Devil in Disguise

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Devil in Disguise Page 13

by Morgan James

  Aside from her recent trouble at the healthplex, she hadn’t mentioned anything unsettling. The attack nearly a month ago had resulted in several stitches, but the man who had attacked her was now dead, so that trail was cold. Something else must’ve happened, and I wanted to know what it was. We’d relayed everything we knew to the detective who’d left just a few minutes prior. He seemed to be of the opinion that it was random, possibly gang-related, but promised to look into it.

  My focus returned to Kate, bantering with the nurse who held out a sheet of instructions to care for the wound.

  The nurse tipped her head at Kate. “I’m sure you know all this, but no showers for twenty-four hours, and make sure to check for infection when you change the bandages.”

  “I appreciate it.” Kate offered a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  I thanked the nurse and made sure the curtain was pulled shut before I turned back to her. Her gaze was focused on the industrial-style linoleum floor, and I watched her for a long moment before speaking. As a doctor, she was probably used to hospitals, used to procedures of this sort. But I had to imagine that this was the first time she’d been on the receiving end of something this serious, and she looked utterly calm. Too calm.

  I stepped forward, right into her field of vision, and squatted in front of her, then waited for her to meet my gaze. “You okay?” I asked softly.

  The corner of her mouth curled up, and her hands lifted in a shrugging motion. “I’m used to it. This is what I do.”

  I captured one hand and drew it between mine. “I know,” I acknowledged. “But you’re normally the one in control; you take care of everyone else, but who takes care of you, Kate?”

  “I do,” she whispered. “Only me.”

  For a moment, her eyes filled with pain so acute that I could feel it as it sliced through my heart. In those bright blue depths, I saw fear and worry and something else I couldn’t quite name. I knew she wasn’t used to having someone to count on, but I wanted to be that person for her. I wanted to be the man she turned to when she needed something. Whether she needed help or just wanted to talk, I wanted to prove to her that she could always count on me to be there.

  Tears glazed the pretty orbs, and I stood, gently tugging her to her feet. I wrapped one arm around her waist and tucked her head against my chest as she leaned stiffly against me.

  “Let it out,” I whispered against her hair. “I’m right here. I won’t let you go.”

  Her body shook, but her tears fell silently as she buried her head into me, clinging to my T-shirt for dear life. I’d always detested a woman’s tears. I’d hated it when Whitney would come home from school sometimes, crying over the breakup of a boyfriend or the loss of a best friend. Though I comforted Whit as best I could and dropped a threat or two in the ear of whichever young, stupid jock had broken her heart, I’d always try to distance myself from her grief. With Kate, though, I wanted to pull her into me, absorb her sorrow like it was my own and take all the pain away.

  As I knew she would, she pulled away much too soon and dabbed at her eyes with her fingers as she moved away, putting distance between us both physically and emotionally. Despite every instinct inside me screaming not to, I allowed her to retreat. For now. There was a lot going on in her head and her heart at the moment, and she needed time to come to terms with all of it.

  She looked down at the blue-and-white hospital gown in dismay, and I fought the smile that came to my lips. “I think you make the gown look good.”

  Her head tipped slightly to one side as she slid a glare my way. This time, I couldn’t help the soft smile that curled my lips. After seeing her so vulnerable, it was a welcome relief to see the feistiness come back full force. “If you don’t want to wear that hideous thing out of here, I think I can help you.”

  I scooped up the ruined shirt I’d been wearing earlier and held it up. “Missing a sleeve, but it’ll do well enough. Should we make it match?”

  A tiny smile touched her lips as she nodded, and I deftly tore the seam of the remaining sleeve.

  “Turn around,” I said softly as I twirled a finger in the air. She followed my instructions, and I pulled the ties on the gown until it loosened up the back.

  She threw a glance over her shoulder. “Promise you won’t look?”

