Halo: The Cole Protocol

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Halo: The Cole Protocol Page 4

by Tobias S. Buckell

Page 4


  "A short while?" Keyes didnt like the sound of that.

  "He rammed a Covenant destroyer. "

  "Sometimes thats the only option you have . . . "

  "That was after hed been ordered to retreat. The only reason he wasnt court-martialed was because he disabled it long enough for another ship to finish it off with a MAC. They fished him out of the debris. "

  Keyes mulled that over. He was going to be serving with this man. Maybe he shouldnt have jumped to saying "yes" so quickly.

  "You know why he did it, sir?" Jeffries continued. "Rumor has it hes mad with grief. Covenant burned his home world, while he was out on a patrol, seven years ago. Never been the same since. "

  "Okay, thats enough," Keyes said. The conversation was sliding into innuendo; he didnt need to be poisoned against his future commanding officer.

  Thered be plenty of time to get to know Zheng once aboard. And maybe this was why Keyes had been called back in, to add a bit of strategy and calm into Zhengs style. "Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Jeffries?"


  "When you fly me, a commanding officer, out of a military installation, you will follow the flight plan you were given. Failure to do so, including dropping out of radar range near tree level, means they have every right to swat you out of the sky like a bug. We are, after all, on a world near the front. You yourself indicated that to me. " The steel in his voice surprised even him. "In the event that we were to be shot down for violating the flight plan, I would personally hunt you down from beyond the grave, soldier, and make your life a miserable thing to behold. Do you get me, soldier?"

  Jeffries kept his gaze dead ahead through the windshield. "Yes sir. "

  "Lastly, you will don your full flight gear. Were this Pelican to be holed, while


  might be gasping for air, I fully expect you to be able to fulfill your mission -- even if your mission is as meaningless as being my personal, full-time chauffeur. We clear, Jeffries?"

  "Crystal, sir. "

  Keyes clipped himself into the copilots chair and listened to the Pelicans engines warm up. He was bridge crew on a stealth ship, with a mystery mission from the ONI in three days.

  It was good to be back.

  "All right, Mr. Jeffries, take this bird up. "

  Keyes leaned back in his chair, enjoying the sensation of thrust. Three days to shake out the frigate and chase civilians to enforce the Cole Protocol seemed straightforward enough. A nice way to ease back into ship life.

  Chapter THREE


  Ignatio Delgado walked slowly toward his copilots funeral dressed in a full suit, a tie uncomfortably snug around his neck. The painful plasma burns on his torso still hurt but he felt compelled to attend.

  The parks existed on the inside of a hollowed-out asteroid; look up and you were looking down on the treetops of the other side of the park.

  Maria Esquival intercepted him near a grove of tiny trees.

  "Hey, Nacho. " She grabbed his hand. Only Maria called him by that nickname, because only Maria knew him from back when he was a grubby little kid running around the surface of Madrigal. Back then shed been a scrappy tomboy from just down the street with her hair pulled back in a functional pony-tail. "You really shouldnt be here. "

  "He was my best friend. "

  Maria squeezed his hand. "I know. But they still dont want you here. You have to respect his familys wishes. "

  In the distance, the Hollister family had their backs to him. All dressed in black, surrounding a small urn, they were adding his ashes to the ground near one of the trees that gave the habitat its name.

  They blamed Delgado for Melkos death. The copilot had succumbed to his wounds before anyone had gotten to


  An unnecessary death, his family thought. They could care less about protecting the data that led back to Earth. Theyd fought for self-rule from among the depths of this system for generations. Let the aliens have Earth, let it burn. They didnt care.

  "Come on," Maria said, guiding him away.

  "Do you think he died in vain?" Delgado asked.

  Maria kept moving him along. "Its not for me to say, Nacho. But Ive known both of you long enough to know that you both stood by each other to do what you each thought was right. So pay them no attention. Theyre grieving. "

  Maria had been with Delgado when their parents had rushed them to the large fields outside Nueva Lima, bundling them aboard a fat cargo ship as

  their crying parents told them theyd be on the next ship following them.

