Till The Sun Dies: Checkmate, #2

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Till The Sun Dies: Checkmate, #2 Page 17

by Finn, Emilia

  Strangely, it doesn’t freak me out.

  “I’m gonna set you up with a nine-millimeter,” Spence starts as we move through a heavily locked room. Walls and walls of displayed guns, it’s like he’s a genuine collector and he’s showing us the VIP section. “Your sister learned on a nine, as well.”

  “My sister learned? She knows how to shoot?”

  Gun in hand, he walks around me like he just can’t figure out if the twin thing is a guise. On the third or fourth revolution, he leans in close and sniffs me.

  He fucking sniffs me! Which results in a panicked squeak and me scrambling against Angelo’s side.

  “She did. She’s good at it, too, but her teacher is the best marksman I know.”


  “No. I’m the second-best marksman I know. Bish taught Jessie. He showed her how to hit a bullseye from fifty feet away. You’ve got big shoes to fill, missy. You think you’re up to it?”


  Chuckling, he stops at a metal table and disassembles the heavy gun he took down from the wall. “Glock .45.”

  “I’ve seen this gun before.” I look up and meet Spence’s eyes. “This is Kane’s gun.”

  He winks. “This is the same as Bish’s gun. Correct. This ain’t his, because if he left his laying around and not on his body, I’d be disappointed.” He snaps the gun back together, holds it by the barrel, and offers it to me. “Don’t worry. It’s unloaded.”

  I accept the heavy metal and gauge its weight.

  “This is the same gun Jessie learned with, so I figure, twins, right?” He narrows his eyes. He still doesn’t believe that I’m not cheating on Kane. “Two hands. It’s ambi, so you can use it with either hand. But you, my pretty little flower, will use both hands. It has a little kick, but it won’t smack your face so long as you’re paying attention.”

  “Okay.” I rotate it in my hands and react strangely when Ang moves closer to glance over my shoulder. When his broad chest touches my back, his hands rest on my hips, and his breath tickles my neck, I don’t freak out.

  With a gun in my hand, and this giant dude in my face, Ang’s touch does strange things to my blood.

  It’s almost like a sizzling of electricity.

  A compulsion to step back so we’re flush from top to toe.

  “I’ll run you through the first set.” Spence turns on his feet and walks away. He doesn’t ask us to follow, he doesn’t have to say a damn thing; his presence commands obedience. “I’m gonna put you in a booth today. Set you up with a target and an unlimited supply of rounds.”


  “Bullets.” He pushes through a heavy door and glances back. “Most people come in here, get their fifteen rounds, and they leave again. Jessie shot more than three hundred on her first day here.”

  “Three hundred?”

  “Kane demands nothing but perfection, little girl. She got through more than three hundred before he called it a day.”

  “Is she good at it?”

  Giving a serious nod, he collects glasses and ear protection as we move through, and the whole time, Ang’s hand remains on me; on my hip, on the small of my back, twined with my fingers.

  My body is hypersensitive.

  That alone isn’t a strange sensation for me; I’ve been hypersensitive for two years. Every germ that skittered across my flesh, every hair follicle, every speck of dust could be felt and needed to be washed away.

  No, the sensitivity isn’t new, but the strange giddiness that moves through my blood is.

  I like Ang touching me.

  Where the fuck did that come from?

  “Are you listening, girl?”

  “Hm?” I jump back when Spence’s slightly crooked nose stops a mere three inches from mine. “Sorry. I was listening.”

  “You were not.” Narrowing his eyes, he shakes his head and steps back. “Lane one for the girl that claims her name isn’t Jessie. You get unlimited rounds. Unlimited time. You don’t have to rush out.”

  “Do you have other people coming in today?”

  “Not till this afternoon, so the place is yours till then. I’m going back to bed.”

  “Bed?” I turn when he steps away. “You live here?”

  “Yeah, and you assholes woke me up. I didn’t go to sleep till four. Riggs woke me three seconds after I closed my eyes. I’m crashing until I have to get up again.”

  “You’re not staying to teach me?”