  It was a ridiculous request, considering I’d explored every inch of her body at length during our night together a little over a month ago. Still, I couldn’t help teasing her a bit. “Are you crazy? I’ve been dying to see you again.”

  Her cheeks flushed bright pink, and I decided to let her off the hook as I scooped up her bra from the pile of clothes discarded on the chair in the corner.

  “I want you to know how completely unfair this is,” I complained without heat. “I have to help you get dressed, but I can’t look or touch? That’s not very nice, Doctor.”

  Kate smiled a little at my teasing tone and met my eyes. She looked so damn gorgeous, I couldn’t help myself. I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger, then leaned in and gently kissed her lips. I met her eyes as I held her bra up between us, suspended from the tiny straps. She extended her arms and allowed me to slip it up and into place, then fasten it in the back. I helped her into my now sleeveless dress shirt, first her bad arm, then the good one. I buttoned it all the way up to her neck, then tied the tails at her waist.

  She arched her neck and tugged at the stiff collar. “Did you have to button it all the way up?”

  I lifted a brow at her. “Hell, yes. No one is going to see an inch of your body except me.”

  I grinned when she glared at me again, then gave a playful tug to the front of her shirt. “Come on, red, let’s get you dressed and get out of here.”

  Holding up the pants she’d worn earlier, I helped her step into them, despite the fact that, just like mine, they were dirty and showed signs of holes. I scooped up her purse, flicked a look around the room to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything, then held out a hand for her to take. Reluctantly, she grabbed on, and we made our way to the elevator. I jabbed the down arrow, then guided her inside as the doors slid open.

  I leaned against the railing as the car began its descent, and I watched Kate in the mirrored reflection across from me. Her eyes were closed, and her head tipped drowsily to one side. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, I slipped one arm around her waist and tucked her head against my chest. I loved seeing her in these rare unguarded moments, where her prickly demeanor slipped away, leaving only the open, desirable woman beneath.

  “Tired?” My lips brushed her hair as I spoke, and her cheek rubbed gently against my chest when she nodded.

  “I just wanna fall into bed and sleep for the next twelve hours.”

  The elevator dinged our arrival at the parking garage, and I curled my fingers into her waist. “Soon,” I promised.

  I gently propelled her forward, steering her toward my car. Though I’d been rather salty at the time, I was grateful I’d driven myself instead of riding in the ambulance. At least now we didn’t have to call a cab or an Uber. Kate’s SUV was still at the coffee shop, but I could arrange for that to be picked up tomorrow.

  I used the key fob to unlock the door, then held it open and supported her as she lowered herself into the seat. Once she was settled, I closed the door and rounded the car, then slid behind the wheel. I knew where Kate lived from my previous visit, and a comfortable silence fell as we turned in that direction.

  As I drove, I snuck peeks at her from the corner of my eye. Gradually, her lids lowered and her head rolled slightly to one side as she drifted off to sleep. Twenty minutes later, I pulled into her driveway, then turned to look at her. Faint scars were still evident on her forehead, and now she had new scratches and bruises to match. A fierce protectiveness welled up inside me, urging me to reach across the console, pull her into my arms and never let go. She wouldn’t appreciate the gesture, at least not yet. Despite the fact that she continued to deny it, I knew
there was a connection between us, something special that I wanted to explore.

  I reached out and gently brushed the backs of my fingers over her cheek. Her long lashes fluttered, and those pretty blue eyes slowly blinked open and met mine.

  “We’re here.”

  Her gaze left mine and darted toward the house, and she nodded slowly. By the time I climbed out and made it to her side, she had already unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door. I dug through her purse and fished out the keys to unlock the front door. I closed it up once she had entered, but I didn’t bother to lock it. We wouldn’t be here long enough to worry about it.

  The soft scraping of nails against wood drew my attention as Peanut came tearing into the foyer. A bright smile lifted Kate’s lips, and she scooped him up using her good arm, then cuddled him close. His little pink tongue darted out in frantic kisses, and Kate jerked her head away with a little laugh. “I know, I know. You need to go out.”

