
Home > Paranormal > Awakened > Page 14
Awakened Page 14

by Amy Brock McNew

  Trystan wouldn’t. If he was going to earn back Amanda’s trust, it would take an enormous effort. Something spectacular she’d have no choice but to pay attention to.

  Like giving her back her wolf and her magic.

  He smiled. “You won’t have to.” The smile faded. “Will the mating bond allow you to go against Rhys? Can you keep this from him?” He didn’t want to cause trouble between them. They were one of the few examples of love he’d ever known. He wouldn’t tear that apart.

  Makenna looked away, biting her lip. Trystan rested a hand on her shoulder. Funny. They’d started out on the worst foot ever, but now she was becoming one of his closest friends. He couldn’t stand to see her in pain. He didn’t want Rhys hurting either. Which is what would happen if she defied him, going against everything the bond demanded.

  She glanced at his hand and gave a sad smile. “I’m protecting him. He thinks he’s making things easier on me. Doesn’t want me killing my own sister. I understand that, but I don’t need it.” Her eyes turned cold, but at least they were that deep, chocolate brown. Not dangerous gold. “When she dies, her magic is broken.” She shoved the knife into its holster and stood tall. “She has to die. It’s that simple.”

  Trystan nodded. They’d try to convince Rhys, but if it didn’t work, Trystan would do what was necessary to protect the pack, and to heal Amanda. He wouldn’t allow that burden to fall on Makenna’s shoulders.

  “Then she dies.”


  Wild Thing

  Makenna woke up to a hand skating along her thigh and a hard, hungry body pressed to her back. Rhys’ need licked at their bond, firing her own desire.

  She sank into his touch. Pressed her ass back into him. She craved him like nothing else. No one had ever been able to match her or been able to satisfy her the way her mate could.

  “Good morning, love.” Rhys’ rough, gravelly morning voice tickled her ear, sending shivers along her skin. He kissed that particular spot on her neck that drove her insane while grinding his stiff dick against her.

  “Mmm.” Makenna reached back to grab a fistful of his luxurious, long hair. She scratched along his scalp, like she knew he loved.

  His rewarding growl made her smile.

  Rhys moved the hand from her thigh to her breast. He squeezed, then flicked her nipple. At her moan, he did it again. She felt his smile on her throat. “I need to taste you.”

  Then he was rolling her over. Rhys yanked off her tank top and slung it across the room. He kissed a path down her body, leaving small bites and marks. Marking his territory like the wolf he was. Makenna grinned. She was still getting used to that, but she loved it. Loved leaving marks on him as well. His teeth grazed her skin as he bit her panties and slid them off.

  It seemed like it’d been forever since they’d touched. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d woken to his mouth on her, or him slowly sliding inside her, waking her in a way that never failed to start her day with a smile. Even on the day that they were going after Brianna.

  That thought brought clarity to her sleep and lust hazed mind.

  Why now? Why make love on this particular morning? The answer came with a clap of thunder in her head. The fucker was trying to seduce her into submission. Trying to convince her not to go for Brianna’s throat when she had the chance.

  “Rhys.” She tugged hard at his hair. It only spurred him on. “Rhys! Stop!”

  His head popped up. “What?” He’d been so lost in what he was doing, he hadn’t tapped into the bond. Hadn’t felt her emotionally pulling away from him.

  “Stop.” She slid up the bed and tried to wiggle out of his reach.

  Rhys clamped his hands around her hips. “Why? What’s wrong?” His eyes narrowed as she felt him delving into their link. “Kenna, that’s not what this is about.”

  “Really?” She pried his hands off of her and leapt from the bed.

  He followed, trapping her against the wall. “I’d never do that, and you damn well know it.” She tried to slip under his arm and he caught her, pulling her back to his front and wrapping both arms around her. He buried his face in her hair. “Read me. See for yourself.” Makenna put up a weak fight, and he held on tighter. “If you’d done that to begin with, we’d be halfway to heaven right now.” She didn’t need the link to feel his hurt.

  She closed her eyes and reached out towards Rhys with her mind. Knowing the truth already.

