You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8 Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  It made you tirelessly dream; perceiving and evolving the most wonderfully mesmerizing feelings; lingering bountifully on the trajectory of this colossal planet,

  It made you benevolently empathize for your fellow comrades in inexplicable agony; treat every element of their pain as your very own,

  It made you desire beyond the realms of pragmatically conventional imagination; incinerating whirlpools of passionate electricity in each of your indolently dormant veins,

  O! yes such was the power of immortal love; that it blessed you with the most blissful characteristics to be alive; took you the closet to your ultimate mission in life

  and Almighty Lord; alike .


  The waves of profuse tanginess; culminated into a spray  of unprecedented mischief; after clashing against the chain of rhapsodically black rocks,

  The waves of insatiable nostalgia; culminated into a spray of  vivaciously boisterous childhood; after clashing against the voluptuously alluring rocks,

  The waves of overwhelming congeniality; culminated into a spray of blissful relationship; after clashing against the impregnable fortress of seductively

  scintillating rocks,

  The waves of bizarre sadness; culminated into a spray of inexplicable depression; after clashing against the marvelous festoon of dynamically flamboyant rocks,

  The waves of unsurpassable enigma; culminated into a spray of incredulous mysticism shimmering resplendently like the stars; after clashing against the piquantly ingratiating conglomerate of rocks,

  The waves of unprecedented happiness; culminated into a spray of tantalizing joy and desire; after clashing against the summit of the handsomely majestic rocks,

  The waves of horrendous bloodshed; culminated into a spray of deplorably extinguishing oblivion; after clashing against the insurmountable façade of royally

  sparkling rocks,

  The waves of irrefutable honesty; culminated into a spray of sacrosanct righteousness; after clashing against the titillating mirror of unfathomably magnetic rocks,

  The waves of unrelentingly augmenting desire; culminated into a spray of incredulously untamed passion; after clashing against the gigantic fountainhead

  of unequivocally ecstatic rocks,

  The waves of satanic violence; culminated into a spray of pathetically maimed lechery; after clashing against the garland of astoundingly poignant rocks,

  The waves of philanthropically alluring charisma; culminated into a spray of splendidly blossoming freshness; after clashing against the mesmerizing silhouette of the unsurpassably everlasting rocks,

  The waves of benevolent goodwill; culminated into a spray of magnanimous mankind; after clashing against the heart of the diamond crested rocks,

  The waves of spell binding melody; culminated into a spray of stupendously augmenting harmony; after clashing against the periphery of the brilliantly

  scarlet rocks,

  The waves of maniacal frustration; culminated into a spray of treacherously menacing suicide; after clashing against the persona of the flamboyantly glistening and crystalline rocks,

  The waves of perpetual solitude; culminated into a spray of bizarre devastation; trickling disastrously down the ocean bed; after clashing against the amazing

  complexion of the magically vibrant rocks,

  The waves of uncouth lies; culminated into a spray of dastardly remorse; after clashing against the countenance of the ravishingly glittering rocks,

  The waves of uninhibitedly free beauty; culminated into a spray of enchanting enthrallment; after clashing against the silken bed of the celestially pacifying rocks,


  The waves of ghastly death; culminated into a spray of horrifically parasitic hell; after clashing against the surreally dancing visage of the fragrantly exotic rocks,

  And the waves of immortal love; culminated into a spray of inevitably precious life for centuries immemorial; after clashing against the oligarchic entrenchment of the magnificently Omnipotent rocks .


  My hands lived only for your philanthropic destiny lines; the magnanimous essence of humanity which they encapsulated in their enigmatic myriad of terminations,

  My eyes lived only for your astoundingly charismatic form; the Omnipotent aura it marvelously radiated; even in the most gloomiest of dwindling light,

  My skin lived only for your majestically royal caress; the unprecedented tremors of unbelievable excitement it ignited; the instant it sensuously stroked my impoverished flesh,

  My lips lived only for your stupendously rhapsodic melody; the torrential globules of voluptuous passion; which cascaded down like an angel from your nape,

  My blood  lived only for your grandiloquently everlasting smiles; the insatiable compassion that enveloped your silhouette; as you alighted your each benign step,

  My cheeks lived only for your mystically ravishing shyness; the astoundingly bountiful empathy; which profusely disseminated from your impeccable soul,

  My tongue lived only for your incredulously benevolent disposition; the uninhibited fountain of freedom which gushed from your supreme visage; rendering it

  obediently wagging for more,

  My brain lived only for your fabulously unfathomable reams; the land of stupendous titillation on which you tread every instant; the perpetual fantasies that you harbored to alleviate all suffering from dithering mankind,

