
Home > Paranormal > Awakened > Page 25
Awakened Page 25

by Amy Brock McNew


  In giving herself to him, she was finally free. Chains fell away as he slowed, his arms cradling her.

  Looking deep into her eyes, Rhys smiled. “I love you, Kenna. Forever.”

  “I love you. Forever.”

  Makenna wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. As he made love to her, the last barrier between them fell to the ground. The crash was so loud, she swore they could both hear it.

  “Mine. Always.” Rhys kissed her, softer this time. “And I’m yours.”


  Rhys buried his face in her hair as he moved, his body taking hers slowly, powerfully. She didn’t just feel his skin against hers. Didn’t just feel his hardness. She felt him much deeper inside her soul than even when they’d first bonded. Her wolf, the goddess, and her raven pushed against her skin, luxuriating in the contact with their mate, with their counterparts. Everything in her melding with Rhys.

  Makenna’s eyes flew open as lightning struck, zinging through her veins. Rhys’ head jerked back, and his wide eyes caught hers. As burgundy light cradled them in a cloud of love, they rose from the forest floor. Now, joined in every way. As the final pieces of their bond clicked into place, their song wove around them. Clearer, more pure, and stronger than ever. She saw his soul as hers opened completely for him. As they entwined fully.

  They were truly one.

  Rhys returned her smile as they moved in sync while floating above the ground. Suspended by their blended magic and their love. Makenna screamed his name as her world narrowed to this man, this moment, and she shattered. Rhys followed her with a shout of her name.

  The world stopped. All sound ceased except for their harsh breathing. Their eyes met, full of joy and a love Makenna could never have imagined. Her soul was at total peace for the first time in her life. Completeness. Utter rightness.

  Unbridled trust.

  She pulled his mouth to hers as they came back down. His weight settled over her, around her. It was the best thing she’d ever felt. When she caught her breath, she lifted his head to look in his eyes.

  “Is it always like that, with the floating and all the magic?”

  Rhys grinned as he licked the new mark on her throat. “Only with us. That I know of. It’s the combination of our powerful magic. It might be similar with others, but I think this intensity is all us.”

  “Why isn’t it that way all the time? I mean, the floating?”

  He kissed his way back to her mouth and spoke against her lips. “We’ll always hear our song. And our magic will mix when we make love. But the rest, that’s from the bond snapping into place.” He rubbed her nose with his. “Why? Are our everyday romps not intense enough for you? Because I can fix that.” He gripped her hips hard and ground himself against her, growling and running his teeth along her collarbone.

  Makenna gasped at the sensations. “Oh trust me. You’re plenty intense.”

  Makenna stayed wrapped around him. Her breathing began to slow. She inhaled deeply, taking his scent of leather, wood, and power into her lungs. The world was finally righting itself. Now if she could just keep from disappointing him. Or from killing him with the power she couldn’t seem to control.

  Rhys grinned against the soft skin of her neck. “You’ll master your power, and you won’t kill me. Though, I will be on my best behavior and try not to piss you off.” His eyes danced with happiness as they met hers. “And you could never disappoint me, love.”

  She gasped at the feeling of him in her head. Then she smiled. She saw into his mind too. Without even trying. One thing she saw made her frown.

  “I’m sorry I fought you so hard on Brianna. And in front of everyone. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I do respect you, Rhys. I just─”

  “I know.” He stroked her hair. “I asked too much of you. For that, I apologize. But I can’t be sorry for wanting to protect you, or wanting to save what of your family I could.”

  “I get it. And I appreciate it.” A frown formed between her eyes again. “When I was talking to Brianna, before I tried to kill her again,” Rhys raised a brow. “Yeah, I know that was stupid. Anyway, I think you might be right.” This time both of his brows flew up. Makenna slapped his chest. He flattened her hand between them by lowering his weight back down on her. “There might be some good in her. Seeing as how Kylian’s not our father, maybe all four of us actually have a chance.”

  “You always did.” He cupped her face.

