Into the Rapture

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Into the Rapture Page 9

by Laurie Roma

  The Goddess needed Liandra to accept the Mazer brothers as her mates without fear or hesitation, and not just for their own happiness. They needed to prove that they were all destined to find the perfect mate who would complete them body, heart, and soul. She had found that with Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron. She’d loved them her entire life, but now, she believed they had always been fated to be hers.

  She knew it in her heart, felt her soul calling out to theirs.

  “You need me to prove that human females are not the only ones who can bring about change in Arcadia. That we have had the ability to merge with our dragon spirits all along, but only if we follow our hearts.”

  Lunaria’s smile was as warm as sunlight. “You finally understand.”

  “It is about damn time,” a male voice echoed on the breeze.

  A huge male appeared on the beach, shimmering into view as if he had willed himself into existence. He was wearing a pair of black leather pants, but his muscular chest and arms were left gloriously bare. His long, pale blond hair contrasted with his bronzed skin, and his swirling gold eyes glowed with intensity as his gaze locked onto the Goddess.

  She hurried toward him, and his lips curved into a smile as his long legs ate up the distance to meet her. When he lifted her into his arms and kissed her, the air around them simmered with their love and passion. It was tinged with a desperate longing that stole the breath and caused Liandra’s heart to ache.

  She was gawking and tried to force herself to look away, but it wasn’t working. She loved Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron with her whole heart and thought they were the most attractive trio she had ever seen, but she couldn’t deny that the golden god was impressive. She’d have to be blind not to see it, and even then, she would still probably sense his inherent allure. Where Lunaria was strikingly beautiful, he was devastatingly handsome. Together, they were an extraordinary couple, and power radiated from them like two stars colliding.

  When they broke apart, he lifted his hand to brush the backs of his fingers down Lunaria’s cheek before leaning his forehead against hers. They stood in silence for several heartbeats, and Liandra assumed they were having a private conversation with one another. Feeling like an intruder, she wondered if she should walk away and give them some privacy. Even as she thought it, the Goddess of the Moon and the God of the Sun turned to her.

  “Aye, privacy would be good,” he rumbled in a deep voice.

  Lunaria placed her hand on his chest over his heart. “Not yet, love. Liandra, this is my mate, Silas.”

  “It is an honor to meet you, God of the Sun.”

  “Honor us by doing what needs to be done,” he growled impatiently. His mate elbowed him in his rock-hard abdomen, but he didn’t even flinch. “What? There is too much at stake to delay this any longer. The future of the Arcadians depends on her.”

  The Goddess sighed. “Oh, Silas. We must not pressure her.”

  He huffed out an aggravated breath. “We are just asking her to have the courage to do something she already wants to do. And we cannot wait. Not when there is a life at stake.”

  “This is not her burden to bear.”

  Fear made Liandra tremble. “Is one of my mates at risk? A member of my family? Please, tell me!”

  “Do not worry. Your family and your mates are fine.” Lunaria glared at him before saying, “There is a human female who is extremely ill. Every day she grows weaker, but we cannot bring her here until more magic is released on Arcadia. We fear we will be too late to save her, but this is not your fault.”

  “All those who do nothing to help bring change are to blame.” Before his mate could scold him again, Silas sighed. “We have only learned of this...development, and I am frustrated that our hands are tied.”

  Liandra figured that was as close to an apology as Silas would offer. Even so, his words had struck her heart like a well-aimed arrow. If they were trying to bring another human to Arcadia, it meant that the female was destined to be someone’s mate. Without her, those males would never feel the power of true love. They would be doomed to live half a life, and the worse part was they would never even know what had been stolen from them.

  If the gods needed her help to bring more mates to Arcadia, then that was exactly what she was going to do. Being tasked with changing the world was no small feat, though it had to be done. There was no other choice. It would be extremely difficult to convince the others that love was their salvation, especially the stubborn warriors, but she and her mates had to do it.

  Failure was no longer an option.

  “It will be easier to convince them once you are able to shift into your dragon form.”

  Obviously, he had been listening to her thoughts, but Liandra’s mind went completely blank at Silas’ statement.

  He lost his serious expression as he flashed a grin at her. “You forgot that you will have magic soon.”

  “I honestly have not had time to consider that yet.”

  “You can think about your new reality later,” he said, rolling his shoulders. “Now, where do you want the palace?”

  She blinked. “The...what?”

  “Never mind. This should only take a moment.” He reached out and took his mate’s hand in his as they both turned toward the sea.

  Liandra’s eyes went wide when a large stone palace suddenly appeared on an island where only calm water had been a few seconds ago. The palace was made of pale lavender stone, and its wide windows reflected the moonlight like glossy mirrors. The island was small, yet it was exquisitely landscaped with an abundance of glowing liasha flowers growing out of the sand and several flowering trees with cascading branches.

  It was a home fit for the gods.

  “Would you really want us as neighbors?” Silas asked, his deep voice tinged with amusement.

  “I do not quite know how to answer that.”