  My conscience lived only for your irrefutably divine righteousness; the immaculate ideals entrenching each iota of your persona; annihilating every bit of heinously lecherous dirt; from the complexion of this gigantic planet,

  My voice lived only for your unprecedentedly tantalizing shadow; bewildering me like a new born infant; everytime it appeared and then vanished into realms of never ending enchantment,

  My bones lived only for your supremely heavenly gait; the impregnable conviction with which; you maneuvered tottering mankind towards thunderbolts of unitedly

  bright light,

  My ears lived only for your celestially exuberant sound; putting an end to the most inconspicuous of misery with its everlasting cadence; the untamed ardor in

  its romantically enthralling swirl,

  My nerves lived only for your ecstatically twinkling feet; the unflinching fervor with which they marched forward; making countless a slave of their unending mission to transpire the religion of humanity,

  My fingers lived only for your magnificently fulminating art; exploring every inch of its incomprehensible richness; getting perennially entangled in the ocean of

  its inimitably Oriental charm,

  My neck lived only for your fantastically alluring belly; dexterously manipulating boundless turns a minute; in order to trace its most diminutively seductive movement,

  My eyebrows lived only for your unbelievable festoon of countless forms; at times a baby clinging to the lap of your mother; while at times towering above all the diabolical; to metamorphose uncouth bloodshed into a blissful paradise,

  My soul lived only for your unconquerable spirit; instilling the most astronomically emphatic elements of vivacious life; in organisms even infinite kilometers beneath their graves,

  My nostrils lived only for your passionately turbulent breath; the resplendence of Omnipresent humanity that it wholeheartedly diffused; to the most farthest corner

  of this shivering Universe,

  And my heart lived only for your immortal beats; the mesmerizing rhythm with which they flowed while existing higher than the clouds; and affording the same to their fellow compatriots aimlessly wandering around .


  Why did you come into my life in the first place; igniting the most uncurbed passions of my soul ?

  Only to eventually discard me like a piece of baseless shit; not even feeling the need to shower a single petal upon my veritable grave .

  Why did you come into my life in the first pla
ce; drifting me into a spell of unbreakable fantasy; evoking me to dance tirelessly when I felt like miserably stumbling at each step ?

  Only to eventually romance with another man of your dreams in front of my eyes; betraying me worse than the scorpion could betray its innocent prey .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; gliding me like a majestic prince to the ultimate summit of my dreams; inundating each of my senses with profusely ingratiating charm ?

  Only to eventually blow me away like nonchalant wisps of your pompous cigarette smoke; murderously extinguishing each bit of smoke that emanated with the skin

  of your uncouth feet .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; uniting your palms in mine; standing unflinchingly by my side even as diabolical hell descended in each ingredient of my scarlet blood ?

  Only to eventually close the doors of your dwelling coldbloodedly on my face; cuddling your paramour inside; as I tyrannically relinquished each of my breath .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; catapulting me to a land higher than mesmerizing paradise; leading me to the most glorious paths of my impoverished existence ?

  Only to eventually trip me deliberately from the pinnacle of the treacherous terrain; diffusing the most thunderous chortle of your life; as my body disintegrated into a countless pieces against the rocks .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; teaching me the essence of irrefutable humanity; evacuating my dreary visage from a web of horrendous

  gloom and unprecedented despair ?

  Only to eventually trade my flesh for a sleazy wad of currency notes; basking in the lap of insatiable luxury; as I rolled tears of blood from beneath the

  ghastly entrenchment of chains .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; giving me your shoulder to lean upon in my times of agony; blossoming my insensitive veins into an enchanting island of vibrant love ?

  Only to eventually make me the most dreaded terrorist; as I beheaded several innocent with torrential malice; as you relentlessly flirted with the rich man above .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; marvelously replenishing the void of my orphaned conscience; which lay deserted on the barbaric streets; since my first cry of birth ?

  Only to eventually blind my gruesomely even in the most flamboyantly dazzling sunlight; as you savagely kicked me off your life; when I needed you the most .

  Why did you come into my life in the first place; frolicking with me indefatigably through optimistic meadows of hope; embracing me more perpetually than

  even a mother could cling to her child ?

  Only to eventually roast all my bones with satanic condemnation; feeding them to your dog with gusto; as your lips were encompassed with the smile of your life .

  And why did you come into my life in the first place; stealing each beat of my heart; taking an immortal promise along with my soul to lead a boundless lives together ?

  Only to eventually leave me withering towards the corridors of ghastly extinction; stabbing me in the center of my happiness; as you eloped once again with another innocent of my kind; luring him with the sleazy titillation in your voice .

  38. WHY SHOULD I ? 

  Why should I embrace the satanically lecherous; with uncouth blood stained profusely on their devilish palms ?

