You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8 Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  You could free me this very instant from my bones; but please never free me of the astronomical resilience that they had so flamboyantly displayed; during the

  tenure of my profoundly lambasted life,

  You could free me this very instant from my shadow; but please never free me of the voluptuous softness that it had so fantastically diffused; during the tenure of my agonizingly fluttering life,

  You could free me this very instant from my conscience; but please never free me of the irrefutably sparkling righteousness that it had so tirelessly wafted; during the tenure of my manipulatively besieged life,

  You could free me this very instant from my soul; but please never free me of the humanitarian goodness that it had so bountifully liberated; during the tenure of

  my monotonously obsolete life,

  You could free me this very instant from my breath; but please never free me of the timeless sensuousness that it had so Omnisciently perpetuated; during the tenure of my lugubriously faltering life,

  And you could free me this very instant from my heart O! Almighty Creator; but please never free me of the immortal love that it had so blissfully bonded with;

  during the tenure of my diminutively relinquishing life .



  Play insidiously with my eyes; eventually smashing them into a boundless halves; and then feeding them to the pack of savagely diabolical wolves,

  Play uncouthly with my fantasies; eventually metamorphosing them into a web of cold-blooded drudgery and sinfully disparaging monotony,

  Play ruthlessly with my palms; eventually pulverizing them to disdainfully squashed curry; and then stashing them into the indescribably gory coffins,

  Play invidiously with my lips; eventually snatching away even the most infinitesimal iota of their smiles; stoning them with whiplashes of utter abhorrence for centuries immemorial,

  Play heinously with my voice; eventually transforming it into a graveyard of ominously crippling silence; evicting it in gruesomely wholesome entirety from the

  innermost realms of my throat,

  Play grotesquely with my neck; eventually reducing it to a pile of inconspicuously mangled shit; and then feeding it to the rambunctiously unruly pigs,

  Play raunchily with my ears; eventually bombarding them like miserably orphaned stones; making them incessantly bleed till times beyond infinite infinity,

  Play disastrously with my memory; eventually rendering me the most penuriously kicked entity on this gigantic Universe; making me obnoxiously oblivious to even the

  reflection of my very own countenance,

  Play barbarically with my intestines; eventually adulterating them profoundly with threadbare gasoline; and then inviting the unfathomable horde of vultures to have their ultimate feast,

  Play indiscriminately with my cheeks; eventually excoriating their exhilarating blush into the graveyards of penalizing nothingness; and then mercilessly disintegrating them bit by bit; like an edifice of soggy cards,

  Play ghoulishly with my conscience; eventually poisoning every bit of its irrefutably sparkling righteousness; into a lackadaisically decaying dungeon of manipulatively bizarre lies,

  Play devilishly with my flamboyance; eventually converting it into an entrenchment of remorsefully trembling timidness; making me lick fetid dirt even before I could

  alight a single foot,

  Play fiendishly with my patriotism; eventually rendering me as the most lecherously disgusting traitor on this unsurpassable globe; with every corner of the society brutally whipping me for my plethora of horrific misdeeds,

  Play bewitchingly with my innocence; eventually dragging me into the salaciously sleazily markets; where infinite parasites traded me for my innocuously

  resplendent flesh,

  Play unsparingly with my hair; eventually converting my enchanting scalp into a cacophonically bald egg; with pedestrians spitting on it in livid nonchalance;

  as they merrily trespassed by,

  Play demonically with my feet; eventually chopping them with sordid strokes of the treacherous cleaver; and then witnessing the entire world wholeheartedly guffaw; as I staggered like a mercurial ant on every step,

  Play abominably with my soul; eventually converting its path of unassailable philanthropism; into a despicably wandering ghost without the slightest of

  purpose or mission in vibrantly vivacious life,

  Play lethally with my breath; eventually asphyxiating the fangs of my priceless existence with the blood stained hands of hell; removing even the most evanescent trace of my survival from the trajectory of this fathomless planet,

  And you could play and eventually smash any part of my body; my mind; my soul; as I still had the insurmountable tenacity to lead mesmerizing life; but please don’t break my heart; please don’t lackadaisically play with the immortal paradise of my true love for you O! Beloved; as then I wouldn’t even be accepted by the chapter of death .


