Into the Rapture

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Into the Rapture Page 4

by Laurie Roma

  Ignoring the warning, Kyriani moved over to sit next to her on the chaise. “There is something that I have never told you, but I see that the time has come to share. On the day of your birth and that of your brothers, your fathers and I visited the Crystal Temple to thank the Goddess of the Moons for gifting us our younglings. We asked that she watch over you to ensure your health and happiness, and wished that you would all find your true mates.”

  “You have told us. It is customary to ask that of the Goddess.” Liandra said, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. “But that is all it is...wishing.”

  “Some of our people believe that true mates are nothing more than a myth, though I know it is real since I found mine. Others have not been as fortunate. We know from history that mates can be born during different times or on different worlds.”

  “Are we to wait a lifetime for something that may not ever happen?”

  “Nay, sweetling. But sometimes the Goddess does grant our wishes.” Kyriani reached for her other hand, clasping it between her own. “I was blessed with each of my babies, and yet there was a special joy in my heart when I had you. What I did not tell you is that on the day of your birth, I brought you back to the temple and sought a private audience with the Goddess without my mates. I admit it was selfish of me, but I felt driven to go to that place and plead for one more thing. I wanted to be able to keep your confidences, even if it meant keeping secrets from my own mates.”


  “I know, it is unheard of for bonded mates to be able to keep secrets from one another. At least, it was before Allie and Raven were brought here from Earth. I admit I sometimes envy their ability to shield their minds when they choose. Long before their arrival to our planet, I wished for that same kind of privacy. I do not know how to explain it, but I knew that one day you would need to share things you do not want your fathers to know. If I have to defy my mates to ensure your happiness, then it is a price I am willing to pay. Thankfully, the Goddess granted my wish, so your secrets are safe with me.”

  “I...I am so afraid fathers will force me to mate with a trio of princes or kings. They are so fixated on forming an alliance with one of the other royal houses that I—”

  “You will not be forced into a mating.” Kyriani’s voice went hard as stone. “This is a vow I make here and now. I would not have allowed a breaching ceremony to happen if you did not wish it either. No one is touching my baby without her permission.” Her voice softened again, and she smiled. Lifting a hand, she placed it over Liandra’s heart. “But someone has already touched you here. I can sense it. I also know love-kissed lips when I see them.”

  Embarrassment flooded her cheeks, but she knew the time for honesty had come. “I am in love.” The words burst out like sunbeams from behind a drifting cloud. Finally being able to admit it out loud felt liberating. “I have loved them for so long that I do not know if I can survive without them anymore, but they are not of royal blood.”

  “I assume Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron feel the same way?”

  Liandra blinked. “ knew?”

  Delighted laughter burst out of Kyriani. “Sweetling, I have watched them watching you for many cycles. And though the males in this palace are oblivious, I can see your feelings clearly every time you look at them.”

  “But you never said anything,” she sputtered.

  “It was foolish, but I was waiting for you to come to me to discuss it. I should have realized you would not for fear that I would tell your fathers. I also did not bring it up because I convinced myself that you were still too young for such feelings. You are my baby, after all. Your fathers may have invited other males here to test if you develop feelings for any of them, but they are not ready for you to leave home either.”

  “The Mazer brothers have pledged their loyalty to our house. If fathers do not give their consent to us being together, it will not change how I feel. But I fear that Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron will honor their vow to follow orders.”

  “Then we will just have to convince them. Your fathers are my true mates, so I know their flaws better than anyone. I know it is wrong to hide something from them, but they are stuck in the old ways. I love them more than my own life, but I will not let them stand in the way of you being with your loves. You will understand when you have your own youngling to care for.”

  “I love you so much, mother. I did not realize how much it hurt keeping this secret from you until now.” Liandra sighed as she rested her head on her mother’s shoulder.

  “We should make a pact. No secrets between us. We females need to stick together.”

  She laughed. “Aye, we do.”