  When I had her impeccable memories floating vividly; in the crystalline white of my poignant eyes .

  Why should I play with the acrimonious demons; frolicking in their land inundated with treacherous sin and blood ?

  When I had her irrefutably sacrosanct shadow by my side; profoundly alluring me with its ravishing charisma and philanthropic charm .

  Why should I bow down in front of the horrendously ghastly traitors; barbarically tyrannizing and rebuking innocent mothers?

  When I had her divine persona nestling indefatigably in my soul; enriching it towards its ultimate goal; its most unfathomable richness in life .

  Why should I philosophize the indiscriminately illegitimate essence of evil; harnessing coldblooded monsters to escalate higher than the clouds ?

  When I had her vivaciously benign dreams in my mind; her rhapsodic fragrance which tirelessly kept casting its irrevocable spell; upon each dwindling bone of my

  penurious countenance .

  Why should I frantically search for hideous crime; assassinating blissful life diabolically from the trajectory of this celestial Universe ?

  When I had the magnanimous festoon of her humanitarian ideals; lingering in even the most inconspicuous ingredient of my crimson blood .

  Why should I blend with the torturous winds of malice; weighing myself every instant in the heinously stinking scales of manipulative give and take ?

  When I had her battalion of boundless smiles incarcerated safely within the periphery of my lips; endlessly catapulting me to an island of everlasting joy and stupendous fulfillment .

  Why should I entangle myself into the murderous battle for insatiable power; baselessly leading each moment of my life to achieve a stardom at the cost of

  ruthless bloodshed ?

  When I had her sacred palms perpetually united in mine; her godly feet matching my every step; as I propelled forward to scrap parasites from mankind .

  Why should I commit horrifically deplorable suicide; relinquish the last breath of my life in utter hopelessness and unsurpassable despair ?

  When I her incredulously melodious sounds intransigently engulfing my ears; making me desire beyond the realms of the absolute extraordinary; marvelously quenching every benevolent ambition of mine .

  And why should I dream of another birth with Herculean power; blessed with a miraculous prowess to metamorphose every inconspicuous stone into glitteringly mesmerizing gold ?

  When I had her immortal heartbeats imprisoned in the innermost realms of my chest; granting me the insurmountable tenacity to lead an infinite more births in this single lifetime of mine; making me feel the richest man alive; even as I stood for a few

  seconds on the doorsteps of rotting hell .


  Share with me your eyes; not because I was horrendously blind,

  But because I am sure; that together our sight combined; would alleviate all our blind compatriots towards corridors of indispensably optimistic light .

  Share with me your breath; not because my lungs abhorred to breathe the

  disdainfully polluted air outside,

  But because I am sure; that together our passion combined; would ignite fireballs of untamed rhapsody; in the heart of the cold blooded night .

  Share with me your hands; not because all my fingers felt insipidly weak; to hoist even a minuscule object from soil,

  But because I am sure; that together our fortitude combined; would scrap every iota of evil; march unflinchingly towards a celestially blissful humankind .

  Share with me your mind; not because my brain stared like a baseless idiot into fathomless expanses of empty space,

  But because I am sure; that together our intelligence combined; would mitigate all indiscriminate racialism from hateful souls lingering on the planet; philanthropically assist all those dreadfully maimed; to the euphoric winds of cloud nine .

  Share with me your legs; not because my feet melted like a ludicrously pathetic ant; under the most nimble rays of sunshine,

  But because I am sure; that together our stride combined; would evacuate all parasitic traitors from the periphery of our motherland; trigger cloudbursts of resilience in

  all lackadaisical living kind .

  Share with me your ears; not because I showed no reaction at all; even as devastating earthquakes rattled civilizations to raw ash,

  But because I am sure; that together our hearing combined; would empathize with each morbidly shivering organism in this world; bring those to absolute justice; who were incessantly tyrannizing mankind .

  Share with me your voice; not because
I stammered like an intermittently nervous shadow; on each word that stumbled from my mouth,

  But because I am sure; that together our sound combined; would inundate this fathomless globe with ingratiating melody; profusely enriching the lives of

  all those engulfed with inexplicable despair .

  Share with me your shoulders; not because I didn’t possess an iota of muscle in my arms; collapsing like a pack of frigid cards; at the tiniest insinuation of the capricious winds,

  But because I am sure; that together our power combined; would deluge the lives of those miserably orphaned since childhood with courageous light; transporting them to a land more beautifully enticing than paradise .

  Share with me your soul; not because my deplorably empty entity; wavered uncertainly between the aisles of gorgeous heaven; and malicious hell,

  But because I am sure; that together our benevolence combined; would; instill the fabulously wonderful elements of existence in waywardly loitering organisms; catapult them back to their most enthralling rudiments of cherished life .


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