Foxglove Farm

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Foxglove Farm Page 7

by Christie Barlow

  ‘In fact, he more than hated them,’ she blurted. ‘He hated them that much, he insisted I rang David to come and collect them, and get my money back.’

  ‘That doesn’t sound like Drew,’ said Felicity, raising her eyebrows.

  Isla shrugged, feeling her stomach churn, ‘Well, that’s what happened.’

  ‘And has David come back to pick them up?’

  Isla shook her head, ‘The call couldn’t be connected. Drew reckons they are riddled with disease or stolen and is blaming me for wasting his hard-earned cash. If I’m truly honest …’ she took a breath. ‘I think my marriage is in trouble.’

  The words were out in the open and Isla felt a mixture of relief at being finally able to express her fears and sadness, when she couldn’t talk to Drew about how she was feeling. ‘Don’t be daft, it’s just a stupid row. Some people don’t like birthdays, it reminds them their youth is slipping further and further away,’ reassured Felicity.

  ‘Flick, you aren’t listening to me,’ Isla kept her voice low. ‘My marriage is in trouble, we’ve been drifting apart for some time. Maybe we were just going through the motions having another baby etc. We aren’t even speaking at the moment and somehow I have to get through tonight looking happy and jolly.’

  Isla knew she had shocked Felicity, but she was worried. Was this really the end for her and Drew? Flick reached over and squeezed Isla’s hand and Isla insisted they change the subject.

  Martha returned to the table with Aggie and Rona, and Isla checked on Angus. Despite the noisy chatter in the pub he’d drifted off to sleep.

  ‘Over here … over here, everyone … gather round,’ Meredith’s voice echoed over the microphone in the far corner of the room where a makeshift stage had been erected. Everyone shushed and began to huddle around in front of her.

  ‘Where is the birthday boy?’ Meredith looked over towards Isla, who pointed at Drew standing at the bar.

  Allie gently shooed him in her mum’s direction.

  Drew looked suitably embarrassed as he joined Meredith. All eyes were on him, his embarrassed smile glued in place.

  Meredith cleared her throat, ‘Thank you all for coming. As we all know, today is Drew’s birthday and his gorgeous wife Isla didn’t want to let it pass without celebrating with this wonderful husband of hers.’

  Isla pinned a forced smile on her face.

  Without pausing to draw breath and before Drew could make a quick escape, Meredith exclaimed, ‘Bring on the cake!’

  Allie dimmed the lights and immediately Rona appeared at the side of them proudly holding a cake with lit candles.

  Meredith burst into song and the whole pub followed her lead singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Drew, who dutifully took his cue and blew out the candles.

  Everyone applauded and Allie shouted for Drew to make a speech.

  Isla watched Drew roll his eyes and could tell he was dying on the spot. She wondered whether this would lead to another row between them tonight.

  ‘I’m feeling very humble standing here,’ Drew took a breath, looking over the sea of faces. ‘Thank you all for coming and thank you, Rona, for this magnificent cake. I’m not sure what all the fuss is about, it’s just another year slipping away from my youth.’

  Felicity caught Isla’s eye. ‘Told you,’ she mouthed discreetly.

  ‘And I mustn’t forget to thank my beautiful wife who organised all of this for me. I love you.’

  The crowd looked towards Isla who quickly managed a smile. She was confused, she was not expecting such a loving, loyal declaration. Maybe he was just physically exhausted on the farm and she’d blown everything up out of proportion in her mind … maybe everything was actually okay and not totally lost.

  ‘And I believe there is a fabulous buffet for you all to devour too,’ Drew continued, finishing his sentence with a triumphant uplift as everyone clapped. Isla tried to catch Drew’s eye as he stepped down from the stage. He looked relieved stepping away from the limelight, but he didn’t look in her direction.

  Drew joined his friends at the bar and with his back to Isla, her emotions were all over the place, she didn’t know what to think. One minute he was telling her he loved her in public, and the next avoiding her at all costs. It didn’t make any sense.

  After everyone had suitably piled their plates with the buffet and settled back down, Meredith took to the microphone again. ‘Please take to your seats,’ she left a little pause until everyone was settled. ‘Without further ado please put your hands together to welcome all the way from Glensheil … Mainly Scottish,’ she said gaily.

