
Home > Paranormal > Awakened > Page 21
Awakened Page 21

by Amy Brock McNew

  Rhys raised a hand to silence Trystan.

  Trystan took Amanda’s arm. “Fine. But I’m staying right here.”

  Amanda started to argue, but fear kept her silent. Regardless of what was or wasn’t between them, she needed him right now. He was her mate. Even though she hated to admit it, she wanted him close. She’d worry over that desire later.

  Bowen knelt next to the chair and laid a hand on Brianna’s arm. Then he sliced through the ropes. Leaving his hand where it was. When Brianna raised a brow, Bowen narrowed his eyes that swam with remorse. “I can better monitor you this way. To ensure you keep with the agreed terms.”

  Brianna sighed but nodded. Then she closed her eyes and breathed deep. “Ah. Fire. I missed that.” She pulled a light red light into her hand. Everyone started. Then she extinguished it. “Just making sure.” Brianna motioned for Amanda to come closer.

  At first, Trystan clenched Amanda’s arm. At her sharp look, he let her go. He moved behind her, placing his hands on her hips. Amanda closed her eyes, fighting the fire of his touch and focusing on the moment. When she opened her eyes, Brianna grinned.

  Quick as a flash, Brianna gripped Amanda’s head with both hands. Everyone in the room stiffened. Trystan’s grip on her tightened. Amanda barely noticed. Her eyes closed of their own volition.

  For the first time in months, magic flowed through her blood. It wasn’t hers, but she could feel her own awakening. Responding to her sister’s power. Brianna’s magic had a dark edge to it, but Amanda sensed no ill intent. Only light. It reached to the depths of her soul. Stirring her own magic. Tears formed in Amanda’s eyes as a weak howl echoed from the dark.

  Her wolf was returning.

  Even as excitement fired in her veins, she froze. It was as if her entire being ran into a wall. The sound of cracking disturbed the silence. Amanda struggled to breath. She mentally pounded on the wall as it closed in around her, pulsing. Brianna’s magic glowed red inside her, tapping at the block. Then punching, kicking. The wall bent and wavered, but refused to give.

  Amanda’s entire body went rigid. Her wolf lunged at the wall. Over and over again. Amanda fell backward as her body convulsed. The pressure inside built to unbearable levels as strong arms caught her. Familiar arms.

  She heard voices. Soothing. Encouraging. Then shouting. Her eyes snapped open as Brianna pushed harder, cracking the barrier. The fissure grew as she pushed. Amanda’s wolf lunged harder, jumping through the break with a battle roar.

  Amanda’s eyes met Trystan’s. She could barely see him through her tears. Her wolf was free. Yet she couldn’t move. It was as if her body were frozen, refusing to obey her commands. Panic flared. It must have shown in her eyes. Trystan spoke to her, frantic, but she couldn’t make out the words. Couldn’t respond.

  More shouting. Brianna’s magic was ripped away. Yanked right out of Amanda’s head. Its hold on Amanda’s body released, and she slumped in Trystan’s arms. She rolled to her side, coughing up the bile that rose in her throat. It burned and stung, like the dark magic that’d held her captive was slashing its way out. Trystan held her for a moment, then he was gone.

  The shouts raised to ear shattering levels. Amanda pulled herself away from the commotion, dragging her body across the floor. Her vision wavered, colors shooting across her sight. Her ears rang as her enhanced senses returned. Her wolf pushed at her skin. Wanting out. Clawing and whining.

  She vaguely registered the madness behind her as her eyes adjusted to seeing more again. Makenna had taken Brianna to the ground and was viciously beating her, tearing at her with her claws. Trystan seemed to be urging Makenna on as Rhys and Bowen attempted to pull the females apart.

  Then suddenly, red sparks showered the room. Makenna was thrown away from Brianna by an unseen force. A crimson cloud billowed, surrounding Makenna, Brianna, and Amanda where they each lay. A pulse of power, centered in Amanda’s chest, rocked outward, throwing her back to the floor hard. The light on her arms flared, as she noticed the same thing happening to Makenna and Brianna.

  Amanda felt a charge run through her. Oh, her magic was back in full force, and apparently supercharged now. She had no idea why, or why it seemed to be affecting her sisters. And she didn’t have the time to worry about it now.