  All he wanted was to take pleasure from his mate, give her pleasure, before they went into battle. Wanted a taste of her to carry with him into what would surely be a grueling, bloody day. Wanted to ensure she knew he loved her in the most basic way.

  Now she felt like the biggest asshole in the history of the world.

  Her anger drained in an instant. She’d just been so furious lately. Admittedly, she’d been jealous of the time he and Amanda had spent together pouring over battle plans. He’d invited her to sit in, but she preferred action to strategy.

  Guilt swamped her at the thought of her and Trystan’s plan. It’d been a nightmare trying to hide her thoughts from Rhys. She was so sick of war. She wanted to end it now. The way to do that was to kill Brianna. She’d been so focused on it she’d lost sight of what was most important.

  Needing to make it right, Makenna turned in Rhys’ arms. No doubt feeling her regret, his eyes softened. Then she did the one thing that would mean more than a verbal apology.

  She tilted her head back and gave him her throat.

  Rhys groaned. For a moment she thought he’d reject her submission. Then he stripped off his boxers and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him. “It’s okay, love. I understand.”

  His mouth descended, consuming her. Then he reared back and plunged deep with one stroke. For a few blissful moments, they were all that existed. She lost herself in him. In the heat of his skin. The taste of his lips. The ecstasy of having her mate buried deep within her.

  For just a little while, she had him back.

  Two hours later, the little bit of peace they’d been able to carve out was nothing but a distant memory.

  Makenna kept watch out the window of the truck as they made their way to the spot where they’d ambush Brianna’s caravan. When she’d asked why they were taking the vehicles instead of shifting, Rhys explained it’d be easier to transport prisoners. She’d nodded and shuttered her emotions. She didn’t need him sensing her next thought.

  There would be no prisoners.

  Bowen believed he could contain Brianna if they took her off guard. Makenna knew he’d have to get close enough that it would risk his life. She couldn’t take that chance.

  Rhys shot her a look laced with hurt that she’d shut him out. “Are you with me, Kenna?”

  Makenna nodded, but didn’t look at him. Afraid he’d see the truth. “I’m with you.”

  She was. Everything she was about to do was for him. For their pack. Having spent most of her life alone, now she had a mate and a family, and she’d do whatever it took to protect them. Even if that meant royally pissing off her mate. In time, he’d see she was right.

  She just hoped they didn’t completely fall apart in the process.

  But she couldn’t worry about that right now. This was their chance to end the war. Kylian would’ve had to use Brianna’s magic to conjure the rings. Taking Brianna out would break the spell binding the rings to him and whoever he was using. Probably Brianna, which would kill two birds with one stone. It would cripple Kylian by snatching away whatever power he gained from the rings.

  No more bloodshed. No more of their people dying. They could go back to living their lives, protecting humans from the dark beasts Rhys had mentioned, and rebuilding their kingdom.

  She kept those thoughts in mind as they pulled into the woods a mile from the target site.

  Makenna opened the door, and Rhys grabbed her hand.

  “Kenna, be safe. Stick to the plan and everything should be fine.” The slight tic in his jaw t
old her he didn’t necessarily believe that, but he was being optimistic for her.

  She didn’t need optimism. She’d make sure things worked out.

  She gave him a smile and leaned across the seat. “I will.”

  He pulled her in by the nape of the neck. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  She prayed to whoever was listening that what she was about to do wouldn’t be for nothing. She kissed him quickly before jumping out.

  Rhys gathered their group. Makenna and Trystan stood to his right, Talon and Bowen on his left. “Once we get into position, we’ll have about ten minutes. You all know the plan. Trystan’s group will take out the lead car at the same time Talon’s group takes out the rear. Only move when I give the signal. Brianna will be in the center vehicle, a black Escalade. Makenna, Trystan, and I will take her and any guards with her. The rest of you focus on the others. Disable the vehicles and kill the occupants.” He glanced at Makenna and Trystan, an order in his eyes. “Brianna is to be taken alive.”

  Makenna eyed Trystan as Rhys turned to Talon. Trystan gave her a brief nod.

  They all shifted to wolf then. At Rhys’ howl, they took off.