  Everyone began to clap as four men confidently walked on to the stage. Dressed in a Pink Floyd T-shirt and Levi’s, the lead singer certainly looked the part, even if he was slightly on the mature side. ‘I believe we have a birthday in the house,’ he bellowed down the microphone.

  Everyone cheered and heads spun towards Drew who was still standing alongside Fergus. He nodded his appreciation and gave a thumbs up.

  ‘We are “Mainly Scottish”, and as you have probably guessed, one of us isn’t from Scotland!’

  The guitarist waved his hand.

  ‘And this one’s for you, Drew.’

  The drummer banged his sticks together and counted them in and the band began to play.

  Isla noticed her gran scrutinising the lead singer. ‘Where do I know him from?’ she mused aloud.

  As he began to sing Martha hurled herself across two seats into the chair next to Rona, leaving Aggie raising her eyebrows at the sudden movement.

  ‘What’s up with you?’ Rona looked up, alarmed.

  ‘It’s him!’ Martha said as she nudged Rona with her elbow.


  ‘Please don’t pretend you don’t know.’ Martha’s eyes were wide, as though she were willing Rona to remember.

  ‘He’s vaguely familiar.’ Rona fixed her eyes back on the lead singer.

  ‘What’s up with you pair? You are like two naughty school children every time you’re in each other’s company,’ said Isla, chastising her gran.

  ‘It’s him … what was his name?’ Martha was now flapping her hand in front of her face, trying to remember. ‘Bill! His name is Bill.’

  Rona shook her head, still none the wiser.

  ‘Bill from Tinder … the one you matched with,’ Martha shouted and all eyes now turned towards the singer on stage.

  ‘This is meant to be, Mum,’ teased Felicity as she looked at her mum who had flushed bright red.

  ‘I’ll go and find out,’ Martha said, standing up.

  ‘You stay where you are,’ ordered Rona, with a look of horror on her face. But it was too late. Martha was in one of her take-no-prisoners kind of moods and ignored Rona as she sprinted to the bar.

  Whilst everyone was watching Martha, Isla looked at Drew who was in deep conversation with Fergus and Rory. He looked aghast, raking his hand frantically through his hair, which she knew wasn’t a good sign. What were they talking about? And why did Drew look so worried? Isla was about to go and see if he was okay, when Martha returned to the table.

  ‘At least you’ve been useful getting another round of drinks in while you’ve been gone,’ Rona rolled her eyes as Martha put the tray down on the table.

  ‘I have all the gen from Meredith.’

  ‘I’m not sure I want to hear,’ Rona said, as she took a big swig of her drink.

  ‘Well, if you don’t want the information …’ Martha replied blithely.

  ‘You pair are acting like a couple of teenagers,’ Felicity said, shaking her head in jest.

  ‘Oh, come on then … put me out of my misery,’ urged Rona.

  Martha pretended to get comfy on her seat. ‘See, I knew you wanted to know …’ she said in a voice holding a note of superiority.

  Rona shot her a playful dirty look, to which Martha raised her eyebrow and quirked her lip.

  Everyone turned to face Martha and waited patiently.

  ‘He’s called Bill
Awbery. He’s been playing in the band for nearly thirty years and lives over the bridge in Glensheil.’

  ‘So not too far away,’ said Felicity, giving her mum a look of encouragement.

  ‘And here is the bit of information you’ve all been waiting for … he’s single!’

  ‘No shit, Sherlock!’ laughed Aggie, joining in the conversation. ‘We know he’s single, he’s on Tinder!’

  ‘That means nothing these days,’ confirmed Polly.

  They all turned back towards the band except Isla, who was still watching Drew, her uneasy feeling about the conversation he was having growing minute by minute. At any other time, she wouldn’t think twice about standing up and joining the boys but after today’s row with Drew, she didn’t think she would be welcome. She couldn’t bear a scene in public, so she stayed rooted to her seat.

  Everyone else in the Haggis and Grouse seemed to be enjoying the evening, which only made Isla feel even more miserable. Hamish was tapping his feet, Julia and Jessica were jigging on the spot at the far end of the bar and singing along, and the mood was jovial. Finn and Esme were now jumping up and down in front of the stage, pretending to play air guitar. Bill spotted them and gave them a high five.