  “Do you believe Bowen? I mean, about the reason he didn’t tell us the truth?”

  Rhys kissed her jaw. “I want to.” He frowned. “Now that I think about it, I should’ve seen it. Seeing how close he and Meredith were. How he’s protected Talon and Amanda. How he’s been like a father to them, and now you.”

  “I didn’t see it. Not even with all those times he influenced my magic. Or with the connection I instantly felt to him.” Makenna shrugged as Rhys pulled her to straddle him. She rested her head on his chest. “I want to talk to Labeaux. Maybe he can help me make sense of it.”

  Rhys nodded. “That’s a good idea. I’ll take you to him.” His eyes darkened.

  Makenna heard a whisper in her mind. “After what?”

  He flexed his length against her buttocks. His grin was wicked. “After round two.”

  Makenna levered up, positioning herself over him. “Oh, I am so on board with that.”

  As she settled down onto her mate, she marveled at how her world had started to make so much more sense the second she let go and trusted him. Call it fate, destiny, whatever; it had done right by her for once. She’d hold onto this one good thing that was hers until her last breath.


  Killing My Dreams

  “Where’d you go, sis?”

  Amanda stopped the porch swing suddenly. Talon grabbed the edge, keeping himself upright. She would’ve laughed had her heart not been pureed and oozing into her shoes.


  Talon reached for her hand. “What are you thinking?”

  Amanda gave his hand a squeeze then rose to lean against the porch railing. She closed her eyes and let the heavy, sweet bayou air brush over her face. “I was thinking I’m sick of people keeping important shit from me.” She gave him a small smile. “And I’m really glad my wolf is back, even though she’s going nuts inside of me.”

  She was, too. The animal wanted to go to Bowen and tear the truth out of him. To find a way to make sense of the tug she felt to him, and a way to balance that with the revulsion and rage burning her soul at what he’d done to them. What he’d let happen to their mother.

  Then she wanted to hunt down her mate and claim his stubborn ass.

  Amanda also wanted to try out the newly charged power surging within her. Beat someone to a pulp to work out her conflicting emotions and get rid of the incessant pull she felt to Trystan. The mating urge sucked when the one you craved wanted nothing to do with you.

  Talon leaned beside her. “Do you believe him? Do you really think he’s...our father?”

  Amanda cut him a sharp glance. “You know he is. Your wolf feels it just like mine does.” She gazed over the training field, itching to be back out there.

  Having her magic, her wolf back, was incredible. It was also an adjustment. The magic running through her veins was more potent than it’d been before. She was having difficulty assimilating it. She’d shifted again without conscious thought after Talon had gotten her out of the cabin. That hadn’t happened since she was a pup. Plus, her wolf seemed to have a bit of a different temperament. Her vicious streak was more pronounced.

  If Amanda didn’t get it under control, it was going to be a problem.

  Talon scrubbed his hands down his face. “You feel like I do? Like our entire life has been one lie, one betrayal after another?”

  Amanda nodded. They’d fought their entire lives not to be like the man they’d thought was their father. To prove their loyalty to the pack. Now it was all f
or nothing. She took a good look at Talon. She’d never seen him look so tired. Or so old. His hair had been tied at the nape, but pieces had fallen out, making him look abnormally unkempt. Dark circles bloomed under his eyes. She suddenly felt guilty she hadn’t considered how all this had affected him.

  Over the years, he’d told Amanda every story he could remember of Makenna. Blamed himself because he hadn’t protected her. He’d probably been carrying guilt that though he’d fought by Amanda’s side that day, he’d failed to keep her safe from Brianna’s spell.

  Amanda laid a hand on his arm. “None of this is your fault, you know.”

  Talon’s head snapped up. Fire and pain singed the air. “How can it not be? I should’ve kept us together. I should’ve confronted Bowen and mom when I first got an inkling there was something between them.” Amanda’s brows flew up in question. “If I’d asked them, they’d have had to tell me the truth.” He pointed at his chest. “Empath. If they’d lied, I’d have known. I could’ve saved us a hell of a lot of fucking heartache.”