  When they reached the designated spot, half of them shifted back. Rhys and Trystan gave signals ordering the warriors to their places. Trystan shot her another glance before stalking away with his team. When Makenna turned, she caught Rhys’ stare. There was a question there. Ignoring the warning skittering down her spine, the guilt trying to worm its way in, she smiled.

  Rhys gave her a quick kiss. “Stay close to me, Kenna.” He gripped her hand. “I’ve got a feeling...Just stay close.”

  Makenna squeezed his hand. “I will.” Giving him one more smile, she fixed her eyes on the road. It was only a few minutes before tingles prickled her skin. “They’re coming.”

  Rhys nodded and alerted the others. Soon, dust billowed in the distance as vehicles raced up the dirt road.

  Rhys gritted his teeth so loud Makenna heard it. She shot him a questioning look. “She hasn’t erected a shield,” he said. “They’re wide open.”

  That certainly wasn’t a problem. “Good. We’ll take all the help we can get.”

  “Why would she leave herself vulnerable?” He shook his head. “Something’s not right.” Rhys shoved a message through the pack link. Everyone was to return to human form, call their magic, and be ready. “I’m not taking any chances.” He flicked his chin at her hands. “Fire up, baby.” His eyes were filled with confidence. Belief in her abilities.

  Her heart warmed as her blood did the same, but for an entirely different reason. She could sense her sister. Thankfully, with Bowen’s shield, Brianna shouldn’t be able to sense any of them. Shouldn’t being the key word. None of them knew exactly what she was capable of.

  Which was yet another reason she would die today.

  The world around them hushed. Birds had scattered, and small prey had hidden when the predators entered their midst. The only sounds were the rumble of the approaching engines and the wind in the trees. Tall reeds brushed Makenna’s skin.

  As the convoy drew closer, Makenna’s wolf and raven went deadly quiet. Ready for battle. The goddess stretched, ready to sink her teeth into her next enemy. She watched silently. But the closer the vehicles got, the stronger Brianna’s essence became, the edgier Makenna got. Rhys was right. Something was very wrong. Magic built in the air, thickening and charging it. It wasn’t Makenna’s.

  She nudged Rhys and whispered. “We have to move.”

  He shook his head. “We wait until they’ve reached the bend in the road.”

  Makenna eyed the spot he’d mentioned. Talon and his team weren’t far from there, situated with the perfect visual and range. Still, Makenna knew, the goddess knew, they needed to strike now.

  As the magic continued to build, bearing Brianna’s distinctive signature, the goddess settled her stance. Another one of Makenna’s knowings screamed in her head. If she didn’t take out that first vehicle before it reached Talon, it would be too late.

  She stood, and Rhys grabbed her arm, trying to jerk her back down. “Makenna! Wait!”

  “We can’t.” The power in the air pushed against her skin. Stinging. “Feel that? She’s got something up her sleeve. She knows we’re here.”

  Rhys stood with her, pulling them both behind a tree as the vehicles roared closer. He hissed and dropped Makenna’s hand. “Pull it back. Yes, I feel it, but are you sure about this?” She nodded, and Rhys glanced at the caravan, then back to her.

  She couldn’t wait for him to make up his mind whether he wanted to trust her or not. That sent a stab of pain through her she’d deal with later.

  Makenna raised determined eyes to Rhys’. She didn’t have time to explain. “I’m sorry.”

  She jumped in front of the tree, fully exposing herself to the enemy’s sight, just as the first vehicle entered the attack field. Shit, she might be too late. Dodging to avoid Rhys’ hold, Makenna called her magic to her hands and readied her stance.

  Before she could throw, an explosion rocked the second SUV. It flew high in the air, shooting flaming shrapnel in every direction.

  The bulk of the fiery artillery soared straight toward Talon’s team.


  King Nothing

  Hell unleashed on the edge of the once-quiet forest.

  The line of vehicles skidded to a stop and wolves poured out of the eight remaining trucks and SUVs. Far more wolves than Gaelen had said there’d be.

  “Talon!” Makenna screamed. She dashed off in her brother’s direction.