  It was perhaps my despairing misfortune; that I couldn’t  embellish even the most infinitesimal iota of your body with a fountain of unfathomably extravagant silk,

  It was perhaps my criminal misfortune; that I couldn’t assimilate all titillating delicacies of this fathomless planet; into your outstretched palette,

  It was perhaps my penalizing misfortune; that I couldn’t tirelessly inundate even the most diminutive space round your majestic countenance; with the unsurpassable treasury of wealth on this gigantic planet,

  It was perhaps my debilitating misfortune; that I couldn’t deluge every step that you royally transgressed; with an insurmountable festoon of gloriously scintillating cars,

  It was perhaps my lambasting misfortune; that I couldn’t fly you on my shoulders to kiss the profound Moon; snatch every star from the sky to perpetually become the grace of your sacred lap,

  It was perhaps my treacherous misfortune; that I couldn’t adorn your fantastically nubile skin; with all incomprehensible glitter and diamonds; bountifully studded on the periphery of this mesmerizing Universe,

  It was perhaps my salacious misfortune; that I couldn’t gift you the most opulently golden mirror every morning; for you to sensuously appreciate every iota of your ravishing countenance; till times beyond infinite infinity,

  It was perhaps my ominous misfortune; that I couldn’t embed each step that you aristocratically transgressed; with a boundless entrenchment of spell binding gold,

  It was perhaps my invidious misfortune; that I couldn’t engulf your heavenly sleeping body; with unending blankets of ingratiatingly resplendent pearls,

  It was perhaps my slithering misfortune; that I couldn’t caress even the most fleeting speck of your visage; with feathers of everlasting paradise; every unfurling minute of the sweltering day and even after the heart of enchantingly fabulous midnight,

  It was perhaps my preposterous misfortune; that I couldn’t incarcerate every bit of melody on this limitless earth; to unrelentingly shower upon your vivacious grace; for times immemorial,

  It was perhaps my pugnacious misfortune; that I couldn’t buy you the most extraordinarily expensive nailpolish on this unprecedented globe; paint the

  immaculate budding crusts of your toes with regally beautiful color,

  It was perhaps my prejudiced misfortune; that I couldn’t irrevocably light the lanterns of your celestial eyes; with flames of unassailable and never-ending prosperity,

  It was perhaps my tyrannical misfortune; that I couldn’t mold the most Orientally exquisite figurines for you on this indefatigable planet; at the tiniest flutter of your marvelously rubicund lips,

  It was perhaps my ruthless misfortune; that I couldn’t erect a palace of fascinatingly charismatic silver on every path that you philandered; on even the most obsolete chunk of land that you cast your poignant sight,

  It was perhaps my indiscriminate misfortune; that I couldn’t metamorphose every inadvertently malevolent element
of your innocent conscience; into the sky

  of unconquerably truthful righteousness,

  It was perhaps my indescribable misfortune; that I couldn’t commemorate every breath that you exhaled; as the ultimate throne on this eclectically vibrant Universe,

  But believe me even if there was somebody who could grant you all of the above at the most mercurial wink of your eye; he still couldn’t infiltrate a fraction into your Omnipotent life; or posses you as much as I,

  For although I might be disastrously penurious; the immortal beats of my heart loved you more than any organism on this earth could ever conceive; my love

  for you was that undefeated spirit that none could conquer; except the divine .



  It was only in your heavenly eyes; that I could see tales of my unprecedented mischief; the mists of untamed desired through which I tirelessly philandered

  till I relinquished the very last iota of my breath,

  It was only in  your voluptuous lips; that I could see the insatiable inferno of my poignant desire; sensuously blooming every time that you eternally smiled,

  It was only in your bountiful blood; that I could see my irrefutably inseparable rudiments; the most impregnable elixir of my existence; which perennially

  kept me coalesced with the trajectory of mother earth,

  It was only in your titillating stride; that I could see my spirit of exhilaratingly ebullient adventure; unfurling into a cloud of everlasting newness; everytime you gyrated your ravishing body under the milky moon,

  It was only in your divinely palms; that I could see even the most infinitesimal ingredient of my mystically vacillating destiny; Omnisciently maneuvering every path that I dared to tread in the chapter of life,

  It was only in your majestic brain; that I could see the unrelenting cloudburst of my fervent fantasies; celestially culminating into a paradise of unbelievably fecund enthrallment,

  It was only in your Omnipotent voice; that I could see my indefatigably unflinching tenacity; which grew more stronger and stronger; as you sacredly chanted the

  mantra of righteousness; forever and ever and ever,

  It was only in your silken shadow; that I could see my unsurpassable entrenchment of spell binding dreams; which unfurled into an unassailable reality as you compassionately embraced the romantically swirling winds,

  It was only in your ravishing eyelashes; that I could see my fountains of boundless empathy; my integral desire to perpetually bond with all mankind; irrespective of caste; creed or spurious color; philanthropically and alike,

  It was only in your articulate fingers; that I could see my unfathomable reservoir of triumphant artistry; the infinite vivaciously panoramic shades of this Universe; lurking royally in my soul,

  It was only in your seductive cheeks; that I could see my lanterns of unparalleled excitement; ecstatically enlightening into a sky of fathomlessly ingratiating


  It was only in your tantalizing toes; that I could see my final odyssey in vibrant life; feel the overpowering reverberations of time that relentlessly surged me forward to blend with the oneness of all living kind,

