The Long-Eared Easter Enigma

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The Long-Eared Easter Enigma Page 4

by Kian Rhodes

  “Enough!” I interrupted him, laughing. “Obviously, you just haven’t met the right person.”

  “Or maybe I have,” Keeson disputed, staring into my eyes. “Maybe it just took a minute.” He lowered his lips to mine in a chaste kiss. “Will you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive,” I assured him. “I wish I could say I’m not always this dramatic, but..” I shrugged. “I don’t like to lie.”

  Keeson chuckled. “If that’s your idea of dramatic, I think we’ll be fine.” He tightened his arm around me and then stood, tugging me up with him. “It’s late. Why don’t we go back to bed?”

  I hesitated, not because I was still mad, but because I really didn’t think I could get back in the mood. I was about to offer to sleep on the sofa, when he seemed to read my mind.

  “Just to sleep, Antoine,” he murmured, his voice soothing my still jangled nerves. “I just want to hold you.”

  When I nodded, Keeson led me back to the bedroom, flicking off light switches as we went. Before I knew it, I was back out of my clammy clothes and laid on the mattress as he remade the bed over me with all of the efficiency of a man who was well-used to handling household chores. Watching an Alpha doing housework shouldn’t have been erotic, but, and you’ll have to trust me on this, it so was.

  Soon, he was crawling under the covers next to me, pulling me against his warm, hard, naked body and kissing my neck.

  “Sleep tight, baby,” he whispered in my ear as his body curled around mine. I counted a couple of his breaths and then that was the last thing I remembered until morning.




  “Oh, fuuuck…” I groaned, bucking my hips up to sink deeper into the tight heat surrounding my cock. I tugged on the silky-soft curls tangled around my fingers.

  “Feel good?” Antoine’s words were a moan, his tongue and lips tickling my sensitive flesh as he spoke with my dick still in his mouth.

  “So fucking good, baby,” I agreed, nearly biting my tongue in two when he dropped down and swallowed, his tongue teasing a stripe down my shaft a split second before his throat clamped tight, trapping me in the hot, supple wetness.

  The Omega suckling my cock moaned again, this time the air escaped through his nose buried in the thicket of tight curls at the base of my cock, making me shiver. I threw my head back and it impacted the wooden headboard, sending a different type of sparks off behind my eyelids. “Fuck.”

  The pain brought me fully awake and I shook my head, opening my eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Antoine released my dick with a lewd slurp and rose up to his knees. “That must have hurt.”

  I stared at the beautiful man leaning over me, his pink lips wet and swollen. “Oh, shit. I thought I was dreaming.”

  Antoine stared at me for a second before the confusion eased into amusement. “You thought you were dreaming that I was blowing you?”

  “No,” I huffed, scowling. When Antoine’s grin widened, I sighed. “Okay, fine. Yes, I’m so lame that I thought I was dreaming that you were giving me the world’s best blow job. Are you happy now?”

  Antoine’s grin turned into a smirk. “Well, I guess world’s best blow job actually outranks a dream blow job, so, yeah, I’m good. How’s your head?”

  “Fine,” I grunted, trying to ignore the throbbing in my cock.

  “Good.” Without any further fanfare, he dropped his face back to my crotch and sucked my length back down his smoldering throat, sealing his swollen lips around the base of my cock.

  “Holy shit!” I bucked up again as he began to bob his head in a punishing rhythm, seemingly determined to wring my soul from my cock as he finished the pass with an excruciatingly pleasurable swirl of his tongue before sinking down again.

  He butted his head against the palm of my hand and I tightened my grip in his hair, forcing his face further into my crotch. I was rewarded with a whimper and a sudden wetness from his dick leaking on my thigh. “You like that, baby?” I ground up into his mouth, gagging him for a second before gentling my grip so I didn’t hurt him.

  Antoine’s moans were vibrating through my cock and shooting sparks up my spine to flare in my balls. When I looked down, his cheeks were stained a deep red and his soft eyes were half-lidded with arousal as he stared up at me.

