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Envied Page 10

by Samantha Britt

  A large, dark brown beast leapt into the room and latched his strong jaws onto Preston’s leg. He howled and began trying to shift into his own beast form, but the pain from the bite left him unable to control his shift.

  Recognizing J.J.’s werebeast form, Gregory moved and retrieved his favorite dagger from a vampire body and closed the distance. J.J. released his jaw and backed away.

  Gregory didn’t think twice as he pulled back his arm and drove the sleek metal straight into Preston’s chest.

  She’s mine.


  “Well, this certainly isn’t how I expected your mission to go.”

  Gregory raised his head. He was sitting on a thin, twin-size bed. He’d been in the Northwestern pack’s detainment cell for two days, and he’d been expecting his sovereign’s arrival.

  King Alexander stood on the other side of the silver bars, a frown marring his expression. “Want to tell me what happened?”

  Gregory exhaled, confident he already knew everything. Still, he answered, “I lost control.”

  “No shit, you lost control.” Alexander’s voice boomed throughout the dark basement. “You murdered a werebeast.”

  “He was responsible for the vampire attacks.”

  “Then you subdue and detain him. As my second, you are authorized to do whatever is necessary to deal with a vampire half-breed, but werebeasts are outside of our jurisdiction. You know this. Do you realize the political hell you’ve just caused? The Great Lake’s pack is looking for blood. Lucas is doing all he can to keep them at bay.”

  Gregory had already suspected everything the king revealed, but the wind was knocked out of him when he heard it confirmed. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Again, no shit.”

  “What is it I need to do? Face the pack’s tribunal? If so, I’ll do it. That pack needs to learn their beta and his son are responsible for the loss of dozens of innocent human lives, anyway.”

  Alexander crossed his arms. “You would put yourself at the mercy of the dead boy’s pack?”

  “If it helped clear you and Lucas of trouble, yes.”

  “Hm.” The king observed him, looking for the answer to an unspoken question.

  Gregory stayed silent, letting the moment continue.

  Finally, Alexander said, “It is fortunate J.J. overheard Preston reveal his involvement in the recent attacks. If not for his testimony, there would be no proof other than your word since you were foolish enough not to leave a single enemy alive.”

  Gregory let his head fall in shame. The rage which consumed him had faded once Paige was safely returned to the pack’s headquarters. In the aftermath, he realized how out of control he’d been, and it nearly cost him everything.

  “I’ll be sure to thank J.J.”

  “As you should,” the king said. “Lucas and I are still working to smooth things over with the Great Lake’s pack. Until then, you will remain here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The formality of Gregory’s reply satisfied Alexander, enough, so that he dropped his arms and revealed a different face to his second. “Be honest with me, why did you do it?”

  Gregory looked up. “I’m sure you’ve heard.”

  “I’d like to hear it from you.”

  He closed his eyes and inhaled through his nostrils, working up the courage to admit the truth out loud. “I have feelings for Paige.”

  “Feelings like….?”

  “More than friendship.” Gregory wasn’t ready to elaborate beyond that. At least, not until he spoke to Paige.

  The king stared at him. “Lucas says a witch claimed you and Paige are mates.” He didn’t continue. Instead, he let Gregory decide how they would proceed.

  The imprisoned male ran a hand through his unwashed hair. “I don’t know how it’s possible.”

  “But you don’t deny it?”

  He dropped his hand. “I cannot deny it. Nothing else explains my blind rage. I-I would have killed anyone who got in between me saving Paige. Even someone close to me. Even you.”

  Alexander continued to stare at him. The anger faded away, replaced with concern. “You know this complicates matters greatly.”

  Gregory bobbed his head. “I know.”

  “What does Paige think about all of this?”

  He stared at the cold concrete beneath his feet. “I’m not sure. We haven’t had the chance to discuss it.”

  A pause. Then, Alexander asked, “What will you do if she denies it?”

  Gregory looked up into his leader’s face. “I will let her go.” The words resulted in a stab of pain in his chest, but he meant what he said. Gregory would not force the issue with Paige. He’d had a lot of time to think since he’d been locked in the cell. He had realized that the situation could be nothing but trouble, for both Paige and himself.

  Not only was Paige a werebeast, but she was the daughter of a powerful pack’s alpha. Gregory knew she was expected to mate with someone, and that someone would have a good chance of taking over as alpha when Lucas stepped down.

  Gregory did not pretend there would not be an uproar from werebeasts across the world if he mated with Paige. The last thing the half-breed community would want is a vampire as one of their alphas, but Gregory had no plans to do anything of the sort. All he wanted was the chance to explore his and Paige’s feelings. If the stars aligned, and he and Paige ended up together, he would be more than happy to help Paige, herself, step forward to claim the role of alpha. Gregory knew she wanted the position, and he would do just about anything to get Paige whatever her heart desired.

  “Honestly?” Alexander eyed his friend, unbelieving he would be willing to step away from Paige. After all, it was obvious his feelings were genuine and sincere. “You would walk away?”

  He didn’t think twice. “Yes.”

