1 To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too) ~ Mr. Darcy's Tale

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1 To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too) ~ Mr. Darcy's Tale Page 17

by P. O. Dixon

  After the heartfelt talk with her aunt, Elizabeth went off to write to her family to tell them of the impending nuptials, along with promising to invite them all to Pemberley after the honeymoon period. Elizabeth could only imagine how her mother would react to the news. She thanked God that she did not have to bear witness to the display.

  ~ ~ ~

  Mrs. Reynolds arranged a special dinner for the engaged couple that night. Afterwards, the party spent time in the music room listening to Elizabeth play the pianoforte and enjoying light conversation. Darcy was totally enthralled by Elizabeth, and for the first time, he did not try to mask his affection for her before others. As they parted for the evening, he discreetly asked Elizabeth if he could come to her that night, to which she quietly agreed.

  Despite the lateness of the hour, when Elizabeth answered the door to her apartment, she was fully dressed in the gown she had worn to dinner. Although he was more casually attired, having removed his dinner jacket and cravat, Darcy was far from disappointed. After their amorous interlude earlier at the temple, he doubted he could have remained steady to his purpose of increasing their intimacy gradually before the wedding night had she been less formally attired, as well.

  Elizabeth’s eyes were drawn to his neckline. The sight of him sans cravat had always elicited an innate response in her. She wondered if this might finally be her chance to reach out and touch his chest hair. It looks so soft, she thought, as she willed her hands to stay by her side. The two found their physical attraction to one another overwhelming. Darcy walked into her sitting room and drew her into his embrace for a deep kiss that left her breathless. At the end of the kiss, Darcy studied her face to read her reaction to his being in her apartment. Wanting to make sure of her comfort, Darcy guided Elizabeth over to the sofa and drew her into his lap.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  “No, sir, I am afraid you have not.”

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he moaned, as he softly kissed her shoulder and lightly massaged her neck.

  He whispered, “Have I told you how delectable you taste tonight?”

  With indescribable sensations pulsing up and down her spine, Elizabeth voiced, “Hardly.”

  “You taste delectable,” Darcy whispered, his warm breath caressing her ear.

  Darcy and Elizabeth carried on in that fashion for a while, their intimate whispers of sweet nothings interspersed with light kisses and caresses. Darcy soon eased Elizabeth astride his lap, allowing him to pay homage to her bosom. He trailed soft kisses along her neckline, reaching the enticing décolletage of her gown. He cupped her breasts with both hands as he gently massaged them and trailed moist kisses along her delicate skin, kissing down between her breasts as he worked his way between them both. By the time he commenced sucking her through her gown, Elizabeth had intertwined her fingers in his incredibly soft hair. Instinctively, she pressed herself up and down his expanse.

  Darcy was exceedingly pleased to see that Elizabeth was as passionate as he had always dreamt. He could barely wait to make her his. He aimed to heighten her pleasure more and more over the days leading to the wedding. He enjoyed the process immensely, in spite of his pressing physical needs. Reluctantly, he kissed Elizabeth goodnight to depart for his own bedchamber. Before leaving her, he obtained Elizabeth’s promise to meet him at the temple the next morning before he set off for Matlock.

  ~ ~ ~

  Elizabeth awakened to the fragrant scent of roses. She opened her eyes to the breathtaking vision of magnificent bouquets, dozens and dozens placed throughout her room. She sat up in bed and selected one of the flowers from the vase on the bedside table. She smiled as she inhaled its sweet petals, only one thought uppermost in her mind— Mr. Darcy.

  Darcy was there when Elizabeth arrived at the temple. He personally had arranged an intimate breakfast for the two of them. He quickly approached her and helped her dismount Bella. After securing the mare, he took Elizabeth’s hand and led her to the elegantly set table. Darcy lingered a bit to trail soft kisses to the back of her neck and along her shoulder as he helped Elizabeth settle into her seat. Upon taking his own seat, he began finger feeding her the various assortment of fresh fruits he had ordered to be prepared.

  “Did you sleep well, my love?” he asked as he kissed her cheek.