  Rhys took off after her, a sinking feeling in his gut. Flaming chunks of metal landed in the brush where Talon and his team had been lying in wait. A few wolves had cleared the area in time, but he couldn’t see who. Thick smoke revealed only dark forms and faceless shadows.

  War cries echoed all around him. Steel clanged, ringing across the field. The flame of the burning vehicle parts and scorched grass intensified the blazing hot, humid Louisiana day.

  “Kenna!” Rhys had lost sight of her, smoke and sweat stinging his eyes.

  He could feel her essence through the bond. But what he sensed wasn’t wholly Makenna. The goddess had made an appearance.

  She was fucking pissed.

  He could relate. Mentally berating himself for not trusting his mate’s instincts, he fought like a man possessed.

  Their shifter vision was greatly hindered by the thick, black smoke. It stung, making his eyes water. As such, they had to rely on their other senses. Rhys pulled his blades and only took a moment to read each distinct mental signature to identify the warriors he came across before attacking. As he sliced through the enemy, he followed the bond in Makenna’s direction.

  He roared as he whirled, easily severing the head of the male in wolf form leaping for his throat. The beast dropped from midair, its head landing several feet away. Without even pausing, Rhys threw two flaming shots at the next wolves coming at him.

  “Kenna!” Rhys yelled for her again above the din of growls, clanging metal, screams, and war cries.

  “Over here!” Her voice was close.

  Dodging a severed arm that flew by his head, spraying blood, Rhys swerved right. He found Makenna kneeling in the grass. She tossed a rapid succession of red fire at a group of enemy fighters bearing down on her, then whipped back around to the body lying in front of her.

  Talon’s face came into view as Rhys neared. The smoke began to clear, leaving bodies and pieces of bodies lay all around them. Rhys searched the link. There was no hint any of his wolves were more than unconscious. He heaved a sigh of relief as he knelt beside Makenna.

  Talon coughed out a laugh as Rhys clasped his hand. “Guess I’m not as fast as I thought.” Blood oozed out of his mouth, and Rhys bit back a wince.

  Rhys did a cursory exam of Talon’s battered body. Large gashes everywhere. A chunk of metal embedded in his left leg. More in his left side and arm. Apparent
ly the metal had been on fire because Makenna had encased him in red magic. Patches of clothing and skin were burnt to a crisp black.

  The group Rhys had ordered to stay back to remove the injured from the field rushed forward.

  Rhys did his best to smile at Talon. “You look like shit, brother.” He squeezed his hand before standing, letting the wolves move in to recover him. “Let them get you out of here. We’ll finish this for you.”

  Rhys turned to swing his blade through the midsection of an enemy creeping up on them. Then he tossed dark orange flame at the invader, a consuming fire that obliterated the wolf in a matter of seconds. By the time he turned back around, Talon was struggling to sit up.

  Talon winced and looked around on the ground. Presumably for his blade. “I’ll be fine. Healing already.” He made it to his feet with the help of two pack mates, whom he shook off before promptly pitching forward.

  Rhys and Makenna caught him. “Not today, Talon. We’ve got this.” He handed Talon off to the waiting wolves.

  Talon’s face hardened, and his eyes turned cold. “Get the bitch.”

  Makenna nodded and called more flame to her hands. “I’ll make her pay for you.”

  Rhys motioned to the wolves to take Talon. Then he grabbed Makenna’s arm as she headed for the convoy. Her eyes were pure gold when they met his. “Capture, Kenna. Not kill.”

  “That’ll depend on Brianna, won’t it?” Her death glare and the determination that flitted through their bond didn’t set well with Rhys.

  He moved in front of her. “I mean it. Every effort to capture.”

  She nodded, then dove headfirst into the battle.

  Rhys followed. They were immediately swamped by enemy wolves. Some in human form, some in wolf form. Rhys and Makenna threw as fast as they could with one hand, slashing with the blades in their other. In a matter of minutes, they’d cleared a path. Their wolves surrounded them, clearing out the rest.

  “Rhys! Makenna!” Trystan’s shout had their heads jerking around. He jogged to them, bloody and burnt. “I haven’t seen Brianna.” He pointed to the one yet unopened SUV. “She’s gotta be in there.” He looked back at Makenna. “Can you sense her?”


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