Living with Her Fake Fiancé (The Loft Book 3)

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Living with Her Fake Fiancé (The Loft Book 3) Page 12

by Noelle Adams

  “I’m going to have to disagree with that assessment. I’m very fond of looking at your body.”

  He glanced up to meet her eyes, and when he saw that she meant it, his body pulsed some more—this time with gratification. But he had an idea of what he wanted to do right now, and he wasn’t going to let himself get distracted by the swelling of his ego.

  He mouthed her throat, fluttered his tongue against her pulse, then made his way down to her right breast. He took the nipple in his mouth and sucked.

  She inhaled sharply and held on to his head. “We already had sex, Brent. You don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to,” he murmured against her skin. “I need practice.”

  She made a sound that was half laugh and half cry of pleasure. Then he gave the nipple a gentle tug and let it slip out of his mouth. He kissed her mouth again before moving back down to her other breast. She had a mole just above her nipple. He could see faint veins beneath her delicate skin. Every part of her was beautiful, touchable.

  He couldn’t believe he was allowed to touch her this way.

  He took his time, trying to figure out the spots she liked best, the moves that made her gasp, moan, arch up. Eventually he moved down to her belly. It wasn’t perfectly flat, and the soft outward curve of it was enchanting, irresistible. He kissed her stomach, reaching up to fondle one breast as he did since he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off them.

  She was rocking gently beneath him now, moving her body like a wave. He knew she was getting aroused again. He could feel it, see it, smell it on her.

  She wanted him to do this to her. She wanted him to do even more.

  He was breathing heavily when he finally completed his route down to her groin. She didn’t wax or shave herself bare, so there was a strip of trimmed dark hair between her legs. He was drawn to it like a magnet. She parted her legs when his fingers moved to feel her there.

  “Brent.” The one word was almost a plea. Her eyes were nearly closed now, and her lush lips parted as she gasped when he touched her intimately.

  He wasn’t exactly sure what to do now. He wanted to please her—as much as he could—but he’d never done anything like this before. She’d seemed to enjoy his hand the other night, so he started with that.

  He opened her with his fingers and searched until he found her clit. He knew he’d found it when she arched her neck and hissed, “Yes.”

  After petting her for a minute, he moved his hand so he could slide a finger inside her.

  “You can use two,” she whispered, raising a hand above her head to grab for the headboard.

  The pose stretched out her body, her breasts jiggling as she moved, and he was momentarily distracted with ogling her.

  But then he got back to business, sliding two fingers inside her and rubbing her inner walls with his fingertips. She was wet and pliant, and she rolled her hips as he pumped his fingers.

  “A little farther up,” she said, her free hand fumbling with the bedding.

  He extended his fingers slightly, curling them up.

  “There! Oh shit, right there. Push right there.”

  He’d found a little rough patch inside her, and it was evidently the spot she wanted him to find. He kept curling his fingers, pushing against it and awed by the way she was responding. Her back was arched up, and her thighs were parted widely, her legs bent up and feet planted on the mattress. She was making the hottest little sobbing sounds he’d ever heard in his life as she tried to ride his fingers.

  “Oh Brent, right there. Please, please, right there.” Her features were twisting in an expression that almost looked like pain.

  But he knew he wasn’t hurting her. He was making her feel really good.

  He wanted to make her feel even better, so he lowered his mouth toward his hand. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to coordinate the motions, but he at least wanted to try. He kissed her shuddering belly. Then the top of the strip of her hair. Still pushing against her G-spot, he used his free hand to open her up so he could find her clit again.

  He kissed her there, and she whimpered.

  He darted his tongue out, wondering what she would like best.

  He tried licking it, and that made her moan. Then he tried poking her clit with his tongue, and that made her choke on a stifled cry. Since she seemed to like it better, he tried it again, giving her clit little jabs with his tongue as he pushed with his fingers.

  Her whole body twisted as she sobbed out her pleasure. He could hardly hold his position, she was moving so much. She was so wet now she’d soaked his hand.

  “Harder,” she begged, still clutching the headboard with one hand and grabbing for his head with the other. “Oh fuck. Oh Brent. Please harder.”

  He wasn’t sure if she meant his fingers or his tongue, so he did both harder.

  She came completely apart, crying out loudly and writhing as she came all around his hand and mouth. He started to slow down his pumping because she’d clamped down around his fingers so tightly, but she gasped. “Keep going. Keep going. Think I can... Don’t stop!”

  So he didn’t stop. He kept it up until she was sobbing through another orgasm. This time he didn’t need to be told. He pushed against the contractions of her inner muscles, and she kept riding out the pleasure with her body.

  He wasn’t sure how long it lasted. It seemed like a long time. She was hoarse and drenched with sweat when her body finally went limp and he was able to pull out his fingers. He gave her a few more licks, tasting her arousal, her release.

  He couldn’t believe he’d made her come so hard.

  He’d never known he was capable of such of thing.

  “Oh God, Brent,” she gasped, pulling him higher up her body and then down so she could kiss him. His beard was damp with her fluids, and he was rock hard in his boxers, but he couldn’t care less. “That was... that was...”