  “I’m gonna cum, baby,” I warned him, hoping he wouldn’t stop, but not willing to strip the choice from him.

  Antoine tightened his mouth and increased his speed, leaving no question of what he wanted. When he pressed a knuckle into the sweet spot behind my sack, I bellowed and my release flooded through me, spurting into his talented mouth. He swallowed around me, still moaning his pleasure as he tried to take it all. Even as my thick cream leaked from the corners of his mouth, he massaged my softening cock with his tongue, fighting for more.

  When he finally drew down, squeezing my cock through his pursed lips as he pulled his mouth off me, he was panting. He rose back up to his knees and grabbed his dick, beating it as he stared down at me.

  “Oh, yeah?” I growled, leaning up to grab Antoine’s ass and dragging him up to straddle my chest, putting his dribbling cock just inches from my face. “You gonna cum on me, baby?”

  Antoine’s jaw dropped and I was pretty sure I’d actually shocked him, but he didn’t have time to respond because as soon as I slid a finger between his cheeks, he screamed and his cock spewed his load all over my chest and face, one stripe even landing on the pillow by my head.

  He collapsed in a sweaty pile in the mess he’d made on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he gasped for air.

  When his breathing finally started to even out, I kissed the top of his head. “Good morning. Sleep well?”

  “I think so,” he finally mumbled through a huge yawn. “You?”

  “I did,” I told him, smiling to myself. Hell, normally, a day off or not, I would have been up and working out in my home gym before the sun rose instead of trading orgasms with a sweet young thing in the sunlight streaming in through the snow piled on the window ledge.

  Not that I was complaining.

  “But as good as I slept,” I teased him, “I think waking up was my favorite part.”

  Instead of the laugh I’d expected, Antoine sighed and stretched, dropping his legs over the sides of mine so he was draped over me like a sexy blanket. “Mine, too. Thank you.”

  That made me laugh. “Did you really just thank me for letting you suck me off?”

  Antoine peeked up at me with a shy smile. “I meant it. It was really, really hot.” He brushed a kiss over my nipple and laid his head back on my chest. “I really like you.”

  I couldn’t help but hug him tighter. “Does that mean you’ll spend the day with me? I need to pop into town for a few minutes to check on the blizzard response, but after that, I’m free.” Then I remembered another minor detail. “And we should probably get your head and wrist checked, too.”

  Antoine reached up and brushed his fingers over his head. “I think this one is already healed,” he said after a minute of poking and prodding. Then he held his arm out and moved the wrist, grimacing slightly. “This probably needs another couple of days,” he guessed. “But I don’t think I really need a doctor. You splinted it pretty well.”

  “Thanks,” I kissed his hair again. “But, since I’m not a doctor, I think we better get it x-rayed, okay?”

  “Fine,” Antoine gave a put-upon sigh, but I saw the twinkle in his eye. “Whatever you want me to do, Alpha.”

  Damned if that wasn’t music to my ears.


  r Nine


  Once we finally dragged ourselves out of bed, Keeson hustled me into the shower. I tried to tug him in with me, but he just laughed and kissed my palm before easily freeing his wrist from my grasp.

  “If we shower together, we’re not going to make it to town today,” he pred
icted with a wink. “You need to get a clean bill of health if you want me to rock your world tonight, baby.”

  When I spun around, careful to keep my splint out of the water spray and grabbed for the body wash, he snorted. I could hear him laughing as he made his way to the kitchen while I scrubbed the evidence of our first couple of rounds off.

  We made small talk over a breakfast of oatmeal and blueberries – one of my favorites, although there was no way that Keeson could have known that – mostly about the strange timing of the blizzard and what the spring weather was usually like in the valley. Then, I cleaned up the kitchen while Keeson showered and dressed. By the time we were strapped into the truck and headed into town, we’d fallen into a strangely comfortable silence. The kind you usually have to know someone for years to enjoy.