  Lunaria’s musical laughter rang out. “The island palace is not our home. It is yours. You wanted a place where males and females can gather to get to know one another. Now, you have a safe location where you can host them. The island is protected from—”

  “Everything.” Silas’ gold eyes swirled with a wicked gleam. “Those who step foot on the island wanting to cause harm will get a nasty surprise.”

  “I was going to say the palace is protected from the weather,” Lunaria said, amused by her mate’s creativity. “I suppose we also need a way for you to get to the island.” Suddenly, a wide crystal bridge appeared leading to the island directly from the beach in front of them.

  “I do not know how to thank you for such a generous gift,” Liandra whispered as continued to stare at the island palace in sheer wonder.

  “You just did.”

  While they’d been talking, dawn had begun to break. Soon the first rays of sunlight would stretch across the sky, though they were entering the precious season when the sun and moons coexisted for longer periods. Even so, Lunaria felt the growing weakness that always consumed her during the daylight hours, but she would endure until her task was complete.

  “It is time to return to the Isle of Dreams,” Silas growled harshly through their bond, but his touch was gentle as he ran a hand down her silver hair.

  After spending countless centuries together, he still had the ability to completely overwhelm her senses with a single touch. She heard the worry in her mate’s voice, felt it through their bond. She knew he couldn’t stand her discomfort even though he had braved the pain of coming to her before the sun had risen. Still, what they did now was necessary...because if they failed, all would be lost.

  “You will not let that happen. We will prevail.”

  His belief in her was humbling, and she reached for his hand, needing that connection. No matter what he thought, she could do none of this without him. He was her center, her light, her reason for being.

  “And you are the very heart that beats within me,” he said softly. “Let us finish this.”

  “There is one last thing we would like to give you
before we send you back.” Lunaria waited a beat before saying, “But to do so, we will need a drop of your blood...given willingly.”

  The young princess blinked in surprise but held her arm out without hesitation. Shifting a nail into a claw, Silas scored a tiny cut on her fingertip. A small drop of blood floated out before the wound healed as if it had never been. He cut his own arm, and a drop of his gold blood joined the first.

  Lunaria held out her own hand, and the droplets moved through the air until they hovered over her palm. Silas cut her finger, so a single drop of her silver blood rose up to merge with the others. The blood mixture swirled in the air, then pulsed with light until it transformed into a small red chest decorated with gold and silver dragons.

  “Bring it to the celebration tonight to find out what is inside,” Lunaria directed as she held the chest out. “We shall meet again soon.”


  Before she could finish her words of gratitude, they transported Liandra back to her bedchamber, where they placed her in a deep, peaceful slumber. And as she dreamed of living in the island palace with her mates, Lunaria and Silas returned to the Isle of Dreams with renewed hope for a future filled with love, light, and magic.


  Liandra watched the festivities in the great hall from the shadows on the private balcony that overlooked the main room. Even though the celebration hadn’t officially begun, most of the guests had already gathered below to enjoy the food and drinks that had been provided.

  The large room had been decorated with the red silk banners of the Dracors, and dozens of golden lights twinkled near the high ceiling like starlight, filling the room with a soft glow. Several guests stared up at the magical lights in awe, while others eyed the new elaborate dragon carvings on the walls. The succulent scent of roasted meat drifted out of the kitchen, overtaking the sweet perfume of the flower arrangements that decorated each of the long tables that had been draped with red cloth.

  She tapped her foot along with the steady beat of the drums being played by the three males seated in a corner of the room and wished the pipers would join in soon. She was pleased to see that a number of unmated females had accepted the invitation to come to the celebration, though they remained huddled in a group where they were protected by several of the royal guards. Since the queen had adopted a less revealing wardrobe, the majority of the females in Sand City had followed suit. There were only a few females present at the celebration wearing dresses made of transparent material, and those that did had personally chosen to do so to attract male attention.

  Most of the males in attendance were dressed in vibrant tunics, but some of the warriors still wore their standard leather vests or tunics. Her family stood out in the crowd since they were the only ones dressed in red, and her mother and Allie wore delicate gold diadems similar to the one she wore on her own head.

  Liandra had chosen to wear the beautiful gown the Goddess of the Moons had given her last night instead of the one she’d had made for the celebration. She knew there would be questions when people saw it, but it felt right wearing the beautiful dress that she’d been given.

  Besides, who could ignore a gift from the gods?

  She’d had a brief moment of panic after she’d woken up in bed feeling like she had slept for days. The very thought that all of the marvelous things she had experienced last night had simply been a dream had made her heart stop for a few seconds. That panic had quickly faded when she saw the dress the Goddess had given her laid out over a cushioned seat by her bed. The magical chest that had been created using a drop of her blood had been on the table next to her bed, and in the light of day, it seemed just as mysterious as it had in the moonlight.

  Dragging the blankets with her, she’d run out onto the balcony. The island palace had gleamed in the strong sunlight, and delighted laughter bubbled up when a couple of warriors patrolling the beach had walked by the crystal bridge without even glancing over at it. In her heart, she knew that she was the only one who could see the magical island. Obviously, the gods had their reasons for keeping it hidden, but she was sure the magnificent palace would be revealed when the time was right.