  Theyd been crammed into the hold with all the other scared children, trying to figure out what was happening. Delgado had been fourteen. Maria had been planning her quinceanera.

  Theyd held each other when the air outside turned white-hot, and the cargo ship shook and rattled. And when it had reached orbit, the shocked pilots voice filled the hold, telling them that the entire surface of Madrigal had been "glassed. "

  All because of the war between the UNSC and the Covenant.

  They strolled along, heading toward a man, who appeared to be waiting for them by one of the habitats famous large oak trees. His dark eyes taking in the funeral in the distance. He wore casual overalls, and a cap.

  Maria stopped. "My brother needs to talk to you, though he refuses to tell me about what. "

  "Dont take it so personally, Maria. Its council business. "

  Nine Security Council members were voted into position by the citizens of the Rubble. They handled the entire structures defenses, along with the AI Juliana.

  Diego and the Council had chosen Delgado and Melko on short notice to protect the navigation when the Nav data started disappearing. With their

  years of piloting cargo throughout the

  Rubble, they knew it all inside and out. The council felt secrecy was their best option. With their volunteer defense forces and open nature, trying to put the chip under iron-tight guard would raise attention and create a big target.

  But after this latest mishap, Delgado was convinced someone on the Council was leaking the location.

  "You slumming it, Diego?" This was not the usual, tightly tailored man that Delgado expected.

  Diego grimaced. "Keeping a low profile, Ignatio. " He kissed his sister on the cheek, and she left the copse of trees to walk alone across the manicured grass toward the funeral.

  "What do you need?" Delgado finally asked, watching Maria.

  "You seem convinced that someone on the Security Council is leaking information about the location of the navigation data. Youve been sniffing around, kicking up attention, trying to figure it out. " Diego started walking out from the park toward the large airlocks at the end of Oaks Central Habitat. "When we decided to use you to move the data, and keep it safe, we were figuring on your keeping a low profile. That was the whole damn point, Ignatio. "

  "Someone is leaking it," Delgado said. "Those Jackals knew exactly where it was. This was the second time they made a play to get at it, and they were damn close. If I hadnt decided to move the data earlier than the date I gave the Security Council, those Jackals would have had it. You know, whoever leaked that murdered Melko. And I want them to pay. "

  They passed by the giant rolling axle of the join between the docking tubes and the asteroids slow-spinning hub.

  "I understand what youre doing, Ignatio. But the only people who knew where the navigation data was are the Security Council members, To suggest that one of us leaked it is serious. "

  "I know that," Delgado said as they walked into a massive, clear tube. From here they could see other asteroids connected to Oak Park. The connected structures faded off into the distance like a giants tinker toy set.

  Artificial gravity faded away, and the two men grabbed the railings running along the tube as they hung in the air. In the center of the docking tube, pods zipped along with goods and passengers moving from rocky
habitat to habitat. "A lot of people wouldnt mind handing over the chart data to the Kig-Yar. Theyre offering us power, money, and Covenant technology for it. "

  "And what about you, Diego?" Delgado asked. "You in favor of that?"

  Diego slowed down and came to a stop in the busy tube. He looked off at the looming orb of the gas giant Hesiod in the distance. "I think that if we hand over the chart data, our usefulness to the Kig-Yar is over. Thats why Ive worked so hard to keep the data concealed. Thats why I asked you to help me do it. Most of the Council agrees. "

  "Most?" Delgado seized on the word. Diego was being surprisingly moderate for an old Insurrectionist.

  Diego handed him a cigar, letting it hang in the air thanks to the lack of artificial gravity. Delgado looked down. "A Sweet William? I didnt realize there were any left. "

  "A Council member gave me one of these. Hinted around that he could get me more, said he had a smuggling operation out of Charybdis IX with one of his ships. He says that the UNSC Navy has been getting ready to crack down on slipspace jumps by citizens. They want everything to be

  militarized. " Diego practically spat the last word. "This Council member has been shipping weapons of some sort he purchased from the Covenant for brother Insurrectionists back in the colonies, but hes worried that whatever is destroying the navigation data throughout the Rubble may get to him. He wants to give it to the Kig-Yar before something happens. He claims hes making his last smuggling trip now. Afterwards, he wants to give the Kig Yar his ship, and the navigation data aboard it. Im getting this secondhand, but it looks like hes trying to bribe a majority Council vote for selling the navigation data. "

  "Youre going to let that happen?"

