”

  “No… There’s no… Human?” She scoffed at me, but her big brown eyes softened a little. “You need to leave.”

  “Come on, mate, you have to eat, right? One meal. That’s all I’m asking. You choose the place. I’m at your bidding.”

  Jesus Christ if any of my Betas or other pack members heard me now, they’d whip my ass.

  Hell, I was about to whip my own ass for talking like that.

  She blew out a breath and then bit down on her bottom lip. Damn it, I wanted to do that for her.

  “My shift ends at two. You wait around until then, and then we can talk.”

  I shrugged and pushed away the second drink that Vanessa had brought me. “I’ll wait until your shift is over. You mind getting me a drink?”

  Her cheeks blushed, and I knew I’d caught her, at least a little. She had thought I would leave. “Vanessa already brought you a drink.”

  I looked at the shot glass and shook my head. “That’s not my drink. I’d prefer something you brought me.”

  She sighed and nodded. “Vodka rocks it is. Although, it's not my fault if it gets a little spit in it.”

  Cute. She thought that was a threat.

  I don’t think anything from her could be.



  “Are you sure you don’t want to call the cops to escort you home?” Vanessa sauntered her way into the back room, another crate of empty bottles in her arms. “Even I am starting to second guess that guy. Hot, but crazy.”

  I shook my head, I knew he was crazy, and I knew she was right. Luke was hot, but they always were. He hadn’t moved from that back table all night, single-handedly attempting to drive me batshit crazy with the questions he would pepper me with every time I passed and every song he played on the jukebox. Guy must have put a fortune in the ancient thing.

  I wasn’t going to give in to him, no matter how much his roguish smile buzzed through my veins.

  I should have known he was trouble with all his talk about wolves and nonsense. He was doing something to me. Which was exactly why I hadn’t called the cops. Even though I should.

  I kept supplying him with vodka, and the man could drink. I’d personally served him over a dozen shots, but he didn’t waver. No slur in speech or even a skip in his step. He was completely steady despite the levels of alcohol I knew were in his system.

  And he hadn’t left.

  He watched me and sent sparks through me.

  I’d never been one of those girls who jumps into bed with guys or even throw myself at men in general, but this man. Well, he made me want to strip down and straddle him right there at the bar.

  “All the inventory is on the shelves.” I took the empty bottle crate from her, wondering if I had dragged all of this on long enough or if I should sort the bottles, too.

  Vanessa nodded and rolled her eyes, “Well, I am glad you are getting extra work in. Thanks to you avoiding your stalker we are all organized. Well, at least we’re caught up.”

  I nodded and grabbed a towel. “What can I do out there?”

  “Nothing,” Vanessa shook her head, she knew what she was doing. “I’ve got it covered. Get out of here. You did good tonight. We got some good tips.”

  She reached into her apron and handed over my stack of bills before heading back into the bar.

  “Say hi to your stalker for me. Tell him he missed out on a good time.”

  I sighed at the jab, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling.

  Guess it was inevitable. Time for dinner with a muscular god-like biker, with biceps for days and lickable tattoos. Who knows, maybe I would get to explore those tattoos…

  “I thought I got to choose the place?” I said as I stepped into the alley to face the rugged biker-slash-stalker who was now leaning against my car with a picnic basket.

  “I figured everywhere would be closed so I took the initiative to get you something before you got off. Got to keep my woman fed, you know, before I murder her.” He gave me that same smile, the grin pulling the rough growth on his chin in that perfect way.

  “Funny.” I wasn’t sure it was. I walked over to him and resisted the urge to smack him right in the arm. Feel that muscle underneath my palm.

  Gods above, he was striking. His shirt strained against full biceps and even in the dim light from the light above the back door, I could see the outline of his abs through the fabric. My thighs felt like they might burn through my jeans at the sight of him.

  “Where does one find a picnic basket and food to go in it at this time of night?” I asked trying to sneak a peek into the basket, but he playfully swiped my hand away.

  “I have my ways. I can be persuasive when I choose to be.”

  “Yeah, I’m noticing. Your persuasive ways have got you in a few interesting predicaments, I take it?” It was meant to be playful, but the second I said it I thought of the first time I saw him, and my smile fell. “Come on, let’s go before I change my mind.”

  I climbed into my car, Luke taking the passenger side of my tiny compact. Once he and all his muscles were wedged into
place, I took off in the direction of a hill with a fantastic view that I passed on my way into town weeks ago.

  “Where are you taking me, Cami?” Luke asked as I turned my car onto a dark road, leaving nothing but stars as shadows of trees around us.

  Besides the beams from my single working headlight, there was nothing here. I looked out the windshield and mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. This place had a great view in the daylight. But it was night and I’d brought this stranger to a remote location where even if I screamed no one would hear me.

  And I thought I was smart.

  “Are you taking me somewhere to have your way with me? I would say I’m not that kind of guy, but…”

  I scoffed, my memory from before slapping me upside the head again. “Seems like you are. Vanessa sure thinks so.”

  “Ouch. Deserved. Just so we are clear, Vanessa didn’t get further than--”

  “Stop, right there!” I said, hitting the brakes in warning and sending him rocking forward. “I don’t need to know the details of what you did with my boss in the backroom. And don’t get any ideas. I’m taking you to a place to eat, that’s all. I’m not a storage room kind of girl.”

  “I know. You’re my mate.” That time I did slam on the breaks, sending him right into the cracked dash of my car.

  “Ouch! What the hell?”

  “That’s the hell… the mate thing… I’m gonna need answers.” My stomach jumped as I said the word aloud for the first time. Why did it feel so right and wrong at the same time?

  I jumped out of the car and walked toward a spot right under a huge tree whose branches sprawled out all around like an umbrella.

  “This place is great,” Luke said as he came up behind me, picnic basket in hand.

  “Great for hiding a body,” I grumbled, still laughing at myself for coming here. Then again, if there was a chance this guy was right and we were somehow meant for each other, then I guessed it was pretty fucking romantic if you were into that kind of thing.


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