  “I hardly slept at all, sir.”

  “Nor did I. I was far too engaged in thinking of you and envisioning the pleasures that await us as man and wife.”

  “I thought of our wedding also.”

  “Did you? Tell me your thoughts,” he murmured. He seriously doubted that their thoughts tended along the same lines.

  “I hesitate to admit, but I am somewhat fretful about what is expected of me.”

  “Do not worry. You will be an extraordinary mistress of Pemberley. You are everything I wish for.” He smiled with delight. “You are charming, witty, intelligent, beautiful... and passionate.”

  “Passionate, do you really think so?”

  “I do. Where is this uncertainty coming from, my love? It is not like you to be unsure of yourself.”

  “I do not want to disappoint you... I mean to say… on our wedding night.”

  “You could never disappoint me. I adore you. Please do not be concerned. I am eager to make you mine, but I am willing to wait until you are ready, I promise. All I ask is this, please do not make me wait too long,” he said with a gentle kiss upon her temple.

  “Whoever said anything about waiting? I simply do not want to disappoint you. We have already waited far too long just to admit our love for one…” she managed before Darcy’s lips were upon hers.

  “Good,” he eventually replied, “because, when I say I never wish to be parted from you ever again, I mean it. I want us to be together, always. I want you to spend every night for the rest of our lives, sharing my bed.”

  “I think that will scarcely be necessary in a home the size of Pemberley, sir,” she playfully teased.

  “Oh, believe me, it will be necessary.”

  “Sincerely, sir, I want our wedding night to be perfect and…”

  Darcy interrupted with a kiss, “It will be. Have you spoken with your aunt? Has she told you anything of what you might expect?”

  “Yes, but I am not comfortable sharing that with you,” she awkwardly confessed.

  “Come now, Elizabeth. Let us not be shy with one another. I want us to discuss everything, especially matters such as that. What did she say?”

  “Mr. Darcy, I will only tell you that my aunt said I must trust you.”

  Darcy smiled and kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. “And do you trust me… I mean to say, really trust me, in spite of everything?”

  Elizabeth did not answer immediately, so speaking soft and low, Darcy said, “You must trust me, Elizabeth. I love you above all else.” He took Elizabeth’s hand and said, “I love you.” He kissed her palm and said, “I will always love you.” He kissed her fingertips and said, “Trust me.” He kissed Elizabeth passionately before murmuring, “Do you trust me?”

  Elizabeth smiled warmly. She affirmed her trust in Darcy by initiating an affectionate kiss.

  Darcy reached into his pocket and retrieved a beautiful ring. He told Elizabeth that the ring once had belonged to his grandmother; that his grandfather had presented it to her at that exact spot. Now it belonged to Elizabeth. After placing the ring upon Elizabeth’s finger, he stood and helped her from her seat. Taking her hand, he said, “Come with me.”

  He led Elizabeth to a blanket he had placed upon the ground, close to the pond. Darcy reclined on the blanket and welcomed Elizabeth on top of him, as he encouraged her legs open, positioning her astride his body. Kissing her and cupping her bottom, he slowly swayed the softness of her body against the hardness of his. Having long since removed both of their riding jackets, he untied and removed her habit shirt to caress her bosom. His slow, rhythmic thrusts were in arousing harmony with his ardent attentions to her lips.

nbsp; Desiring more of her, he slowly lowered her chemise to expose her bosom. He gasped at her splendour and began gently kissing around her breasts. Gradually moving towards her nipples, he lightly circled each with the tip of his tongue. Amidst Elizabeth’s sighs and moans, he tasted her for what seemed like an eternity, whispering, “Elizabeth, I want you.”

  Elizabeth savoured the sensations piercing through her body and sought to meet Darcy’s passions. The thought raced through her mind that she should not allow him such liberties, but her mind was not nearly as engaged as her body. When kissing her lips, his lips were fiery... when suckling her, his lips were soft, gentle, and rousing. She seemed mesmerised.

