Living with Her Fake Fiancé (The Loft Book 3)

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Living with Her Fake Fiancé (The Loft Book 3) Page 8

by Noelle Adams

  “Did you sleep in Brent’s room?” Michelle asked in a stage whisper, closing her laptop, which was a bad sign since it meant she intended to have a long conversation.

  Chloe poured herself a cup of coffee, added cream, and took a sip to give herself time to formulate a reply. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  “It’s not? Then what on earth were you doing in there all night?”

  “Sleeping. I... We... fell asleep.”

  “Why were you in his bed to begin with?”

  “We were... we were...” Chloe was a terrible liar. It wasn’t that she was a bad actress—she was decent when she had a scripted part to play. What she was terrible at was coming up with believable responses to questions. Her first instinct was always to blurt out the truth, and she heard herself doing it now. “We were talking. And... and... doing some stuff. But we didn’t...”

  “Have sex?”

  “Not really.” Chloe gulped and looked toward the hall. “Not all the way.”

  “Oh my God, Chloe!” Michelle’s eyes and mouth formed perfect Os.

  “It’s not a big deal. We’re just... we’re just having some fun. Nothing serious.”

  “Nothing serious? With Brent?”

  “Yes, with Brent.” Chloe was frowning now, not liking how Michelle asked the question. “What’s wrong with Brent? He’s a great guy. And surprisingly sexy.”

  “I’m not saying he’s not, but are you sure it’s a good idea to...” Michelle seemed to be having trouble articulating what she wanted to say. “Brent isn’t in the same place as you in terms of... relationships and...”

  “I know all about Brent’s situation. We’ve gotten to know each other really well. We’re having fun and trying some stuff out. What’s wrong with that?”

  “And it’s not serious?”

  “No. We’ve been totally honest about the whole thing.”

  “And you’re sure he’s not serious?”

  “No. Why would he be? We’re just... helping each other out.” She was bothered by the continued concern on her friend’s face. “What’s wrong? You think I’m doing something wrong? What’s wrong with just hanging out and enjoying ourselves?”

  “Nothing’s wrong with it. I promise I’m not judging you or anything. I’m just... surprised. I didn’t think he was your type.”

  “He’s not. But I like him. A lot more than I thought I would. We’re totally open and straightforward about the whole thing.”

  “He’s been straightforward too?”

  Chloe didn’t understand. “About what?”

  “About... everything? About how he... feels?”

  “About sex, you mean? Yes. Of course. I know he’s...” She cut herself off because she wasn’t sure whether Michelle knew he was a virgin or not, and she didn’t want to spill out a secret if Brent had only confided in her. “We’ve got different levels of experience, but it doesn’t matter. Why would it?”

  “Okay. Just be careful.”

  “Careful about what?”

  “About... Brent. Just because you’re not taking it seriously doesn’t mean he’s not taking it seriously.”

  Chloe put down her cup of coffee so she wouldn’t spill it. “I just told you—”

  “I know what you just told me. And it’s probably all fine. Just maybe be extra careful. Ask him again. Just to make sure you’re both on the same page. You’re friends now, right?”

  “Of course we are.”

  “So you won’t want anything to mess that up. Misunderstandings or anything.”

  Chloe understood now what Michelle was worried about, and it was making her stomach churn in a very strange way.

  Not really in an upset way. But in a nervous, excited way.

  Michelle seemed to believe Brent didn’t see what was happening between them as only fun and casual. She thought Brent might be taking it seriously.

  As unexpected as the idea was, Chloe wasn’t exactly turned off by that.

  In fact, she liked the idea.

  Brent wasn’t the kind of man she was normally attracted to, but so far she liked everything about him. He made her feel good in a way no other guy really had. Not just physically. He made her feel good about herself.

  It was too soon to know anything for sure, but thinking about something serious with him definitely didn’t scare her off the way she would have thought it would.

  Who would have guessed it was a sweet, shy, bearded virgin who would have gotten her heart going like this?

  Realizing Michelle was waiting for a response, Chloe said, “Okay. You’re right. I’ll talk to him again to make sure we’re on the same page.”

  Michelle relaxed and smiled. “Okay. Good. I’m glad you’re having fun. You two have been pretty sneaky about it.”

  “Don’t tell anyone else. If you feel like you have to tell Steve, make sure he doesn’t say anything to Brent about it. He’s a private person, and he’s not going to want his business to be a topic of conversation.”

  “I know. I won’t say a word.” A glint ignited in Michelle’s eyes. “So what kind of stuff have you been doing with him?”

  Chloe giggled and raised her coffee cup to her mouth with both hands. “Just some stuff. Definitely not as much stuff as you and Steve do.” At Michelle’s blush and laugh, Chloe added, “We haven’t even taken our clothes off yet. I don’t know for sure if it will get there, but we both seem to be enjoying it right now. I will talk to him again though. I don’t want any misunderstandings.”

  “Good. I think that’s smart. And once you talk to him, you can have as much fun as you want.”

  ALL DAY, WHILE SHE was trying to focus on work, Chloe kept thinking about Brent, wondering whether Michelle was right, wondering what he’d say when she talked to him.

