Pieces of You

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Pieces of You Page 4

by Haven Rose

  “Okay,” he says and, as we’re now sitting up and facing each other, he shrugs as if whatever decision he just made was an easy one. “We’ll stay here while we look for a new place.”

  “A new place?” I parrot, needing to make sure I heard him correctly.

  “The hotel won’t work for numerous reasons, Boomer’s well-being one of them, so we’ll find a house big enough for our growing family and we can take in as many animals as possible.”

  “You really are perfect for me. I mean, I already knew it, my running that morning notwithstanding, but…” I trail off when his thumb brushes a tear from the corner of my eye.


  As she watches me, I raise my fingers, rubbing my thumb and index together, absorbing her tear, as I will from now on, protecting her from anything or anyone that tries to cause her pain, even myself when need be. I don’t ever want her to regret giving me her heart, but I also know I’m not perfect and will make mistakes. “You will never cry over me again, Rooney,” I inform her, needing her to know I will be her barrier against the world.

  “But these were happy ones,” she protests.

  “They twist me up inside. It hurts to know you shed them over me these past two months. I can’t change that no matter how much I wish I could, but from now on, none will touch your cheeks as long as I can help it.”

  “Caden, I’m a woman, a pregnant one at that, which means I’m going to cry. It could be a commercial that sets me off, or something you say that touches my heart. Not all tears are bad,” she says, trying to get through to me. I know I’m probably being irrational, a state I’m not familiar with, but when it involves Rooney, I’m a completely different man.

  Deciding this is an argument we’ll have to agree to disagree about, I change the subject, “So, tell me about your plans for the shelter.” And once more her eyes start to water, and I know instinctively these are the bad kind. “What’s wrong?”

  Rooney doesn’t answer but instead gets out of bed and walks her gorgeous naked ass out of the room. She returns almost immediately, what looks like an envelope in hand, and sits beside me again. I hate the expression on her face, a mix of resignation and determination, as she gives it to me. It’s a letter from the Newburyport Town Hall, the city Rooney lives in. Opening it, dread already hitting me, they’re stating they’ve had numerous complaints regarding the noise, dogs running loose with no supervision, and the smell.

  “This is utter fuckin’ bullshit,” I growl, anger deepening my voice.

  “How do you know I’m not guilty of all of it?” She asks, and I’m not sure if she’s testing me or actually curious why I know she’s innocent.

  “First, I know how much this shelter, these animals – past, present, and future – mean to you, which tells me you would do nothing to risk their sanctuary. Second, you’re rehabbing, in essence, these same animals so you can find homes worthy of them and I doubt that includes letting them constantly bark. Third, you have a fence around the entire place, showing the claim they run around is a lie. Fourth, I’m here, have been for hours, and your house is clean with the usual things a pet owner would have.” The smile that lights her face at my words, my confidence in her, is beautifully sad. “Sweetheart, you seem shocked that I support you.”

  She shrugs as she replies, “It’s usually only my moms that do, and parents are supposed to love you without conditions.” Oh, how I wish that was true. She’d told me of her moms, Mary and Dani, and being adopted when she was a few days old. I’d asked her that night if she’d ever searched for her biological parents, curious as to where and who she came from, and she had. She’d found her mom first and been told to never contact her again, that she’d gotten pregnant to try and keep her man, but he’d left right after being told. Which means the woman blamed Rooney, an innocent baby, for the whole thing. It also gave new light to how she must’ve felt learning we’d created a life and how to tell me, especially with the misunderstanding.

  “Not always. Sometimes there are so many strings attached you feel like a ball of yarn they’re tossing around to amuse themselves.”

  “Your dad and mom are that bad?” She asks, sadness on her face.

  “It’s mostly my mother, and he just pretty much goes along with whatever she wants, makes his life easier that way.” Peyton and I both learned at a young age he’d much rather do that than stick up for either of us. “Anyway,” I say, not wanting to think about either of them right now, “have you contacted a lawyer?”