  “All I did was do what you told me to.” His voice was dry, trying not to reveal how riotous his emotions were at the moment. Then he paused and said in a different tone, “It was beautiful.”

  “What did I do to deserve that?”

  “You were you.” It wasn’t a line. He really meant it.

  She made a strange little whimper. Then she kissed him again. As she did, she slid her hand into his underwear to wrap around his erection.

  She kissed him slowly, deeply, as she jerked him off with her hand. It took him almost no time to come, shaking in pleasure against her and muffling his groan of release in her mouth.

  When she retrieved her hand, she relaxed back onto the bed. Her body was almost completely limp, as if she’d used up every ounce of energy she possessed.

  Since he’d made a mess in his boxers, he got up to go to the bathroom, cleaned himself up, then got a damp towel. He brought it to Chloe and gently cleaned between her legs since she was messy from how wet she’d gotten.

  “Thank you,” she breathed, her eyes closed but a smile on her lips.

  He grunted his response, tossed the towel in the hamper, and then got back into bed with her.

  She cuddled up at his side. “I’m so tired now. You wore me out.”

  “Then go to sleep.” He pulled her against his side, loving how she snuggled.

  “I feel so good.”


  “Do you feel good too?”

  “Better than anything.”

  “Oh. Good.” She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. Her body was warm and completely relaxed. “I’m going to sleep now.”


  She was asleep in about thirty seconds, her breathing even and her expression almost smiling, even in her sleep.

  He’d given her that. He’d made her feel that way. He’d tired her out, sated her, given her that intense pleasure that had left her completely spent.

  He wanted to do it again. And again. And again.

  He wanted to please her like that every night.

  She liked him. He knew she did. And they made eac
h other very happy in bed.

  Maybe she’d want it to continue. Maybe she wouldn’t decide her job was done now that he was no longer a virgin.

  Maybe he could have her this way for longer.

  Maybe she wasn’t ready for whatever this was between them to end.

  She might not love him the way he loved her, but she didn’t have to.

  If he could at least have her like this, he would make sure it was enough.

  CHLOE SLEPT ALL NIGHT long. As far as Brent was aware, she didn’t move at all. He slept well too, but he woke up a couple of times, something inside him needing to be reassured that she was still beside him.

  Since the next morning was Saturday, they didn’t have to get up early. Brent woke up around eight, but since Chloe was still sleeping, curled up at his side, he didn’t want to get up.

  He lay in bed for a long time, thinking about Chloe, enjoying the feel of her beside him, but eventually he had to get up to pee. When he returned to the room, she was awake.

  She smiled at him sleepily as she stretched. “Did you just wake up?”

  “Yeah. A little while ago.”

  “I slept like a rock. Did you sleep good too?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”

  Her eyes were opening all the way. “How do you feel?”

  “Pretty good.”

  “I mean about... everything. Are you... happy it happened the way it did?”

  He suddenly realized what she was asking him. “Of course I am. I couldn’t ask for a better first time. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Her face relaxed into another smile. “Oh. Good.”

  “Are you...” The words caught in his throat, the way they always did when his feelings ran deep. “Are you... happy with... things?”

  “What things?”

  “Us. Do you feel... okay about how things are?” He wasn’t sure it was exactly the question he wanted to ask, but it was the best he could do first thing in the morning.

  “Yes.” She sat up and leaned over to give him a light kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I’m good with it. In case it wasn’t obvious from my enthusiastic performance last night, I’m getting a lot out of this too. I can’t remember when I’ve had such a good time in bed.”

  He was glad to hear it, but it wasn’t all he wanted to hear. He didn’t just want her to have a good time. He wanted her to want him all the way.

  But he could hardly expect that. It wasn’t why they were together. She’d been honest from the beginning about what they were to each other, and he wasn’t a childish fool who would assume sex—even great sex—meant more.

  So he smiled at her and nodded and found his T-shirt on the floor to pull on.

  He wanted to spend the day with her. He wanted to ask her what she was planning to do today and if she wanted to do it with him.

  But he couldn’t think of a way to ask her without making it a big deal.

  “Do you have a busy day today?” he asked, sounding lame even to his own ears.

  She shook her head. “I’ve got some classwork to do. And Jill, Michelle, and I are supposed to go to Tea for Two this morning to hang out.” She glanced over at the clock beside the bed. “Speaking of, I guess I should take a shower.”

  That sounded like a dismissal. He knew one when he heard one. So he leaned over to give her a brief kiss before he stood and picked up the rest of his clothes from her floor.

  He was leaving the room right as Steve was walking down the hall.

  Steve’s eyebrows shot up when he saw Brent coming out of Chloe’s room with a handful of clothes, but the other man didn’t say anything. Just gave him an exaggerated double take that made Brent snort.

  He didn’t mind Steve knowing he’d spent the night with Chloe. In fact, he wanted the whole world to know he wasn’t a virgin anymore and that Chloe was the one he’d had sex with.