  Talon shoved away from the rail and picked up a chair. He tossed it across the yard, scattering the young warriors who were sparring.

  Amanda went to him as he collapsed on the steps. She put her arm around him. “Talon, you couldn’t have known what was really going on then, or that all this would happen. It’s not your fault.”

  Talon furiously shook his head. “When I found Makenna, when she was Three, I should’ve gotten her out of that shit. I didn’t. Then when I knew she was struggling, I should’ve stepped in. And I could’ve helped you that day when Brianna attacked, if I’d moved faster.” There were tears in his eyes when he turned. “I should’ve tried harder to save Brianna. My sisters were the only family I had, thought I had, and I failed, Panda Bear. I failed you all.”

  Wow. She hadn’t imagined he blamed himself for everything.

  Amanda whispered as she held him tight. “You did everything you could. That’s all we could ask. None of us blame you.”

  Talon gazed at her, agony all over his face. “I wouldn’t be so sure.” She opened her mouth to argue but he cut her off. “Don’t. Just don’t. Nothing you say can change the truth.”

  Amanda blew out a long breath. It was pointless to argue with him when he got like this. She didn’t want to fight with yet another sibling. “I’ll just sit here with you then.”

  “I can’t take care of you right now, Amanda. Can’t give you the answers you need, because I don’t have them.” His head fell into his hands. “I’m sorry. I can’t make it better.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. He was shutting down on her. In her present state, she couldn’t find it in herself to bring him out of it. This time, she wasn’t sure she could if she tried.

  The screen door creaked behind them. Reagan stepped onto the porch. She looked at Talon, then Amanda. Whatever she saw in the two of them had sparks flaring in her eyes. Amanda smiled at her, then gazed longingly at the training field and the warriors there.

  Reagan put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder. “Go. I know you need to.”

  Talon turned at the sound of her voice. Some of the tension left his muscles.

  Reagan moved closer to Talon. “I’ll stay with him.”

  Talon’s mouth opened like he was going to object, then he clamped it shut.

  Amanda didn’t know what gifts Reagan possessed, or how she knew the things she did, but she hoped the female could help Talon. She hugged her brother tight and kissed his cheek.

  “I’m going to go for a run and then try my hand at sparring. It’s been a while.” Her smile was a sad parody she didn’t really feel.

  Talon nodded and swallowed hard as his eyes drifted back to Reagan. Yeah, there was love there. Whether the dumbass realized it or not.

  Amanda stood and stretched. The need to work off the adrenaline pulsing in her blood was a fever. A desperate need nearly as fierce as the need to find Trystan.

  “I’ll check in with you later.”

  She jumped off the porch, enjoying having her strength back. As she walked toward the edge of camp, out of the corner of her eye she saw Reagan extend a hand to Talon. He took it and stood, pulling her into his arms. Then Reagan led him inside.

  Amanda smiled. He’d be okay. Reagan would see to it.

  As for herself, she wasn’t so sure.

  She’d been able to contain the fire in her blood as she and Talon had tried to make some sense of things. Now it was burning her alive. She needed an outlet. What she really needed was Trystan, but that wasn’t an option. Amanda veered toward the training field, deciding she needed that more than a run.

  “Room for one more?” She asked Brenton.

  He grinned. “I heard of your healing.” Brenton slapped her on the back. “Of course there is room. I’ll be your partner.” He settled his stance, his arms out to his sides. “I’m anxious to see you fight. I’ve only heard stories.”

  Amanda smiled wide. Oh yeah, this was what she wanted. “Well then, let me see if I can live up to what you’ve heard.”

  Amanda shook out her limbs. Her wolf rumbled within her, eying their opponent. She was just as ready as Amanda for a release. They needed this.

