Reviving Olivia (Project DEEP Book 7)

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Reviving Olivia (Project DEEP Book 7) Page 13

by Becca Jameson

  He spread his fingers on the center of her back and pressed her tighter, encouraging her to put him out of his misery. He’d needed release for far too many minutes to count, and he was so close.

  Suddenly, she did something with her tongue, flicking it over the slit in the head of his dick, delving as deep as she could. The next time she sucked him in, her cheeks must have hallowed because the pressure was that intense.

  It pushed him over the edge. He had no way of warning her either because his mouth was occupied. All he could do was grip her back with his fingertips and thrust his hips higher.

  She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she hummed around his erection as he came, his orgasm shooting down her throat.

  He gasped into Damon’s mouth.

  Damon finally released his lips, but kept his face so close he could reach out with his tongue and flick it over Spencer’s lips. He was smiling as Spencer blinked up at him.

  Olivia was still easing off his cock, licking her way around the shaft and tip until she finally released him.

  Damon held his gaze the entire time. “Gorgeous.”

  Olivia crawled up next to them, dropping to her elbow so close that her mouth was now an inch from both of theirs. She glanced back and forth, a pleased smile on her lips. Or perhaps mischievous because finally she locked her gaze on Spencer’s. “I believe Mr. Bossy needs to know what it feels like to be tortured until he begs us to let him come.”

  Spencer grinned. One second ago, he would have said he didn’t have the energy to lift a single limb. Now, he was revived. He liked her plan.

  Damon smirked at her. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Really?” she drawled, tipping her head to one side. “You sure?”

  He nodded, chuckling. “Positive. I kinda like to be in charge.”

  “Oh, we get that,” she replied.

  He smirked again. “And you loved it.”

  She nodded. “I did. We both did. But now it’s your turn.” She rose up onto her knees and gave him a shove so that he fell dramatically onto his back next to Spencer. She’d done the same thing a few minutes ago, and he’d humored her that time too. For about ten seconds.

  Spencer was curious to see how this was going to go down, but he wasn’t opposed to conspiring with Olivia. As she climbed over the top of Damon and propped herself on his opposite side, Spencer rose up to flank Damon.

  Damon rolled his eyes and lifted both arms, tucking his hands under his head. “Explore away, if you’d like, but don’t for a moment think I’ve conceded anything. I’ll give you both the opportunity to play, but only out of the kindness of my heart because you both look so ravenous. And because I’m feeling like it would be nice to have your lips all over my body. But don’t get the idea either of you can ordinarily take charge of me like this. It’s not in my nature.”

  Spencer bit into his lower lip. Damn, this man was sexy. His hair was ruffled. His eyes were twinkling. His beard hadn’t been groomed in a few days. Spencer wanted to rub his cheek against Damon’s face. He wanted to taste every inch of the man’s skin. He wanted to suck and lick his entire body.

  Olivia reached for Damon’s cock and gently stroked her palm up his length.

  Spencer stared at the connection, unable to keep from comparing his own dick with Damon’s. Damon’s was thicker, but Spencer’s was longer. Good. Both would satisfy Olivia in different ways.

  Spencer reached for Damon’s thigh and gave a sharp tug, forcing the man to spread his legs apart.

  Damon chuckled. “You’re so cute.”

  Spencer shot him a devious look as he slid his hand down and cupped Damon’s balls under Olivia’s grip. Who’s cute now? he thought as Damon’s eyes glazed ever so slightly and his smile straightened out.

  Feeling bold, Spencer slid his middle finger lower until he tapped Damon’s tight hole, watching the man’s face the entire time.

  Damon’s head tipped back, his neck elongating. His elbows stiffened, but he didn’t stop Spencer, and his eyes might have rolled back a bit. Emboldened, Spencer didn’t want to press his luck, but he did have enough moxie to put a little pressure on Damon’s scrotum.

  Damon’s head tipped back farther, his mouth falling open. He wasn’t a statue after all. The man could be brought to his knees on occasion. Probably a very rare occasion that was only on Damon’s terms, but it was possible.

