
Home > Paranormal > Awakened > Page 27
Awakened Page 27

by Amy Brock McNew

  Keeping her from Rhys.

  There was no stopping the rumble building in her gut, releasing through clenched teeth.

  Labeaux’s weathered, dark face fell, his smile deserting him. Replaced with knowledge and a sadness she hoped was sincere. “He done went ’n told ya. Didn’t he?”

  Rhys spoke as Makenna glared, fighting the urge to beat the truth out of the man she’d once loved almost like a father.

  “Aye.” The brogue displayed her mate’s own displeasure.

  Labeaux stepped back and for a moment she wondered if he’d slam the door. Instead he waved them in. “Come on. I’ll be tellin’ ya whatever you want to know then.”

  Rhys tucked their joined hands behind his back, moving inside ahead of her. She almost smiled at the way his magic spread out while his eyes roamed the room before he let her enter. Though she could no doubt face any threat just fine on her own, it warmed places deep inside with love and the sense of safety.

  He’d always stand between her and danger, even if she didn’t need him to.

  Labeaux gestured to the couch, and they took a seat while his slight, bowed frame puttered around the kitchen. When he set two iced teas in front of them, Makenna eyed the glasses, then their host.

  He sighed. “Cha, I don’t care how big them britches are now, or how much they’re in a twist. You know damn well I never be hurtin’ you on purpose.”

  Makenna’s head went back at the vehemence in his words. Yeah. She did know that. But war and the revelations that just kept coming had her suspicious of everything. “Sorry.”

  He gave a sad smile. “Before ya ask, whatever it was I did, it was always out of love. Me, I stayed true to my vow and will ’til the day they put me in a crypt.”

  Rhys’ brows narrowed as the question popped into Makenna’s mind. “What vow?”

  The old man’s wrinkled skin smoothed out as his features softened. “Cha, Miss Meredith and Mister Bowen made me your godfather. All four of ya. For your clan, there be a vow with thet. To love and protect the chile as long as you live. It’s a blood oath. One I was proud to take.”

  Makenna dragged in a breath. Regardless of what he’d done, she sensed the bond with him. Sensed his love was true. She cast a glance at Rhys as his thumb stroked her fingers.

  Rhys smiled at her and brushed her wayward hair out of her face. “Ask him.”

  She could only form one word. The only word that mattered. “Why?”

  Labeaux blew out a long breath. “I wanted to tell ya the truth. But that spell, it was somethin’ powerful. Since ya wouldn’t be able to access your magic, you wouldn’t a believed me. So I watched over ya, gave reports to your dad─Bowen. Let ’im know ya was all right. And waited for the night of the full moon, on your twenty-fifth birthday.” He frowned. “But I was late way before that night. I let Kylian get to you and never knew what was a happenin’.” Labeaux reached for her hand, but pulled back, unsure of his welcome. “I’m sorry, chile.”

  Makenna reached across the table and squeezed his hand.

  A ball of rage hit her upside the head. Rhys stiffened beside her. She retrieved her hand, placing it on Rhys’ back to try and soothe him. But neither of them could find calm just then. Neither she nor Rhys had had the time or faculties to fully appreciate how far the secrets went. How much damage they’d caused. The truth hit them hard.

  “You gave her exact location?” Rhys exclaimed. “So Bowen knew all along where my mate was and yet he let me scour the country searching for her. Watched me get weaker without her.” Rhys’ words ground out of his teeth like rocks churning.

  Labeaux shook his head furiously. “No! He wouldn’t let me tell him where she was after his brother and his mate died. If he didn’t know, Kylian couldn’t get it outta him.”

  Rhys slid to the edge of the seat. Rage formed a seething red cloud around him. “Then why the fuck didn’t he tell me that? At least tell me she was alive and safe?” He jumped to his feet, putting Makenna behind him. “If he’d have brought her home, we could’ve protected her. Could’ve kept Kylian from turning her into his toy!”

  Labeaux rose and leveled a hard stare at Rhys. “King or not, you’ll not use that language in my home.” Rhys growled, and Labeaux clapped his hands in front of him. “Enough!”