  A tearing sensation pulled at Amanda’s gut. Her wolf whined louder. Shift. She needed to shift to get rid of the pain.

  Amanda pulled back mentally, giving her wolf the freedom she’d been denied for so long. Tears flowed freely as that familiar pleasure pain ignited her system. Her bones re-formed, muscles tore and restitched, and tissues snapped. Red light surrounded her as the ruckus behind her raged on. She’d been forgotten for the moment. She bowed inward as her wolf, weak from captivity, clawed her way out.

  Then she was on her hands and knees. No. Paws. She had paws again. Feeling the soft fur slide through her skin, she smiled inwardly. This. This was what she’d missed.

  Breaking through, her wolf took over completely.

  She was free. Finally.

  Amanda stretched, reveling in the form she’d missed. Her attention finally landed on the source of the screaming.

  Blood flew. Red light zinged around the room, blasting holes in the wall. Rhys wrapped himself around Makenna, dragging her away. She fought like a wildcat, shouting obscenities at Brianna. Trystan stood beside Rhys, pleading for him to release Makenna. Dalton and the other mage watched the scene with wide eyes. Bowen was talking, his voice drowned in the noise. His face a mask of pain and regret.

  Then his eyes met Amanda’s.

  She’d had enough. It was time to celebrate her freedom with the ones she loved and had missed. Amanda’s wolf howled long and loud.

  The room stilled. The air itself ceased to move.

  All eyes turned toward her.

  Well. At least she had everyone’s attention.

  Now what?


  Close My Eyes Forever

  Trystan pleaded for Rhys to release Makenna, to let her tear Brianna apart.

  He held his love in his arms as she convulsed. Felt her pain as if it were his own. It awoke the beast. The monster was always near the surface. Waiting for his chance to draw blood. He wanted Brianna’s. She’d gone back on the deal. She’d harmed Amanda. She had to die.

  He left Amanda on the floor, the monster taking the wheel as he turned harsh eyes on Bowen. The mage had to have known what Brianna was doing. Yet he hadn’t stopped it. Trystan didn’t care that Bowen looked tortured as he begged Makenna to let Brianna be. Begged them to wait and see. Trystan wanted to join Makenna in ripping the bitch to shreds.

  Black rage engulfed him. Red clouded his vision as the need for destruction consumed him. Rhys’ reasoning fell on deaf ears. Makenna’s shouting became background noise. Bowen’s pleas were incomprehensible as the beast took control.

  Enough of this shit.

  He lunged forward, intent on tearing Brianna’s black heart out.

  An explosion rocked the room. Red sparks ignited in the air, throwing Makenna away from Brianna. Trystan stood frozen in shock as power raised the hairs on his arms and skittered down his spine. He watched, stunned, as Bowen went to Brianna and Rhys went to Makenna.

  As the red cloud slowly dissipated and his senses came back to him, so did his rage. Trystan moved forward, still determined to take Brianna’s heart. If she had one.

  A mournful, familiar howl split the air.

  Slowly, not sure what he’d find and afraid to hope, Trystan turned toward Amanda. His heart stopped as his eyes fell on her gorgeous black wolf with the pure white underbelly. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Even the beast stood still, stunned by the sight. His wolf padded forward, tilting his head. He let out a low whine.

  Slamming against his skin, the wolf howled to be free. To touch his mate for the first time. Trystan never let them run together, knowing they would mark each other. They wouldn’t have the same hang ups their human sides did. Try
stan fought hard to keep him leashed.

  The beast backed away. He seemed frightened of her.

  Trystan didn’t care. All he wanted was his mate. To touch her, feel her soft fur under his hands. Revel in the joy she was whole again. For the first time in months, hope came alive.

  Cautiously, unsure of the reception that awaited him, Trystan moved forward. Hand outstretched. The female growled. A warning to mind his behavior. A warning that with the wolf, as the woman, he was on thin ice. He continued at the slow pace. Finally, he came to within feet of her. Crouching low, he closed the gap. He felt everyone in the room holding their breath, waiting to see what would happen, and as surprised as he that Brianna had kept her word.

  He didn’t want to think about Brianna. His thoughts were filled with his mate.