  Olivia leaned down and flicked her tongue over Damon’s nipple before trailing kissed up his neck and taking his mouth.

  Damon moaned. Or maybe it was Olivia. Probably a combination. No matter what, it was sexy as hell watching the two of them kiss, and Spencer understood a bit better why Damon preferred to direct the show.

  Spencer’s dick was hard all over again at the sight of the two people who could make his heart beat out of his chest, so deeply connected. He set his hand on top of Olivia’s, entwining his fingers with hers, and watched as they slid their combined palms up and down Damon’s shaft.

  Precome leaked from the tip, and Spencer leaned down to lick it off with his tongue. He tasted exactly as Spencer had imagined, his personal salty musk, completely different from the sweet tang between Olivia’s legs.

  Olivia lifted her face several inches, breaking the kiss when Damon groaned.

  Both his hands flew from behind his head to grab his lovers by the waist and attempt to pull them back. Apparently, he didn’t like being completely out of control at their mercy, but Olivia didn’t release Damon’s cock. In fact, she firmed her grip, and Spencer took her lead.

  Spencer lifted one knee and thrust it between Damon’s legs, pinning his thigh. Damon outweighed him significantly, so there was no way in hell even ganging up on Damon with Olivia was a true possibility, but Damon groaned anyway.

  “Let us,” Olivia pleaded. “Please.”

  Damon settled his gaze on her and swallowed. He didn’t nod or say a word, but he also didn’t stop her when she sped up her thrusts. Instead, he watched her face closely, blinking more often.

  Spencer knew when Damon got close because his cock started stiffening over and over again beneath their hands. In addition, Damon’s hand had flattened on Spencer’s ass, and he gripped harder. There would be bruises. Spencer didn’t care.

  Damon shifted his gaze to Spencer in that split second before he came, gracing Spencer with the expression every man had as he let go of his control. Tight cords lined his neck, and then he held his breath as pulses of his orgasm were forced from his cock to land across his belly.

  Spencer’s own dick ached with renewed arousal at the vision. He’d done this to Damon. He and Olivia. They’d brought the man to his base self. Raw. Open. Vulnerable. A gift, because Spencer was certain Damon would rarely gift them with this side of him.

  When Olivia released her grip, she trailed a finger through Damon’s come and sucked it clean. “Mmm.”

  Damon shuddered as he tipped his head back and blinked toward the ceiling. “I can’t believe I let you do that.”

  “I don’t think it’s a sign of weakness,” Olivia murmured.

  Damon chuckled as he reached for his T-shirt somewhere near his head and used it to wipe the come off his stomach. He tossed it on the floor and then wrapped his arms around both of them and pulled them to his sides. He kissed Olivia’s lips and then Spencer’s. “Why did we wait so long to do that?”

  Spencer smiled. “It was risky.”

  “Yeah. I’m still a little nervous,” Olivia pointed out. “I hope neither of you wake up tomorrow morning with regret.”

  Damon shook his head. “It’s not like we were all drunk and met at a bar with beer goggles.”

  “Yeah, but it was still a huge step.”

  Damon cocked his head to one side. “A bigger step will be when we both enter you. At the same time.”

  She swallowed and glanced down at Damon’s chest.

  Spencer wondered what she was thinking. “Have you been with two men before?”

  “Yes. But I’ve never had both in
me at once.”

  Damon smiled and kissed her forehead. “Good. That will belong to the three of us.” He looked at Spencer. “I know you’ve dabbled in ménages because you’ve told me, but I get the feeling dabbled is the key word.”

  “Yes.” Spencer didn’t give him more than that. It was enough. He’d played. He’d even had two women before. But no man has been inside you, he reminded himself as an uninvited shudder shook him.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll work up to it,” Damon whispered against Spencer’s forehead. The man was a mind reader.

  Damon shifted his gaze back to Olivia. “There is a very wet pussy pressing against my thigh. I thought you might come when I did.”

  She blushed. “I already came.”

  He lifted a brow. “So did Spencer, but his dick is hard too. How about you climb on top of him and ride him while I watch? I need to recover.”

