Tiara & Tempest

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Tiara & Tempest Page 44

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “It is beautiful. And that voice seems so familiar,” Daven said, caught up in the song as well.

  “I find my way by the stars. Still, a song like this could guide anyone home,” Rayner said, more than impressed by the song.

  “Like she says ‘Sail to Me’. Set your course, due southeast. Bring me closer to the one who sings like this,” Emerond said.

  The Guardian Angel of the Chroniclers, Ondothel, watched over Judith and Ovid, and neither of them was affected by the song – the enchantment had no effect, but they merely heard it and wrote it down.

  “Do not heed this call of evil. It will lure those who hear it to death. It is inspired by demonic powers,” Judith said.

  “Steer the ship away from this. Do not sail into the storm! Pay no mind to the song – it is false,” Ovid said.

  Romana knelt down to pray: “May the One True God fill our ears with a Song of Salvation, Guiding us away from ruin.”

  Judith observed and recorded all of this in her book. She believed that God would, in fact, provide a way, but she did not know what that might be.

  Ovid also recorded the events in his book, but did not place any particular faith in the prayer.


  From the spirit world, Lavakara saw and heard what was happening. And he had no intention of allowing it. He moved in quickly and took the wheel of the ship before Emerond or his crew could do anything. He steered the ship violently away from the source of the song. The song cast a shadow of itself into the spirit world, but had a lesser effect. Still, even he was feeling drawn, as the song was staggering. He brought the Persistent down onto the land bridge, among the mountains and hills.

  “Who is this, taking control of our ship from us?” Emerond asked.


  The song was heard even in Emeth, but the Guardian Angel Nalvorel watched over that city and dispersed the music, so that its enchantment had no power. No one there was lured by the Sail to Me song.


  Waters raged against the continent of Meridianus, as well as the Farmer’s Road and Scholar’s Path land bridges. The Sail to Me song was heard clearly in those places and called thousands upon thousands upon tens of thousands to sail the seas and the skies into the tempest.

  Ships were approaching the source of the song in great numbers, and soon the sky was filled with thousands of airships. Below them, the Pirovalen Ocean was covered in tens of thousands of more vessels sailing upon the waters, all heading in the same direction: into the storm.

  However, in one part of Meridianus, the holy young woman, Sethunya, stood by the eastern coast in solemn prayer to the One True God, saying: “To the Creator of all life, and of all the great oceans, I pray for your shield against this tempest, and for true words as a rebuke against this song of lies.”

  As the waters struck the land around Sethunya, the Guardian Angel Ultrael stood over her, and protected her along with the congregation of twenty thousand seven hundred thirty-six (20736) people around her whom she had managed to bring to the faith in a little over a year. The powerful waves of the tempest did not touch them, and the Sail to Me song did not enchant them.

  “The words of God are true. Do not fear the tempest, or believe the song of lies of the enemy,” Sethunya said.

  The members of the congregation looked around them in awe, seeing how the waters were striking others and the song was calling so many thousands of ships as to fill the skies and the seas. Yet, the waves of water did not touch the coastal area they were in.

  “We are protected!” one of them said.

  “By the One True God!” another said.

  “Why is this happening?” yet another asked.

  “It is because the wicked ones hunger for power and believe themselves to be capable of wielding it. Yet, they have no righteousness. Their failure will come in time and others must learn that they are not to seek more power than they were meant to have,” Sethunya said.

  “How much power is one meant to have?” another asked.

  “As the One True God intended and designed, each person shall drink the water, and receive the power, of only one (1) of the twelve (12) oceans,” Sethunya said, and then she continued praying.


  Ships from far and wide, even across other oceans and continents were drawn, as the song carried through the air. The powers of the Pirovalen Ocean waters, channeled by the tiara, put the song into the air and sent it far.

  Over four hundred ten thousand (410000) ships and their one hundred twenty-three million (123000000) crew were beckoned by the Sail to Me song. They sailed through the skies, over the seas and into the tempest and all of the people on board those ships died this way.

  Victoria watched and admired as the ships were crashed. She laughed and savored the moment.

  The voice of the demon, Matatirot, spoke to her, saying: “By the tiara, a tempest does rage. Into the storm the song does call. This war shall end the current age and make the enemy kingdoms fall.”

  CHAPTER 46: Calming of the Tempest of Seas

  Three (3) bright blue flames appeared in the sky over Riquivindi Island.

  Lady Onora saw the blue flames approach. When they landed on the hill, she saw that they were the three (3) men with blue skin and red hands known as the Torches of Majesty.

  “The tempest is here,” one of them – Blazer Endrit – said.

  “She must be nearby, yet I do not see her,” Blazer Darakizar said.

  “What is that powerful song? It is like a symphony of the greatest musical master,” Blazer Luken asked.

  “I wish to be closer to it, so that I may know,” Blazer Endrit said.

  Blazer Darakizar reached out his hands toward the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean and turned a small stream of them into flames which lit the air ablaze, giving all of them a clear and long distance view to another island. It was almost as if they had the power of far sight that was given by the Lujladia Ocean waters to those who drank of them.