  ‘Look at those two,’ said Felicity, smiling over at the pair of youngsters.

  ‘Best friends,’ observed Aggie. ‘At least they’ll sleep tonight.’

  While the conversation was going on around her Isla had drifted off into her own little world. She slouched back in her chair and her thoughts turned to the alpacas. Obviously, Drew wasn’t happy, but the fleeces would bring them vast amounts of money which they could then invest back into the farm. She just didn’t understand Drew’s problem. Surely, he could see the financial potential of the herd?

  Isla jolted out of her thoughts as Angus began to cry. It was always at this time of night he began to get grouchy. She snagged another look over in Drew’s direction. He hadn’t even spoken to her all night. What was the point of her being here? She may as well take Angus home and get him settled in his cot.

  Isla cradled him and whispered to Martha, ‘I’m going to make a move.’

  ‘You can’t go just yet, the band hasn’t even finished playing and it’s your husband’s birthday.’

  ‘And what’s the point of me being here when he’s completely ignoring me?’

  ‘Just stay until the interval and then I’ll walk back with you,’ persuaded Martha, and Isla reluctantly agreed.

  After playing for another thirty minutes the band took a break.

  ‘That’s your cue to go and talk to him, Mum,’ prompted Felicity, giving her mum an encouraging nod. Rona looked suitably horrified.

  ‘Anyway, this is a good time to leave you ladies to get on with your night,’ said Isla, once again looking over towards Drew. ‘I need to get this one to bed,’ she said as she placed Angus back in his pram. He’d become fractious now and was beginning to scream blue murder. His cheeks were turning red and his eyes were watery. Isla tucked the blue woven blanket tightly around him.

  ‘Bottle and bed for this one,’ smiled Isla. ‘And by that look on his face he’s filling his nappy too.’

  Martha stood up and grabbed her coat from the back of the chair.

  ‘You stay, Gran … keep the others company. I’ll leave the door off the latch, but don’t go waking us up when you stumble in.’

  ‘What it’s like to be reprimanded by your granddaughter,’ Martha laughed. ‘But don’t be daft, I’ll come back with you.’

  ‘No, I insist. I’ll grab Finn and head back. You enjoy the rest of the night.’

  Martha kissed Isla on the cheek. ‘I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.’

  Isla rolled her eyes, ‘I doubt that.’

  Felicity grabbed her attention, ‘Come over for breakfast in the morning and we can chat.’

  ‘If I dare,’ she whispered discreetly in Felicity’s ear as she gave her a hug.

  ‘It’s on me and I’m sorry you’ve not enjoyed your evening.’

  ‘It’s not your fault, and I’d better show willing and say bye to my bad-tempered husband, otherwise the village will be talking about us.’

  Felicity gave her a sympathetic look; she knew better than most how in such a close-knit community nothing escaped anyone’s notice.

  ‘Will you rock Angus while I say my goodbyes and grab Finn?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Felicity, taking control of the pram.

  As Isla approached the bar Meredith and Fraser were talking in low whispers to Rory and Fergus, with Allie loitering behind them listening. Drew was nowhere to be seen. ‘Has Drew gone to the toilet? He’s useless after a couple of pints.’ Isla was only joking but as they all looked at her nervously, she sensed something wasn’t quite right.

  ‘Are you going to tell her?’ said Rory, staring straight at Fergus.

  The whole group looked towards Isla.

  ‘What am I missing?’ asked Isla, uncertain what was going on. ‘And where’s Drew?’

  Silence hung in the air.

  ‘Well, will someone tell me what’s going on?’ Isla’s glare intensified as her heart pounded. She was really starting to worry now.

  ‘Rory,’ Meredith looked towards him to do the decent thing.

  ‘Drew’s gone.’

  ‘What do you mean, gone?’

  ‘It’s probably absolutely nothing to worry about,’ said Rory, avoiding her eye.

  Isla’s heart was racing, and her mouth had gone dry.

  ‘Where has he gone?’

  ‘My guess is home.’

  ‘I don’t understand, this is his birthday bash. Why would he have left, and without telling me?’