  “I admire you for having the courage to determine your own fate. Perhaps you will help me find my own. I do not look forward to explaining what I did and why, but I know I will have to do so soon. I will not apologize for asking the Goddess for aid. The very reason I felt like I needed to hide something from them is evidence that things are...unbalanced. That is my own fault for letting it go on for so long, but I did not know how to change it.”

  “What will you do now?”

  “Stand by your side and be honest with them. I find that I am getting better at showing my displeasure. Who knew I had such a temper? I look forward to the challenge of making sure you have your choice of mates. We will also have your brothers to deal with. Zarek, Solan, and Cian will be happy you are not mated to someone who will take you away from the palace, but Tynan, Cael, and Ryder will not be pleased their friends kept their desire for you a secret for so long.”

  Liandra let out a pained groan. “Why does this have to be so difficult?”

  “The best things always are. You must not back down, even if your fathers and brothers are angry. You have been a dutiful daughter, and conditioned responses are hard to break. However, this is something that is far too important to let someone else decide for you.”

  “You are right. However, all of this worry might be for nothing. I am confident that Jasyn and Aeron want me, but I am unsure if Braden feels the same. He has done his best to avoid me for months now. Perhaps he does not feel the way his brothers do.”

  “I highly doubt that. Brothers have no choice but to love the same female. It is the way of our people. Besides, you are wearing proof of your males’ devotion right there on your hand. The Mazer brothers are very clever,” Kyriani added as she admired the bracelet and rings.

  “Arcadians do not care what rings mean on the human world.”

  “But your males obviously do. It was bold of them to stake a claim in plain sight. Do not worry. Other males pay no attention to jewelry unless it is a mating torque.”

  “Jasyn made the bracelet for me, while Aeron made the rings. They did not come from Braden,” Liandra said, unsure why she felt the need to clarify the distinction.

  “Then you need to speak to him before you make your stand. This will only work if you are united.” Kyriani sent her a reassuring smile. “I do not think you have anything to worry about, though. You have chosen good, honorable males who love you, so my wish for your happiness has come true.”

  “Not yet, but I hope it will.” The faint sounds of footsteps and voices interrupted their conversation. “That should be Allie and Raven.”

  The queen patted her hand. “We will speak more of this later. Until then, the only advice I can give you is that love is worth fighting for.”

  Liandra nodded, knowing that her mother was right. She would risk everything to be with Braden, Jasyn, and matter the cost.


  “I’m so sorry we’re late!” Princess Allison Dracor exclaimed as she hurried into the room, followed closely by Raven Akira, the Queen of the Iron Palace.

  Kyriani beckoned them forward. “You are right on time. Come join us.”

  “Oh, look at all the food! I’m starving.” Allie was a petite female, with white-blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. She wore a red gown that was loose enough to accommodate her very
pregnant body, and the long skirt swirled around her legs as she rushed across the room. Her beautiful face was lit up with a bright smile, and one of her hands rested on her large belly as she leaned down to kiss Kyriani and Liandra’s cheeks in greeting.

  Raven had long black hair that was similar to many Arcadians, but her glowing green eyes and stunning features made her stand out in any crowd. She was also pregnant, though she wasn’t as far along as Allie was. Back on Earth, the two females had been the best of friends, and Liandra had gotten to know the new queen since she visited the Sands often with her mates.

  “I’m hungry all the time,” Allie announced a little anxiously as she sat down. She shoved a piece of sweet bread into her mouth, then mumbled, “I can’t seem to help it. I swear I should be the size of a planet by now. Well, I guess I do look like I swallowed a planet since I don’t seem to be gaining weight anywhere except for my belly.”

  Raven took a seat next to her on the chaise across from Kyriani and Liandra. She picked up a thick piece of meat and rolled it up before taking a bite. She shrugged as she chewed. “I’ve always eaten a lot, so this is nothing new to me. Thank you for inviting me today, Queen Kyriani.”

  “There is no need to be so formal,” Kyriani corrected as they all began eating. “You are family now, Raven. As such, you are always welcome here.”