  "I had Juliana hunt for a likely candidate among recent ship activity. " Diego smiled referring to the Rubbles AI. "She came up with one. The ships name was


  It is the only known ship that could still be in the colonies and able to make it back. It hasnt returned to dock, as far as we can tell. All our other smuggling ships have been destroyed, or had their data erased. Were truly cut off from the rest of humanity. "

  "Your Council member could have been lying; he could have just found some boxes of Sweet Williams. "

  "Maybe," Diego said. "But Juliana thinks the

  Kestrel is our ship. "

  "So what do you want me to do?" Delgado handed the cigar back by bumping it back through the air at Diego.

  "Find out more about the Kestrel, Ignatio. See if they were really working for a Council member. Find out if theyve snuck back into the Rubble. Because if you can connect them to our Council member, then I can move against him. There are better things to be trading for those weapons. Like . . . medicine instead of damned cigars. "

  Diego crushed the cigar, and the pieces of tobacco flakes hung in the air between them. "And since Im giving you this lead, please work hard to keep it quiet. "

  "I can do that. " Delgado brushed the crushed cigar out of the air between them. "Whats his name?"

  Diego sighed. He looked very reluctant to be giving out a name of a fellow Security Council member. Maybe he was having second thoughts. He

  turned and looked out of the tube. The entire collection of tubes and asteroids housed the remains of Madrigals proud colony: its people.

  It was called the Rubble because thats what it had once been. Detritus, rubble, rocks, and slag left over from the creation of the solar system, trailing the gas giant Hesiod.

  "Youve done a lot for me, Diego, I appreciate everything," Delgado said. Diego had taken in both Maria and Delgado when they arrived those years ago, after Madrigal was destroyed. Diego had joined the Insurrectionists years before Madrigal was glassed, and hed been the only person waiting for them after theyd fled the planet. Delgado owed Diego a lot. But before everything changed, Diego planted bombs in passenger ships, spaceports, and on stations. Hed smuggled and pirated, and everything that implied. Delgado always felt a sense of awkwardness, accepting what his hard-working parents, had they lived, would have called blood money. There was a tension in his friendship with Diego. But then, maybe that wasnt fair. Since the fall of Madrigal, Diego had thrown himself at the idea of the Rubble. Delgado changed the tone of his words. "So please give me the name. I wont kill the man. Ill bring him to justice. Were not the rabble we used to be, weve changed since the Fall of Madrigal. "

  Back then, the Rubble had just been a massive Insurrectionist military base, quartered and scattered throughout the asteroids trailing the gas giant in a trojan orbit.

  But in short time, using spaceships, raw materials, and anything they could lay their hands on that hadnt been destroyed by the Covenant, theyd built the Rubble that they were now looking out on. It was something to be proud of.

  "I know. " Diego turned back to him. "Doesnt make it easier. The man youre looking to link the

  Kestrel to is Peter Bonifacio. "

  Delgado looked down the length of the tube. Bonifacio did a lot of smuggling back before the Covenant glassed Madrigal. Now he was reduced to

  occasional sneaks back to the Inner Colonies, though even those trips had become too dangerous as he lost ship after ship to both UNSC and Covenant forces. Delgado had moved stuff from asteroid to asteroid for the man, who always paid late. How hed managed to get on the ballot to be voted onto the Security Council Delgado had never understood.

  "Consider it done," Delgado said. Halfway around the clear tube a series of streamlined transit cars sped up, moving passengers inside from one habitat to another on a maglev track.

  "Good. Thank you. And Delgado? Youll need to be careful. "

  Delgado nodded. The two men shook hands, and then floated to go off their separate ways. Diego with sadness in his eyes. Delgado with fire and


  Chapter FOUR


  Keyes rode the copilots seat as Jeffries expertly guided a Pelican full of orbital-drop shock troopers into the inky depths of space between the Midsummer Night and the tattered-looking civilian cargo hauler


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