  “Nope. Your tutor is capable and standing right behind you. I don’t teach the pretty girls that are already taken. That shit would get weird fast, and I’m not interested in fighting a dude just to get some ass. Especially when I already have ass back in my bed waiting for me.”

  A growl rips its way up Angelo’s throat and simply makes Spence grin.

  “Just keepin’ it real, brother. Have fun. You know where everything is. This place is soundproofed, so if you got noisy or whatever…” He flashes a grin. “Or whatever.” Whistling under his breath, Spence walks across the spartan concrete bunker space and swings a heavy steel door open. Stepping through, he turns back and tips a non-existent hat. “Stay safe, friends. Call me when you’re done.”

  “He’s…” As soon as the door crashes closed, I turn to Angelo and shake my head. “He’s strange.”

  He nods. “I know.”

  “And he’s your friend? What the hell kind of friends do you have, Angelo? What happened to hanging out with normal people?”

  Chuckling, he places his hand on the small of my back and jockeys me toward my lane. “He’s Kane’s friend, not mine. Here we go.” He takes the still unloaded gun from my hand and starts doing… something with it. “I’ll set you up in rounds of fifteen. Fifteen bullets, stop, check your target, reload.”

  “You didn’t answer my question back at the house.”

  Distractedly, he simply makes the ‘hmm’ sound in his throat.

  “I asked if you still had the gun from that day at the club. You said no, but you didn’t say if you’d kept learning.” I watch his skilled hands work the gun. Hands that can play an instrument. Hands that can rebuild an engine. And evidently, hands that can load a gun. “Looks to me like the answer is yes.”

  “Yeah. Sorta. I got a gun and took it out to the old haunted house. You remember the one?”

  I nod.

  He shrugs. “I kept going out there. Eventually I learned to hit a bottle cap from about thirty paces away. Took a long time, lots of bullets, lots of patience.”

  “Why didn’t you come in here?” I accept the plastic glasses and slide them over my face. “If Alex caught you shooting at Popcorn Palace, he’d get mad.”

  “Alex is always mad, so I don’t let his moods dictate my actions. And I didn’t know this place existed.”

  Turning to face me, he slowly lifts the earmuffs, and when I nod, places them over my ears. As gentle as a fingertip on a soap bubble, he pushes my hair behind my ears, breathing on my forehead as he works.

  My heart races. Not so long ago, it would be racing because he’s too close and I need to back up. Today, it races because he’s so close, and yet…

  “Can you hear me?”

  I flash a smile that only widens when his eyes drop to my mouth. “Yes, Sensei.”

  He chuckles and plops muffs over his own ears. “Alright.” He picks up the gun with a nervous swallow and places it in my hands. Turning me to face the targets, he stands behind me and places his hands on my hips. “Your gun is live. Don’t point it at yourself. Don’t point it at me. Don’t even point it at Spence, no matter how much he annoys you.”

  When I snicker, his hands tighten on my hips.

  “Don’t point a gun at any human being unless you intend to shoot them. It’s not a game. Guns aren’t toys.”

  “So leaving one in the bread box is…”

  “Bad.” I feel his shaking head. “It’s bad, and Bish deserves a kick in the nuts for doing that. You need to focus. Your target’s up; aim for the cent
er dot. Aim for his chest. Big target; more likely to hit.”

  “Okay.” Silliness aside, my hands begin to shake.

  “It won’t bounce back so long as you stay strong. Concentrate on that dot, and don’t forget to breathe.”

  “Did you ever forget to breathe and pass out while shooting?”

  He snorts. “Did I forget to breathe? Yeah, a thousand times. Did I pass out? No. Concentrate.” His breath fans my neck so the loose tendrils of my hair tickle my flesh. “Breathe. Aim.” His hands slide along my ribs and up to my arms. I don’t think he means to touch as intimately as he does, he’s just trying to teach me this skill, but even with a live gun in my hands, I still manage to focus on the way he makes my heart race.

  He slides them along my arms until they cover mine. “Safety off. Your pointer finger stays off the trigger until the very last second. If your finger’s on the trigger, that means you’re ready to shoot now. You ready?”