  Seizing the opportunity, I plucked him from her grasp. “I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you head to your room?”

  After a moment, she relented. “Thanks.”

  When Kate turned down the hallway, I made my way to the backyard and let Peanut run around for a few minutes. After he relieved himself, I brought him back inside and began to gather his things. I carried his food and bowls out to the car, then left his leash by the door and headed toward her bedroom.

  Kate exited the bathroom just as I rounded the bed, and I decided to bite the bullet. “Where do you keep your suitcase?”

  Her brows pulled together, her expression turning first curious, then wary. “Why?”

  Spinning on a heel, I turned toward her closet and threw the doors open. “Because you’re coming home with me,” I said as I scanned the shelves. I pulled down the first duffel bag I came across and tossed it on the bed.

  Kate let out a disbelieving little laugh. “This is my home. I’m staying here.”

  “Not right now, you’re not,” I retorted as I strode to the dresser and yanked out several pairs of socks and underwear, then tossed them into the bag.

  She immediately reached in to retrieve them. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “In case you suddenly developed a case of amnesia to go along with your stubbornness, you were shot at today,” I snapped. “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m letting you stay here alone.”

  “Getting shot isn’t something I’m likely to forget anytime soon,” she said caustically as she rolled her eyes, “but I have neighbors right next door in case anything happens.”

  I jumped on her excuse. “So you’ll put someone else’s life in danger just to avoid coming with me?” Guilt clouded her features as her teeth sank into her lower lip, but I refused to give her an inch. “You’re coming with me, and that’s final.”

  I snatched the socks and underwear from her hand and tossed them back into the bag. “Now, tell me if there’s anything specific you want, otherwise I’m just going to grab a bunch of random shit.” Her frosty gaze narrowed on me, and she pressed her lips together defiantly.

  She was spirited, I’d give her that. The woman was too damn independent by half and made winning her over all the more challenging. But I’d never given up before, and I wasn’t about to now. I let my eyes slowly trail down her body and back up as I fought a smile. “Or you can be naked. Your choice.”

  That jolted her into action. She stomped to the closet and began to rip hangers from the rail, tossing them haphazardly over her shoulder. Nearly a minute later, she retraced her steps and flounced down on the edge of the bed, refusing to look at me in her fit of pique. She watched from the corner of her eye as I scooped each garment off the floor, removed it from the hanger, then folded it and placed it inside the bag.


  She popped up and stormed to the bathroom. I couldn’t hold back my grin as bottles began to fly in my direction. I hastily fielded the projectiles and dumped them unceremoniously into the bag, thanking God that she only had one good throwing arm.

  “Impressive aim.”

  It was apparently the wrong thing to say, because a dozen more bottles and tubes, half of which I was pretty sure she didn’t even need, came flying in my direction. I snatched each out of the air and tossed it into the bag. I missed the hairbrush as it hit the ground at my feet and ricocheted against the bed. When nothing else came flying through the air, I met Kate’s gaze where she leaned against the doorway.

  “That all?”

  Face set in a mutinous expression, she pushed off the doorjamb and started past me. I caught her around the waist and pulled her close, careful not to bump her injured arm. “Have I told you recently how much that temper of yours turns me on?”

  “Have I told you how much I dislike you right now?” she shot back.

  I couldn’t help the laughter bubbling up. “Is it gonna be like this every time we fight?”

  With an irritated little scowl, she pulled free and propped her right hand on her hip. “This is literally the stupidest thing ever. A hotel would be perfectly safe.”

  “You’ll be safer with me.”

  Her lip curled up in disgust as her gaze swept over me from top to toe, letting me know exactly what she thought of my pronouncement. “I’d prefer a hotel.”

  She would have been safe enough in a hotel, that much was true. But the fact of the matter was, I wanted her in my house where I could see her and know she was safe, and I wasn’t above playing dirty to get her there.