  “I called Town Hall and asked for dates, figuring maybe I could prove some false based upon whether I had any animals, but they claimed they couldn’t find those details. I visited my closest neighbors, figuring I should at least apologize for the barking, not knowing how they act when I have to run errands, but they all seemed shocked, having no clue what I was talking about.”

  “Maybe they were lying, not wanting you to know it was them?”

  “Nope. One couple adopted from me, another is an elderly woman that can barely hear when you’re standing in front of her, and the third is a single guy that’s hardly home.”

  The jealous beast that she’d soothed earlier opens his eyes, at complete attention again due to that last neighbor she’d mentioned. I assume every man wants her, but none of them can fuckin’ have her. She’s mine. That’s my baby in her belly. My cum did that.

  “Let’s start looking right now for a new place, then,” I say. It’ll save the bogus complaint issue and get her the fuck away from the asshole that probably wants her. When I hear her giggle, I realize I mumbled the last part, swear word and all, about the guy.

  “You’re adorable when you’re jealous,” she tells me with a kiss to my cheek. I’m not even gonna deny it. If she thinks it’s cute, all the better because I know for damn sure it’s something I’ll never stop being with her.

  “I’ll call my lawyer and see if he can help, if not, I’m sure he’ll know someone who can.”

  “We’ll see,” she replies, and I know to leave it at that now. She’s used to being independent, so I’ll let her try it her way, but I have no problem stepping in when, if, she needs me to.

  We spend the rest of the day together, going over everything we can to make sure we’re prepared for what’s to come, as well as discussing the pregnancy, what we want in our new house, and so on. It’s one of the most relaxing I’ve ever had, one of the best too, because I spent all of it with my fiancée, talking about our future.

  Chapter Four


  June 15th…

  Caden and I have spent almost every minute together. He was gone a few hours this morning to get some work done, opting to take an Uber into the city since Peyton had left his car at the hotel. I was happy when he brought a bag back with him. Other than that, we’ve been here the whole time. Boomer has really taken to him and I’m not sure which of them needs it more to be honest.

  We’ve been looking for a new house, big enough for a growing family with the space for Finding Fur-ever. Caden said if we can’t find one that fits our needs, we can always build or expand. The latter would mean the addition for the shelter would be to my specifications, a plan I really like. In the meantime, he seems content staying here and doesn’t mind the thirty-minute commute to Boston. He said he can easily cut back on how often he’s there, his management team being more than capable of handling things without him. I have a feeling Caden spent so much time at work because he was lonely and didn’t have anyone to go home to.

  He's taking me out tonight, our first date which sounds so weird considering. I’m nervous, for some reason, which caused him to laugh when I admitted that yesterday.

  “Are you not carrying my baby? Wearing my ring on your finger?” Conceding his points, I’d nodded to which he added, “Then how could you possibly be nervous? That’s for people who are just meeting. We’ve already done that and fallen in love on top of it. I’d marry your ass today if I thought your moms wouldn’t kill me.”

hich brings to mind our plans for tomorrow…my moms are coming over for an early dinner and to meet Caden. I didn’t give him any specifics on their personalities, wanting him to make his own conclusions about them. Sneaky? Probably, but oh well, it’s happening. Of course, him being nervous is completely different and it’s been kinda funny watching him fret over it. Don’t get me wrong, he flat out told me whether they like him or not this life we’re building is happening, but it would be easier if they accepted it. And that was when I knew for sure they’d adore him. The fact that he’ll let nothing, not even the women that raised me, stand in the way of being with me will have them calling him son within seconds.

  I hear Caden laughing, pulling me from my thoughts as I walk outside to watch him and Boomer. They’ve been outside playing for a while and by that, I mean, Caden throws a ball, Boomer stares at it until it lands on the ground, then he looks at Caden, who eventually fetches it himself and they start all over.