  He’d rather announce that she was his girlfriend, but that wasn’t likely to ever happen.

  He took a shower and changed into sweatpants and a clean T-shirt before he went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Michelle chatted with him like everything was normal, and when Chloe came out, she chatted too.

  It was like nothing was different. Like they were normal roommates.

  Not like they’d been as close as two people can get last night.

  It made Brent’s stomach twist.

  He wanted things to be different.

  They weren’t going to magically become different though. If he wanted them to change, he would have to take steps to make it happen—no matter how far from his normal behavior it would take him.

  He tried to think of something to say.

  He turned it over in his mind—again and again—brooding over what would be the best way for him to approach the topic. Nothing seemed right to him. And the things that seemed closest to right he couldn’t imagine himself ever saying.

  He was so absorbed in his reverie that Chloe and Michelle were leaving to go downstairs to meet Jill at Tea for Two before he realized he was about to lose his opportunity.

  So he strode to the front door of their apartment and called down the hall, “Chloe!”

  She and Michelle were about to walk down the stairs to the street, but she turned as he said her name, giving him a questioning look.

  “Can I... can I talk to you for a minute?”

  She said something softly to Michelle and walked back toward him as Michelle headed down the stairs.

  Then Chloe was standing right in front of him in the hall, and Brent had no idea what to say.

  He always did this. Stressed about talking until he just blurted something out—almost always the wrong thing.

  Now his heart was racing. He was sweating slightly. He was trapped.

  “What is it, Brent?” Chloe asked, her dark eyes searching his face. “Is something wrong?”

  He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.


  “Do you...” His voice broke so he had to start again. “Do you want to... do something later today?”

  Her confused expression relaxed into amusement. “Now let me think. What might you have in mind that we could do?”

  She was teasing him. She thought he was talking about having sex again.

  That wasn’t what he was talking about. “I didn’t... I meant...”

  She stretched up on tiptoe so she could kiss his mouth. “We can definitely do some more stuff later.”

  Then she turned and walked away before he could explain what he’d been trying to say.

  He didn’t want to just have sex with her.

  He wanted to be with her. For real. In every way.

  And she still didn’t know that. Or maybe she knew and was trying to let him down gently. She had a kind heart. She would do that.

  Brent stood like a statue and watched as she disappeared from the hall and down the stairs.

  He was still standing there when the door to the apartment across from theirs opened.


  Brent had met him a couple of years ago through mutual friends and had been house-sitting for him when he’d first met Chloe and the others.

  Vince wasn’t an easy guy to get to know. He was reserved and ironic and came across as arrogant. But Brent didn’t think he was a bad guy, and he’d appreciated Vince helping him with a place to live when he’d been temporarily without a home.

  Steve, Michelle, and Chloe always called Vince “The Suit” because he always wore suits to work, but he wasn’t wearing one this morning. He wore khakis and a golf shirt. He frowned when he saw Brent standing in the hall like an idiot.

  “What’s going on?”

  Brent pulled himself together. “Nothing.”

  “Why are you standing there like that?”

  “No reason.”

  “Is it that cute little brunette?”

  Brent’s spine stiffened. “What?”

  “That little one with the dark hair. I heard a woman talking in the hall just now. I
s she who you’re gaping at like that?”

  “I’m not gaping.”

  Vince huffed. “If you say so.” After a pause, he added, “If you’re not interested in her, you won’t mind if I ask her out?”

  “What?” Brent’s eyes narrowed.

  “I wanted to ask her out. She’s hot, and I think she likes me. I’ve seen her looking at me.”

  “She doesn’t like you.” Brent wasn’t sure where the wave of indignation had come from, but there was no way he could hide it or control it. He glared at his friend coldly.

  “How do you know? I’ve definitely gotten some looks from her. I think I’m her type.”

  “You are not her type.”

  Vince laughed out loud, so fully he threw his head back. “Damn, man, you are too easy.”

  Brent blinked and frowned.

  Vince was still laughing. “I was putting you on. I’m not going to go after your woman.”

  “She’s not my woman.”

  “You want her, don’t you?”

  Brent had no idea how Vince knew of his interest in Chloe. Maybe he’d been obvious about it as far back as when he’d been living in Vince’s spare room. “Of course I want her.”

  “Then do something. Make her yours. Everything isn’t as complicated as you make it.”

  Vince gave Brent a light punch on the arm and then made his way down the hall.

  Brent stared after him, wishing he had that kind of confidence. Women always loved Vince. They chased him. He would sometimes go out with different women every weekend.

  Brent wasn’t like that. He couldn’t make Chloe his just because he wanted her to be.

  But he had to at least make some sort of effort. Otherwise, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.

  He just had to figure out what to do.

  THAT AFTERNOON, CHLOE came to Brent’s room to ask if he’d mind going over to have tea with her and Mima. Her grandmother had called and wondered if they’d happened to be free for an hour or so since she was feeling good this afternoon.

  Brent had been working on his laptop, but he’d immediately put it down and jumped up to get ready.

  So they went over to her parents’ house and had tea and cookies in the kitchen with Mima.


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