  “But… why? If you truly care, why let her go?”

  “It’s like you said,” Gregory referenced their previous conversation. Though they’d been discussing Darcie and Jennifer at the time, the statement still rang true.

  The king didn’t follow. He lifted an eyebrow. “What did I say?”

  Gregory smiled sadly. “When it comes to those we care for, our happiness comes second. Always.”

  Gregory laid on the thin mattress, staring at the cell’s ceiling. He could have easily punched through the wood and plaster and escaped, but he knew it was best for him to stay put until the political mess was taken care of.

  Once free, though, he planned on revealing the weakness of the cell to Lucas.

  In the distance, light steps sounded against the concrete floor. The basement was as long as the headquarters above it. Gregory guessed the newcomer had just entered the underground level.

  Expecting the same stoic werebeast who brought his daily meals, Gregory didn’t bother to sit up. He closed his eyes and waited for the male to drop off the food and leave.

  The footsteps stopped outside his cell. He registered the sharp intake of breath at the same moment he identified the unique floral scent.

  Bolting up, he swung his legs to the ground and sat, staring at Paige. She stood on the other side of the bars, looking more than recovered from her abduction by the vampires. His eyes drank her in greedily, and a pressing weight lifted from his chest. He’d been told she was well but seeing it for himself was a relief.

  “Hi,” she breathed. It was hardly more than a whisper.


  “I-I came to see you were alright.”

  “I’m well.” Better now.

  She shifted on her feet, looking away from the intensity of his gaze.

  Gregory told himself he was being too much. He needed to turn it down a notch, but he was unable to control the strong emotions any longer.

  He would never be able to erase the horrifying feelings when he discovered Paige was missing. He couldn’t forget the sight of her bloodied and unconscious. He couldn’t shake the thought that he almost lost her, and that he never had the chance to clear the a
ir between them.

  He saw her open her mouth multiple times, only to close it each time. Paige had come with something to say. “Is there something you wish to discuss?”

  “King Alexander spoke with me.”

  “Oh?” Gregory’s heart thumped in his chest.

  “Yeah.” She shook her head, trying to clear her own thoughts. “And… I appreciate everything you did, Gregory. I feel so stupid for being caught in the first place. I should’ve seen the other guy coming. But… regardless… thank you for saving me.”

  He swallowed thickly, reliving the moments of her abduction, remembering the fear. “Always.”

  The emotion in his voice couldn’t be ignored. Paige met his gaze and blushed, looking away again.

  “Paige,” he whispered her name. “We need to talk about this.”

  She bit her lip, still avoiding him. “No. It’s going to ruin everything.”

  “What will it ruin?”

  She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know. Our friendship? My pack’s interactions with your coven?” She exhaled. “It could ruin a lot.”

  Obviously, Gregory hadn’t been the only one thinking of the repercussions of their feelings.

  “That’s one potential outcome,” he admitted, “but that’s not the only way this could play out.”

  Finally, Paige met his sincere gaze. She was wary, yet Gregory detected a slight glimmer of hope. “It’s not?”

  “No.” He stood and approached the bars separating them. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and take her hand, but he knew he needed to proceed carefully. He didn’t want to scare her off, yet he needed to be honest.

  No games.

  No innuendos.

  Just one hundred percent honesty.

  “I care about you, Paige,” he confessed and watched her suck in a breath. “As more than a friend. Though, I don’t want to lose that aspect of us, either.”

  Her brown eyes widened, scanning his face as she processed his words.

  Creator help me, she is so beautiful.

  “It’s not real. It’s just some stupid bond.” Her denial sounded weak.

  “It’s not.” He wouldn’t let her get away that easy. “The bond heightens my attraction for you, sure, but it does not change the fact that I find you smart, brave, and beautiful.”

  Paige blinked, soaking in his compliments. The war within revealed itself in her expression. She didn’t know what to think.

  Her next words served to both lighten and dampen his feelings. “I feel something for you, too, Gregory. I might have for a long time… but I won’t be second to anyone.”

  She turned away, hiding behind a curtain of hair falling on the side of her face.

  The statement caught him off guard. “Who would you be second to?”


  Of course.

  Why hadn’t he realized what might be holding Paige back?

  She had been there to witness the brunt of Gregory’s humiliating and ill-conceived notion of caring for Darcie.

  Shaking his head, he inched closer, almost touching the silver bars. “Paige. I can’t say I never cared for another. You knew of my feelings for Darcie. All I can say is that what my soul desires now is you. Part of it is the mating bond, but the other part – the part that makes me want to give this a shot – is us. Our friendship. Your strength. You.”

  She rotated her neck, watching him as he continued.

  “I’m not saying we figure it all out now. I’m not saying we go complete the bond in front of a priest or warlock or whatever you use, but I’d like to give us a chance. I’d like to take you on a date.”

  Paige’s lips parted slowly, unsure if she was really hearing him correctly. “A date?”

  His pulse raced, hearing the potential acceptance on the tip of her tongue. “Yes. How about dinner and a movie? No strings attached. Let’s just… see where this goes.”