  I trap my bottom lip between my teeth and nod. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “You’ll bite a hole in your lip if you do that. Let it go.” Before I can ask how he knows, he chuckles. “I can hear it. I’ve known you a long time. Release your lip, relax your shoulders, breathe.”

  I study the black and white paper human hung from the ceiling twenty or so feet away. Standing in a tiny booth with walls surrounding me on the left and the right, a counter in front of me, and a large body behind, my heart pounds as I slide my finger along the cold steel. “Angelo?”


  “Why does Spence call you Riggs?”

  His body jerks from my words, then mine jerks from the loud boom of the gun.

  My heart pounds in my chest when something hard and intimidating touches my ass. But he doesn’t explain. Not truthfully, anyway.

  Not the Riggs thing, and not his erection.

  “Umm.” His voice cracks. “It’s just a joke, because we watched Lethal Weapon one time. Now take your second shot. And pay attention.”

  * * *

  Three hours and an uncountable number of bullets later, Ang takes my hand and leads me up Kane’s driveway and through the front door.

  Silly schoolgirl nerves flitter through my stomach; power, because I learned how to shoot a gun; independence, despite the fact I’m hardly competent yet; adrenaline, because I know for a damn fact Angelo felt something while he helped me shoot; and giddiness, because it didn’t freak me out.

  For months – years, even – I assumed for the rest of my life, men would repulse me. I’ve had more than my fair share, and I figured I could go the rest of my life and never want to touch one again.

  Even this morning, I was on that train.

  But now Ang likes to hold my hand. He holds my hips. He laughs at my jokes.

  His erection touched my back, and suddenly, not all men repulse me.

  Could that be something?

  Or is it like a rebound thing?

  It’s Angelo-fricken-Alesi! My brother’s friend.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “Yeah.” I allow him to lead me through the living room and pretend the hand holding isn’t weird. “It was fun, and Spence is cool. Scary as hell, but cool. What about you?”

  “Yeah, it was– Ugh!” Convulsing, Ang spins and slams his eyes shut. I peek around him and laugh when I find Jess’ flushed face. She straddles Kane’s lap and buries her face in his neck.

  I laugh and continue walking, and when Ang refuses to budge, I release his hand and tap Jessie on the back of the head.

  I should be grossed out about the fact she’s in his lap. I should be more grossed out that she didn’t jump up, which means she’s helping him hide something that might be a little ‘pokey.’

  But I’m not.

  It’s cathartic seeing them together. Seeing the love they carry for each other.

  So passionate.

  So real.

  Something I’ve never had.

  When a woman reaches my age and has never felt that all-encompassing love, the least she deserves is to be witness to it.

  I stop behind Jess and tug her hair back. “Hey, pretty girl.” I drop a kiss on her brow, and when Kane winks, I hardly even blush.

  “Hey there, Twink.” He lifts his chin. “You have fun with Spence?”

  I step away from the couple and go about pouring a couple glasses of juice. “How’d you know where we were?”

  “One; you don’t have friends like Spence and not know what’s up. He was worried Jess was stepping out on me, so he sent a picture of you and Ang at the range. You looked sexy with that Glock, by the way. I’m partial to those.” Unapologetically, his hands massage Jess’ thighs. “You guys looked kinda comfortable in that booth, and since Spence isn’t the kinda guy that trusts easily, especially not when he can see the proof right in front of his eyes – you know, seeing as how you and the other hot blonde are identical – he refused to settle until I sent a picture back of me and Jess right here.”

  I laugh and re-cap the juice. “He threatened Ang’s life, and told me he was disappointed. He’s a loyal friend.”

  Kane nods seriously. “He is. He’s the ride or die kind.”

  Jess hisses. “You got the ‘I’m not mad. I’m disappointed’ talk? Ouch. That shit hurts worse than a bullet.”

  I roll my eyes and walk across the room to pass a juice to Ang. “You’d know, Knievel.”

  “Two,” Kane continues. “You forget I have the garage on loop. Now I have to move all of my guns, since you told the whole fucking street where I keep my shit.”

  “It’s hardly hiding if I’m constantly tripping on them.”

  “Three; I bugged Ang’s car for funsies.”