  The female tilted her head. Amanda’s chocolate eyes flashed in the wolf’s. Again cautioning him. Then the wolf was back. She appeared more welcoming than her human half. Not so strange, considering she’d been locked away when all Ifrin rained down.

  Trystan reached a hand to rub between her ears. The animal leaned into his touch. He moved closer, smoothing his hand down her side. The wolf rubbed against him, seeking more. He wrapped his arms around her. She gave his jaw delicate licks before he buried his face in her luxurious fur. He closed his eyes, a jagged exhale escaping as he fought tears.

  He didn’t cry. Ever. Yet he was nearly overcome at having his mate in his arms, whole. She nuzzled into him. Her low whine told him she’d missed him. He soaked in the affection. Desperately wishing it was her human side in his arms. That they could be whole together.

  That’s when it happened.

  The urge to mark her for all time became a fever in his blood. Every cell of his being craved her. Needed her to shift back to human form so he could be inside her. Sink his teeth into her throat. He’d felt it before. Not like this. This was more. An uncontrollable hunger. He could only assume it’d fully kicked in because not only had he admitted to her they were mates, but now that she was healed, her magic called to his. Her wolf to his.

  His wolf wanted out to get the attention Trystan was enjoying. Trystan winced as he clawed at him. Furious at being kept from her for so long. His rage rekindled that within Trystan. That’s when he remembered the reason part of Amanda had been taken from them. Why she’d been a miserable shell of herself. Doubting her usefulness, her very existence.

  Trystan lifted his head, rubbing his nose against her face. Then he released her and stood. He may not be able to quench the fire in his veins by taking his mate, but he could soothe the need for blood. Erase the evil that had nearly taken her from him.

  The beast perked up, liking that idea.

  Trystan turned, not seeing anyone else in the room. Nothing existed but his target.

  Brianna would die now.

  Trystan gave a wicked smile that promised pain. “I would say thank you, but since you’re the one who almost killed my mate, I’ll pass.” He called his magic, thankful for the boost Makenna had given him. He intended to ensure Brianna suffered greatly. Writhing in agony until she died. “It’s time for a taste of what you’ve been dishing out.”

  Bowen slid in front of Brianna, hands raised. “No!”

  Rhys leaped toward Trystan. “Trys, stand down.” The gritted words slid right over Trystan’s skin, having no effect.

  Makenna stood silent. She hesitated, looking from Trystan to Brianna as if unsure whether she should stop him or not.

  Trystan ignored all of them. Amid the shouts, he pulled both hands back. Ready to throw.

  A warm, delicate touch on his arm stopped him. He looked over his shoulder, hands outstretched to his sides, glowing dark orange edged in red. For a moment, it didn’t register who the woman was, so blinded was he with the need for vengeance. He twitched, almost throwing the glowing ball in his hand.

  Then he saw Amanda.

  She flinched and fear flashed in her eyes. “Trystan, don’t. Please.”

  As he came back to himself, her touch sent sparks through his system. Everything in him stilled. He’d almost attacked the one person who meant more to him than anything else. Who he sought to avenge. His heart hitched. Regret gripped him.

  Still, the beast wanted blood.

  A gravelly plea escaped his lips. “Don’t ask me to ignore what she did to you. Don’t ask me to be something I’m not.”

  Though he wasn’t sure at the moment what he was, of one thing he was certain. Brianna had to die. No one who harmed his mate got to live. Whether he’d claimed her or not.

  Amanda’s eyes glistened. She placed a hand in the middle of his back, while the other grabbed his right hand and lowered it. Her voice was for his ears only. “I’m asking you to not kill my sister until we can figure out what she’s up to. Until we get what we need from her.”

  “You’re whole again. Healed. Nothing else matters.” The words were growled. The beast and the mating urge battled for dominance within him. He shook, actually shook. His entire body ached.

  “It’s not just about me. It’s about the pack. Their safety. What she knows may be the only way we can defeat Kylian.” Her eyes flicked from Brianna back to Trystan. “Once we know all she does, I’ll be right by your side when she goes up in flames.”

  The viciousness, the fearless warrior in her voice called to him. It stoked the urges within him. It was all he could do not to drag her back to his room to seal their bond.