  Gregory didn’t think he’d ever sounded so nervous. All of his hopes rested on Paige’s response, and he prayed to The Creator that she’d accept the invitation and give them a chance.

  Slowly, the corners of Paige’s lips lifted. “Let me guess… you will want to see an action movie?”

  Gregory released the breath he’d been holding and chuckled. He returned her smile. “You know me well.”


  4 months later

  “Are you sure you want to do this? My mother can be a bit much. I will understand if you want to reschedule.” Gregory had just picked up Paige from the airport, and he was already regretting the fact he’d finally succumbed to his mother’s pressure and invited Paige to visit Pennsylvania.

  During the past few months, Gregory had traveled to the University of Washington nearly every weekend to spend time with Paige. The first dates were uneasy, each of them cautious and unsure of how to move forward.

  Eventually, though, things sort of just fell into place.

  The fundamentals of their friendship remained intact. Their shared humor and easy-going interactions, thankfully, continued to be as they always were. All that changed was, now, Gregory could kiss Paige any time he wanted and vice versa.

  The memories his thoughts elicited brought a grin to his face.

  It had been an amazing four months.

  “It’s a little too late to cancel now,” Paige laughed. “I mean… I did just fly across the country.”

  Gregory gripped the steering wheel and released a long breath. “I just don’t want to overwhelm you, but I was pretty sure my mother was going to kill me if I didn’t extend an invitation for you to visit.”

  Paige smiled and reached over to rest her hand on his arm. As always, her touch made his stomach clench. “I’m sure everything will be fine. I’m excited to meet them.”

  So was Gregory – more than he ever could have imagined.

  Despite living many decades, Gregory had never brought a girl home to meet his parents, mainly because he didn’t have many relationships and those that he did were never serious.

  No one meant enough for him to even mention to his parents, let alone bring back home to meet them.

  But Paige was different.

  With each passing day, their bond grew stronger. It was becoming more and more difficult for Gregory to resist his instincts to claim Paige as his own. At first, he worried he was falling victim to some malicious spell. He’d never felt so out of control of his desires.

  But after discussing the matter with J.J., Gregory realized his thoughts and feelings were perfectly normal for a male of a mated pair. Though he and Paige were not officially proclaimed as a bonded couple, the instincts and powerful pull to one another existed.

  When Gregory finally came clean to his parents about Paige, explaining the reason he spent nearly every weekend in Washington, both his mother and father were stunned.

  Well… his father was stunned.

  His mother was over the moon.

  Amy Fang didn’t balk at their unprecedented connection. She couldn’t wait to meet Paige.

  When Gregory mentioned his unease about their bond, confiding in his parents that he worried what their relationship would mean to both the vampire and werebeast communities when the news broke, his mother quickly brushed aside his worry. Apparently, her own father’s family was descended from a werebeast line. After procreating with humans for multiple generations, the bloodline was so faint that none of them exhibited any werebeast characteristics.

  Needless to say, both her son and husband were beyond taken aback. Neither man had any idea of her heritage. Though, it did explain how such a connection between he and Paige was possible.

  Gregory took her hand and lifted it to his lips, keeping the other hand on the wheel. “Thank you,” he murmured, kissing her knuckles.

  Her smile turned shy. “For what?”

  “For being here.” He kissed her hand again. “For giving this a chance.”

  She inhaled and shivered from his caress. “I’m glad I did.”

sp; Gregory pulled the vehicle into the abandoned industrial park.

  He’d just turned off the engine when a slender blonde figure came running out of a nearby building.

  Paige squealed and jumped out of the car to rush towards Darcie. The young women embraced, laughing and talking over one another about how happy they were to see each other. Gregory retrieved Paige’s bag from the trunk. He watched on, beyond grateful that everything had turned out better than he could have imagined.

  Not only were he and Paige doing well, but his friendship with Darcie had been on the mend. She’d been staying at the coven headquarters relatively often, and they ran into each other nearly every day.

  Originally, Gregory worried it would be awkward for he and Darcie to be around one another, not to mention the anxiety he felt about informing Paige of Darcie’s proximity.

  He wasn’t sure if Paige would be okay with it, and the last thing he wanted was to risk endangering their relationship during its tenuous beginning.

  But his fears turned out to be unwarranted.

  Paige wasn’t the least bit upset about Darcie’s nearness, and Gregory didn’t feel as awkward around the newly-turned immortal as he’d expected. Without a doubt, Paige’s presence in his life was responsible.

  Des walked out of the same building towards Gregory. “They might be at this for a while,” he jerked his head towards the young women, extending a hand.

  Gregory shook it. “I don’t doubt it.”

  The Original Immortal had been a frequent guest of the coven’s as well, and Gregory found that he and Des got along better than he ever expected.

  Des was serious, but he had a sense of humor. Not to mention, he doted on Darcie. As her friend, Gregory found the fact comforting, and he was happy that he no longer had a misguided reason to envy the male.

  Darcie looked up towards them and put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me, what was that?”


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