Bears of Burden Complete Series Box Set

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Bears of Burden Complete Series Box Set Page 50

by Candace Ayers

His eyes went wide and he backed away again. “Wha… what’s your sister’s name? I’ll look her up and let her know you’re okay.”

  I closed my eyes, rattled off her name and number, and then immediately felt a pinch in my arm. I looked down and saw him hastily removing a needle. “We need to talk about this...”

  By the time the sentence was over, I was slurring my words. Trying to keep my eyes open for just a bit longer so I could see him, I didn’t miss the little smile that tilted his mouth before he replaced it with a stern look.

  It figured that my mate would be a hard ass.



  I hurried out of the room, my breath coming faster than it should’ve been. He was stunning. Too stunning. It was painful to be near him and not touch him. My dick grew excruciatingly hard from his heady aroma of leather. I’d never had that kind of reaction. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before grabbing the office phone and dialing the number he’d recited to me. Anything to avoid thinking about him and his perfectly muscled body with all of that bare skin.

  A woman answered on the fifth ring, her voice shaky. “Hello?”

  “Hello. I’m calling to speak to Carter Ray?”

  “Yes. This is Carter.” She sounded nervous in a way that set my bear on edge.

  “I’m Matt Jennings. I’m the local veterinarian in Burden, Texas. I have your brother here. He was shot, but he’s healing just fine. He asked me to call you and let you know he’s okay.”

  A sob rushed from her end. “What? Where are you located? I’m on my way. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I leaned back far enough to peer through the open doorway at my mate as I rattled off the address to the clinic. A hot blush spread across my skin as my eyes traveled over the clearly defined muscled ridges of his stomach, down his abdomen, lower… My body responded instantly. I quickly looked away. “He’s okay, Carter. I promise.”

  She choked out a garbled reply and hung up, leaving me alone with her brother and my throbbing erection. I still didn’t know the man’s name. I couldn’t call him mate.


  I stayed in the front of the building, hiding in my office from the feelings that threatened to overwhelm me if I stepped back in the operating room. Reality. Extreme attraction. Love? Shaking my head, I ignored that last part. I couldn’t afford to think about love. Not if I wanted to be able to walk away from this.

  I heard a car approach and stood to see who was pulling into the lot. I hadn’t slept much the past few days with worrying about my patient and my bear tearing the shit out of my insides, clamoring to be near the guy. I’d been on edge for days. Thankfully, the office had been closed for the weekend, because I didn’t think I could handle my bear if anyone else came around him. The protective instincts were uncontrollable right now, especially since I didn’t know who’d shot him. Was it a hunter thinking he’d taken down a grizzly? Or, was it personal? Was the shooter still out there?

  I opened the front door just as an older model Chevy screeched to a stop in front of the clinic. A blonde head emerged, followed by a petite body. When her pale green eyes pinned me, I drew in a rough breath. Meeting the family a little early, I thought with a sarcastic grimace.

  “Where is he?” Her voice shook and I heard fear there.

  I held the door open wider and let her in. “He’s in the operating room. He just shifted back for the first time a few minutes ago.”

  She looked up at me with her wide eyes and her mouth pinched together. “Shifted back?”

  I pushed open the door to the operating room and frowned. She didn’t know her brother was a shifter? “Um…”

  Her lips wobbled and then she shook her head. “Sorry. That was a joke. I have a bad habit of making stupid jokes when I’m nervous.”

  I watched as her eyes moved across the room and landed on him. They filled with tears and then leaked down her flushed cheeks. Her hand flew to her chest and her nails bit into her skin as she rushed towards him.

  “Cannon! Oh, god. Oh, no.” She clutched his hand and went to her knees beside him. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

  I got closer to her and knelt beside them, feeling a sense of kinship towards her in her pain. I didn’t know him the way she did, but watching him suffer over the past couple of days had been torture. So much so that if I could’ve suffered the pain for him, I would have. I had a feeling she would have, too. I rested my hand on her shoulder and let down my guard for the moment.