  He’s going to be such a great dad. Based upon what he’s said about his parents, and I am dreading meeting them, he and his sister don’t have any memories of things like this with them. I, on the other hand, can picture numerous times with my moms. Dani, the softer of the two, so to speak, and I would do our nails together, whether on our own or having a “spa day,” and other girlie things like that, whereas, Mary wanted to make sure I knew how to protect myself, sharing with me everything her dad, a former military man, had shown her. Thankfully, I never had to use any of the moves, my classmates’ form of hurting me verbal instead of physical, but all three of us felt better knowing I knew how to.

  Boomer, upon seeing me, gives an excited bark, and I can’t help but praise him, seeing as I’ve never heard him do so in the weeks I’ve had him.

  “You’re such a good boy, Boomer,” he comes running to me and I give him one of the ever-present treats from my pocket. It’s a training technique I’ve learned works wonders. The majority aren’t used to praise or being rewarded for good behavior whether through kind words, affection, or numnums. While I get attached to every resident, Boomer holds a special place in my heart and I have a feeling neither I nor Caden will be able to let him go.

  Boomer lets me pet him a few times after eating the treat then rushes right back to Caden, but this time, he picks up the ball and returns it. Who, seeing how I’d reacted to Boomer, does the same, minus the goodie. As I head toward them, I say, “We’ll have to get you some to start keeping in your pockets.”

  The three of us walk around the property for a while and enjoy the weather. I also use it as a chance to continue working with Boomer on commands and staying close while off leash.

  It’s now five and I’m trying to figure out what to wear for our date. Caden is in the guest room showering and getting dressed while I’m in ours. And yes, it is ours, according to him. Liking the idea, I didn’t disagree when he termed it as such either.

  Caden said we weren’t going fancy, thank goodness because that is not me unless it’s necessary, so I’ve chosen a dress that’s comfortable without being too casual. The time I spend fretting over it and making sure my hair and makeup, not that I wear much, are just right pays off when I hear Caden whistle as I join him.

  “Yeah,” he says while circling me, “I can’t take you out like that.” I’m confused as his immediate reaction was appreciative. “I’m gonna need bail money,” he mumbles once he sees the back, or lack thereof. I giggle, realizing what he’s saying.

  “All I see is you, honey,” I say, meaning it.

  “But they’ll still see you,” he instantly replies, making me outright laugh. I love that he’s jealous over who might see me, and we haven’t even left yet.

  I’ve been letting Boomer roam the house longer without supervision when I need to run errands, so we do the same tonight. Caden is worried though.

  “He’ll be fine.” Then I smile as it hits me. “You’ve already got that part of being a dad down.” Instead of replying, he just slaps my ass as I pass by.

  “Mommy’s gonna get it later for teasing me,” he says, placing his hand on my belly.

  “You can’t talk about our sex life to our son,” I admonish him.

  “He can’t hear us, sweetheart. Plus, how do you know it’s a boy?” He asks.

  “It’s not some mom voodoo or anything, Caden. I just said son. Tomorrow I could say it’s a daughter,” I shrug, having no clue either way. I’ve never understood how women get a ‘knowing’ regarding the gender. Maybe when I’m further along?

  After telling Boomer we’ll be home soon and giving him some love, Caden walks me out to the car, his hand on the small of my back. The dress plunges so low there it doesn’t take much for him to slip under the material, so he can touch my skin, which he does. A shiver races down my spine and I hear him chuckle at his impact on me.

  Two can play this game. When he opens my door and helps me in, my hand ever so gently grazes his thigh and holy fuck, I can see it twitch at my touch. Realizing what that means, my eyes shoot up and catch his smirk.

  “Wasn’t expecting that, were you?” He asks, smugly.

  “You’re going commando under there,” I say a little breathlessly, not needing confirmation as my gaze goes right back to his leg and I can see the outline of his dick against his upper thigh. Now I’m suddenly the one wanting to keep him home, away from the public.

  He shrugs, but he’s a little too pleased with himself, letting me know this was intentional. As he walks around to the driver’s side after shutting my door, I reach under my dress and slide my panties down, tucking them into my purse as he sits and looks over at me. It’s possible I wasn’t careful in how high the hem raised while doing so.