  A cloud of dark yellow surrounded the man, tinged with orange. It weighed the air with the promise of pain. Though lighter in color than theirs, his magic was different. Powerful. Before their eyes, the hunched old man straightened, appearing stronger. A warrior hid behind the elderly façade.

  “She was vulnerable without her magic. Bowen wanted her hidden for as long as possible. Until she was ready to defend herself. Ready to learn to control the power.”

  Rhys snarled. “We could’ve been training her to fight. Teaching her our ways. Instead she was thrown to the wolves. Literally.” Rhys’ hand went to the knife on his belt.

  Labeaux sighed hard, glancing at Rhys’ hand and shaking his head. He didn’t continue until Rhys brought his hand back down to his side.

  “She was already trainin’ as a fighter. And we can’t teach nobody to control magic they ain’t got.” A shadow passed over his features. “No one shoulda been able to find her. We made that spell with no signature. Brianna tapped into their blood link. If she’d a been anyone else, it wouldn’t a worked.” He squared his shoulders. “As soon as Makenna started showin’ signs the spell was wearin’ off, me, I was comin’ after her, to take her to ya.” He glanced at Makenna, his eyes shining with pride. “But she came to me first.” His gaze dared Rhys to argue. “We did what we had to.”

  Rhys still vibrated, but the tension in his muscles eased. “I should have been told. She’s mine.”

  “Yes. She is. And as soon as you found out, you woulda went to her. Wouldn’t have been able to stop yourself. You woulda bonded. And I know this chile.” He pointed at Makenna. “She woulda ran. Hard and fast, to keep all of y’all safe.”

  Makenna slid her hand up and down Rhys’ bulging forearm. “He’s right. I would’ve freaked and ran.”

  Rhys turned to her. “I wouldn’t have let you. I would’ve kept you safe. Kylian never would have gotten the chance to─”

  Makenna shook her head. Understanding filtered in, tempering her anger. She’d been hidden because she was loved so much, not abandoned because she wasn’t wanted.

  “But I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere.”

  Rhys pulled her to him, pressing his forehead to hers. “Damn right you’re not.”

  Labeaux laughed and the cloud around him dissipated. “I see the bond has snapped into place. Congratulations.” They both looked toward him as the air tensed again. “Be ready. Y’all are ’bout to get a boost to your power like you ain’t never seen.”

  Rhys nodded and turned to Makenna, sensing her panic. “We talked about this. How the bond would increase our magic. Remember?”

  “Yeah.” She swallowed, trying not to choke. “But with everything going on, with the goddess already taking over, then that supercharge thing earlier, I─”

  “Kenna,” he lifted her trembling chin. “We’ll handle it together. Okay?”

  Makenna rested her head on his chest. “Okay.” Peace, reassurance, and love flooded their bond. She twisted to look at Labeaux. “Thank you.”

  It was as if a great weight had lifted from his shoulders. He held out his arms, and she rounded the coffee table to sink into his hug. A hug she’d dearly missed.

  He stroked her hair. “It’ll be all right, cha. You got a good man, and you’re strong.” He grasped her cheeks. “You’ll be jest fine. And you’ll win this here war.”

  “I hope so.” She dried her eyes. “Do you think you could come─?”

  Rhys’ phone rang, cutting her off. He frowned as he read the text. “It’s Talon.” Makenna rushed to his side when anxiety slithered over him. “He says we need to get home now. He’ll tell us why when we get there.”

  Labeaux hustled to the door, slingi
ng it open. “Go. I don’t know what it is, but it’s important. The air, she whispers.” He tilted his head, as if listening to it. Then he faced them. Dead serious. “Best hurry. This cain’t wait.” He patted Makenna’s arm as they walked past him. “Don’t be afraid, cha. Just lean on your man.” He shooed them out.

  Makenna turned as they hurried out the door. “Thank you. For everything.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then ran down the hall with Rhys.

  “You getting anything through the pack link?” Rhys tossed the question at her as they climbed in the truck.

  Makenna shook her head. She couldn’t shake the sense of dread washing over her. Another one of her knowings. With everything so up in the air, she hadn’t gotten one in a while. She only wished this one would give her more information.