  Their relation was obvious. Her hair was a shade or two lighter than his dirty blonde, but their eyes were the same pale green, surrounded by a thin, darker ring on the outside. His nose was slightly crooked, obviously from a break that hadn’t been set, while hers was straight and smaller. Their mouths were the same, full, wide lips that had a perpetual slightly upward curve. Carter had a delicate jawline, where Cannon’s was strong and square. She was beautiful in a cute, sweet kind of way, but he could have been a cover model. Every time I looked at him, I was drawn in deeper.

  His hair was trimmed short and his lower face was covered in a sandy blonde beard. My eyes trailed down his wide, defined chest, but jerked back to his face when Carter spoke.

  “He’s okay? Why isn’t he waking up?” She didn’t look away from his face, her concern more than evident.

  “He was stressing the wound too much when he was awake. Didn’t want to be still, so I gave him medication to make him sleep. It’s what he needs. It’ll make him heal faster.”

  She nodded.

  “He was worried about letting you know he was okay. In another couple of days, he’ll be able to go home. Maybe sooner, if he doesn’t push himself too hard.”

  She rose and turned to me. “I can’t thank you enough. How did you find him? How did he get here?”

  “I didn’t find him. My assistant found him. She said he was out in the woods. Fortunately, she knows about shifters and suspected he might be one. She helped him into the bed of her truck before he collapsed and woke me out of a sound sleep to tend to him.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and a small gasp escaped her lips.

  “Do you have any idea who would’ve done this to him?”

  The tears leaked down her cheeks and she looked over her shoulder before nodding. “My ex-husband. He’s been chasing me down, stalking and threatening. I finally confessed to Cannon. My brother is very protective and it took every ounce of persuasive energy I had to convinced him not to kill the bastard right then and there. I moved here with my daughter to get away from him, and of course, Cannon insisted he come along to protect us in case he found me again. He found me. I’m sure he did this. He must be in town, somewhere. My brother’s a saint. He gave up a good job, friends, a life, to come here for my daughter and me,” she sobbed, “Look what it’s gotten him!”

  I growled. “Where’s your daughter?”

  Carter looked at me blankly for a second. “She’s… She’s at the local church, at a kid’s day camp. Oh, god, I have to go get her.”

  I stood up and walked across the room. Unlocking one of the upper cabinets, I grabbed a gun I kept on hand, and came back to her placing it in her hands. “Call the daycare and inform them that I’ll be picking your daughter up today. You stay here and watch over Cannon. I’ll lock you in.”

  She looked nervous, but after glancing back down at the thick bandage plastered to Cannon’s chest, she nodded. “Her name is Jillian, but she only answers to Jellybean right now. She’s four, and she’ll be with Madison Wright today. Hurry, please.”

  I sent one last look in Cannon’s direction and nodded. Regardless of whether or not I accepted him as my mate, I would damned sure keep his family protected and watch over them while he recovered.



  The next few times I woke up, I was still in a bit of a fog. Carter was there with my little Jellybean. My mate was gone. Carter fussed over me, making sure that I sipped the warm broth she brought me and drank the cherry-banana
shakes that I was pretty sure were Jellybean’s offering. As strange as the concoction was, I drank it.

  A tension left Carter as soon as I confirmed that her ex was dead. She’d had the makings of a great life before that piece of trash she’d hooked up with had gone crazy and forced her to run. It was time for her to get back to living her life again. Although, I knew that might take a little time. Me, on the other hand… I’d inadvertently stumbled onto the place I would call home. Who knew it would end up being Burden, Texas?

  Even between the hazy euphoria of drugs and the searing pain in my chest, I could feel that my healing was progressing, and Carter seemed relieved. She was going to be okay, and Jellybean was her sweet little self, untouched by the ugliness of the situation. Her bubbly personality was still as strong as ever.