  When we reached the spot in the road where I’d gone over, Keeson’s jaw tensed. “I almost forgot that we need to get a wrecker out here to winch your car up the hill,” he said with a frown. “I doubt that we’ll be able to today.”

  “It’s no rush,” I assured him, ignoring the lump of dread in my belly. “I mean, it’s not drivable, so it doesn’t really matter.”

  “True,” Keeson agreed, dropping his hand on my knee for a quick squeeze before returning it to the steering wheel and starting the truck crunching through the frozen snowdrifts again. “And with the snow still falling, there are bound to be more people who ignore the advisories and go off the road who need to be saved.”

  An unwelcome thought occurred to me. “I, ah, guess I should see if I can find a motel room, though.”

  Keeson just snorted. “I thought we moved past the fishing crap last night, baby. You’re staying with me.” He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and I swear I saw him bite back a request for confirmation.

  “Yes, Alpha,” I agreed obediently, sitting back in my seat with a happy sigh. I mean, granted, I was going to be beyond screwed when Clint found out about the rental car, but, right then, for that moment? I was pretty sure I couldn’t even be any happier.


  The wait at the urgent care clinic in town was insane. Standing inside the entry door, Keeson looked around in dismay at the crowd. From kids with fevers to pregnant women who were positive that the blizzard was going to jumpstart their labor to people with broken bones from car accidents, it seemed like half the town was there, waiting for one of the handful of harried doctors to treat them.

  “You don’t have to wait with me,” I suggested. “Why don’t you go do the blizzard stuff you need to do and, by the time you’re done, I’m sure they’ll have seen me?”

  “Are you sure?” Keeson looked doubtful.

  “Positive,” I said firmly. “I have my pack identification and my guardian has a permission to treat form entered in the state system. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” Keeson surprised me by pulling me close in front of everyone and kissing my lips. “If you need anything, you tell them to call me, okay?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” I said softly, touched that he seemed so concerned about me.

  “And you don’t step outside this clinic until I get back.”

  “I promise.” I forced back a smile. “I’ll be waiting, honest.”

  “Hop along, Sheriff,” one of the nurses passing by laughed, handing me a clipboard. “We’ll take care of your boy.”

  “You better, Steve,” Keeson snapped, unsmiling, before he released me and walked out the door.

  “Well, then,” the nurse, Steve, apparently, said to me, shaking his head. “It seems he’s got a carrot up his ass today. Why don’t you fill this form in and then bring it to the counter when you’re done? We’ll need your health card, too, please.”

  “Sure,” I agreed, puzzling over the carrot comment. It seemed a little, well, specific. Then it hit me. In a town that small, everyone probably knew the sheriff was a vegetarian. Pulling a pen from the cup on the counter, I found a small corner of a bench and settled in to complete my intake forms.

  As I’d expected, the gash on my head was closed. There was a small pinkish scar, but the doctor who examined it seemed to think it would probably disappear in time. The wrist injury was more concerning.

  “Who did you say splinted this?” The doctor, a smallish human named Darla, asked.

  “Sheriff Caraway,” I said nervously, wondering why her brows were arching. “I was, ah, in a traffic accident and he helped me.”

  She mumbled something I couldn’t hear as she unwrapped the miles of gauze.

  “Excuse me?”

  Doctor Darla looked up, startled. “Oh, sorry. I was mostly talking to myself. I said it figures.” She gave me a half smile and shrugged. “It looks like it was done by a paramedic.” I must have frowned because she continued. “That’s not an insult,” she assured me. “In fact, most of the time first responders are more thorough than the ER techs.” She stopped and looked at me with renewed interest. “That probably makes you the Omega that our esteemed sheriff was seen kissing in the waiting room!”

  I froze and she laughed. “It’s okay. Our beloved sheriff never dates, so that little tidbit flew through this place like wildfire.” A knock came at the door and she winked at me. “X-ray is ready for you – saved by the bell!”