  “Peanut!” I bellowed the dog’s name and was rewarded a few seconds later when I heard the scrabble of little feet tearing down the hall. The dog skidded into the room, and I scooped him up. “Want to come have a sleepover at my place?” The dog licked my chin, and I turned a challenging gaze in Kate’s direction.

  She stared at me, unblinking. “Are you seriously threatening to kidnap my dog just to suit your own agenda?”

  “I am. And what the hell kind of name is Peanut anyway? We need to come up with something new. You’re a boy, right?” I asked the dog as I held him up to confirm. “You need a masculine name, like... Blade. Or maybe Thanos?”

  The dog tipped his head to one side as he inspected me curiously, and Kate’s scathing retort cut through the silence. “He’s not a character in some stupid comic book.”

  Her cheeks were almost as red as her hair, and her eyes snapped with barely restrained fire. I loved that I could read every emotion flitting across her pretty face, and I loved to rile her, push her to the very brink of her patience until that aloof façade exploded. Intent on goading her further, I tried again. I turned back to the dog and scratched him under the chin.

  “How about... Thor?” The dog let out an excited little bark, then lapped at my chin.

  “Thor?” I tried again, with the same reaction. “Guess that settles it.”

  I turned a victorious smile on Kate, who looked like she would happily rip out my entrails and strangle me with them. “You’re not changing my goddamn dog’s name.”

  “Let’s go, Thor. Time for a car ride.”

  The dog tore out of the room the moment his tiny feet touched the ground, then I turned my attention back to Kate. She blinked once, hard and slow.

  If looks could kill...

  Man down.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I petted Peanut absentmindedly as I stared out the window, houses and buildings a blur as they passed.

  Gavin reached over and squeezed my knee. “Still not talking to me?”

  I shifted my legs to shake him off but didn’t bother to respond. Hell yes, I was still mad. I was pissed that he had so expertly manipulated me into doing exactly what he wanted, and I wasn’t nearly ready to forgive and forget just yet. Though the idea of spending the night alone in an empty house wasn’t exactly appealing, I had several other options. I could’ve stayed in a hotel or, barring that, I had friends in the area or could’ve gone to my parents’ house.

��We both know this is completely unnecessary,” I snapped.

  “I disagree.” Gavin settled his elbow on the console between us, cautious to avoid jostling my arm. “We both know it’s a big deal; you just don’t like being told what to do.”

  “No kidding,” I drawled and rolled my eyes.

  I could see him flash an answering grin in the reflection of the dark windshield. “Tough shit,” he replied.

  I sulked in my seat and stared off into the darkness until Gavin turned into a driveway nearly twenty minutes later. I started to throw the door open but remembered Peanut on my lap at the last moment. I didn’t want him to take off and get lost in some strange neighborhood. Gavin seemed to understand, because he grabbed my bag from the back, then scooped Peanut up and secured him under one arm.

  Using his hip to prop open the door, he held out a hand. I stared at it for a long second, intent on refusing, before common sense kicked in. The low seats were a bitch to maneuver in, and I was grateful for the help. As soon as I was steady on my feet, he released me and closed the door, then headed to the house. I trailed behind, dragging my feet at the prospect of being stuck prisoner here. I followed him into the kitchen, where a familiar face came into view.


  The older man’s gaze bounced between Gavin and me, then landed on my bandaged triceps. “What happened?”

  “Just an accident,” Gavin responded.

  “I was shot.” I said it as clinically as possible, like it was no big deal, even though the memory still had the power to send shivers down my spine.

  Gavin glared at me, and I shrugged my good shoulder as Phil’s eyes widened with disbelief. “You what?!”

  “There was a drive-by at a coffee shop downtown,” Gavin said before I had the chance to speak up. “Kate was grazed by a bullet, and she had to have stitches.”

  “You said you were running late,” Phil accused with a withering glare. “You never said Dr. Winfield was injured.”


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