  Wondering what they might do in bed tonight.

  She was all in a tizzy about it. No sense in denying it to herself.

  She liked him. A lot. She wanted to get closer to him. And she was thrilled with the possibility—however slim—that it might turn into something more than she’d assumed.

  Her plan was to text him this afternoon to see if he wanted to have dinner after his class this evening. Then they could talk and, if things went well, hang out in one of their bedrooms for the rest of the night.

  But Jill texted around lunchtime, saying she and Lucas felt like they hadn’t seen everyone in ages and wondering if they could all meet for dinner tonight. The text was sent to Steve, Michelle, Brent, and Chloe.

  Everyone could make it, as long as they met late enough for Brent to be done with the class he was a TA for. So that was settled.

  Chloe wasn’t going to be able to talk to Brent when she wanted since everyone else would be around.

  It was fine. The conversation could wait. She’d be happy to hang out with Jill and Lucas, who were getting married soon. Jill had been Chloe’s best friend—along with Michelle—for several years now. The evening would still be good.

  Chloe wasn’t going to be the kind of petty person who would get annoyed if everything didn’t go exactly as she planned, just because she finally had a guy she was excited about.

  Shortly after Jill’s text and their responses, Brent sent a text just to her, offering to pick her up and drive her to dinner if she’d still be on campus.

  She said yes. She had some work to do for a class she was taking—she’d gotten behind for the past couple of weeks since she’d been to visit Mima almost every day, and the rest of her free time was occupied in thoughts about Brent—so she could do her coursework at the library until Brent’s class was over.

  She was getting excited again.

  He was a really nice guy.

  He thought about her. He liked to help her out.

  Maybe he’d want even more.

  When she finished up at work, she walked over to the library and worked on her project for an hour and fifteen minutes until Brent texted and said he was on his way to pick her up.

  She went outside to wait for h
im, feeling a silly kind of ownership when he pulled up in his old Jeep and leaned down to grin at her through the passenger-side window.

  Everyone around would probably think he was her boyfriend.

  And they’d come to some very satisfying orgasms together during the past week. Always over their clothes, but still...

  They were together in a more-than-friendly way.

  Maybe one day he would be her boyfriend. Maybe that was something he would want.

  She got into his car, feeling like she was brimming with smiles.

  “You’re in a good mood,” he said, his eyes resting on her face like he liked what he saw.

  “I guess so.” She could hardly burst out that she was happy because Michelle had made her think that Brent might be interested in something serious, so she came up with something else. “I got a lot done on my class project. That digital art piece I was showing you the other day. I think it’s going to turn out really good.”

  “I still don’t think I fully understand your degree.”

  “Creative technologies. Basically, it means art that involves technology and new media. So animation, 3-D graphics, interactive multimedia, even web design.”

  “Is the job you have now the kind of job you want to end up with?”

  “Not exactly. All I’m doing now is designing ads and putting together marketing videos. It’s fine, and I’m good at it, but it’s not really my dream job.”

  “What’s your dream job?”

  “Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t know. Most of the students in my program want to make animated movies or work in 3-D graphics in Hollywood or something like that. But I’m not sure I want to do that. It’s not really the lifestyle I want, and it’s really hard to break in. I have this picture of myself consulting on technical projects. Doing the art part while other people do all the nitty-gritty coding and such. I can code if I have to, but I don’t really like it. I want to be an artist. But the problem is being an artist is just as hard now as it was in the past. Only a few people get the really good positions, and everyone else has to do it on the side.”


  “Because it’s hard to get paid to create art, even digital art.”

  “I guess it would be. Art is almost never valued as much as it should be,” Brent said, coming to a stop at a light that intersected with Main Street. “I bet, if you’re creative, you can come up with some way to get paid for doing what you want. You know Carol, the redhead who co-owns Tea for Two?”

  Tea for Two was the cute little teashop right downstairs from their loft.

  “Of course I know Carol. Do you have any idea how often we go down to eat there?”

  “A lot, I guess. Anyway, I was going to say that her husband, Patrick, owns an IT company.”

  “I know that. Jill works for that company, remember?”

  “Oh. Shit. Yeah. Of course. Sorry.” He slanted her a sheepish look.

  She laughed. “That’s fine. Jill had already moved out when you moved in, so you don’t know her the way I do. What were you going to say about Patrick?”

  “Just that you should put together some sort of proposal and give it to Patrick to consider. Tech companies that are doing well, like his is, have the freedom to explore new positions. They like to get in on the ground floor of things. Maybe you can shape a position that consults on the artistic side of his projects.”

  Chloe stared at him. “You think I should just... give him a proposal?”

  “Why not? I’ve met him a couple of times. He’s a nice guy. Real smart, but he actually listens when people talk. I bet he’d read it.”

  “So I should just basically say... here I am. Look how good I am. Don’t you want me to work for you?”

  “Yes. Exactly.” Brent’s expression had been serious, but now he gave her a hint of a smile. “That’s how other people do it. Why shouldn’t you?”