  Taking a wide stance, she faced Brenton. The towering, blond warrior was quite the specimen, roped muscles covering his entire body. He’d give her a good fight. Test her strength. Several pack members gathered around, all smiling. Their happiness at seeing her back charged her. She forced the unsettled, dark tangle of emotions into the recesses of her mind, focusing on the fight ahead.

  Brenton lunged. Amanda sidestepped, faster than before. She lobbed a powerful blow that caught him square on the jaw. He staggered as his head snapped back sharply.

  Brenton straightened, his brow lowering. “I was going to take it easy, since you haven’t sparred for a while. I guess you won’t mind if I don’t hold back then.”

  “I’d much rather you didn’t.” She cocked an eyebrow, her look full of challenge. Her wolf stood tall, backing her.

  This new power was feeling pretty good so far. Might as well jump back in the deep end.

  Half an hour later, they were both bruised and bloodied, but Brenton was the one on the ground. It’d been a brutal fight that had drawn half the pack, cheering and urging them on.

  She stood over him with a look of triumph. “So, get what you were expecting?”

  Brenton laughed, which ended in a cough as he flipped back up to his feet. “Most certainly.” He wiped his brow with his arm. “For once, the rumors held true.” He extended a hand toward her. “You are a worthy opponent, Amanda. Thank you for a challenging match.”

  Amanda shook his hand and he pulled her into a hug. A sense of rightness, of belonging, she hadn’t felt in months swam over her. She was finally one of the pack again.

  She pulled back with a smile she felt to her bones. “I look forward to our next meeting.”

  “Aye. Soon.” Brenton gave a nod, then rounded up the young warriors to continue their session.

  As the rest of the crowd scattered back to whatever they’d been doing, Amanda saw a dark head and deep, forest green eyes staring back at her from a distance. The rage and yearning she’d been able to shove down during the sparring match welled up in her throat.


  She took a staggered breath and faced him head on. Now that she was back to her old self, she could face him as an equal.

  She’d finally get those answers out of him.

  As they stared each other down, hunger and pain swirling between them, something told her the answers wouldn’t change anything.

  He didn’t want to claim her.

  Hell, he hadn’t even cared enough to check on her after Bowen dropped his bombshell. He’d left her alone when she’d needed him most. That should’ve told her everything she needed to know. She hadn’t wanted the comfort of her brother, she’d wanted her mate. And the look they’d exchanged as Talon ushered her out of the cabin earlier had told her Trystan kn
ew that.

  Still, he’d abandoned her.

  Regardless, the dream of having her mate just wouldn’t die. Amanda took one step forward. Maybe she was a glutton for punishment. Masochistic, even. She needed something, though. Some kind of closure. If he wouldn’t claim her, maybe her craving for him would be assuaged when she had an explanation, when she heard from his lips he didn’t want her. It would hurt like all of Ifrin had swallowed her whole, but aside from him claiming her, it was the only thing that could quell her hunger for him.


  Like the flame set to a funeral pyre, she needed that final signal they would never be.

  Her heart slammed against her ribs when Trystan gave her a smile. Maybe all wasn’t lost.

  Now that she had her magic back, she had the strength to fight for him. If he was still hers to fight for. If he gave her one inkling he still wanted her, she’d pounce on it. She’d fight for him until her last breath. The trace of love she saw in that smile flared hope in her chest.

  Then Trystan turned his back and walked to Brianna’s cabin.

  Her heart dropped into her boots. He felt the pull, just like she did. And she wasn’t going crazy. She’d seen what was behind his smile. Felt it. But when she thought about it, she realized there was sadness and defeat there as well.

  He loved her, but he was walking away. And she still had no idea why.

  As she watched his retreating back disappear inside, part of her died. Her wolf whined as she bit back tears. Shock and brutal heartbreak had her turning on her heel, running toward the house as fast as she could.

  Her mate had no intention of claiming her.

  No matter how hard she fought, it would be a losing battle if he wasn’t willing to fight too. Suddenly, she knew all the explanations in the world, any reason he could give, wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t take away the craving, wouldn’t ease the pain in her heart.


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