You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8 Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

  Secretly she intransigently fantasized about wandering with me through the aisles of boundless desire; basking in the untamed glory of my ardently blazing perspiration,

  Secretly she limitlessly conceived herself to be perennially sandwiched within my frantically outstretched arms; replenishing even the most mercurial of her senses; with the scent of unprecedented brazenness that enshrouded my visage,

  Secretly she insurmountably pictured herself in my lap on the absolute summit of the moonlit hills; profoundly relishing the ravishing beams of the moon; as my breath poignantly cascaded on her tantalizing skin,

  Secretly she indefatigably visualized my rollickingly fluttering earlobes; fervently desiring to peck them with her sensuous teeth; all sweltering day and night,

  Secretly she continuously envisaged the periphery of my charismatically rubicund lips; triumphantly wishing to enigmatically kiss me; till the very end of my time,

  Secretly she fathomlessly wanted to encapsulate the irrefutably sparkling honesty of my soul; exotically blending with the fragrance that diffused from my masculine armpits,

  Secretly she endlessly daydreamt about my swirling hair; irrevocably wanting to run her poignantly intricate fingers through my boundless garden of silken strands,

  Secretly she ingratiatingly  gallivanted with my ethereally sensuous shadow; eternally coalescing with my fantastically wandering impressions for decades immemorial,

  Secretly she blissfully gyrated with my nimbly compassionate visage; pulsating with the persevering rhythm of my life; on even the most acrimoniously disastrous step that I tread,

  Secretly she uxoriously lay at my rustically bohemian feet; drowning into a world of unfathomable enchantment; celestially enthralled as I innocuously snored,

  Secretly she irrefutably philosophised even the most diminutive cadence that I uttered; unflinchingly believing in whatever I decided to undertake in the chapter of my vibrantly mesmerizing life,

  Secretly she found me the ultimate prince of even the most evanescent of her dreams; divinely patronizing the essence of my ideals to even the most fathomless quarters of this colossal Universe,

  Secretly she kept me forever in the innermost realms of her conscience and breath; sacredly cherished even the most inconspicuous iota of my aura in the very center

  of her majestic chest,

  Secretly she remained imprisoned in the whites of my eye for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil; immortally bonding every aspect of her existence forever with my every stride,

  But OPENLY she loved me; transcending over all caste; creed; spurious religion and tribe on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe; and OPENLY she disclosed it to one and all on this earth and beyond; that I was hers and would always remain like that till the end of time .



  It could be overpoweringly uncompromising; with its magnetic swirl transcending over every conceivable organism in holistic vicinity,

  It could be profoundly one sided; with the unfathomable chariots of ardent desire chasing the mesmerizing mists of eluding seduction; day in and day out,

  It could be brutally unforgiving; with even the most mercurial iota of suspicion; disastrously ruining its silken fabric; till times beyond infinite infinity,

  It could be unflinchingly exhilarating; with even the truculently mighty of maelstroms disintegrating like a pack of frigid matchsticks; in front of its invincibly divine caress, 

  It could be majestically passionate; with its kiss of timeless voluptuousness becoming an Omnipotent glow; even as the gallows of disparaging hell wholesomely coalesced with sacred earth,

  It could be ebulliently promiscuous; with its spell of inevitably everlasting sensuousness; diffusing amongst entities even before the perpetual bondage of sacred


  It could be endlessly jittery; with even the most minuscule of event unfurling; engendering a boundless flutter in its whirlpool of fathomless sensitivity,

  It could be euphorically triumphant; with its unassailably fragrant spirit; blazingly emerging as the ultimate messiah of amiable togetherness; even from the coffins of treacherously thwarting death,

  It could be unconquerably resplendent; with every other color in the boundless atmosphere; proving a shade too dolorously dull; in front of its ravishingly spell binding vivaciousness,

  It could be uxoriously timid; succumbing in wholesome entirety to even the most poignantly intricate commands of its partner; howsoever baselessly worthless that they might have seemed,

  It could be flamboyantly blistering; irrefutably dominating even the most contemporarily gracious styles; with its aura of Omniscient symbiotism and

  enthrallingly enchanting beauty,

  It could be indefatigably tantalizing; engulfing the gigantic planet in mists of unendingly vivid compassion; fabulously pacifying the voice of murderous monotony with the mantra of unshakable companionship,

  It could be Omnipresently philanthropic; bonding every religion; caste; creed; and tribe; in the beats of perennially beautiful and melanging  mankind,

  It could be relentlessly dreamy; with even the most torturously devastating winds of gory bloodshed and crime; miserably failing to have the tiniest of impact on

  its gregariously fantasizing demeanor,

  It could be tirelessly penalizing; as one partner altruistically bore the brunt of the other’s pompous idiosyncrasies; still garnering all love on this planet for his lambasting rhyme,