  Once she knew that the threat to her and Jellybean had been eliminated, Carter went home and brought me clothes and a few toiletries. She’d been forbidden to take me home, but she wheeled me to a back room of the clinic so I’d have privacy when the clinic opened. From my recovery table, I’d been able to listen as my mate, who I’d learned was named Dr. Matt Jennings, took firm but gentle care of animals and be just as gentle with their owners. My mate seemed like a good man, but it was becoming obvious to me that he was avoiding me.

  I’d smelled him coming closer when I was awake a few times, but as soon as I’d sucked in my breath, and forced myself out of my drug induced haze enough to anxiously greet him, he had turned away. I could tell he’d come in a few times while I slept. I always woke with the scent of him freshly teasing my nostrils. It was torture.

  I didn’t understand why he was avoiding me. He was a shifter. He had to feel the same as I did. He must know I’m his mate. He must feel the pull. Was he involved with someone else? Was he disappointed? Maybe he didn’t like what he saw. I was feeling better every day. Carter was hovering over me less, so I would have to be the one to boldly pursue him, since he wasn’t coming to me. I needed to at least find out what was up with his avoidance. It didn’t make sense.

  I needed a shower and some fresh clothes first, though. I might scare him off with my stink. That was the only reason I forced Carter into taking me home. I needed to be able to get clean before confronting Matt. If it wasn’t for his avoidance, I would’ve stayed there and tried to remain as close to him as possible.

  As close as he would allow, anyway. It seemed the aloof vet wasn’t feeling the mating call. Yet.

  Carter got me out of the clinic and into her car with the help of Presley, the sweet veterinary assistant who’d found me on the road and brought me in. Carter drove me home and then fussed and argued with me while I made my way into the shower and then insisted I could dress myself. She stood just outside of eye line and rattled off all the reasons I should be in bed, taking it easy. She had plenty of reasons, it turned out, but I had one big reason for going back that topped all of hers.

  “He’s my mate.”

  Her gasp was followed by the sound of the door thumping into the wall behind it as she shoved it open all the way. “What?!”

  I looked up from where I was sitting on the edge of my bed, trying to lace up my boots without bending too much. “He’s my mate, Carter. Matt Jennings is mine.”

  Her eyebrows rose dramatically and she slapped her hand over her mouth. As her eyes filled with tears, she shook her head and laughed. “I’m sorry! I don’t know why I’m crying.”

  I stood up and moved closer to her, wrapping my arms around her and resting my chin on top of her head. She gently pressed her cheek against my chest. I felt her fingernails bite into my sides. “It’s okay, Carter. You’re okay.”

  Her laughter turned to sobbing and she shook in my arms. “I’m so sorry, Cannon! I’m awful. This is your moment and here I am, sobbing like a child. Go to him!”

  I pulled back and kissed her forehead. “Carter, look at me.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m being an ass.”

  I lifted her chin until she was forced to meet my eyes. “You’ve been through a lot. You’re going to find yours, too. A man who treats you right and who’d never hurt you. A man who would be willing to try to bring your ex back to life, just so he could kill him again. Just keep your head up.”

  “Thank you, Cannon. For everything you’ve done. I don’t know what we would’ve done without you. You’re our hero.”

  Rolling my eyes, I gently pushed her away and edged back to my bed. When I grunted while bending to finish tying my boots, she knelt in front of me and did it for me. “Thanks. See? That’s what we do. We help each other. Are you sure you want to move back?”

  Carter looked up at me and frowned. “No. Yes. I don’t know. Maybe I need something new. Somewhere that isn’t tainted with fear because of him.”

  I nodded. “Well, I’m pretty sure this is going to be home for me. So, maybe pick somewhere closer this time around?”

  The frown turned into a grin as an old argument presented itself. “You knew I wanted to move to Denver. Why did you think going to Savannah would be a good plan?”

  I stood up and smoothed out my T-shirt. “I moved first. You moving to Denver was you making a choice to move so far from me. You lose. How do I look?”

  She rolled her eyes and moved to the door. “Like you got shot in the chest a few days ago. You’re pushing yourself pretty hard.”