  “What did you do?” Caden asks and I try my best to look innocent. It doesn’t work, as evidenced by him still staring at me and the raised brow I’m now getting.

  “I figured we should match,” I say simply, then smooth the skirt of my dress down again so it covers everything. I can feel his gaze lingering on my legs though and I know he’s still picturing them as they were a second ago, completely bare.

  He starts the car and begins pulling out of the driveway. Caden learned pretty quickly, just as I did when I moved in here, that it’s easier to get out when you’re facing the street. We’ve only gone a few minutes down the road when the implication of what I said hits him and he about slams on the brakes. I’m going with the theory his brain had been muddled since seeing me almost naked from the waist down. Thankfully, no one was behind us as the road is fairly deserted most of the time.

  “Show me.” I don’t even pretend to act as if I don’t know what he’s talking about and slowly begin inching the hem back up. His eyes are growing larger, as is the already impressive - even when not aroused - dick as his dress pants seem to get tighter. It’s still light out since it’s not even five-thirty and it’s June, which means Caden can easily see what I’m doing.

  “Woman, I’m trying to be a gentleman here,” he growls.

  “Why start now?” I ask on a giggle. My humor quickly fades as his palm makes contact with my bare pussy, the slight smacking sound seeming to vibrate throughout my body.

  “Not laughing now, huh?” He asks with a chuckle.

  Through teeth clenched to contain the moan that wants to rip from my throat, I inform him, “I’d say we’re tied, buster.” And then he puts the car back in drive and takes off, his hand resting on my left thigh, the heat of it pushing me closer to the edge.

  We arrive at our destination, a cute restaurant I’ve always wanted to try but didn’t have the time. Okay, I did, but I didn’t want to by myself.

  “Come here often?” I can’t resist asking, and yes, it’s my not so subtle way of finding out about his dating life prior to me.

  “All the time,” he replies, and I mentally kick myself in the ass for being curious. My “humpf” must not have been silent though because I swear I hear him smirk. “Peyton and I try to eat here at least once a week. Little sibling time.”<
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  “You’re a pain in my ass.”

  “That’s the one thing we haven’t done,” he says with a smile.

  “There’s always tonight,” I tease before stepping out of the car and get a little wet at his growl.

  As he joins me on my side, closing the door before taking my hand, he reminds me I’m to wait for him to open it. When I look at him, not knowing men still did that in this day and age, he states, “My rainbow deserves no less.” He always says the right things, and while with others they’d sound like practiced, oft repeated lines, I know Caden genuinely means them. And that he’s as new to saying them as I am to hearing them.

  An older couple, their hands clasped between them, are standing near the door and overheard our little exchange. They’re watching us, the smile lines at their eyes proof of the wonderful life they’ve shared, and the woman declares, “He’s a keeper that one. My Ernie here was just like him at that age. It’s irresistible,” she adds with a wink.

  We all laugh, and her husband proudly says, love for her pouring out of him, “You made me want to be a better man, my love,” causing his wife to blush. There’s nothing like seeing a couple, at the least in their late eighties, so smitten with each other that they almost glow with it.

  I can’t help but ask, “How long have you two been together, if you don’t mind my nosiness?”

  Irma, as she introduces herself, gets this look in her eyes, and I just know she’s thinking back to when they first met. “It’s been almost sixty years to the day.”

  “Happy anniversary!” I say. “That’s amazing.”

  “We lived a town apart without knowing it,” Ernie adds, continuing the story, “until two days before I shipped out.” I quickly do the math and realize he’s referring to the Korean War. He must’ve been just eighteen, or close to it, at the time. I don’t say anything, but I swear he sees the compassion in my eyes, the relief this stranger made it home safely, and gives me a nod. “The wind was blowing her hair, carrying her scent in my direction like a beacon. I turned and saw the loveliest creation ever to grace this Earth. I knew, even though I was leaving and may never return, I had to meet her, that if I didn’t, I’d regret it for eternity.”


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