  She shook her head. “Let’s leave something for the future. We don’t have to explore every possible ménage position tonight.”

  Damon let go of his grip on both of them, grabbed Olivia by the waist, and flipped her onto her back between them. He did this so fast, Spencer’s head was spinning.

  With a hand planted between Olivia’s breasts, Damon held her gaze. “Talk to me.”

  She frowned. “About what?”

  Spencer reached for her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb until she tipped her head his direction. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” She licked her lips and glanced back and forth. “Overwhelmed. I didn’t plan for this to happen. It was amazing, but I think we should take a step back and regroup. Let’s save penetration for another night.”

  Damon slid a knee between her legs and pressed his thigh against her pussy.

  She released a slow sexy breath as her eyes rolled back.

  Spencer was worried for a moment that Damon was about to pressure her to have sex with them. It seemed incongruent with the man Spencer had grown to admire.

  But that wasn’t the case at all. Instead, Damon cupped her head and tipped it forward as he held her gaze. “I think that’s a great idea. Romantic, even. But you’re about to explode. Will you let us make you come again if we promise not to enter you?”

  She bit her bottom lip, her face flushing again. When she dropped the offended lip, leaving the marks of her teeth, she finally nodded. “If you press your thigh against my clit one more time, I’ll come in an instant.”

  Spencer smiled, his heart pounding as she shifted her attention to him. “I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to have two men suckle my breasts at the same time.”

  Damn. “Well, we wouldn’t want to deprive you of that.” Spencer lowered his mouth at the same time as Damon. Two seconds later, Olivia arched her chest into their combined attention and let out a whimper. She lifted her hips up beneath Spencer’s palm on her belly, undoubtedly seeking pressure against her pussy.

  Spencer slid his hand down between Damon’s thigh and Olivia’s swollen folds. Now was not a time for slow and easy. Instead, he thrust two fingers into her tight heat so hard that she screamed.

  “Oh yeah. I really like that sound,” Damon murmured against her chest. He smoothed his hand down the top of Spencer’s, and on the next thrust, they entered her together.

  “Jesus. God,” she shouted.

  Spencer wiggled his knee between her legs next to Damon’s, forcing her open wider. Without words, he and Damon managed to continue to torment her nipples with their lips while they thrust into her rapidly. Deeper. Two fingers, and then three.

  Spencer pressed his palm against her clit and rubbed as soon as they were both seated deep.

  She squirmed, gasping. “Please. Oh God, please.”

  Damn, he liked that sound. And he knew Damon did too because the man groaned around her breast, and Spencer was pretty sure he also nipped her nipple with his teeth because she arched her chest next, an incoherent noise escaping her lips.


  It was fucking tight inside her, but somehow Damon managed to add another finger, and he took control of their thrusts, gripping Spencer’s hand and driving their combined width into her deep and hard. Rapid thrusts that made her stop breathing altogether as her mouth fell open.

  Finally, her belly dropped, and she cried out as her orgasm took ahold of them, milking their fingers hard.

  They both released her nipples to watch her come.

  Damon didn’t let up until she grabbed their backs and squeezed. Finally, he pulled their combined fingers from her tightness and drew them to his mouth, licking her come off Spencer’s fingers first and then his own.

  Olivia’s eyes were closed, and she was breathing heavily. Her body was limp, her knees wide. Her hands had dropped to the bed. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

  Spencer closed the gap and kissed her unmoving open mouth. “You okay?” he teased.

  She finally pulled her lips together. “I’m not sure yet, but who needs sex when you can do that to me?”

  Damon smoothed a hand up to her chin and tipped her head his direction to kiss her gently also. “When we enter you, we better do so during the day.”

  “Why?” she asked, her eyes scrunching.

  “Because you’re going to scream so loud the neighbors will not be able to sleep.”

  She giggled, the sound burrowing into Spencer’s heart. Deep. So sweet. So nice. He could listen to that sound for the rest of his life.

  Chapter 13

  Ash picked up the phone. “Well, well, well, I wondered when I would hear from you.”

  “Don’t be an ass.”