  But he couldn’t. Even before what he’d just almost done, it wasn’t safe for her. Because the urge to complete the mating wasn’t the only thing firing his soul. The urge to kill ate him alive. His head snapped back as clarity came.

  It wasn’t just that he wanted to kill Brianna. He needed to kill period. To cause pain. The monster was winning. He couldn’t let it touch Amanda.

  Terror struck at Trystan with sharp claws. He extinguished the light in his hands as they fell to his sides. The beast cried out, angry at being denied. His wolf whined, not understanding the confusion in his human side. But the wolf did understand the danger they posed to their mate.

  He had to get out of here.

  Lifting a hand to touch her cheek, he dropped it quickly. He couldn’t stomach the hurt in her gaze, but he didn’t trust himself. A pained groan rode the breath that left him as he trembled.

  Without looking back, he ran out the door.

  He blew past his pack mates practicing in the field. Flew by the pups playing. Not caring about the branches that scratched his face as he ran blindly, he surged deep into the bayou. He unleashed his fury on an innocent cypress. Throwing punches until his hands bled, he let the blackness in him ooze out with the blood. Finally, the beast was exhausted.

  He glanced down at shredded knuckles, bone visible through the ripped tissue. He didn’t care. It hadn’t worked. The monster was appeased for the moment. But the craving for Amanda still tore through him like a rabid pack on a hunt. And that darkness in his soul was still hungry.

  Claiming Amanda would calm the urge. Maybe silence the monster. But he couldn’t chance it. Couldn’t shake the feeling maybe it wasn’t Brianna’s spell that’d raised the beast. He had to acknowledge that the curse of his bloodline fueled it. Had maybe even created it. It had certainly seemed that way for his father. Maybe he was an apple from the same tree.

  Trystan collapsed. Head in his hands, he sucked air into his burning lungs.

  He’d almost thrown his flame at Amanda. The thought sickened him. In his rage, he hadn’t truly seen her. He’d been focused on eliminating the threat to her. It didn’t change the fact if he hadn’t caught himself, he would’ve killed her. His rage would’ve destroyed the most precious thing he’d ever known. In turn, it would’ve destroyed him.

  Maybe just like his sire, he needed to be put down.

  He was Beta. He was supposed to be strong, rational for his pack. Was supposed to stand with Rhys and Makenna and advise them. Bow to them when they made a decision. He was supposed to protect t
he pack, protect his Alphas, and maintain order. Lately, he’d done the opposite.

  An alligator splashed into the water a few feet from him. Even the feared creatures of the swamp couldn’t stand to be around him.

  And Amanda. Gods, he was meant to love, cherish, and shelter her. He should be the last being on earth she feared. But the terror in her eyes would haunt him for the rest of his life. What made it worse was the understanding there too. The way her voice soothed and calmed the beast. She shouldn’t have to do that. All she should know from him was love and protection.

  His wolf paced, alternating between whining for Amanda and growling at Trystan.

  Trystan was anything but her safe place. He’d proved it over and over. With all the females he’d been with, trying to erase Amanda from his soul. By refusing to give her the one thing she deserved, the respect she was due. Not even giving her an explanation as to why.

  “Fuck!” Trystan rose and paced the mud, the squish under his boots drowned by his yell.

  He wasn’t fit to be Beta, wasn’t fit to be her mate. Hell, he wasn’t fit to exist.

  He had to fix this. At least, as much as he could.

  His chin lifted as the solution came to him. It wouldn’t be easy. It’d kill something inside of him. But that was okay. He wasn’t long for this world anyway.

  He’d step down as Beta. Let Rhys name Talon as his replacement. A male worthy of the position. Then Trystan would leave. Fight behind the scenes until Kylian was defeated. Use the vileness coursing through his blood to do one last good thing. Ensure the safety of the wolves he loved. Amanda’s safety. After that, the monster could take him.

  He’d have nothing left to live for.


  Right Left Wrong

  “I was wondering when you’d come back.” Brianna had lost her usual smirk.

  Makenna gave a blank stare. The emotions within were anything but bland. Her insides had been through a blender today. She had no idea where she and Rhys stood. After their encounter, the only time she’d seen him was when they’d all been here to lift the spell.


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