  But there was no guidance, only that ball of dread spinning in her gut.



  Rhys eased his beefed-up Ram SRT into its spot beside his Ducati. Every protective instinct he had screamed for him to back the damn truck up and get the hell out of here.

  It wasn’t just Makenna’s “knowing” sliding through his system as if it were his own. His intuition whispered their suffering had just begun.

  Rhys rounded the truck and stood in front of Makenna as she stared, unseeing, over the field of warriors sparring. “Kenna?”

  Nothing. He felt nothing from her. His heart ground to a halt, for a moment afraid she’d shut him out again. Then she blinked, and those gorgeous, nearly ebony eyes met his. He gripped her neck with both hands.

  “Are you with me, love?” Both his wolf and raven pushed against his skin.

  Makenna smiled. “I’m with you.”

  Rhys kissed her tenderly. They held each other, delaying what was to come.

  “Good, you’re back!” Talon skidded to a stop. “Sorry. But she’s ready to─”

  Whatever he was about to say died on his lips as Makenna turned to him with a sad smile. She reached for him and Rhys let her go.

  Talon hugged his sister tight before leaning back. “You holdin’ up?”

  Makenna glanced at Rhys, taking his hand. “Yeah. You?”

  Talon scrubbed a hand through his already disheveled hair. “I guess.” He ran a gentle thumb over her cheek. “We’ll get through this and whatever else they throw at us. We always do.” His lips curled in an imitation of a smile.

  Makenna squeezed Rhys’ hand. “Yeah, we will.”

  Talon faced Rhys. “Trystan said Brianna’s ready to talk.” Fire flared in his eyes.

  Rhys tugged Makenna to his side. “He went to see her, didn’t he?” Heat flashed through Rhys. He and his Beta needed to have a long talk about protocol. And the stick up Trystan’s ass.

  “Yeah. But I checked. She was unharmed.” Talon cast a glance to the side as said Beta stalked toward them. “Neither one of them would tell me what it was all about.”

  Rhys sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”

  The three of them marched toward whatever waited for them in that cabin.

  Trystan stopped when they reached him. He fairly shook with anxiety, his eyes not making contact with theirs. “Talon told you?”

  “Yes.” Rhys tried to dig into his Beta, find the reason he vibrated with a barely contained rage. He encountered a solid wall of nothing. Trystan was shielding hard. Not a good sign. “Go get Bowen and meet us there.”

  Trystan stopped a snarl before it could fully manifest. “Fine.” He stomped off, the dark cloud around him billowing in his wake.

  Talon growled. “He needs to get his shit together.”

  Rhys couldn’t agree more. “Aye.” He clapped Talon on the shoulder. “Why don’t you find Amanda?”

  “She’s already there.” Talon didn’t sound happy about that. “Connor’s there too. They’re waiting for us outside.”

  Rhys looked up to see Connor and Amanda talking on the small porch. As the three of them neared, their conversation ceased. Connor tipped his head to them, then made himself scarce.

  Amanda went straight to Makenna. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to you yet. I’m sorry I jumped on you.” She half laughed. “Literally.”

  Makenna clutched her sister tight. “No, I’m sorry. I took everything out on you when it wasn’t your fault. I never should’ve──”

  Amanda shook her head as she took Makenna’s hands. “We both were wrong, wailing on each other like that. Let’s just leave it lie and move on. Okay?”

  Makenna smiled. “I’d like that.”

  “Besides,” Amanda cast a glance behind her. “I have a feeling we’re about to have much bigger things to worry about.”

  Makenna’s eyes narrowed on the cabin. “I’d imagine—”

  She and Amanda dropped each other’s hands as red light zinged over their skin, up their arms, and toward their hearts. A bolt of lightning raced through Rhys, cascading down the bond. As the females sucked in air, shaking, Rhys wrapped his arms around Makenna.

  Makenna wrenched her head around to look at Rhys. “What the ever holy fuck was that? Is this going to happen all the time now?” Her words were breathy as a shiver ran through her.

  Deep red power glowed on both their arms, then seemed to soak in. The scents of ozone and singed fur and feathers met Rhys’ nose. His wolf and raven were dead quiet, as if not sure how to react to the charge that had touched them all.