  “Because I’ve never really expected people to want me. It’s not like I’m the best at what I do. I’m not at a top school, and I’ve never... really done anything. I guess I don’t feel like I have a lot to offer.” She wasn’t sure why she was spilling this out to him, but she didn’t regret it. She felt safe with him in a way she didn’t with most other people.

  “You do.” He frowned at the traffic in front of the car. “Of course you do. People would be crazy not to snap you up.” He cleared his throat and ducked his head. “For work, I mean.”

  She let out a little giggle at his sheepish expression. The man was really as adorable as it was possible to be.

  “I’ll work on the proposal,” she said. “It might take me a long time. I’ve never put one together before.”

  “Me either. Not like that. But I’ll help you if you want me to. As much as I can.”

  “I’m going to take you up on that offer.”

  He darted her a quick look and seemed to hide a smile. “Good. You should.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Both of them were grinning at the parking lot as he turned the Jeep into it.

  Chloe wondered if it was normal to feel like a teenager. If this was always how it felt when you started getting together with the man who was “the one.”

  She’d never really felt this way before.

  She was tempted to take Brent’s hand as they walked into the restaurant, but she knew that wouldn’t be appropriate.

  He might be her fake fiancé, but he wasn’t her boyfriend. And they might be kissing and doing some other stuff, but they weren’t in a hand-holding relationship.

  She couldn’t push things. Not until they’d talked about it.

  The others were already gathered around a big table in the far corner, so Brent and Chloe went to join them, sitting side by side on the empty end of the curved booth.

  Chloe didn’t end up having much room, so her thigh and hip were pressed up against Brent’s.

  She didn’t mind.

  She was happy to see her friends, particularly Jill and Lucas.

  Chloe, Michelle, and Jill had gotten the loft apartment together a few years ago. Then Chloe had lost her job and had to move back with her parents, and Steve had moved in to live with Michelle. At that point, they’d had an extra room, so Lucas, who’d gone to college with Steve, had moved into the apartment, and it was after that that he and Jill had gotten together.

  Then they’d moved out and Chloe had gotten a job, so she’d been able to move back in. And then finally Brent had moved in.

  Her beloved loft apartment had gone through various iterations of roommates, and it seemed to encourage coupling off.

  Maybe Chloe and Brent would be the next couple.

  She was beginning to really like that idea.

  “So how are the wedding plans going?” Chloe asked.

  “Don’t ask,” Lucas muttered. He was a very handsome, dark-haired man with an easy smile and sexy demeanor. He wasn’t at all the kind of man that Chloe had imagined smart, quirky Jill would end up with, but now that they were together, she could see they were perfectly matched.

  Jill gave him a poke. “It’s going fine. It always gets hectic in the last month, but everything is going to be fine.”

  “It will be better than fine,” Michelle said encouragingly.

  “It will be great,” Lucas said, putting his arm around Jill. “I keep telling her that, but she doesn’t believe me.”

  “You have no idea how many moving parts go into planning a wedding. Next time I get married I’m going to elope.”

  The table grew still since Jill’s expression was perfectly sober. She was small and pretty and blond and supersmart with computers and had a unique sense of style. She rolled her eyes. “I was joking, people. After all this hassle, I’m never going to marry anyone but Lucas.”

  They all laughed, and Lucas gave her a hug.

  Chloe felt a ridiculous surge of jealousy at seeing them together.

  She wanted what they had.

  She wanted a man w
ho loved her like that.

  Maybe it wasn’t impossible.


  She wasn’t going to get her hopes up. It was still far too soon.

  But maybe...

  Her hopes about Brent were up just a little.

  AS THEY WERE LEAVING the restaurant an hour and a half later, Chloe saw a guy from one of her classes waiting for a bus.

  She called out, and he turned around and greeted her, so she went over to chat with him for a minute.

  They talked about class and about the project due next week, and she returned to Brent after only a couple of minutes.

  He was frowning as they walked to the car.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked. He’d seemed to be in a relaxed mood all evening. He’d chatted easily with the others. He hadn’t been tongue-tied even once. So she wasn’t sure what would have prompted the shift in his mood.

  “Nothing.” He paused. “Who was that?”

  “Who? Oh, you mean Chuck. Just a guy from one of my classes.”

  “Have you gone out with him?”

  “What? No. We just say hi when we see each other. Why?”

  “Nothing. I was just wondering. You seemed to like him.”

  She peered at him. He wasn’t meeting her eyes. “I like him okay, but nothing special. I’ve never gone out with him.”

  “Would you go out with him if he asked?”

  “I don’t know. Probably not. Why?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Brent, what’s the matter? Did it bother you that I talked to him?”

  “No. Of course not.” He shot a quick look at her. “Sorry. I was just... being dumb.”

  “Being dumb how?”

  He took a ragged breath. Something like reluctance twisted on his face. But he said the words. “I didn’t want you to go out with him.”

  That bloom of excitement awakened again in her chest. Maybe Michelle was right. Maybe there was more here than she’d imagined. “Why not?”

  “You know,” he mumbled.

  She laughed. She couldn’t help it. But she reached for the front of his shirt and turned him around to face her. “Brent, you’re my fake fiancé, right?”


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