  Rory placed his hand in the small of her back, ‘Isla, the police came to the surgery today.’

  ‘And what’s that got to do with Drew?’ Isla’s voice had risen an octave and she noticed Felicity had joined the group, along with Polly and Martha.

  Feeling uneasy, Isla’s tone was firm, ‘Rory, just tell me what’s going on, please.’

  She saw him swallow.

  ‘You know that James Kerr passed away a couple of weeks ago? Even though he was a cantankerous old bugger, my father was still good friends with him and looked after his stock.’

  ‘James Kerr? … You’ve lost me.’

  ‘James Kerr … Clover Farm … lived in Clover Cottage on the land.’

  ‘The old man whose boys are in jail? What’s this got to do with Drew?’ Isla felt a combination of confusion and sickness.

  ‘Nothing exactly, but the police came to the practice to warn us that there are rustlers operating in the area and that a herd of alpacas had been stolen from James Kerr’s farm.’

  Isla gave a nervous laugh and looked straight at Rory, who was shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. ‘You’re joking, right?’

  ‘I’m afraid not, Isla,’ Rory replied, his face pale and serious.

  ‘What exactly are you trying to tell me here?’

  Rory exhaled, ‘I think those alpacas are grazing in your field.’

  As Rory’s words swam around inside Isla’s head, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. ‘You’re telling me that I’ve bought an expensive herd of alpacas from a bloke called David, and they weren’t even his to sell? And now I’m more than likely in possession of stolen goods.’

  ‘Unfortunately, that about sums it up,’ answered Rory, regretfully.

  ‘I think I need another drink … make it a large one, please,’ she turned to Meredith. ‘I feel sick … do you know how much I paid for those animals?’

  Rory nodded, ‘Drew just told us. I’m so sorry, Isla,’ he said, pulling out a bar stool for her to sit on.

  ‘Do you still have this David’s number?’ asked Rory.

  Isla pulled out her phone from her bag and pressed redial. Once again an automated posh woman’s voice sounded out, informing her she was unable to connect the call.

  ‘He’s long gone, no doubt counting his thousands.’ Isla brou
ght a hand up to her mouth. Drew was right about this being a bad idea, she should have talked it over with him first. ‘I could honestly throw up. How could I have been so gullible?’

  Everyone fell silent for a minute.

  ‘Okay, so what do I need to do?’ Isla felt confused. ‘I can’t give the herd back to a dead man and I have no clue who the man was I handed over the cash to.’

  ‘Isla has a point. If there’s no-one living at the farm, what would have happened to the animals?’ asked Felicity.

  ‘Probably shipped off to a sanctuary.’

  ‘And James Kerr’s sons are still currently being retained at Her Majesty’s pleasure, so they aren’t going to be able to re-home them,’ chipped in Allie.

  ‘Did you chat it over with Drew before parting with the cash?’ asked Meredith tentatively.

  Isla shook her head, ‘It was meant to be a birthday surprise.’

  Martha affectionately rubbed her arm, knowing the arguments that had erupted in the last twenty-four hours.

  ‘But alpacas don’t turn up for sale every day of the week,’ said Fraser. ‘Surely you’d checked out this David’s story before you bought them?’

  Meredith was quick to shoot Fraser a stern look and he immediately shut up.

  ‘I never gave it a thought! He seemed so genuine when he said his father had passed away and he was visiting from Wales. And I thought it would be profitable in the long run for the farm.’

  ‘There’s no denying James Kerr ran a very profitable business. He was the only alpaca farmer in this region. As much as his boys are crooks and him a drinker, he was still a very astute businessman. He took an idea, ran with it and never looked back. All his profits came from selling their fleeces. It’s three times stronger than sheep’s wool and there’s a niche demand for their fleeces in the fashion industry. Those animals out there have won prizes and earnt him a vast amount of money,’ confirmed Fergus. ‘Breeding them is profitable too, their young can bring in around four thousand pounds each,’ he continued.

  ‘That’s all well and good, but technically I’m still in possession of stolen goods,’ said Isla, fighting back the tears. ‘No wonder Drew is mad with me, I should have talked it over with him first. No doubt whoever that David was, he’s currently sipping champagne, counting his cash.’


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