  “The reason for the increased activity is that the Triad is together, powers intact. I’m certain of it now,” Bowen intoned as he and Trystan joined their awestruck group. “In the first days of the Triad being joined, their power will increase rapidly.” He clasped his hands in front of him, looking proud and sure. “Being locked in my room, I’ve had time to do the research.” He tipped his chin at Rhys. “As the Morrigan’s mate, you will experience the increase as well. Since your bond is complete, your magic will fully merge. That union alone is powerful, but with the Triad intact, the resulting convergence of power will strengthen you exponentially.”

  “Exponentially?” Rhys had heard stories, but still didn’t understand the full ramifications of their mating.

  “Aye. Though, no one alive was present when the last Morrigan lived. She was born over a thousand years ago. Thus, no one can be certain of anything.”

  There was yet another piece of information Rhys and Makenna should’ve had long ago. That was a matter to deal with later, though. They had a prisoner ready to share her secrets. Secrets that could be the key to winning the war.

  Rhys moved toward the door, keeping his arm tight around Makenna’s waist. He needed her close more than ever. “We’ll discuss this later.” He cast a glance at Trystan, who was volleying between eying Amanda as if he were moments from devouring her, and snarling at Bowen. “Trystan, are you with us?”

  Trystan nodded sharply. His features went blank, all hint of rage and hunger wiped away. “I am.” His chin went up as he met Rhys’ stare.

  Rhys led the way inside. Hopefully his Beta would keep his word.

  Talon was the last to enter, closing the door quietly. The sound echoed around the dark, dusty room. The tart smell of anxiety and the charred odor of fear permeated the small space. Along with a strong, acidic aroma of rage.

  The group formed a semi-circle around Brianna, who sat at the small table. Trystan stood apart from the group. The move sent unease winging through Rhys.

  Makenna met his gaze. Her question came to him mentally and he nearly smiled at the joy of having his mate inside his head. What’s with Trystan?

  I don’t know.

  Brianna flashed a smile. “I would offer you all a seat, but as you can see...” She waved a hand at the only other chair.

  Rhys crossed his arms and widened his stance. “We didn’t come for a comfortable chat. You said you were ready to tell us what we need to know. Talk.”

  Brianna gazed around the room before landing on Rhys again. “You will stand by your promise to destroy Kylian? What
ever it takes?”

  Makenna stiffened. “We’ve already given our word.”

  Her blood was beginning to boil. The rage rising within singed his guts. So much power. He did his best to smooth a cooling balm over the inferno. In his mind, he saw the goddess’ head flick his direction. Sensing her counterpart emerging. Rhys had been waiting for it since their bond had fully solidified.

  The god was the only force in existence that could calm his goddess.

  Makenna gripped Rhys’ shirt in her fist, awe flowing toward him as the goddess smiled, then sat down at the glower from the god.

  Rhys sent Makenna a vow. I promised we could do this together.

  Her response was a wave of relief and trust followed by a quiet thank you.

  Brianna watched them closely. Frowning. Envy and sadness whispered over her. “I see your bonding has been finalized.”

  Makenna smirked. “Yeah. It has.” Rhys felt the fury rise again, but this time it remained controlled. Good girl. “Now, are you gonna actually give us something we can use, or am I gonna have to beat the shit out of you again?”

  Rhys let a half grin emerge at that. Gods, he adored her fire and that vicious streak. When she was in control.

  Brianna’s back went straight. The tension in the room ticked up several notches from its already oppressive thickness. She looked at Rhys. “Kylian is a master at manipulating emotions. The strongest empath I’ve ever known. He’ll do anything, sacrifice anyone, to win. He wants you dead so he has free reign to control the clans. Then he intends to conquer the human realm.”

  Rhys immediately made plans to put their allies on alert. “How?”

  “He had me and the other mages working on a way to turn humans to wolves. Well, before the other mages...vaporized.” She swallowed hard.

  Makenna ground her teeth. The goddess raised her head, sharp eyes on Brianna as the heat within cranked up again. This time, Rhys and the god would be hard put to smooth things over. They were as livid as their mate.


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