  It could be thunderously sensuous; with its rays of eternally gratifying compassion; ubiquitously overpowering even the heart of the most exotically ecstatic night,

  It could be indomitably truthful; with its reflection of undefeatably sparkling righteousness; pricelessly disseminating to even the most forlornly fretful and

  malicious quarters of this gargantuan earth,

  It could be unbelievably sacrificing; with both partners blissfully ready every unfurling minute to relinquish the last iota of their breath; for timelessly saving each other,

  But one thing was profusely indisputable and for sure; that love new no religion; boundaries or limits; Love was an uninhibited bird soaring higher than the skies for times immemorial; Love was a thread which none could break except the Gods; Love was bold; Love was Berserk; Love was beautiful; Love was bountiful, Love was boundless, O! Yes, Love is BLIND .



  Some loved her for her ravishingly sensuous lips; insatiably wanting to feast on their enchantingly mesmerizing softness,

  Some loved her for her tantalizingly seductive smiles; tirelessly wanting to become every tinkle of rapturous laughter; that she ebulliently diffused from her poignant throat,

  Some loved her for her exotically glistening sweat; salaciously wanting to titillatingly suckle it; till the very end of their times,

  Some loved her for her rhapsodically heaving bosom; treacherously wanting to incarcerate its voluptuous contours; in the delights of their cold-bloodedly

  bohemian palms,

  Some loved her for her ravishingly tantalizing hair; perennially wanting to feel its exhilarating cascaded; upon their brutally impoverished lap’s,

  Some loved her for her enticingly melodious voice; unsurpassably wanting to be the every tune that she so majestically wafted; from within the inner most realms of her soul,

  Some loved her for her ingratiatingly flapping ears; satanically wanting to nibble their gloriously tingling sweetness; till times beyond infinite infinity,

  Some loved her for her fascinatingly intoxicating belly; indefatigably wanting to nestle in its compassionate softness; every unfurling instant of the sweltering and well past the heart of vibrantly vivacious midnight,

  Some loved her for her euphorically reverberating legs; uxoriously wanting to dance with her triumphant form; and their bodies wholesomely intermingled with her compassionate rhyme,

  Some loved her for her charmingly
silken palms; devilishly wanting to coalesce every element of their destiny with hers; hide their ungainly faces in her invincibly unflinching fists,

  Some loved her for her immaculately scintillating teeth; tyrannically wanting to make them their nimbly listening slave; chattering in obeisant submission to even the most mercurial of their commands,

  Some loved her for her spell bindingly heavenly fragrance; timelessly wanting to captivate its miraculous freshness; in their truculently manipulative repertoire,

  Some loved her for her royal sensitivity; forcefully wanting to forever melange with her astoundingly celestial artistry; to fantastically alleviate their haplessly shattered lives,

  Some loved her for her impeccably blessing stride; unrelentingly wanting to incarcerate every step on which she tread; to irrefutably uplift themselves in

  all aspects of mystically unveiling life,

  Some loved her for her aristocratically fluttering eyelashes; inexorably wanting to flirt with her playfully rollicking countenance; gloriously catapulting them back into the realms of their innocent childhood,

  Some loved her for her unfathomably satiny gentleness; endlessly wanting to assimilate all the sweetness of her survival; in the horrifically spurious masks

  of their satanic crime,

  Some loved her for her unassailably priceless honesty; intransigently wanting to capture her indomitably humanitarian spirit; in the whites of their pathetically dwindling eyes,

  Some loved her for her stupendously exultating breath; irrevocably wanting to deluge their disdainfully lugubrious and worthlessly cacophonic corpses; with the Omnipresent elixir of her magically endowing existence,

  While I loved her for her divinely immortal heart; for the uninhibited reservoir of togetherness that she spread on every direction that she holistically traversed; for the Omnipotent purpose that she had so optimistically illuminated in my slithering life; for the perpetual love which she had so selflessly showered upon me; bonding her beats with me even after this earth was no longer mine .


  When their wandering eyes met; indefatigably stared at each other even under the most flamboyantly blazing rays of the midday Sun,

  The electricity generated was flirtatiously profound; enveloping the atmosphere with the astronomical magnetism of symbiotic existence .

  When their blushing cheeks met; unrelentingly stroked each other even as the most thunderous of maelstroms truculently crept from all sides,

  The electricity generated was astoundingly poignant; igniting an unsurpassable inferno of spell binding desire; in the heart of disastrously frozen death .

  When their nubile fingers met; invincibly bonded with each other; even as the most diabolically Herculean impediment tried to pulverize them; into infinitesimal

  chunks of raw mincemeat,

  The electricity generated was stupendously unflinching; charismatically enlightening every agonizingly bereaved section of the society; with the light of Omniscient companionship .