  “I see the singer – she is there,” Blazer Darakizar said.

  Lady Onora could also see the singer, because of the fiery blaze that illuminated part of the sky. When she recognized the singer as Taesa, she was horrified and saddened that the young woman would perform this deadly song, despite its beautiful melody – the beauty was false in the worst possible way. Taesa had been Onora’s most talented student, and now she sang with the voice that sank hundreds of thousands (100000) of ships by luring them into the tempest.

  Lady Onora drank deep of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean that she carried in a vial. She was now energized. She then knelt and prayed: “I pray to Thee, My Creator, My Inspiration, The Author of All Truth, The Founder of all the oceans. Fill me, I beseech Thee, with the song of truth to dispel this false song – this symphony of lies.” The Pirovalen waters filled her with the music, but she knew that the One True God was the ultimate source of the power.


  As she finished praying, the Torches of Majesty – Blazer Endrit, Blazer Darakizar and Blazer Luken – then rose into the air in streaks of blue flame as they had come. The Sail to Me song even beckoned them, as they were mortals males despite their powers, and the song was enchanting.


  Lady Onora began singing:

  This symphony of lies...promises a love unreal.

  This enchanting music...sings its hate up to the skies.

  The rhythm is of war...its true purpose it does conceal.

  It deceives you and it lures you...to your ultimate demise.


  Listen only to the Voice of His Truth:

  It will lead you far away from death.

  Listen only to the Song of His Love:

  It will fill your sails with His Lifegiving Breath.

  This symphony of lies...invites you onto danger's path.

  This enchanting music...leads you not to home or love.

  The melody is that of war...written by a demon's wrath.

  It persuades yo
u to come closer, so it can strike you from above.


  This symphony of lies...sends you on a deadly quest.

  This enchanting music...uses charm to steal all your tomorrows.

  The harmony is that of war...it is you the villain does detest.

  It drives you to your tomb...to fill the world with endless sorrows.


  This symphony of lies...calls you to your last sojourn.

  This enchanting music...hides the sounds of screams of hate.

  The lyrics are of war...for your ruin seas are made to churn.

  It beckons you into the tempest...where you will meet a dreadful fate.


  Her song filled the air as far as Sail to Me did, reaching across the ocean and the land bridges and the continents. All could hear her song, and it was louder and clearer than Sail to Me.


  Sailors who had taken to the air in their airships then turned them back. Other sailors who had approached their ships to travel to the source of the Sail to Me song then turned around.


  On Yapazatoc Island, Fantine and Nathan heard the Symphony of Lies song.

  Nathan was overpowered by it, and came out of the enchantment brought on by the Sail to Me song.

  “What is that song? That is so different. It seems to deny the first,” Nathan asked.

  “It’s a contest of power…and charm…of one song against another. I’ve never heard such a thing,” Fantine said.

  “Neither have I, but the second song appears to have won. Look at the ships in the sky – many are turning around!” Nathan said.

  “So are the ships in the sea,” Fantine said, looking out onto the Pirovalen Ocean as far as her unassisted eyes could see.


  On Cradana Island, En’Leva could hear the Symphony of Lies song and saw that the power of this new song was greater. Ships appeared to be turning around in response to it, heading out of the tempest as best they could. She could not see at a great distance, as she did not drink the Lujladia Ocean waters to have far sight. However, there were so many ships already at sea that she could watch as the multitude began turning back.


  On board the Persistent, the entire crew could hear the Symphony of Lies song.

  “Hear that?” Zoe asked.

  “Yeah! I hear that! It’s scary,” Brant said.

  “It’s true!” Zoe said.

  “Listen! It’s calling the first song a lie!” Emerond said, having come out of the enchantment induced by the Sail to Me song.

  “Yeah! It’s a war of songs,” Brant said, no longer captivated by the Sail to Me song.

  “The second song is more powerful,” Rayner said, also out of the enchantment.

  “I know that voice! She is more powerful!” Daven said. He was no longer tempted by the song, either.

  “I know that voice, as well!” Romana said.

  “Who is that?” Judith asked, having already written the words to the Symphony of Lies song and recorded the awakening she was witnessing into her book.

  Ovid had also recorded the song and the disenchantments of those around him into his own book.

  “It’s Lady Onora,” Romana said.

  “Who is that?” Emerond asked.

  “She’s a religious singer – another one of the master musical instructors from Emeth,” Daven said.

  “Look! Ships are turning around! The second song is affecting them, too!” Zoe said.

  Judith and Ovid recorded these facts as well.

  “Thank God! It’s working!” Romana said.

  “Whatever works, I’ll take it!” Emerond said.

  “Let’s sail to that song,” Joshua said.

  Xal’Kativok/Xavier was also brought out of the enchantment, and was fascinated by the possibilities that it implied – if songs could be used in warfare, he thought, worlds could be controlled by the proper words.