  It was only in your nubile skin; that I could see my flirtatiously prowling childhood; the countless droplets of freshness that I exuded into; at the crack of every melodiously replenishing dawn,

  It was only in your dimpled chin; that I could see my profoundly effeminate impressions; the insurmountably unbelievable sensitivity in each of my senses; that

  magically bonded with every iota of benevolence in the atmosphere,

  It was only in your magnanimous shoulders; that I could see my benign virtues to serve all despicably beleaguered humanity; miraculously mitigate all those tyrannically deprived to the corridors of perennial prosperity,

  It was only in your sparkling conscience; that I could see my mirrors of unequivocally marvelous truth; the pages of unconquerable innocence that kept turning one

  after another; in the journey of my penurious life,

  It was only in your mesmerizing belly; that I could see my uninhibitedly endless horizons of gyrating freedom; the forests of aristocratic enthrallment which encapsulated me from all sides,

  It was only in your Omnipresent breath; that I could see every aspect of my impoverished life beautifully evolving; blooming into a valley of endless euphoria

  even after my veritable death,

  And it was only in your priceless heartbeats; that I could see my immortal love; the true and most blessed gift of the Creator; compassionately throb for infinite more births of yours and mine .


  Your Kiss; was like sensuous droplets of fresh rain water; magnificently caressing the petals of the majestically blossoming rose,

  Your Kiss; was like the marvelously young fledglings pecking on their mothers compassionately silken breast; enveloping my frigidly trembling countenance

  with the warmth of miraculously Omniscient togetherness,

  Your Kiss; was like untamed streaks of flamboyant thunder in fathomless sky; igniting sparks of unparalleled enchantment on every step that I nimbly


  Your Kiss; was like a splendidly burgeoning inferno of everlasting happiness; engulfing even the most traumatically anguished cranny of my life with

  unfathomably unending triumph,

  Your Kiss; was like an avalanche of unsurpassably augmenting yearning; triggering me to take a countless more births to relish its wonderful softness again and


  Your Kiss; was like a mirror which solely reflected the mesmerizing entrenchment of resplendent paradise; blissfully inundating even the most famished pore of my existence with unbelievably gorgeous exultation,

  Your Kiss; was like a fairy dancing tirelessly in the aisles of tantalizing graciousness; painting the lugubriously remorseful canvas of my life with; vivaciously magical colors of symbiotic existence,

  Your Kiss; was like the Omnipresently eternal blessings of Almighty Lord; holistically replenishing each aspect of my life with the aristocratically supreme embellishment of; unconquerable mankind,

  Your Kiss; was like a romantically poignant expedition that never ended; uncontrollably metamorphosing me more and more into a cloud of insatiable fantasy; as the Sun rolled down the hills,

  Your Kiss; was like a relentlessly marching unflinching soldier who never knew what it was to look back; perpetuating each element of my bedraggled visage with the vibrantly charismatic melody of enchanting life,

  Your Kiss; was like an uninhibited bird soaring through the endless cosmos; celestially liberating even the most insidiously lambasted vein of body; into

  a cloudburst of limitless ecstasy,

  Your Kiss; was like gregariously unfurling dewdrop of beauty; handsomely transpiring me to blend with even the most mercurial rudiments of my past time,

  Your Kiss; was like the royally galloping panther with a mischievous smile; making me gorgeously reminisce all my moments of exuberant childhood; flirtatiously

  rollicking in the caverns of timelessness,

  Your Kiss; was like unassailable flames of blazingly crimson fire in the heart of the deadened lake; irrefutably making me realize that life was to be led each moment like a prince; no matter what adversities did acrimoniously stab me in my way,

  Your Kiss; was like the vividly eclectic feathers of the ravishingly titillating peacock; superbly deluging the fabric of my morbidly vengeful life with inimitable dexterity and astoundingly undefeated charm,

  Your Kiss; was like the most unshakably heavenly walls of sparkling truth that spawned on this gigantic Universe; Omnipotently substituting even the most

  parsimonious fraction of lechery in my demeanor with the mantra of humanitarian righteousness,

  Your Kiss; was like an ebulliently tangy wave which never crashed; transporting every pore of my flesh higher and higher into the clouds of exotic ecstasy as each i
nstant rapidly unleashed into a wholesome minute,

  Your Kiss; was like a priceless forest of aristocratically panoramic breath; perpetually

  ensuring that the beats of my existence forever blended with the chapters of proliferation; even as hell blended with earth at every step,

  And Your Kiss; was like the ingratiating cry of immortal  love; unbelievably emancipating me of all my loneliness in mystical life; making me experience the

  everlasting shine of the divine; on even the most disparagingly obfuscated path of mine .


  Disillusioned were my distraught eyes; traumatically agonized by all bizarrely inflicted misery that they witnessed umpteenth number of times in a single day,


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