  When their sensuous lips met; frenziedly discovered each other; even as the whiplashes of the barbarically conventional society tried to insidiously thwart them

  into the aisles of nothingness,

  The electricity generated was voluptuously mesmerizing; triggering sparks of unprecedented excitement; in all witheringly ailing and the monotonously young; handsomely alike .

  When their innocuous shadows met; unassailably coalescing with each other; even as unfathomable whirlwinds of abhorrent malice tried to invidiously infiltrate into their holistic stride,

  The electricity generated was unbelievably harmonious; aristocratically blending all religion; caste; creed and spurious color alike; into the religion of unbreakable mankind .

  When their trembling chests met; bountifully romancing in eternal glory; even as the coffins of ghoulishly crippling loneliness brutally stabbed them into relinquishing their last iota of breath,

  The electricity generated was majestically ravishing; beautifully commemorating every trace of despicable disease in vicinity around; with the spirit of timelessly unending brotherhood .

  When their enchanting toes met; amiably intermingling in the silken sands; even as the most abominably lecherous parasites tried to relentlessly suck their pristinely youthful blood,

  The electricity generated was insurmountably tantalizing; inevitably fomenting every trace of dilapidated absolution to erupt into a thunderball of unlimited ecstasy .

  When their fecund breaths met; regally blending with each other’s divinely fragrance; even as the tyrannical stench of horrendously dictatorial superpowers tried to tumultuously overwhelm; every iota of their benign goodness,

  The electricity generated was impregnably patriotic; insatiably urging every venomously corrupt organism; to forever kiss the gregariously redolent rudiments of

  his existence .

  And when their passionate hearts met; rhythmically pulsating as a united beat for centuries immemorial; even as hell rained from the fathomless carpets of sky

  and the earth slapped all traces of holistic existence,

  The electricity generated was immortally Omnipotent; celestially metamorphosing all gory bloodshed; pain and malevolent war; into a township of undefeated love; forever and ever and ever .


  20. LOVE ME 

  Caress me; triggering every part of my diminutively impoverished countenance; to fulminate into a thunderstorm of sensuously exhilarating fantasy, 

  Kiss me; wildly igniting every dormant pore of my pathetically dwindling skin; to erupt into a paradise of everlastingly mesmerizing beauty,

  Tickle me; making me mischievously reminisce all innocuously glorious moments of my philandering childhood; engulfing the mists of disparaging desperation enshrouding my forehead with the hills of rollicking playfulness,

  Pat me; compassionately consoling even the most infinitesimal pore of traumatized agony in my trembling soul; profoundly reinvigorating every step that I transgressed with the light of Omnipotent togetherness,

  Cuddle me; resplendently tracing the murderously exhausted outlines of my sagging ribs; with the insatiably enchanting magic in your divinely fingers,

  Enlighten me; Omnisciently filtering a path of magically proliferating righteousness in the chapter of my disastrously disappearing and faltering life,

  Refresh me; voluptuously painting the canvas of my baselessly treacherous existence; with the colors of your panoramically spell binding enchantment,

  Bless me; inundating the insidiously shattering threads of my life; with the untamed fires of perpetual truth; majestically blazing in your unflinching eyes,

  Titillate me; indefatigably melanging the tantalizing rivulets of golden sweat in your ravishing visage; with the unparalleled heat that diffused from my form; all the time,

  Fascinate me; unfurling into an unsurpassable entrenchment of exotically harmonious newness; marvelously awakening me from my despairing coffin of brutally sullen remorsefulness,

  Pinch me; flirtatiously carving an unfathomable tunnel of desire through my obsoletely drifting senses; metamorphosing every diffidently deteriorating pore of

  my body into a fathomlessly regale valley of perennial poetry,

  Inspire me; incessantly urging me to intrepidly keep marching ahead; evolve into the Sun of unconquerably humanitarian victory on every step that I nimbly tread,

  Drown me; profusely encapsulating even the most inconspicuous element of my truculently extradited demeanor; with the mantra of ecstatically symbiotic sharing,

  Tempt me; inevitably evoking even the most dolorously deadened arena of my lackluster body; to timelessly coalesce with the profoundly unsurpassable artistry

  diffusing from your breath, 

  Unwind me; uninhibitedly freeing every ingredient of asphyxiating manipulation from my countenance for centuries unprecedented; endowing a wind of eternal bliss upon every droplet of my invidiously evaporating blood,

  Tame me; ho
listically blending the merciless prejudice ruthlessly ingrained in my worthless persona; with the pricelessly aristocratic rudiments of mother nature,

  Embrace me; wholesomely bonding even the most feeble part of your magnetic body forever with mine; letting your amiably Omnipresent warmth; be my most faithful

  friend till the end of my time,

  Tease me; being the ultimate angel of my indigently cursed life; fomenting me to ebulliently explode into an insurmountably endless gorge of endless cries,


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