  I thought of Matt and shrugged which sent a jolt of pain through my chest. “I need to find out what his deal is. He doesn’t seem very receptive to me. Maybe it’s the shock of the whole mate thing that’s throwing him off.”

  “It explains why the guy was so on edge the whole time we were there. I thought it was just having a human patient with a severe injury that made him nervous like that, but now I think maybe it’s the mate connection that threw him off. Lord knows this came out of the blue. Maybe he’s not ready. Or, maybe he’s already in a relationship and needs time to figure it out.”

  I growled, my good nature evaporating in thin air. “He’s mine. He’ll come around because that’s what mates do.”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  I ruffled her hair. “Now you’re just being a brat. You know what mates are like. We both watched Mom and Dad. We both saw plenty of people around us find their mates when we were growing up. It’s special. Do you remember when Allen Ridge found Franny Gregory? Do you remember the way he swam across Gorge River? No one in Pascon had ever swam across that river. But Allen did. He swam across just to be near Franny faster. That’s what mates are all about. You know that. Just like you know your mate is out there somewhere waiting on you.”

  She made a face and gently slapped my cheek. “When did you become such a mush ball?”

  I faked a gag. “I don’t know, but I think I’m making myself sick.”

  “Well, that makes two of us.”



  It was closing time when I arrived back at the clinic. Presley let me in as she was leaving and locked the door behind me. My heart squeezed tightly in anticipation. Matt’s irresistible scent washed over me, easing a fear that I hadn’t even been aware of.

  Still feeling weak from my injury and a little unsteady from the mild anxiety of confronting my mate, I stopped at the counter to rest for a second. Leaning onto it with my forearms, I took a breath and blew it out slowly, hoping to level myself out.

  “Come on, Mabel. Time to head home.” Matt’s deep voice carried from the back.

  I stood up and held my breath as he came through the doorway from the back of the clinic with a big dog leading the way. Mabel, I was assuming the dog was Mabel, spotted me first and charged me. Shoving her nose into my crotch, her tail wagged so hard she knocked over a potted plant that was resting on the coffee table in the reception area. Potting soil flew all over the magazines and dusted the floor beneath as her tail continued to fan the table.

  I grunted and tried to turn away from the overzealous dog. “Hey, there, sweetheart. Aren’t you friendly?”

  Matt stumbled and his head jerked up. His brown eyes widened when he spotted me, but then I saw a flame ignite behind them. With a lightning fast reflex, he snatched Mabel’s collar and gently pulled her away. “She could hurt you.”

  I grinned down at him, unable to help myself. He’d removed his white lab coat and was dressed in faded low cut jeans and a light blue t-shirt that strained to cover his generously muscled arms and chest. My blood all flowed south when he bent over in front of me like that. “I’m a bear. The day I have to worry about a dog being able to hurt me is the day you should just take me out back.”

  “…and shoot you? You were shot. You’re lucky to have survived that, bear or not. You shouldn’t be up at all right now.” His eyes flicked to my crotch and remained. It took seconds for him to remember himself and pull his attention from my bulge, meeting my gaze once again. His mouth opened and closed a few times before snapping shut. He straightened. “What are you doing here?”

  Well, that wasn’t the warm welcome I’d hoped for. I shoved my hands in my pockets, trying to lessen the effect of my boner. “I thought we could talk.”

  He ran his hand through his dark, wavy hair mussing it, looking even sexier, and frowned. “You should really be home resting.”

  Okay, this wasn’t going as I’d planned. “I’ll rest later. It’s not every day a guy finds his destined mate.”

  I think I was expecting fireworks to explode around us, maybe symphony music, and for him to run into my arms followed by passionate kissing and then something done to alleviate the pressure trying to burst its way through my zipper. Instead, I got silence. It dragged on until my erection softened and my skin pricked with an uneasy feeling.

  “This is the part where you say something in response. Right?”

  Matt shook his head and pointed to the door. “I’m just locking up.”


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