  Raven wasn’t sure if Kyriani knew just how much those words meant to her. While Allie had inherited a large family upon her arrival on Arcadia, Raven’s mates had been alone before she had interrupted their lives. Savitar, Tristan, and Kadan gave her all the love she could ever need, but it was nice to have her best friend close by. Because of their friendship, the two kingdoms were now closer than ever.

  “Happy early birthday, Liandra,” Allie said between bites. “Wow, you look amazing. You look like a total badass in leather.”

  “You really do,” Raven agreed.

  “I really like what you are wearing,” Liandra gushed as she admired her friend’s dark silver tunic and flowing pants.

  “I still haven’t gotten used to wearing dresses yet. If you like it, I can make some pants for you since I’ve gotten good at creating clothes using magic. Consider it part of your birthday present. We can start a new trend and piss off the males,” Raven said with a wink, then she rolled her eyes. “Speaking of...”

  “Allie, I told you to wait for me by the stairs! You could have fallen and hurt yourself,” Tynan growled as he stalked into the room carrying a large, rectangular box. His frown changed to a look of bafflement as he watched Allie shove another piece of bread into her mouth. “We just fed you less than an hour ago, mate.”

  “That was a snack. This is a meal.”

  “But you cannot possibly be hungry already!”

  Allie’s eyes glowed bright like twin blue flames as she growled, “You are not the one incubating two magical beings inside of you, buddy. And speaking of, I’m a magical dragon shifter, same as you. I haven’t suddenly become incapable of walking up a flight of stairs just because I’m pregnant!”

  He had the sense to look contrite. “I did not mean that as it sounded. I just worry. And, of course, you should eat if you are hungry again.”

  “Like I need your permission to eat,” Allie muttered.

  Tynan frowned. “You seem...perhaps you should lie down and rest for a while, mate.”

  “I don’t need a damn nap!”

  “By the gods. Stop, brother,” Liandra pleaded. “You are just making it worse.”

  “Pregnancy hormones are a bitch. Run while you still can, Tynan,” Raven warned. “Seriously, go.”

  His jaw clenched as he set the box he was carrying down on an empty side table. Turning toward his sister, his frown deepened to a scowl. “What in hellfire are you wearing?”

  Liandra sighed. “Go away.”

  “And what is this I hear you went to the festival without us?”

  “Time for you to leave, son,” Kyriani commanded cheerfully. “You are not invited to join our meal. I think a little female company is just what your mate needs.”


  “Go away, Tynan.”

  The tone of her voice made him give in. Glancing back at his mate, he said, “I will be close by if you need me. I love you, little one.”

  “I love you too, Tynan. Even when you annoy me.” He chuckled as he left the room. When he was gone, Allie groaned. “He is just going to pace the hallway downstairs until we are done.”

  Raven smiled. “Then he can keep Savitar company. I tried to convince him to go down to the great hall with the others, but he insisted on staying to guard the doors to the chamber. He claims it’s to ensure our privacy, but he just can’t help himself.”

  “The hallway must be quite crowded.” Kyriani laughed. “There were already three guards on the doors, though I am sure Tynan will dismiss them if he is staying.”

  Allie’s shoulders slumped. “Something is wrong with me. I can’t seem to stop eating or snapping at my mates. I’ve been acting like a crazy person. My emotions are all over the place, and I feel like a bomb ready to explode.” Rubbing her belly, she corrected herself. “I am a bomb ready to explode. A big baby bomb.”

  “My appetite increased during each of my pregnancies, and so did my temper. Nothing is wrong with you. Your birthing time is just drawing closer,” Kyriani soothed. “Soon, you will hold your babes in your arms, and it will all be worth it.”

  “The Goddess of the Moons says I still have time,” Allie grumbled. “How much time, she wouldn’t say, which is even more frustrating.”

  “It is still hard to believe you have actually met the Goddess.” Liandra leaned forward, her eyes wide. “Does she really appear every time you wish to speak to her?”

  “No, not every time. And she’s been pretty cryptic whenever I ask questions lately.”