  “Motherfucker, you did what?” Ang’s voice is angry, but his pointy little finger on the juice glass says otherwise. “What the fuck do you mean you bugged my car? You’re not a cop anymore, and even if you were, I’m not a criminal.”

  “I got new toys. Wanted to know how they worked.”

  “Get your shit off my fuckin’ car! Nobody’s allowed to touch my car.”

  Snickering, Jess hides her face against Kane’s chest. “I didn’t tell you; nobody touches the Charger. He’s in a committed relationship with that thing.”

  “Shut up,” Ang snaps. “Kane, get your shit off my car, or there’ll be beef.”

  “Wait.” Jess sits up. “Is there a bug on my car?”

  “No, Blondie. I wouldn’t invade your privacy like that.”

  “Really?” She narrows her eyes. “Because I feel like you’re exactly the kinda guy who would invade my privacy like that.”

  He drops a kiss on her lips. “Nope. I dropped a different kind in your cereal. You ate the bug, now I can follow you even when you’re not driving.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Uh-huh.” She turns to me. “There’s a bug on my car. He’s probably monitoring you, too, Baby. He’s a freak.”

  “I am. But it’s research purposes only, I promise.”

  “What research?” Ang barks. “You don’t need to know where I am, asshole. And you definitely don’t need to know where Laine is.”

  Kane flashes a teasing grin. “Like I already said; I got new toys. I wanna test them out.”

  I lift a brow. “Toys?”

  “Mm.” Like a voyeur, I can’t stop watching Kane’s tattooed hands massage my sister’s thighs.

  I’m a mess. A hormonal mess whose childhood friend accidentally pressed his erection against her this morning, and now I can’t stop obsessing.

  “So, I’ve been thinking about work and such.”

  “About time,” Ang rolls his eyes. “Unemployment isn’t sexy. Jessie was gonna toss you to the side soon.”

  “That’s not true.” She presses a kiss to his lips. “McDonalds is hiring, so when rent was due, I would’ve taken you there.”

  He grins. “No McDonalds.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’d get fat from all the Big Macs, then you’d definitely toss my fa
t ass to the side.”

  She nods like that’s true.

  “Anyway, I’ve acquired certain skills over the years.”

  “Skills, like, how to be a thug? How to do illegal shit?”

  Grinning, he drops a kiss on her nose. “Shush.” Then his eyes go to Ang’s. “Things like how to be a thug, and how to do illegal shit. I have money. I already have a home. I have Eric and Spence who have their own skill sets.”

  “And don’t forget Cruz,” Jess adds.

  He nods solemnly. “Him, too. When he’s cleared and allowed back on deck, I’m pulling him in. He deserves more than desk work, so I’m getting him up again if it’s the last thing I do. That makes four of us who know shit and how to get it done. Ang is allowed in whenever he wants. He’s got brass balls.”

  “Bish.” Ang’s heavy brows pull tight. “Zip it.”

  “I’m just sayin’, the offer’s always there. Maybe we could do a contractual basis thing.” He smiles like a goofball. “You ain’t too old for this shit yet.” Unamused, Ang’s angry eyes stoke the curiosity that once ruled my life, but before I can ask, Kane finishes with, “Checkmate.”

  Jessie smiles. She already knows what he’s talking about.

  But I tilt my head with curiosity. “Huh?”

  Kane flashes a handsome smile and repeats, “Checkmate.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Chess…? You join a national team and find prize money or something?”

  He snorts. “No. My last name is Bishop, right?”

  I nod.

  “Jay’s last name was Bishop.” His eyes darken.

  Kane’s little brother died the day we thought Kane died. With everything going down the way it did, then Kane being whisked away and stuffed somewhere away from civilian life for months, I’m not sure he’s mourned his brother’s death yet.

  It’s kind of just… not talked about.

  Jess brings her hand up and strokes his face. No one asks for clarification, but he leans into her hand and smiles. “Love you.”

  She leans forward and presses a kiss to his lips. “I love you, too.”

  He looks to Ang. Then me. “Bishop is a chess piece, and when used well, it can be powerful.”


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