  Once the x-rays had been taken – digital, so they didn’t have to wait to read them – Doctor Darla passed me off to a specialist from the Orthopedic department. A big burly guy name Dot.

  Dot was a friendly type who talked a lot as he worked.

  “Well, I hate to say it, but it’s definitely broken,” he sympathized, patting my shoulder. “We’ll get you fixed up in no time.”

  By the time the first layer of plaster was drying, I knew more about him than I did some of my relatives. As he was applying the second layer, he began to pepper me with questions about me. Where was I from? What did I do? What was it like being an Omega?

  He finished the second wrap and stopped to check something on my chart before rolling his little padded stool over to sit facing me. “It says here that you’re a shifter?”

  I nodded. No real secret there. “Wolf.”

  “That explains the fracture in the bone,” he explained, pointing to the image of my arm on the computer screen. “If you were human, it probably would have broken here,” he pointed to a spot higher on the arm. “That spot is typically weaker in humans. As a wolf, though, your shift plates are here,” he pointed to the spot just below the break. “So it’s the weakest point. The good news is that it will heal in a couple of days.”

  I nodded. That was what I’d guessed.

  Another knock came at the door. Dot opened it and Doctor Darla came in, clipboard in hand.

  “Your hunny-bunny is back to collect you,” she teased with a wink. “I already gave him the prescription for your pain pills.” She looked at Dot. “He’s the one that everyone is buzzing about with Sonny.”

  Dot’s jaw dropped. “But..”

  Keeson chose that moment to poke his head in the room. Ignoring the medical professionals, he smiled at me. “Hey. You ready?”

  “I’m not sure.” I looked from one doctor to the other. Doctor Darla was grinning ear to ear. Dot looked confused. “Am I?”

  “Sure, sure!” Darla giggled, making a shooing motion with her hands. “You two hop along!”

  I looked back to Keeson and shrugged. “I guess so.”

  “The arm?” Keeson raised a brow at Dot.

  “Broken,” Dot said quickly. “But not badly. You, ah, did a great job splinting it and it’s already healing.”

  Keeson waited, but Dot seemed to be done.

  “When does the cast come off?” he asked with a sigh.

  “Oh!” Dot bit down on his lip. “Sorry! Um, with his healing, probably no more than a few days.”

  “Thanks.” Keeson slipped an arm around my waist and walked me out the exam room door. We were almost to the exit when I remembered the coat he’d lent me.

  “I left my coat back there,” I said, staring out the glass door at the swirling snow.

  “You want to go grab it and I’ll get the truck?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll meet you out front.” Keeson squeezed my hand and I turned back down the hall.

  The door was still open, but I could hear voices whispering frantically. I knocked on the open door and the voices stopped. Doctor Darla appeared.

  “Antoine!” She gave me a confused smile. “You’re back. Do you need help?”

  “Help?” I felt my brows creep up. “No, not really, I mean. I just forgot my coat.”

  Dot appeared with my coat, concern etched on his face. “You’re sure you don’t need help?”

  “No. Just the coat, but thanks.” I accepted it and slipped it on before backing out into the hall. “Thanks.”

  “Oh, of course.” Darla’s smile seemed strained. “If you do need help of any kind, you just call and ask for me.”

  “Will do,” I agreed, shaking my head as I walked back to the main entrance and the truck waiting at the curb. “The people here are nice,” I said to the snow as I walked, “but they are a little odd.”




  After I dropped Antoine off at the urgent care, it was only a short drive for me to check in on the emergency response by my staff.

  “Sheriff!” Louise did a double take when the front door of the office slammed shut behind me. “Isn’t today your day off?”

  “Yup,” I confirmed, stomping my boots to dislodge the snow clinging to them. “Thought I’d stop in and make sure everything is under control, though.”

  “Seems to be,” Ralph muttered from the corner desk where he was pounding away on an old typewriter. “There’s been a shitload of minor accidents, but nothing serious.”


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