  Relishing in the pleasures he bestowed, Elizabeth experienced ecstasy. Darcy ceased his adulation bit by bit and allowed her body to calm gradually. He then guided Elizabeth to relax beside him. He faced her and stroked her cheeks. Elizabeth asked, “Mr. Darcy... will it always be this incredible?”

  “My dearest Elizabeth, that was but a small taste of what we will experience once you become my wife.”

  Her heart still beating rapidly, she asked, “How shall I ever survive?”

  After a moment or two of looking intently into her amazing eyes, Darcy said, “I love you so much. I hate that I have to leave you while I go off to Matlock. I promise to return as soon as possible.” Darcy kissed her again before continuing, “In my absence, you are effectively mistress of Pemberley. I leave you to attend to our guests. However, do not worry. Mrs. Reynolds is very fond of you. She will help in any way she can. All you need do is ask.”

  “I shall not worry. Nevertheless, please hurry back. I can hardly wait for your return,” Elizabeth said, as she initiated a kiss.

  Eventually, Darcy responded with a gorgeous smile. “With much more of your kisses like that, I shall never leave,” he murmured as he returned her kindness.

  In due course, Darcy rearranged Elizabeth’s chemise and riding shirt and assisted her with her jacket. With one last kiss, he led her to Bella to help her mount, and then watched as she rode away.

  ~ Chapter 16 ~

  Shades of Pemberley

  Darcy’s next order of business was to visit his uncle and aunt, after obtaining the special license. Lady Catherine and Anne had returned to Rosings Park weeks earlier. That meant one less battle, at least for the time being. When Darcy initially met with Richard, he was somewhat shocked by the news of Darcy’s impending nuptials, much to Darcy’s dismay.

  “My God, Richard, if I am to receive such a response from you, what should I expect from the rest of the family? My sole dependence in coming here today was on you.”

  “Do not get me wrong, old friend. I am very happy for you. I guess after all this time, I never thought you would actually ask for Miss Elizabeth’s hand in marriage.”

  “Yet, I speak nothing but the truth. She loves me, and we will marry in a matter of days. Do I have your support?”

  “Of course, you do. Moreover, yes, I will be your grooms-man. However, Heaven help you with that group of aristocrats we call our family.”

  “I realise they may not accept it. I have told Miss Elizabeth as much. However, I am my own master, and I do not need their approval or their acceptance. Though, for the sake of family unity, I would like to have it.”

  “Well, let us go and speak with them. I will be by your side,” Richard assured Darcy with a firm slap on his back.

  “Thank you, I think,” Darcy jested.

  The conversation with Lord and Lady Matlock began on a very rough note, to say the least. Lord Matlock blasted away. “First, you come before us with a foolish notion that you will never marry. Now, you stand here with an even more preposterous notion that you intend to marry a young woman who is so inferior to you in consequence, that it is laughable. She was Georgiana’s paid companion, for Christ’s sake!

  “Why, such an unfeeling, selfish girl, that she should not consider that marriage to her must disgrace you in the eyes of everybody.

  “And then, there is the matter of her family—no fortune, no connections. Not to mention that she has relatives in trade! Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?” he demanded.

  “That is the last derogatory remark I will hear from you in reference to my future bride,” Darcy threatened.

  “What your uncle has said is nothing compared to what you should expect to hear amongst society. Heaven and earth! Of what are you thinking, Fitzwilliam?” His aunt implored, greatly disheartened by Darcy’s choice for his life.

  “I resolve to act in that manner which will, in my opinion, constitute my happiness, even without reference to you, and more especially without reference to persons of society so wholly unconnected with me.”

  “In other words, you resolve to ruin yourself in the opinion of all your friends, and make yourself the contempt of the world,” Lord Matlock lamented.

  “With regard to the indignation of the world, if the two of you were excited by my marriage, the world in general would have too much sense to join in the scorn.

  “I ask that you accept my choice. Anything less than total acceptance, kindness, and consideration on the part of either of you towards my future bride, and I will cut off all ties with both of you,” Darcy stated resolutely.

  “How dare you threaten me, Fitzwilliam? Why, you are like a son to me, and Georgiana, a daughter. It has always been so,” Lady Matlock adamantly declared.