  She’d wanted to share all she had learned with Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron, but something made her hold back. Even when they reached out to her through their blood bond to check in with her throughout the day, the words wouldn’t come. It was frustrating, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if Silas had put the magical gag on for that very reason.

  The God of the Sun seemed to have that type of perverse sense of humor.

  Despite her need to talk to her mates about everything that had happened down on the beach, she’d kept their conversation light and flirty. She loved being able to reach out to them whenever she wanted. It made her feel close to her males even if she couldn’t physically be with them. When Jasyn threatened to come join her in her bathing pool, she had laughed and cut off contact with them while she had finished preparing for the party in private.

  She knew Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron wanted to wait until after the celebration to speak to her family, but she felt a sense of urgency after talking with Lunaria and Silas to get it done as soon as possible. As nervous as she was about a possible argument, she also felt the hum of anticipation coursing through her body. It was like an electrical current running under her skin, just waiting to be set free.

  The knowledge she’d gained from the Goddess of the Moons and the God of the Sun gave her a confidence in herself she hadn’t felt before. If it came down to a confrontation with her family, she was ready to handle it.

  While she surveyed the crowd, Liandra focused in on her brothers and their mate. From the way Allie smiled up at Tynan, Cael, and Ryder, it was obvious they had worked out whatever issues they’d had between them. The four of them shared tender smiles and intense looks of love, and the males took turns touching her baby bump as if they couldn’t stop reaching out to their unborn babes. Many guests glanced at them with a mixture of envy and profound longing, and it only reinforced the need for the changes Liandra had been tasked with making.

  She had been driving herself crazy trying to make plans, but she had forced herself to stop worrying. Changing the world wasn’t going to happen overnight, and she had to remind herself she wouldn’t have to do any of it alone. Her mates would help her do what needed to be done. The only thing Liandra had to do on her own was make her family accept her decision to be with Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron. They were the most important part of her life now, and it was time for her to show them.

  As if she had summoned him, Jasyn’s voice slid into her mind filling her with a sense of warmth and love. “Where are you, little one? I sense you are close, but I cannot see you.”

  “I am up on the balcony waiting to speak to Zarek, Solan, and Cian. I thought you and Aeron had escaped the madness of the party,” she teased as she watched him stride through the open doorway into the great hall. He looked so handsome in his black leather, but she couldn’t help imagining what he would look like in Dracor red. She pushed that thought aside for now. “Braden has been cursing you for over an hour.”

  He glanced over to where his brother was stationed like a dark sentinel against the wall near the side entrance, then up toward the balcony. As soon as he saw her, his silver eyes glowed brighter with love and a hint of amusement. “He is just angry we were asked to show some of the guests our new training area, and he was not. Now, Aeron is also irritated that I left him out there so I could come back to see if you had finally arrived. Step closer to the railing. I can barely see you.”

  “If I do, others might see me. And everyone is early,” she insisted, despite feeling a little guilty. She really should be downstairs greeting guests. “The celebration was not supposed to start until this evening. Since the sun is still up, I am clearly not late.”

  He glared at the room at large. “Your guests do not want to miss the opportunity to spend time with you.”

  “They are not my

  “I do not care who invited them. They need to go the fuck home,” he muttered. “There are too many unmated royals in this damn room.”

  She laughed softly. “There is no need to be jealous. I love you...even when you growl at me.”

  His lips twitched as he fought back a smile. “Come down here and tell me that.”

  “I will,” she promised. “But first, I need to speak to my brothers. I am sure they will be along shortly.”

  “Are you waiting up there alone?” His voice lowered to an ominous growl. “Where are your guards?”

  “Calm yourself, mate. The Vortox brothers are hovering close by. They have been glued to my side since I left my chambers, and are now guarding the entrance to the balcony.”

  “Send them down once your brothers come. Braden and I shall meet you by the side stairs when you are finished. We will take over the duty of guarding you.”

  “Is it such a duty?”

  “Aye, it is when there are so many bloody males roaming about.”

  “Then, you will have to stick close to me to see to my safety. Very close.”

  “That part of the task will be pure pleasure, my love,” he said with a laugh.

  After a trio of visiting warriors walked over to speak to Jasyn, she went back to scanning the room and forced herself to relax her grip on the red chest she held. As instructed, she had brought the magical gift that Lunaria and Silas had given her down to the party with her.

  When she’d first touched it, the small box had felt like it was vibrating with energy, but the sensation stopped once she’d picked it up. The Goddess had said that there was something inside, yet there was no visible way to open it. No key, no lock, not even a seam was evident to show that it came apart in some fashion.

  Now, her curiosity was killing her.


  At her guard’s call, she turned and smiled as she saw Cian striding toward her. She’d expected the trio to converge on her together, though she wasn’t really surprised that Cian was the first to seek her out. He never passed up the chance to sneak up on her whenever he could, and he was clearly disappointed that her guards had chosen to warn her instead of letting him surprise her.


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