  “Me?” he asked in the snarkiest of voices.

  “Cut the shit. I need some information from you.”

  Ash leaned back in his office chair and smirked as he ran a hand through his hair. “I bet you do, but it would seem I’m fresh out of information these days.”

  “Don’t fuck with me.”

  Ash sat up straighter, sobered, and delivered his next words as succinctly as possible. He was done playing these games. “Listen close. I’m done. Done with your games. Done with your shit. The well is dry. You won’t get another drop of information out of me.”

  After a sharp intake of breath, “You don’t have that option.”

  “Oh, but I do.”

  “I can ruin you.”

  “Turns out, I no longer give a shit.” Ash had been waiting weeks to deliver that blow. His priorities had changed, and it felt good to put his foot down once and for all.

  “Ash, be reasonable.” Fear. The glorious sound of fear.

  “I’ve been reasonable with you for about thirty-five years. I’m done being your kind of reasonable. The table is turning.”

  “With one phone call, I can have you arrested.”

  He chuckled sardonically. “With one phone call, I can have all of Blue Cell taken down. And you better call off your dogs. You’re going to be in even more trouble if you start killing people.”

  Another sharp intake of breath. “You’re bluffing.”

  “Try me.” He ended the call, wishing he still owned an old desktop phone that would have given him the satisfaction of slamming it in the cradle.

  For the first time in decades, Ash was no longer worried. He simply didn’t give a fuck what happened to him anymore. He only had one concern—keeping his daughter safe. It was time to make contact with her.

  Damon felt like he’d been asleep hard for ten hours when he blinked awake. His body was stiff, and it took him a moment to realize where he was. He turned his head to the side to find Spencer rubbing his eyes.

  Where was Olivia?

  Damon pushed to sitting to see her standing across the hotel room. She was dressed, and judging by the dampness of her hair, she’d showered.

  How the hell had Damon slept through that?

  The suite was filled with the welcome scent of coffee, and Olivia was already sipping a mug, her ass leaning against the wall next to the open double doors that attached the bedroom t
o the rest of the suite.

  She was staring at them. How long had she been watching them sleep? Her face was serious.

  “You okay, Livvy?” Damon asked, glancing at Spencer to find his eyes also wide with concern. Damon slid from the bed, grabbed a pair of boxers, and made his way her direction.

  Spencer did the same.

  “We have to call my dad,” Olivia announced, tipping her head back to look up at them.

  “What?” Spencer’s voice cracked. “Why would you do that?”

  She sighed. “Because he’s worked for the government forever. And if he’s somehow connected to this, he will know what those numbers mean.”

  Damon stiffened. She might be right. But was it safe? Definitely not.

  Spencer agreed with Damon. “I don’t like the idea, Livvy.”

  “Why?” She set her coffee mug on the dresser and turned back to stare at both men. “It seems logical that I should suck up my concerns and make contact for the good of the DEEP team. With one phone call, perhaps we might be able to solve a mystery that’s keeping two dozen people in hiding. How long do you expect this SURVIVE group to stick their neck out for everyone?”

  “Indefinitely,” Spencer assured her. “I was with the group in Montana for six weeks. Trust me. They are a massive organization prepared to work indefinitely for the good of humanity. In fact, the team of doctors who just spent ten years of their lives in preservation is so unbelievably dedicated to saving lives that they’ve continued to work on various cures even though they’re in hiding.”

  Olivia’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

  Damon nodded. He knew every one of the members of the DEEP team was committed to finding treatment for any and every disease they could. They worked tirelessly night and day. “Spencer’s right. These are scientists. The country’s most brilliant minds. I’m sure several of them are bored out of their minds at the farmhouse. There’s only so much they can do to help figure out a way out of this mess. They’d want to keep their minds occupied.”

  Olivia smiled coyly, a strange twinkle in her eye that caught Damon off guard and made him wonder what she was thinking before she finally shared. “When I want to keep my mind occupied, I usually get dressed up and find a club filled with like-minded people interested in kink. But hey,” she joked, shrugging, “to each his own.”


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