  “I do not dare to speak for Georgiana, except that I know this is what she would want for me. I am not asking for your blessing. I only ask for your acceptance. I do not want to lose either of you, but if you refuse, we shall never see each other again.”

  Lord Matlock shouted, “Fitzwilliam Darcy, you have always been spoilt, selfish, and wilful. I will NOT be intimidated!”

  “I have said all I have to say. Goodbye, Lord Matlock, Lady Matlock.” He turned to leave the room. Richard, despite remaining silent throughout, followed close upon his heels.

  Lady Matlock cried out, “Fitzwilliam, please do not leave like this. I love you. I do not want to lose you. I promise I will do my best. We will accept your decision to marry the young woman and afford her all due respect as your wife and mistress of Pemberley.”

  She walked across the room and embraced Darcy. “Thank you, Lady Ellen. I trust you will come to the wedding.”

  “Of course, Fitzwilliam, we are your closest family members. We will come to the wedding. I imagine you will be married after several months. Do you intend to remain at Pemberley or will you travel to Hertfordshire with Miss Bennet?”

  “We plan to marry at Pemberley by the end of this week.”

  “Why, that is only a few days from now!” Lord Matlock yelled, still not quite reconciled to the union, despite his wife’s edict; thinking instead that he would have time enough to put an end to Darcy’s absurdity. “For Heaven’s sake, what is the rush? First, you announce that you plan to marry the young woman, whose family is marred by scandal, and then you assert that you plan to give rise to yet another scandal by rushing into an injudiciously ill-timed wedding.”

  Lady Matlock reiterated her husband’s stance, “Think of her reputation. Has the Bennet family not suffered enough disgrace? Why undo any benefit they might derive from this union with an added scandal?”

  Darcy argued, “It is hardly scandalous. It is not as if we are eloping, for Heaven’s sake! I have waited too long as it is, in declaring myself to Miss Elizabeth. Now that she has accepted me, I do not intend to wait a minute longer than is necessary. I plan to take my bride on an extended wedding tour. By the time we return, any idle gossip should have died down. If not, no matter, it is not as though we are overly fond of society.”

  ~ ~ ~

  After Darcy’s departure for Pemberley, Lady Matlock recalled her many attempts to promote a suitable match for Darcy. She reckoned that she was only doing her duty. If she had to do it all again, she would not change a thing; but there was one thing she should have done. Would that she could ha
ve done something to remove Miss Elizabeth Bennet as Georgiana’s companion as soon as she had suspected Darcy’s attraction to her. She did not consider that he would ever act upon it, not even for a moment. Still, it devastated her when he said he would never marry. She would rather he married someone below their circle than marry no one at all. Thus resolved, she would accept the union and welcome his bride-to-be into the family with open arms.

  In Darcy’s absence from Pemberley, the Gardiners accompanied Elizabeth to Lambton to buy a few items for her wedding trousseau. They shopped at Lambton’s finest shops. Many of the proprietors were already familiar with Elizabeth, on account of her previous connection to the Darcys. Upon learning that she was Mr. Darcy’s betrothed, they afforded her the epitome of courtesy and the highest priority of service. The Gardiners spared no cost in the purchases they made on Elizabeth’s behalf. They were exceedingly proud of her, overjoyed that she had found such happiness with Mr. Darcy, and as surprised as they were by the extent of the young couple’s attachment, gratified that they, by bringing her to Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them.

  Darcy returned to Pemberley later than he had hoped, having taken longer to get the license than he had envisioned. He found that Elizabeth and the Gardiners, all fully exhausted from an entire day of shopping, had already retired. He went directly to his rooms to bathe and prepare for his visit with his bride-to-be in her apartment.

  A half an hour later, Elizabeth answered his light knock at her door. She was wordless to see Darcy so casually attired, wearing only a nightshirt and breeches.

  As he slipped inside, he placed his hand upon her cheek and kissed her fervently. Moments later he murmured, “You are still dressed from dinner.”

  “Yes sir, I was not sure of your intentions. After your long journey, I thought you might wish to relax in my sitting room and read,” she said teasingly.


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