  From the spirit world, Lavakara could see and hear that the new song was having an effect. Lady Onora – the holy woman who had awakened the armies from the undeath curse brought on by the ruby dagger with her other song – now had battled against the deadly enchantment of this song. She was useful, he thought, despite being holy, and despite being a woman.

  He released his control over the Persistent so as to allow the others to steer the vessel. Lavakara expected that the Spirit Sword would guide them to the next battlefield, and that they would have to face Victoria again.

  Too many had just died – he believed that the number was far more than he could count, as the ships had filled the skies, and thousands had been lured into the tempest and devoured by it. This time, however, he suspected that he would have to become involved. Victoria absolutely had to die, and he would have to bring all of his power against her, even though it would mean revealing his presence.


  On board the Everlasting Pain, the Symphony of Lies song could be heard.

  “What is that new song?” Torin asked.

  “It’s the antidote to the poison of the other song!” Akantha said.

  “Look! Ships are turning around,” Claudia said.

  “When we can, we have to sail out of here, away from the tempest,” Akylas said.

  “Good that the love song doesn’t have you under its spell,” Claudia said. She could read his thoughts clearly because of the Elanatin Ocean waters she drank that were still flowing through her, and she saw that Akylas was no longer driven by the Sail to Me song.

  “That was no love song. Look at the wreckage of the ships immediately around us. Just around us, I would estimate over a million (1000000) people are dead, and the tempest isn’t over yet,” Pradrock said.

  “I’m afraid that the number of deaths is immense. I see that no less than a hundred million (100000000) have been killed when looking out at a distance,” Va’Qileren said. The Lujladia Ocean waters that he drank allowed him to do more than see out at great distances – by bending light, he also had some measure of quick sight and so he could count all of the wreckages and deaths very quickly. Unbeknownst to him, this was how Victoria’s own light scouts did the same – only, they enjoyed what they saw.

  “The realities of this war now far exceed my worries. The warnings of danger were more than justified,” Pradrock said, astonished at the estimate.

  “With a demon involved, the very worst horrors – beyond any imagining – are possible,” Akantha said.

  “We should keep our distance from the tempest, but we do not know where to sail, just yet. We must wait to hear from the others as to where she appears next,” Farovaxen said. He was listening to the red suns by the power of the Atrejan Ocean waters still within him. He was sharp, but heard no new message from the other Redfire Sentinels.

  “I can see out into the distance – I believe her ship is still here,” Va’Qileren said, still energized by the Lujladia Ocean waters he drank, and still capable of seeing great distances.

  “I want to know who sang the Sail to Me song,” Caroline said, seeming distant.

  Claudia read her thoughts, too.

  “You think that it was your daughter who sang the song. And you know her voice,” Claudia said.

  “I’m actually afraid to find out that I’m right. But I have to know for sure,” Caroline said.

  Pradrock remembered the violet eyes and then said: “If she sang it, then it almost certainly wasn’t her fault. It was the eyes – the violet eyes have that power.”

  “I don’t believe she’d do anything like that. She’s not cruel,” Torin said, although he hadn’t spent much time in Taesa’s presence.

  “I’ll know when we see her,” Claudia said.

  Caroline looked to Claudia and asked: “You can’t know for sure what she was thinking. I’m her mother – I know my daughter wouldn’t purposely kill anyone. You’re a professional soldier – you’ll just judge her and kill her!”

  “I will know wh
at she was thinking – and I won’t do anything if it wasn’t her fault. I know what happened to us before. I’m willing to not jump to conclusions,” Claudia said.

  “Just remember that Victoria is our true enemy. Everyone else is a pawn or collateral damage in this war,” Pradrock said.

  “We still have to wait until this storm is over,” Akylas said, looking out and seeing that the waves of water were still raging and the wind was still blowing. One song had defeated another, but the tempest was still with them.


  The Torches of Majesty even heard the Symphony of Lies song and were brought out of the enchantment caused by the Sail to Me song. They turned back to Lady Onora on Riquivindi Island.

  As they arrived, even Captain Guillermo had stood up and was awakened from the enchantment of the first song by the power of the second song.

  “Your song was powerful, holy woman. It broke the spell of the younger woman,” Blazer Endrit said.

  “We will remember you,” Blazer Luken said.

  “You may yet be a powerful ally, if you wish,” Blazer Darakizar said.

  “The One True God is the one to remember, and to Him we must each be in alliance,” Lady Onora said.

  “The blue suns are the kings to whom we swear allegiance, holy woman,” Blazer Endrit said.

  At this, the Torches of Majesty called to the ocean waters and drew streams of them to themselves, turning water into fire, and rising up. They soared away from the tempest to await their next opportunity to strike at Victoria.

  Guillermo looked at them and said: “Such wonders as these, men who make water into fire and fly without ships, I have not seen.”

  “They are evil and draw their power from the suns. Do not trust them, Captain,” Lady Onora said.

  “Yet, you are a master of music. Such a wonder as your enchanting voice I have never heard,” Guillermo said, admiring the greater power of Lady Onora’s song.


  On board the Tidal Sovereign, Victoria could hear the Symphony of Lies song and see that ships were turning away.


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