  “She’s still more direct than Silas is,” Raven complained, mentioning the God of the Sun. “I think he likes to mess with us for fun when he’s bored.”

  Kyriani shivered. “He sounds very intimidating.”

  “That’s one way to describe him.” Allie laughed. “And Raven, that’s what you get when you have a god for an uncle. I haven’t seen him since I shifted for the first time.”

  “Consider yourself lucky,” Raven muttered dryly. “He scared the crap out of me when he popped onto my balcony for a visit last week. At least he did tell us the babies won’t be able to shift for several years, so that is one less thing we have to worry about.”

  “God, that’s a relief. I didn’t even think to ask about that.” Allie blew out a breath. “I really wish the babies would just come already. I can’t wait to hold them in my arms. Tynan, Cael, and Ryder must be so tired of dealing with me, but they’ve been acting crazy, too. They should know not to growl at a pregnant lady who is ready to pop. At least Arcadian pregnancies are shorter than human terms. But the year is shorter here, and the days are longer, so maybe it all evens out.”

  Raven groaned. “It hurts my head trying to figure that out. I think the babies might be influencing us. I’m usually not picky about food, but lately, all I want is meat and sweets. Sometimes wrapped together, which is just gross. I’ve also noticed a change in my mood over the last few days.”

  “What do you mean?” Allie sat up straighter. “You didn’t say anything about this to me. If you’re turning into a crazy person, too, I want to know. I would feel a whole lot better if you are. Isn’t that what friends are for? We suffer together.”

  Raven shook her head and laughed. “I think you are being crazy enough for the both of us. My mates arranged a picnic for us the other day at our favorite place, and it made me happy. Like, really happy.”

  “Which means you probably would have ended up pregnant after your outing if you were not already.” Kyriani smiled slyly before sipping her wine.

  “That’s not—okay, that’s probably true. What I meant was that my happiness felt like it was being amplified. It was different than s
ensing what my mates are feelings. And when I got mad at them yesterday, my anger was way more intense than it should have been. I don’t think my little ones like it when my mates order me around. Like they can sense when I’m upset, and it makes them angry, too.”

  “This is amazing,” Kyriani exclaimed. “I could sense my babes when I carried them, but they were not able to connect with me and influence my feelings. Perhaps it is the magical connection you have with them.”

  Allie considered it as she continued to eat. “I’ve been talking to the babies. They don’t talk back or anything, but I think I can sense what they’re feeling. I thought I was imagining it, but it would make sense if I’m connected to them. I’ve also been having weird dreams.” She closed her eyes and was silent for a moment. “Oh my god! I can feel them!” She burst into tears. “How could I have missed this?”

  Raven wrapped her arms around her. “Magic doesn’t exactly come with a user’s manual. Calm down, hon. Everything will be okay.”

  “Can your mates sense the babes?” Liandra asked, fascinated by the subject.

  “Savitar says he can,” Raven revealed. “It only started a few days ago, but I think he’s right. Maybe your mates should try connecting with the babies more, Allie. That might help calm all of you down.”

  Allie winced as she wiped her cheeks. “I’ve actually been blocking them.”

  Raven groaned. “Oh, man. No wonder you’re acting crazy.”

  “Allie! Your mates are supposed to be helping you through this time. They cannot do that if you are blocking them,” Kyriani admonished gently.

  “I know! I don’t do it all the time. I just thought it would be better if they didn’t know how emotional I was,” Allie wailed.

  “Savitar, Tristan, and Kadan take turns staying connected to me throughout the day. They said it helps them know I am okay, which makes them feel calm. I spent so much time blocking them at the beginning of our relationship that we try to be open to one another all the time now.”

  “You’re right. Damn it, now I’m going to have to apologize to them,” Allie complained, then she winced. “It’s so weird. I’m not afraid of giving birth. Since I’m a doctor, I know what to expect. It’s all this magical stuff I still don’t have a handle on. I mean, who knew that my babies could influence my moods, or that I didn’t have to run to the bathroom every ten minutes. With magic, I can just poof—” She snapped her fingers. “Problem solved.”


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